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- Joined
- Aug 23, 2014
Oh I there are other ryona fights from that artist too.
Just wondering have you guys checking deviant art? There are soo many cool pic about dizzy girl and most of them were pretty interesting!
Cammy Vs Chun Li part 1 by magion02 on DeviantArt
I've looked around devinatart but all I've ever found were poorly done pics, bad use of 3d models and mixing it with the foot fetish... which isn't my thing at all.
Yeah I'm no fan to foot fetish and don't know why they are always associated with dizzy
I was tooootally gonna do a quick vid of Chun and Cammy's stuns buuut then the beta...didn't work.
At all.
I got to play training mode for like 5 mins and got kicked out before I could fight anyone. =_=;
Not so optimistic for a big console beta start, buuuut I am still super excited for SF5 and how it's gonna keep adding content that you can get FOR FREE by playing the game to unlock it. Sounds ummm a lot like League of Legends and I am super duper OK with that!
As for next vid, I dunno, I feel like I'm running outta good ones to do, haha. Just waitin' on new stuff I guess...
Thaaaat's true, buuut those games are really big and long, n I don't got time for that, haha.
Also, some folks already do some with those games kinda!
Actually, I am rentin' GGXrd so I did one.
Yeaaa, so there's prolly a bunch of sfx I never heard. Ah well.
Just wanted to get basic stuff.
Ummm. Not really sure what my game will be! We'll see. There's totally some coming out later on I know I'll do though!