Ryonaneer Content (Dizzy, Stun, KO) (5 Viewers)


Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
Sudeki has stuns though, you can find some in regular gameplay vids, though is not common. There are a few ryona vids, but none of them have the stuns included. I think you can download saves for Xbox from gaming sites.

Still, keep up the great work!


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014






Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
What they took down your YT site??? I wouldn't be suprised if I'm next. We need to find a place where we can keep stuff. :(


Swell Supporter
Aug 19, 2011
I'm surprised it went down so fast without notice. Your ryona stuff isn't as "offensive" as other channels.
It might have been the modding videos maybe?


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Ah no. =_=
I lost most of the vids I uploaded to that channel recently, was gonna back them up some time soon...>_>;; that's a bummer.
Bad timing...
Look at my email, looks like some business stuff happened lately aaaand the terms of use changed?
That must be why...
Well. I will keep coming here and maybe keep making GIFs some times?
Buuut this makes it so I prolly won't be working on videos anymore...
Least not very much. I dunno whwere to upload them at that point anyway..
Ah. Sux. >;( Maybe if I had age limit or something it would matter? I dunno.


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
Did you tag your videos? I only put ryona and katakana of ryona. Though I do agree with Haquafan, your videos arent as quite offensive as other sites. I mean we shouldnt tag our videos with warnings of animated cartoon violence.


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Mmm my vids always had ryona tags...
I dunno. >_>;
Buuuut still don't have a job sooo cant complain about one less thing to waste time onnnn...


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
I'll still make videos even if my YT channel goes down. I should back up my videos that are my computer as well.


Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
This bites. You shouldn't give up on it yet, though. In the meantime focus on your own stuff but we can look for a new site or at least a new solution (like putting them for download instead or something).


Swell Supporter
Aug 19, 2011
Not many good alternatives really. You can try dailymotion.
I know there's a bit of stuff on there.


Swell Supporter
Aug 19, 2011
Looks fine. I thought MF could preview video but I guess not. I know MEGA can preview videos if they are mp4.


Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
It's a pretty good choice if you ask me, that way you can keep sharing without worrying about youtube's rules and whatnot.


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Hmm OK. Glad that works...

I have Overwatch audio still around, will make downloads for those I think.


See if this works? I can post all Overwatch ladies with Japanese voices. I pick the ones that sound like ryona.
There is whole set of sounds I think from Ana's darts that I never really heard much before!!
They are soooo good imo O_o

If these work OK I can do all the Overwatch ladies. It's much easier to do this than edit it for video anyway. ^_^;;

Added Tracer.
Added Brigitte.
Added Symmetra.
Added Pharah.
Added D Va.
Added Widowmaker.
Added Mercy.
Added Sombra.
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Swell Supporter
Aug 19, 2011
I find it interesting that the voices sound so different but at the same time sound the same in different languages.
Must be some good voice scripting lol.

It's a bit offtopic, but I'm really considering putting my videos into private. One of the channels I follow (killtime records) went down due to community guidelines and I thought some of his videos were pretty tame. He would often upload ps4 videos and random jp games and had a pretty decent following. And also one of the reuploaders got taken down. While I would be happy, I feel like it wasn't because he was reuploading videos that got taken down for.


Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
HaquaFan HaquaFan : You probablu should, they are terminating anything that's somewhat questionable in content since a while ago, ryona is just the latest target. At least it should clear you for a while.

Ryonaneer Ryonaneer : Out of curiosity, do you have backed up any of your vids? Like they remained in your computer after recording them or such?

EDIT: I don't like ranting... but I probably do it quite a bit =P, just wanna voice my dissapointment with Tales of Rays. Really, the Tales of Series is a goldmine for our stuff, tons of really cute and/or attractive girls, the stun status is a staple and Rays being a mobile game has the biggest crossover cast so far, including collaborations and characters from Tales installments that didn't have the usual battle system. However, ever since around some months before the shutdown of the global server all the animation for all the newely added characters is the same, just hand on the forehead and look downward a bit without any motion (pretty lame), they've even replaced the preexisting animation of characters that already had one in their home game with the same hand on head they use for all characters now. Especially odd given that at the beginning of the game characters had different animations, newcomers had varied ones and preexisting characters had the ones from their original games, but suddenly they started to replace them all with the same lame one, it's really disappointing.

Not so much of an issue if the character is from a new game, but if the character is from an older game with dated graphics like Colette or Chloe, from a game where there she didn't have an animation like Sara or Rondoline or is just getting nice new outfits like Leia, it feels like a wasted chance >_>
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Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
No, I HAD everything backed up aaaand like a few DAYS before my channel closed I lost all of it when cleaning my compy...


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
I've been kinda busy with work but I've been slowly going through my Gamecube collection, probably do my Wii U next. I really haven't found any good games with stuns as of late and I'm wondering if I should do the same as HaquaFan and unlist my videos.

I feel like I have a rival YTer, Mana 132.

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