Ryonaneer Content (Dizzy, Stun, KO) (5 Viewers)


Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
Mine's an android though, it doesn't seem to have an existing recording option. I am using AZ which works, but the videos look a somewhat laggy.


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
mmmmm there's a whole lotta Smash mods out there buuut I can't get them to work!! >_<

I think cuz my wii u is fully updated I might be outta luck, huh?? >_>';


Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
There are ways to work around the Wii U updates. I remember like a year ago there was a fuzz because of this update that no longer allowed mods and many people had gotten it and possible solutions started popping up like a week later. I'll look around to see what I can find, but I wouldn't worry, I doubt that with all the people that use mods in Smash every single one of them avoided the update (especially given there may be many more games that require updates to play and I don't think they passed on them).

Also... sweet jesus, pal. For real? You're gonna do smash mods? That's awesome! First the King of Fighters Chinese Clone and now this. I remember how much I pestered you like 2 years ago for the mods >_> (sorry bout that, though).


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
ahhhh well if I can even get them working I will...>_>;;
Buuuut I tried to look it up and what people said should work doesn't...work?
they say 'oh it'll freeze sometimes you just reboot and try again' ummm but yea after SIX TRIES in a row and it froze every time?
I don't think it's working...^^;;


Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
The things are stubborn, but let's not lose hope. In mods and such there's always a tricky step that's messing up the whole thing, but once you figure it out it works out.

For now, why not try asking for help to this youtube user?: THEZELDAMASTER

He even makes modpacks for other people and is quite accessible to others, if you ask for help and explain to him you'll probably find what's the issue.


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
I sent a message to ask, guess we'll see! ^_^''

Cross Tag Battle isn't out yet right? Wondering about some ryona vids for that one later on.
Humm what else is coming out?


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 25, 2009
BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle is out already in Asia, June 5th's the US release, June 22nd for Europe. Also, Fighting EX Layer just got it's release date announced for June 28th, made by ARIKA for PS4. Like the old Street Fighter EX series, it doesn't have direct stun, but every character has a guard break attack that (normally) has a quick stagger animation, and if you have a certain Gougi ability deck on your character it gets powered up to cause a longer stun-like animation.


Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
Would be beautiful if Cross Tag Battle had stuns especially so with the BB and RWBY girls. (That's why I hope a crossover in Xrd's style in the future XP)

Fighting Layer more like stun looks like a stagger though.

Saw that HaquaFan made a vid on ArPiel. From what I could see in other places the falling debris in places such as the mansion and the caves can stun characters (he did wonder in his vids how he could pull it off).

Ryonaneer: Perhaps this can help as well: How to do the 5.5.2 exploit to run mods | Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Tutorials


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Huhhhh I dunno, maybe I had a wrong version loaded?? But I was able to get a mod to work! :O
Nowww I gotta try to see about different ones. xD
If there's voice mods for some of these OHHHH mannn x'D
I have Aaronitmar's Arcade Mod, and downloading this one too?
Any others to look into?
Ohhh man I want that botw Zelda but I dunno about switching only just one skin...


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Hum, well, for some things I could mayyyybe just edit voice clips onto the vids for ryona.
I did get two mod packs working! I uhhh dunno how to swap specific thingies yet BUT maybe I can figure it out?
At least, I have BOTW Zelda on one of the mods AND I am definitely gonna do a vid with her. ^^

Hummm I also wonder if I should maybe make ko-fi for people who want to support me?
Big part of why I do less videos now is I don't have the money to get certain games, and the time it takes can not be worth it sometimes. ^^;;
Mmm but I don't like my actual e-mail or anything being public...I keep this part of my life separate from the rest for obvious reasons...>_>;;

Welllll I'm still gonna try and get a SBB vid up some time soon!

I did it!

I dunno what to expect buuut since I am very broke these days, i thought to make ko-fi!
Buy RyonaneerR a Coffee. ko-fi.com/ryonaneer
I still don't quite know how it works soooo I might end up needing help if anyone even wants to do it. xD Oh, well, just an idea. If I want to be keep anonymous, maybe Patreon is better? Even $1 a month from some people would help a lot!

If I can raise actual money from it then I can justify spending a lot of time on a detailed ryona video. It looks like Pyra is a good choice for this! We'll see! If not it doesn't hurt to ask. xD

hummm I dunno if I can even get this to work, maybe a waste of time? >_<;;
Oh, well!

When the new Smash comes out I bet there will be some new ryona I will want to do anyway, but hopefully I can afford it by then.
In the meanwhile, I might do more with some mod stuff!
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Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
You should Bump this thread to let others know that there are updates, otherwise it may seem there are no news yet (I mean, many log in and see if there are alerts or simply see the overall forum to see when was the latest message).

Now, amazing job as always and dude BOW Zelda is gorgeous (she kinda is in general, but newer games just give her such gorgeous designs, her Hyrule Warriors one is my personal fave). To be honest I think a collection vid that covers the stun of several characters is also a good idea, as in just the stun but not so much detail so it doesn't take so much time. (As in one vid for Zelda mods, other for ZSS mods, or a thematic one like a RWBY video or Neptunia, etc.)

Also, I am sorry to hear about your situation, I'd help you out but for now I am also on a pretty bad monetary situation. Then again, as you say perhaps it's a good idea to move to a site that allows anonymous backing. I mean, all in all, don't like saying this, but there is a lot of prejudice towards ryona and it is looked down upon by many, reason why despite many views few people comment or participate, so anonymity can be helpful. And don't get discouraged if donations are slow, they always are in general, it's just that we usually see the big name channels or projects that generate the more buzz on more mainstream topics, where they receive a lot of stuff.

Not related to anything: I wonder if in Dragon Quest XI you can combine the sleep and confusion status to create the illusion of a stun >_>


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Yea I dunno how to do anonymous donations anyway. -_-; Maybe through Patreon?? But I doubt anyone would care much. I recorded a lot of footage and took a lot of screenshots for ryona vids of mods I like but I dunno if I will edit and post them, it can be a lot of work when my time should be spent trying to find a job right now...=_= Hentai seems very successful on Patreon, I even have done it for a few people before when I had money. But that is different I guess.

Yeaaaa botw Zelda is very cute and I hope she gets new voice/animation in the new Smash! We will probably know next week right??

In the meantime here is a screenshot of Pyra. I don't even play this game and i kinda think her outfit and design is too...fanservice...? But I admit it does go well with this kind of thing.


  • HNI_0003.JPG
    276.1 KB · Views: 722


Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
Your real life issues come first, don't worry, we all understand that. When you have free time or simply feel like it you can work on the vids. If there are more important things then go for them.

Hentai? If it isn't out of place to ask, out of curiosity, how so? You're an artist as well? If it has worked for you in the past then you can resort to this again I guess.

I don't know how donations work in general, sorry. Perhaps Patreon allows anonymous donations, I dunno.

From what I get the Blades in Xenoblade 2 were designed by hentai artists barring a few exceptions, reason why their designs are so fetishized. I can get past Pyra's clothing and don't think they look that bad, I love her hairdo and her face, but what puts me off are her huge boobs. I dunno, they look odd, like they are something outside her body and were glued to her chest >_> It looks better in concept art but the model looks weird IMHO.

I like Zelda's current animation a lot... but wish they'd give her a different expression. I dunno, more than dizzy she looks she hurt herself. It'd be lovely if she had an expression like Peach or ZSS. There are news for Smash Switch next week? Sweet! Though I think it will be a port of the Wii U version with some add ons and a couple of new characters.

Out of curiosity, what mods have you worked on so far?


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
Congrats on getting the mods to work. I do kinda have to agree with you... this hobby is kinda expensive and time consuming but I'm doing a little bit per day. Been kinda disappointed in a lot of my mobile games because I keep getting a lot of dupes and not a single character. Unfortunately, I don't know much about anonymous donations sites. Patreon might have some hidden rules in their 'Terms & Agreement' as well as GoFundMe.

Out of like the 20 games I downloaded, only "Pastel Memories" and "Battle Team" give me stun/low hp/sleep. :/


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Well, I could either convince my friend to let me use theirs somehow, buuut...it might not really matter.
I dunno if folks will donate much anyway. xD Might not be worth it.

I don't make hentai but I have seen some hentai makers on patreon make lotsa money! Back when I could do it I supported a couple for a little while..

Yeaaaa I agfree with Pyra design, her clothjes are still...uh...well they still don't make sense, but it's her fffing BOOBS that are so stupid. xD It makes her super duper look like a DOLL, which is sad 'cuz her face and hair are cute and I like her voice, too. Her dub makes her sound tough and I like that, she is a lady with a giant sword after all, just wish she looked more like the part.

i got two mod packs to work, but it's hard figuring out which characters have voices and models with faces that change.
My favorites so far as the botw Zelda and Pyra, but there's some others probably worth doing some time. I will prolly do one of Pyra 'cuz I like her so much, but it'll be more simple like that Zelda one. ^^;;

Ohhh haha, yeaaa didn't you know? E3 next week!!
Smash is Nintendo's big game at E3 this year, for SURE they will announced stuff for it.
We don't know what it is yet but I think it's gonna be like Splatoon 2. Same gameplay engine but with new stuff added.
I'll update people here when we have new stuff~

Also am I allowed to bump the thread? :o I thought that was bad...


Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
I don't think it's a problem if it's new content. Some of us have double posted in this thread to let know that we had news and nobody has complained at least.

Also, in Gamebanana.com in the Smash Skins section you can look for the mods you have and the uploader most of the time indicates what does the model feature (voice clips, expressions, metal models, final smash eyes, additional effects, etc.) There's also a section for voice clips for the characters.

Also, if you want to keep small updates in the meantime while you can put things in order, you can do small things like pics of the girls like you did at the very beginning here. That would be pretty nice.

And yeah, Pyra does have a pretty Cool factor. Sucks she isn't playable (nor the blades for that matter) and she's just an assist character. Also sucks only the first Xenoblade has stuns, =P I had my hopes up with Xeno 2 especially how cute Pyra looked. >_> So many dissapointments in that regard: Fate/Extella, Fire Emblem Warriors, Star Ocean Anamnesis, YS games...
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Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
Yeah, I should go back and showcase the character I'm doing the ryona for...

Eh, I don't mind if you bump this thread... there's not too much activity on the forums and we kinda know each other and what channels we have, so if you don't have a subscription to someone on this forum on something you like, shame on you. :/

- Xeno game... ungh, I hate how they showcase how pretty their characters are, but nothing is done. I kinda agree with Thief on a lot of things about good games being really dull in a way (not showing what we want!).

- Anamnesis is getting a US release with US voices (uuuuungh -_-)
- Warriors Orochi 4 was announced but unsure when that's coming out.
- Shining Resonance comes out in July 10, but mostly all the girls have been done before by someone on YT.
- Caligula Effect Overdose... unsure about stuns.
- There's another Neptunia game that reminds me a bit like Valkyrie Profile battle system but I'm not 100% sure if the battle system is set up like that.
- Bullet Girls Phantasia comes out on Aug?
- Disaster Report 4... when?!
- Almost caught up with Seven Knight (7K) character stuns and my channel has 717 videos :o I treat that site as an archive, not really caring how many views it has. I know I do a lousy job with video editing 'cause I got no time for that.
- I'm going to be jumping to Dragonblaze and do the defeat stances... which could look like stun states if you drew a stars in a fixed orbit.
- Unfortunately, I'm done with all the characters with "Battle Team" and "Pastel Memories". In Battle Team, characters have different last names to denote what color (water, fire, wood, light, or dark) but they all act the same.

Anyway, since games come out quite early in JPN, some of the JPN users have been beating us in making ryona videos before the game comes out here. With Trails of Cold Steel IV coming out, I'm sure we'll get to see videos of that a few days/weeks after it's released.


::Quickie Question::
Cryptract doesn't have stuns (booo), but I posted two videos on there, one is a character with voice collection and the other is a battle scene, which do you think you guys prefer? Normal attack animation is done when you view the character voice collection when you click on them.
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Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
If i could justify the time it takes i could do a whole detailed one like I did for Sammy, and swimsuit mods for the Smash ladies, aaaand other stuff I found mods of. Buuut I did make this for now. Prolly gonna be my last vid for a while until things change but if any cuties get announced for Smash 5 you know I will show you. x''D



Swell Supporter
Aug 19, 2011
From what I could see in other places the falling debris in places such as the mansion and the caves can stun characters (he did wonder in his vids how he could pull it off).

I did find a way to do stun when I posted that but it was at a boss fight and the duration was a bit short. I didn't want to go through the entire stage for a stun lol. I was looking for one where they had a cave and the mobs were shooting electric balls that stun but it seems further into the game so far.

Hentai seems very successful on Patreon, I even have done it for a few people before when I had money. But that is different I guess.

I haven't seen a successful ryona video uploader patreon yet. Maybe if they were creating a ryona game I could see it working or maybe a MMD video creator since they would have more creative ways to make content instead of being bounded by game's design plus mods.

I posted two videos on there, one is a character with voice collection and the other is a battle scene
Voice collection would work if it didn't have music. Would be a nice way to archive voice. Just do what you want lol.

On another topic, I tried BlazBlue Cross and it is sort of disappointing in a way(Ryona wise). In centralfiction, they would stay on the ground for a bit if they are knocked down. Also if they get smashed against a wall, you have a bit of time to see their expressions against the wall. In cross, they auto 'get-up' really quickly(which would sometimes cut the voice line early), and getting smashed against wall simply bounces off quickly.
I understand that they were trying to simpilfy the system due to the multiple game universe though.

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