Ryonaneer Content (Dizzy, Stun, KO) (18 Viewers)


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Hey it's been a while. How is it going? Any future plan for making vids?

And what about you thief, have you found any good games or vids
Yeaaaa, it's been busy. ^^;;

I want to do a vid on Senran Kagura stuns buuut I can't afford it n' sorta don't want buy it 'cuz I only would play for the ryona? sooo gotta wait until a rental copy.

Will do more SF5 when more ladies get added like Juri and Ibuki.
Not sure of any others off the top of my head right now tho but eventually some more games with ryona I like will come out.


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Still waiting for Senran rental to try ryona of that!

Buuuut here's a little Overwatch Ryona for now.

I also did something a little different with TWD Michonne.

And I finally got my hands on a borrow copy of Senran Kagura so I will be trying to do some of that! Does anyone have advice on capturing the dizzy animations? It seems better if it's the character you play as to make sure they are focus of the shot, buuuut it can take so long to get stunned from long range, and up close you just get knocked down right away...

I guess I could try making stun happen to AI? But what good moves could cause stun without knocking them down or taking forever?

Anyway, my favorite ryona girl from Street Fighter IBUKI~~~ is coming! Maybe in the next day or two I hear~! I will be sure to do some ryona of her asap!
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Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
Oh yeah! At last the Senran Kagura videos! Since Asuka is already done I now await Murasaki, Hanabi and Ikaruga! Keep up the good work.

One advice: maybe you could add the Japanese words for dizzy and stun to your vids. It may open more views and make them possible to find in other ways. There are several words to refer to the dizziness in Japanese, but from what I’ve found when looking 気絶 (more or less “faint”, dunno how it is pronounced) and ピヨり(“piyori” used to refer when a character is left seeing birds or stars) are the ones that lead to dizzy animations. Maybe you could add them to the titles or descriptions on later vids.

I am also glad Ibuki finally made it to SFV. Though from few glimpses I could get, her dizzy animation is kind of a letdown, she simply places her hand on her hip and leans forward a bit. Dunno, but really rather her SFIII and SFIV animations. Though in general, SFV has been a disappointment with stun animations.

Though I really like how more ninjaish her moveset is by adding more ninja tools.

Anyhow, I’ve found some stuff I want to share.

Star Ocean 5:

Miki: (6:15 to 6:21, continues at 6:43)

Fiore: (0:16)

Anne: (3:36, it starts at around 3:10 but you don’t get a clear view then)

Relia: (11:41)

To my surprise, SO5 does have dizzy animations. In SO1 to SO4 while there was a stun status condition it simply was the character with the circling stars stuck in a stagger position. In here the animations are pretty nice as well. My only small gripe is that Miki puts her hand in her chest when dizzy, otherwise it would have been perfect.

Dissidia Final Fantasy Arcade

Terra: (2:40)

Lightning: 【DFF_AC】食べちゃうにゃん!ディシディア対戦45【ライトニング会1】 (3:08)

Y’shtola: ヤシュトラさんのDFFAC その21 [ダイヤB] ランス3戦 (2:50)

Funnily enough, at first I couldn’t tell if Y’shtola was a girl or a girly guy. I blame that on the pretty boys that make most of the FF cast, especially Ramza. Though after looking a bit, yup: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/78/2b/09/782b09017c90fd0b036c161ca6e304c9.jpg Totally a girl.

A FF game with dizzy animations for its girls was a pretty pleasant surprise. Though there are only two animations for all characters: the one Y’shtola has and the one Terra and Lightning have which is the same but with their hand placed on her head. Though I expected it from Lightning, I was kinda bummed Terra does it as well…

I dunno, it’s kind of a turn off when they do that for me. Still pretty nice to have dizzies for FF girls. Also the games are being constantly updated and characters will be added. They said they want to reach 50 characters or so. So it’s likely some previous fighters like Tifa and Yuna will be added, and perhaps other cute FF girls.

Seven Knights:

This is a mobile game and quite a popular one at that. There are a ton of female characters here and dizzies happen quite easily, so posting them would be a bit pointless, since it’s easy to just look for them with 세븐나이츠 or セブンナイツ.

However, there are a few things worth noting: there is a collaboration with Ark System Works so a few characters of their games are guest fighters here. Namely Noel Vermillion and Tsubaki Yayoi from Blazblue and Ramlethal Valentine, Jack-O and Jam Kuradoberi from Guilty Gear. The nice thing is, it gives the closes thing to an official stun animation for Noel and Tsubaki given BB doesn’t have dizzies. So here is what I could find:

Noel: 키리엘 리메이크 결투장 랭커 꿀디!? [세븐나이츠] (9:40) 【セブンナイツ】これでアリーナで勝てる!?魔法パを考察!! (2:11 though you can see clearly at 3:20, 4:55)

Noel oddly has 2 different animations. One for her regular guns moveset, which is kind of disappointing given she isn’t stunned as much as simply knocked down, and a second one when she is equipped with a bow which is quite nice. Sharing it with Tsubaki and apparently with Ramlethal as well. May come as lazy, but personally I love the animation.

Tsubaki: 【セブンナイツぜよ!】耐久パ倒したいので無駄にキャティ育ててみました! (18:59)

Ramlethal: 【セブンナイツ】古の塔86階と87階にチャレンジ!【#46】 (3:33)

Jack-O: 【セブンナイツ アリーナ 実況#83】 初の1300位台突入ジャック・オーにブロック装備付けて検証5戦 (10:41)

I couldn’t find anything of Jam, not even a video where she is fighting.

Other vids:

Arslan Warriors of Legend (Farangis): Arslan: The Warriors of Legend Ryona (3:38)

Resonance of Fate (Leanne): Let's Play Resonance of Fate # 50 Merry Christmas! (7:46)

Savage Reign (Carol): 【ryona】Savage Reign Carol ryona(キャロルリョナ) (1:56)

Onimusha 4 (Akane): Let's Play Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams (German / Blind) - Part #73 (9:10, 9:59, 11:02)

Guilty Gear Xrd-Revelator- (Jam and Jack-O complementing the Xrd Sign video posted before): Mason Attempts: Guilty Gear XRD -Revelator- (Jam: 6:52, 9:57. Jack-O: 25:19)

Guilty Gear Xrd: Elphelt vs. Elphelt Mirror Matches Set #1 (double KOs, ryona [リョナ]) (3:14 Elphelt)

King of Fighters XIV (A small glimpse of Kula): KOF XIV - Frionel VS Piccolo Match 2 720p/60fps (0:55)

Digimon All Star Rumble (A much clearer view of Angewomon): Flying Schwa Plays Digimon- 3 (10:31)

Sudeki (Nico): Nao Plays: Sudeki [Part22] A World of Light and Darkness(27:27)

Street Fighter IV (Chunli with a Kasumi from DOA Mod): 【USF4 Ryona】かすみ Kasumi ベアハッグ(Bear Hug)リョナ【DOA MOD】 (0:54)

(Ibuki with a Ayane mod also from DOA): 【USF4 Ryona】Ayane MOD 腹蹴り リョナ (vs Sagat) 【視点変更 MOD】 (0:36)

Been trying to find stuns in Xenoblade Chronicles X, but no luck.

A small thing not related to anything… is it just me or Tracer from Overwatch has a similar Hairdo to Sorey from Tales of Zestiria?


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Wow. O_O
Thaaaaat is quite a lot of little things huh?? Great work. Tahnk you~

Ahahah yeaaaa ^^; Finally doin' senran, I just wish I knew a quick, easy way to figure it out.
Like, if I do it like the first two, you get a lotta cute getting-hit animations.
But the problem with thsoe is the AI keeps hitting you soooo ya can't get a good look at the stuns for long.

But if I fight 'em then I have to play the whole friggin level each time and specific levels to fight specific girls and I dunno a regular way to stun quickly and blabla. It's sorta been harder than I thought it'd be. >_>

I actually like stuns where they hold their chest, and ones where they are sitting down. I know in the Odin Sphere remake the valyrie has two dizzy anims now, an extra one where she's sitting. I like the standing ones more yea, BUT I wish the others got that extra sitting down dizzy too, instead of just laying down in KO pose.

I'm excited for KOF14 with the dizzy anims because I hope each character has their own.

I am also very excited for Ibuki in SFV because Ibuki is my favorite SF girl for ryona~~ A lot of it is her voice, both languages.
Where have you seen her new dizzy animation? I tried to find it in the footage from a stream from couldn;t. Those guys are too good and hit as soon as the dizzy starts. xD Although I'm sorta more interested in her dizzy SFX too heheh. Her ones from SF4 were good and the unused ones for SFxT are probably my favorite stun voice fx in general or at least for SF for sure.

I can't find any ryona vids of Jam. Like just general vids of ryona for her in this new Guilty Gear...

I tried to find stuns in SO5 and didn't find any but it looks like they're there they just take a sec before they start?
The dizzies in that seven knights game last super long haha! One thing I like about turn based stuff for ryona is you can take your time with that haha.

And thanks for the advice! I do try to add japanese tags too but I didn't know what the words were for japanese dizzy. Guess I can try and add those and maybe even use them to look up stuff right?

Thanks. I will try to do more senran soon, will definitely do Ibuki stuff asap. but if you have any advice on how to capture it for senran better I am all ears.


Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
Yeah, as I said before, we really should share more stuff.

It's a matter personal taste I guess. I dunno, here you can see how many people are attracted to different things. Wouldn't be strange if within the same appeal differnt things for different people. Though if you like chest holding, I guess you'll really like Miki's XD

KOF XIV... if Kula is to go by, characters will have the same dizzy animation they had in KOF XIII, at least Kula has the same pose.

I don't mind when girls are sitting or crouching, as long as there is some motion. Gwen in Odin Sphere doesn't really have 2 animations, it's simply her habit of sitting on the floor before getting up when knocked down isn't it?

SO5 is kind of a pain, unlike older Tales of games where all attacks had a small chance of stunning, in SO5 only a few select attacks stun. The final boss has 2 moves that do so and a couple of bosses have 1. Normal enemies go down before anything happens. And like always since spellcasters obviously keep their distance it's pretty damn hard to get anything from them. Though in the vids I posted there was a surprise lucky strike with the Final Boss. If your character gets stunned just before the mid battle cutscenes start they will remain dizzy for its entirety until the second round starts, meaning we get to see the animation for much longer. Kinda helps, as you said, the dizzy has a delay, if a character gets stunned he first staggers, then recovers, takes his battle stance and then goes into dizzy animation, and all that counts for the dizzy duration, so many times it just starts the animation and recovers entirely.

Though nowehere near as a pain as Dissidia Arcade, breaking shields in there is the only way to stun someone and nobody ever blocks AND the shields can take god knows how many hits before breaking and they recover pretty quickly.

Oh, yeah, in Seven Knights they last a lot, must be a pain when playing. If your character gets stunned you might as well have lost it. Scary part is that there are ton of multi target stun attacks.

I am still bummed they removed stuns from SFxT, especially since they even had the voice clips for them. I would have really loved to see Lili. I saw Ibuki's dizzy animation in the stream detailing her moves and couple of matches (the one over an hour an a half), but it was a lucky strike more than anything.

With the japanese words you can make easier to find your vids, especially given you are already using the japanese writting for Ryona. And yes you can also find stuff on your own. You'll be surprised to see how much geeky and fanservicey stuff the japanese sites look for.

In Senran Kagura isn't there a Practice Mode or a Versus Mode? Also from what I could see in your vids Guard Breaking stuns the girls. Perhaps you can just block a lot even against mooks. Also, there are different dizzy quotes for the girls, right? Just curious, what are the others for Asuka and Hikage? I think there's a sound menu where you can listen to all the battle quotes.


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Well it's not not super involved animation but it's got some animation!
1:31, 4:15
She's got such a cute face and is breathing heavily. ^^; She definitely does not have this in the original, so they added it...for some reason? But not anything like it for the others, now they just lay down when dizzy. Actually that means it's harder to see the dizzy animations now...And they got rid of the stamina meter too I think? Hopefully there's still easy ways to get dizzy status in this game. Buuut anyways I'm just super duper excited for it as a game too!

Really? I watched a whole buncha that Ibuki footage fromt hats tream. It's just the one stream so far from I can tell. I mean I just wanted to see her new moves and design too! But then I went back to look for her dizzy and could not find it. Every time I saw she got hit right out of it before her animation begins. Buuuut I guess even if it is in there somewhere it isn't the full thing. I'll get to have it soon enough.

Aw yeaaa man SFxT had so many cute girls, I would have loved to see Tekken girls with dizzy animations. At least we have the game over poses? ^^; I like those, too, same idea basically but sadly a lot of the girls share the same ones.

Oh and it looks like the girls have two dizzy quotes in senran. I can try to do a sound test vid for that stuff maybe?


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 25, 2009
Man, this is such an awesome thread... and I'm actually sorta surprised one of my videos wound up here (the GGXrd Elphelt one.) I hope you don't mind me posting here for a quick second but since I recently got Xrd Revelator I thought I'd share a moment during a recent video of mine that actually has Jam being stunned/dazed during my arcade playthrough... (apparently Bedman has an overdrive that automatically stuns its target once it goes off... Wasn't aware of that since I barely played Xrd Sign when I did have it on PS3... so I suppose there's that 'element of surprise' in this clip I'm sharing.)


I'm actually thinking about doing a small video where it shows off the girls' stun animations as well for my channel... but ironically, I didn't want to do it until the character Dizzy was made available... I know that's usually your thing to do Ryonaneer, so what do you think? Should I just record Dizzy's... dizzy later and do the other girls now or should I wait?

Also, while I'm here, I suppose I wanted to share off another video of mine as well... I know SF5's got plenty of stun coverage... but I suppose another won't hurt. One of the few things I like about the game's survival mode is that you can at random choose to try to gamble on adding more points to your run at the sacrifice of any little touch stunning your character. I tend to pick it a lot of the time... though in that Chun-Li video I suppose I bit off more than I could chew vs. Dhalsim...


...and lastly a Karin run in the same mode that has a lot of stuns against the females as well as some on my own Karin (like the battle at 4:58). Like the Chun video, when I stun a female opponent instead, I tend to back off and admire their animations all the time before attacking again... I suppose a lot of other players just go right on in to try to clear modes like this, but I suppose I just enjoy the smaller things just like you during my plays... lol.

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Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Neato~ Thanks for sharing~

Ohhhh please do your own vids! I don't have GG, so I definitely can't do vids with the stuns for DLC characters. >_>;
I didn't know Dizzy the character was being added, that's great! When is she supposed to come out?

I'm excited to FINALLY have Ibuki in SFV soon, she is my top favorite for ryona in SF. Plus, we'll be able to play/fight Juri in the new story mode, even though she's not finished. Maybe I can catch some ryona for her, too??

BTW I have been slowly working through Senran Kagura. I'm so frustrated that there's such many stuns and they're so cute buuut it's so hard to get good video focusing on them. >_<



Swell Supporter
Aug 19, 2011
Haven't played estival but if the game is similar to versus, you can try to use normal mobs to stun your character. Ranged enemies take a bit longer to stun but don't obstruct view. I noticed that there's hit animation during stun in estival which is new I think?


Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
That's Shinovi Versus isn't it? Strange, if your vid is to go by the animations seem to be different in that game.

DeNice: There's nothing wrong with doing vids of your own. On the opposite, it's great given nobody does stun animations, though Haqua did a few for a while. The more the merrier. I'd do vids of my own, but I don't have any consoles to do so.

Found a couple of things:

A clearer view of Relia (SO5): (27:10)

Another view of Terra (DFFAC): (1:58)

And Jam's animation in Seven Knights: (1:05)

Several shots from Hinata Hyuuga (no idea which Naruto game is this):

How do you add spoiler tags, btw? I want to clean up a bit my posts.


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014

Hummm that games looks different from Estival versus but he stun animation for that chara looks the same as the KO pose for Estival?

I only found a couple parts with lots of projectile minions, and they didn't seem to ever stun. Only enemies that stuned me with projectiles you still get hit out of the animation. Maybe not the bow shooters tho I didn't test that because I'm not sure an easy level to pick those out...I've been lazy and not wanting to go through the work for how long it takes just to catch a few good glances of the animations. =_= At least the KO poses are easy to get.


Swell Supporter
Aug 19, 2011
T Thief Yes it's shinovi versus, didn't realized that estival had versus at the end too lol. I was referring to shinovi versus when I mentioned it in previous posts. I haven't found any stuns for most of the games I play, I know Rohan Online has stuns but I don't see myself progressing through the game to look for it (it's a grindfest) although might be easier with PvP.

Ryonaneer Ryonaneer If melee minions can stun chars, most likely ranged one can too (unless they drastically changed the system) Maybe try letting melee minions stun since they don't knock down. I just start each stage of the story and if they don't have minions at the beginning, I skip.


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Ahhhhhh~~~ tHANK YOOOUU!

That was it Haqua!
Sooo I learned some weird stuffs! The grunts seem to shoot at you mostly when the camera is on them but less when it's not?
Also, when you are shot, you don't get hit stun very much...but still always do when you're dizzy?

BUUUT I found an early level which is easy to make only archers, get a close camera shot and set it up!


With this easier way of doing it I can work on doing the rest, but I prolly will still some of the getting shot hitstuns since those are cute too~

Also I don't think I put these here but I found a couple stun anims from Rumble Roses on an old video that you can only see in Street Fight mode...

Image tagged in gifs
Image tagged in gifs


I have some more Senran Kagura vids.

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Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
Yay, Hanabi! Love her and her weird habit of adding "-su" to all her sentences. Haven't found anything interesting lately, sadly.


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Weelllll I did what I wanted with Senran purty much, just not edited all of the videos yet.
Street Fighter V update came out and you can play as Ibuki but also in a couple parts of the story, Juri.
So I want to do some ryona of them~
I love that they have new dizzy animations. Juri's might be my new favorite but I can't get a full look at it...because the computer attacks me out of it pfffff. I'll keep tryin' but for sure I should do a vid for Ibuki soon huh?

Also, new Odin Sphere has dizzy animations for the enemies soooo maybe I'll try to do somethin' with that too? I don't remember being able to do that before. But maybe it was just 'cuz you didn't have as good abilities in the old version.


Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
New Odin Sphere (however you spell the subtitble) has new dizzies? I wanna see that.
Yeah, Ibuki and Juri have new dizzies. Ibuki is kind of a letdown for me, though. It's just a toned down version of her SFIV one (which is pretty nice) and she looks more "a bit out of breath" than dizzy. Juri however is a definite step up from her SFIV one. It's funny how overdramatic her pose is, it fits her crazy character.
Say why don't just use them on practice mode? Or if that isn't possible lower the CPU level as much as possible? Just throwing ideas.

In Senran Kagura do you have Yomi? Is pretty much the last girl I want to see (and hear, I am a sucker for Ai Kayano's voice)

Also in news. There's a new Musou game coming based on Fate/Extra. If you're familiar with the game you'll know there are many cuties there (for me Tamamo all the way). Musou games tend to have dizzies so it's a good thing, while didn't see anything in the vids themselves of the E3 demo, at one point when fighting Tamamo with Red Saber, she uses her special and knocks down Tamamo who suddenly says "Wha...wha...what? Everything is spinning...!" so yeah, perhaps there are dizzies as well, too bad the video cuts just before Tamamo gets up and we can see if she is stunned or not.

EDIT: You're right (2:15) Enemies do have animations now
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Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
I like Ibuki's the same, never liked her animations much but I loooooved her voice effects in SF4, the unused audio for dizzy in SFxT, and now I love her audio for dizzy in SFV. Ibuki's is my new fav maybe, haha. It is over dramatic.

Nooooope can't use Juri in practice mode yet. Only in a couple Story Mode fights. Can't change the difficulty. Never fight against her in story, either. Might keep tryin'....or just wait until she's released for real?

Yea, enemies has dizzies in Odin Sphere~ Cornelius is easiest to cause it.


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 25, 2009
Well, until Ryonaneer does a proper stun/dizzy video for Ibuki (I figure *she'll get to her before I do since I not only am planning on doing the Guilty Gear stun video first, but I have other projects in other places to do), here's a vid of my run through survival mode that features her being stunned a couple of times in her story mode dress (thank you, 'Double Down 3' selection.... ^_^;).

The earliest time she's stunned is vs. Rainbow Mika at Stage 2 (1:38), but the best view of her in the video IMO is vs. Rashid at stage 23 (20:21)

EDIT: I'm SO sorry about that, Ryonanner; was TOTALLY unaware that you were female. A thousand apologies.
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Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
*she ^_^;;

Yup yup I'm gonna try and do a SFV one maybe tomorrow if I can. Gonna try to get Juri in there if possible. Also learned something weird! A lot of dizzy animations have a sound effect that last longer than the anim. So it gets cut off. :0 Anyone know a way t slow game speed down to catch it? Or anything? Or something that makes dizzy last longer maybe?

Ummm best idea I have is if you pause the game over and over quickly the whole sound plays, maybe I could edit out the empty spaces? Hummmm....>_>

Pretty sure I also have more Senran footage just gotta edit it and upload. Didn't catch everyone tho sorry. It's a lotta work. =_=

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