First, download VMWare Player and RyonaniXP.
You can get the latest version from the official site (registration required)
VMware Player: Run Windows 7, Chrome OS - Free Download for a Virtual PC
Run RyonaniXP.exe and extract to a location of your choice.
If you have trouble extracting it:
Installation of VMWare Player is pretty straight forward. I would uncheck "Check for product updates on startup" and "Help improve VMWare Player" as they aren't really necessary. Rest is up to you. After it's finished, it will ask you to restart but it actually isn't necessary.
After installing VMWare Player, if you open the program you should see a window pop up with two panes (assuming it doesn't bug you about updates) . On the left it will say
Home and on the right there will be multiple options. Just click
Open a Virtual Machine and go to where you extracted the RyonaniXP folder and point it to the .vmx file inside. You should now see it listed on the left pane. Click on it and on the right pane you can click "
Play virtual machine" to start it up.
It may ask you whether you "
moved it" or "
copied it". Say "
copied it".
Just give it a bit, experience all the cool custom images I put in there and enjoy when it finishes booting :P