: You probablu should, they are terminating anything that's somewhat questionable in content since a while ago, ryona is just the latest target. At least it should clear you for a while.
: Out of curiosity, do you have backed up any of your vids? Like they remained in your computer after recording them or such?
EDIT: I don't like ranting... but I probably do it quite a bit =P, just wanna voice my dissapointment with Tales of Rays. Really, the Tales of Series is a goldmine for our stuff, tons of really cute and/or attractive girls, the stun status is a staple and Rays being a mobile game has the biggest crossover cast so far, including collaborations and characters from Tales installments that didn't have the usual battle system. However, ever since around some months before the shutdown of the global server all the animation for all the newely added characters is the same, just hand on the forehead and look downward a bit without any motion (pretty lame), they've even replaced the preexisting animation of characters that already had one in their home game with the same hand on head they use for all characters now. Especially odd given that at the beginning of the game characters had different animations, newcomers had varied ones and preexisting characters had the ones from their original games, but suddenly they started to replace them all with the same lame one, it's really disappointing.
Not so much of an issue if the character is from a new game, but if the character is from an older game with dated graphics like Colette or Chloe, from a game where there she didn't have an animation like Sara or Rondoline or is just getting nice new outfits like Leia, it feels like a wasted chance >_>