Ryonaneer Content (Dizzy, Stun, KO) (4 Viewers)


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
Ran into this one mobile game on Android (Habringers) it does have stun. The voices are weird though.


And those who were concerned for my health, doing a lot better though on the downside I got laid off from work, so I'll be in the process of finding a new job (shouldn't take me too long to find one). Looks like game buying will have to wait. Now I can actually take my time and get to certain points in my video games.


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014

Ohh this Montmorancy has different animations/poses form normal form, huh? :o She's very pretty.

Oh btw any ryona of the Granblue fighting game yet? I know it has no stun but would still be interested in ryona for that game.
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Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
The tamer rabbit girl is gorgeous.

Code Vein also had its beta going on, I wonder if there's anything in there. So far there's been almost nothing in console games, everything's been reduced to mobiles.

Zaysha Zaysha : Good to hear you're feeling better, sucks about your job. Hang in there. I kinda missed something, does the Mai Hime game have stuns or I misunderstood?


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
Code Vein also had its beta going on, I wonder if there's anything in there. So far there's been almost nothing in console games, everything's been reduced to mobiles.

Zaysha Zaysha : Good to hear you're feeling better, sucks about your job. Hang in there. I kinda missed something, does the Mai Hime game have stuns or I misunderstood?

- Code Vein
I did see the video ryona by Pandora Ruby, not sure if it has stuns. The game looks similar to the God Eater series though but not 100% copy.

- Mai Hime
There are stuns but everyone is wireframed to the same stun posture, I did acquire my 2nd controller and that's what I was waiting for to actually do the stun video, since there are like 9 positions on each side of the screen bringing the total to 18. It might take me some time to do one, but I'll produce one, trying to test if this video editing program I have is good, but I'm trying it on one game at the moment (Chain Strike) and (Dragalia Lost).

- Overhit
It just got released on my iPhone.

- Harbringers (forgot the rest of the title)
It has stun, only from 3 views similar to that of Diosa Force. It's on Android so it's on my Bluestacks. Having been playing much of it, but I'll put a video sometime up in the next few days.

- Fate Extella Link
I didn't do Nero, Artoria, Jeanne, and Medusa (but if you want me to, I'll do it. Certain characters have 'stun' moves, but it's the people standing there in their hit state.

- Granblue Fantasy
I did ask around to see if anybody wanted to see timeout animations (or lose pose from time over) but no one obliged... (of course, people would be looking at me crazy to see someone asking for that, might as well wait for the official release, I'm definitely getting it... I do have videos around 8 of them, but I'm actually fighting in them... mostly Terri (whip char) and Katalina (fencer).

I just noticed one of my videos has age restriction on it and I never put age restriction on it, but I have no strikes on my account. I only have one age restriction video cause it has a 1px blue nipple on a snake lady.
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Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
New hero coming to King's Raid on the 11th~With bluestacks it is easy for me to record footage and KR is sooo easy to see the animations. They know people want to see that stuff I guess. ^p^''
She's super cute, one of my fav designs of the whole game I think, we'll see if her in game looks are nice.


I did also catch a lot of ryona pics of Epic 7, have in a thread here:


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
That new char looks like a combination of two characters in King's Raid... Sonia and that fighter girl that I can't remember with the fencing sword?


Granblue Fantasy BETA (PS4)
- (I'm usually 2nd player)... Ferry's ultimate is just sick and it's not a game where you can spam skills due to fact it's like a mmorpg, it has a cd... I don't play 'simple mode' (simple arrow directions with R1 to execute any special, like for Katalina '5 R1' is your fireball, '2 R1' is your uppercut, '6 R1 is your charge', '4 R1' is your jump back and attack move, and '2 2 R1' is one of your ultimate moves)

- Katalina vs Katalina

- Katalina vs Ferry 01

- Katalina vs Ferry 02

- Ferry vs Katalina 01

- Ferry vs Katalina 02

- Ferry vs Ferry


SAO: Fatal Bullet (PS4)
- There seems to be a mode where you can play the hero characters, will have a test video out soon. I think I need to beat the game to unlock the other characters (or buy them)

Phantom Breaker Battlegrounds Overdrive (PS4)
- Both 'stun' and ryona will be done...

Ungh, one reason why I don't beat video games quickly is I ponder on ryona spots -_- and when I find a good ryona spot, 'lo and behold, it's not featured on YT. Why me... -_- Though I do appreciate the people who did the ryona first... though it's either a) it's not a character I like or b) too long between ryona spots... (hey I'm guilty of this, but I rarely edit my videos!)
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Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
Didn't even know there was a new girl. Thanks for sharing.


Ironically I like it better than Dizzy's >_<

EDIT: Holy crap, Zaysha didn't notice your huge edit for Granblue Fantasy. Thanks a lot!


Club Regular
Aug 5, 2016
has anyone looked into overHIT? Looks like it's another decently polished waifu gacha game.

Also has anyone on youtube covered the "finish her" animation on MK11?
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Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
has anyone looked into HIT? Looks like it's another decently polished waifu gacha game.

HIT? Probably a different server, US closed on May 9th if I remember correctly (Apple and Google Play). The characters were free, weapons, armor, accessories, and costumes were not.

Overhit has some pretty nice animations

lazyryona did most of the characters from Overhit, but is still missing a few I think.


- All stuns from Phantom Breaker Battlegrounds Overdrive (PS4) has been done...
- Currently trying to see stun animation from Remilore (Switch)...
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Club Regular
Aug 5, 2016
I mean overHIT, fml

Oh yeah I remember that channel. Didn't recognize it was overhit, the camera is just so nice. But I wonder if it's possible to see the animation without the enemy constantly hitting her? It's a turn based game after all.


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
I mean overHIT, fml

Oh yeah I remember that channel. Didn't recognize it was overhit, the camera is just so nice. But I wonder if it's possible to see the animation without the enemy constantly hitting her? It's a turn based game after all.

Normal attacks are auto though... game doesn't stop for you to choose (kinda like Seven Knights / Dragonblaze). So you really can't sit there and have that stun animation on infinite.


Bad news on Harbingers (Mobile)... once you complete a stage you can't go back to it... I'm waiting till Friday to buy that one DLC for Fatal Bullet and I'll see if I can purchase Gekki Tooki: Castle Panzer (PS4) from Ebay.
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Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
New Marvel game on Switch has a lottta characters, and different animations, including stun! Hope to see some ryona of it at some point after it comes out. Kinda bummed there's NO GIRL characters from the Dragon Quest stuff in Smash?? Blahhh. Banjo-Kazooie is excitinggggg thoooo!!

FF7 remake is coming in March and you get to play as the party members thank goodness! Crossing fingers for different ryona for Aerith/Tifa/Yuffie...!!


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
ahhhh i didn't think so. >_>
thought E3 was really weak and boring mostly, then Nintendo brought all their stuff!
Square was OK, but only good if you care about Final Fantasy, right?

Everyone else....??? Like?? nothing surprising? no big twists or great reveals?? no GAMEPLAY??
This was the most disappointing E3 I ever saw until Nintendo showed up.
I REALLLY hope Zelda is playable in the BOTW sequel!

BUTttttt hopefully that is becayse everyone is getting ready for new systems for next year?

OH YEA I just remembered new Kings Raid character, I should do that.


Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
I dunno, good details on VII Remake, VIII getting a switch port, Kingdom Hearts III ReMind, Seiken Densetsu 3 Remake and properly brought to the west, 2 Smash Characters, Breath of the Wild 2, Links Awakening Remake, more on Pokemon Sword and Shield. Honestly a lot of good stuff for me. Didn't really watch EA or Microsoft's streams, not my thing.

To be honest, I don't really care about the consoles themselves, just if the games they have catch my attention.


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Exactly, a lot of good stuff and most of it is Nintendo and some Final Fantasy. x'DD
FF7 had a good showing actually, much better than I expect from Square who usually is vague and doesn't show much. I did not care about the KH3 trailer, it didn't even have voiceover and just didn't show much new or interesting, especially after how silly that game ended...New Mana remake and the collection is cool for people who liked that.

And I LOVEDDDD a lot of what Nintendo showed, especially after anopther E3 of so many grimy man shooting games...So yea at least Square didn't show much of that either.


Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
Honestly after 5 years of silence with the Remake, Squeenix had to deliver in this one, people were already getting cynical about it, so reservations really werent an option here. Personally FFVII was the reason I watched the E3 this year, and I really am happy with how things are looking and hope they turn out good in the end.

Still have to finish KH3... >_> but I've heard stuff regarding the outcome even though I don't know it. The Mana remake is good because the game it's remaking was never released here, you can get the rom but honestly is a good first chance for it as well.

The new Astral Chain game also looks pretty cool. The character designer is the same from Video Girl Ai and Zetman I think.

Lol, there's too many shooters? I actually skipped outside Squeenix and Nintendo's presentations, but I wouldn't be surprised XD


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
I'm not liking that view on 'Trials of Mana' but it does look pretty... hopefully Square Enix learned from their Secret of Mana remake and I'm praying, so praying that the composer of the Secret of Mana remake isn't the composer for this one...

Square Enix & Nintendo were the only ones interesting... but just like T Thief said there are just too many shooters in the other companies...

Crystal crack (chronicles) on mobile... oi. That was actually a fun couch play game on the GC.

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