Samoth's Dialogues [May 14, 2016 Update: "Trials of the Ancients"] (1 Viewer)


Potential Patron
Aug 3, 2014
No, it's built off of the inherent base dialogue system in SDT. Each line is derived from a general line type. You can find a list of all of them
in any of the dialogue tutorials, but here's a list of ones that matter for the majority of mine:

  • Pull_off - can trigger any time the girl stops sucking the guy's dick (as in, the dick is removed from her mouth)
  • Vigorous - triggers when the girl stops sucking the guy's dick and the "force meter" (second meter from the left, where first is the pleasure meter) has hit 100% at some point since she started sucking
  • Pre_cum - triggers when pleasure meter hits about 96%
  • Cum[location, such as on_face or in_mouth] - triggers when cum is applied to the specified location
  • Bodycontacthilt - triggers the first time the guy's penis is "fully inserted" into the girl during a non-oral position
  • Resistance - triggers when the girl stops sucking the guy's dick while she hasn't fully throated it yet (the first few attempts)
  • First_dt - triggers the first time the girl fully gets the guy's dick in her mouth
What you COULD do is loosen the definition - go in and change "vigorous" to "pull_off." Pull_off can happen any time the cock exits the girl's mouth - even during resistance - but vigorous requires the force meter to hit 100% at some time. That's the best you can do, since the only other lines that can fire off during a standard blowjob are General (which requires her not sucking him at all for a short time), Hand_job_stroke (hopefully the trigger for that is self-explanatory) and start/intro (which only occur when the dialogue is initiated, and thus are unrepeatable).

I'd have to see your code to specifically figure out your issue, but your lines might not be triggering because they require her to be able to speak. If you don't tag them with {"style":"Thought"} or {"style":"Him"}, the system will assume you want the girl to speak these lines. That is, she will only be able to say them when there isn't a cock in her mouth. I have always run all of my dialogues in manual control; I never design them for auto. While someone COULD go in and enable an automatic movement for them, I never bothered doing so with mine. Having automatic movement off also allows me to debug the code far easier and play the game at my own pace.

It's what allows me to enable a freeform mode. When the "end" variable is set to true, any and all dialogue lines that play during sex are from the freeform.

Take, for example, Skaldi's lines in Minecraft Adventure. Note this line from her initial resistance set:

This line makes sense at that point in time - she has been told a story about the player by Cupa and is curious. This line reflects that conversation. However, later on in the freeform phase this line wouldn't make sense. She already had sex with the player, so she shouldn't need to mention Cupa's story. Having a variable that can set to "false" or "true" allows a switch-state that lets me create the freeform system I have in place.

If you have further questions, feel free to PM me. I'd advise taking a look over Pim_GD's dialogue guide in this subforum as well if you haven't already, and take some time to dig into the code of dialogues you download; you never know what you'll find. Hell, I only discovered the button system because I happened to download VincentL's "A Girl's Submission" dialogue on a whim. It's saved me an infinite amount of grief and honestly is what even made the Freeform system possible as I have it set.

Thanks for the help, I've been reading the dialogue since posting and come to the same idea about using pull off and more thought lines to make sure lines get triggered.


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Feb 13, 2016
One last relatively small update for the time being: one more new dialogue, "Trials of the Ancients." It's the smallest story-driven dialogue I've made, but that's largely because the girl's breasts aren't that large so I don't have an excuse to throw in a titfuck scene (although that implies I need an excuse, but I digress). It's a bit different from my other dialogues in that it can have a "bad end" - see the spoiler cloud about it in my original post for more details.

I have also updated my Loader to include this dialogue as well as the necessary position and extra materials (that is, the .swf for the girl and the background). The Loader also includes standalone versions of the girl with and without freeform dialogue (in the same sense of the other standalone girls in the Loader).

I probably won't release any more dialogues for the moment, as I'm going to be swapping back to focusing on making more mods (mainly because I've put the Warframe girls on the backburner long enough and if I keep putting out each dialogue idea that pops into my head, I'll never put them all out. By time I finish one dialogue idea, another pops up...).


Hello Samoth, great work on these dialogues. I'm experiencing a bit of trouble. I apologize if this is an easy fix but I'm new to SDT and tried looking around but couldn't find a solution. I downloaded your pre-packaged loader and everything works fine, but then the dialogue freezes and nothing new will appear. Specifically in MC Adventures, after the creeper says "So, are you satisfied?" nothing happens and the story won't progress. This happens in all of the dialogues I have tested at some point. Do I have to load anything in after I run loader? Is there a specific action I have to do to progress the story? Thanks in advance.


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Feb 13, 2016
Hello Samoth, great work on these dialogues. I'm experiencing a bit of trouble. I apologize if this is an easy fix but I'm new to SDT and tried looking around but couldn't find a solution. I downloaded your pre-packaged loader and everything works fine, but then the dialogue freezes and nothing new will appear. Specifically in MC Adventures, after the creeper says "So, are you satisfied?" nothing happens and the story won't progress. This happens in all of the dialogues I have tested at some point. Do I have to load anything in after I run loader? Is there a specific action I have to do to progress the story? Thanks in advance.

I think I figured it out. It's the damn Swallow triggers again. I try to put them in so that the game manually deals with it rather than having the girl do so, because if she does then it fucks the whole thing up.

If you note any other cases where the dialogue "freezes" like this, let me know. I can almost guarantee you it's because of a [SWALLOW] trigger that's fucking things up.

For the record, I add [SWALLOW] triggers to the dialogue because sometimes if you cum in the girl's mouth, she'll try to swallow. If she starts doing this at an inopportune moment, then it locks up her dialogue.

Additional workaround: cum again. I don't shift variables to swap characters/positions within the first few lines after a climax, so she should still be using the proper variable combination. You can either work him back to climax manually or just press the J key to force an orgasm.

As for the issue with the file itself: I'll be attaching a fixed copy of the dialogue (I shifted the trigger a bit, hopefully it should work now) to this post and updating the copies in the OP so that people don't have to deal with this in the future. Hopefully.


Minecraft Adventure.txt
444.3 KB · Views: 331

Hank East

Content Creator
Jan 25, 2012
Oh hey Samoth, I was thinkin' since I got a lot of free time recently, do you mind sharing some of the dialogue ideas you had? I won't write anything of your caliber, but still might wanna give it a shot.


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Feb 13, 2016
Oh hey Samoth, I was thinkin' since I got a lot of free time recently, do you mind sharing some of the dialogue ideas you had? I won't write anything of your caliber, but still might wanna give it a shot.

Alright, here's the ones that were rolling around in the back of my head that I was too lazy to follow through on (that and I wanted to work more on actual modding rather than more dialogues as mine would probably all be formulaic):

  • Mermaid Rescue (Would need a better name IMO): Protagonist is an off-duty lifeguard on a beach when they notice a girl half-buried in the sand and unconscious. Concerned, they attempt to wake her which doesn't work. They then perform CPR (this is the only reason the protagonist is a lifeguard - explains being on a beach and how they know CPR), which brings the girl back around. The protagonist eventually helps her un-bury herself and discovers that she is a mermaid. She thanks him by blowing him (possibly more - in my head the reason she goes to sex is that she has decently sized breasts that are uncovered the whole time and makes a comment about how the protagonist can't help but notice them which has given them an erection. Given my tastes I WOULD have eventually brought this to a titfuck but that's not necessary). Mod requirement would be Faceless' Mermaid Tail mod.
  • Siren: A Siren (like from Greek mythology) captures a sailor and proceeds to have her way with him. Also would require Faceless' Mermaid Tail mod. Possibly but not necessarily have the Siren speaking in rhyme because their lure is referred to as the 'Siren's Song,' which implies lyricism to me (and thus something that would rhyme).
  • Lich Queen: A paladin has defeated a Lich in battle in the depths of its tomb/lair/dungeon/whatever. The Lich proceeds to turn into a woman and offer her body to the paladin, as she is allured by his strength. She wouldn't be trying to trap him (like a succubus), she'd actually be honest about wanting him (again, this is if I made my own iteration - someone else could take the basic idea of "Lich Queen gets defeated and has sex with the one who defeated her" and take it in the direction of "I have trapped you and I am the true victor"). In my head this had 4 possible dialogue trees, which would be based on what god the paladin served; if he served a god of war, the Lich Queen would point out something about 'spoils of war' and to consider her body to be the spoils, which would be how she convinces him to do the deed.
I feel like I might have had more, but I can't recall them offhand. The only other ones I can think of would involve doing dialogues for particular characters a la my Dark Magician Girl or Mag Prime dialogues.


Hey, for some reason, the Minecraft dialogue is getting stuck between titfucking the blaze and having sex with her. She says "At this rate, it might undo my tan", and then another dialogue box pops up, but stays blank before disappearing.


Forums Moderator
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Feb 13, 2016
Hey, for some reason, the Minecraft dialogue is getting stuck between titfucking the blaze and having sex with her. She says "At this rate, it might undo my tan", and then another dialogue box pops up, but stays blank before disappearing.

That's odd. I don't see a reason why that should be doing reminds me of an old issue I had back in an earlier version of Bully where I used a different titfuck position and the orgasm seemed to make the girl stop talking. As a result, I have zero clue how to fix it (especially given virtually the same exact position the Blaze uses is used earlier in the dialogue, with the Skeleton). Your best bet would either be to (A) manually re-orgasm, (B) force an orgasm (with the J key), or (C) go into the dialogue editor and force-play BlazeCumB001. I'd advise against the third option only because the sheer volume of lines makes it tough to find a given line - the scroll bar in that window is rather finicky.

I imagine what may be happening is that some cum is getting in her mouth and the game WANTS to play a cum_in_mouth line but none exists for that position, so it's trying to queue that up after the cum_on_face line and finding a hard stop. A quick workaround would be to add this line


anywhere in the dialogue and it should fix the possibility, if this is actually what is going wrong. I'm going to go ahead and add this line in and upload it as a precaution. If it IS the issue, then I've fixed it. If not, then it shouldn't harm anything (since her tan is never really brought up as a plot point).


Vivacious Visitor
Jun 4, 2014
I'm not a fan of Minecraft, but I don't think I liked Minecraft Adventures less due to it. It has lots of character, and if there's a Minecraft mod that replaces the creatures with girls that resemble these, I would have to give it a try.

The lopsided composition of the poses were distracting from the action, putting a lot of empty space in the frame. You should give more thought to where you put the focal point. I could see where you sometimes let the background graphic dictate the camera position and zoom when you could have modified the bg to fit the position.


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Feb 13, 2016
I'm not a fan of Minecraft, but I don't think I liked Minecraft Adventures less due to it. It has lots of character, and if there's a Minecraft mod that replaces the creatures with girls that resemble these, I would have to give it a try.

For what it's worth, those costumes are based (with varying degrees of accuracy) on the Mob Talkers mod if I'm not mistaken. Not sure how fleshed out the actual personalities of the girls in that mod are, though. If you're gauging what they look like in that mod based off this dialogue or Dante's set (as that's where I got these, and he has a few more beyond those I used such as more Villager types), know that the level of accuracy varies from costume to costume; for example, I believe the Zombie is portrayed as a boy in the actual Minecraft mod. I've never used it though so I'm not certain.


I have an hp with windows 10 and I have tried to open the loader.swf file with chrome, flashplayer, and microsoft edge, and everytime i get the same grey screen with the error message: "error loading SDT.swf"


Casual Client
Mar 5, 2015
I have an hp with windows 10 and I have tried to open the loader.swf file with chrome, flashplayer, and microsoft edge, and everytime i get the same grey screen with the error message: "error loading SDT.swf"
Maybe this is the error you get so the solution would be below
Note that the thread itself explains why you shouldn't open the loader in a web browser and would be a nice read. ;)


Bedroom Philosopher
Content Creator
Sep 2, 2017
I mentioned making a thread like this over in another thread in this subforum, and now that I've gone and made a total of 2 dialogues (and one doesn't apply to the other thread), I'm gonna go ahead and leave them here. If I make any further dialogues, they'll be added as necessary.

See the Spoiler Clouds below for information on each one.

My Pre-Packaged Loader [Last Updated May 8, 2016]
Link to the Pre-Packaged Loader

This is a simple, pre-set loader which contains all of the following:
  • Copies of each dialogue I have made (Bully, Assassin, Out of This World, Dark Magician Girl, Mag Prime, Minecraft Adventure, Trials of the Ancients)
  • Character codes pre-set to the various characters in my dialogues (Megan, Nyx with and without her Hood, Mara, Dark Magician Girl, Mag Prime and Neith). For Dark Magician Girl and Mag Prime, versions not utilizing their unique dialogues are also supplied. Note: I have not included the girls from the Minecraft Dialogue because, unlike the other dialogues, their freeforms can be immediately reached without having to go through the dialogue another time.
  • Copies of my Saryn and Nyx mods (these currently do not have dialogue - I intend to eventually make dialogues for them, this is more of a framework to save myself a little time when I make those and put them into my loader pack).
  • All assets needed to make these work (i.e. it has the Female Ninja.swf and Dark Hood.png key to making Nyx look like an actual assassin)
  • MoreClothing v5.3, Animtools v15, DialogueActions v4.02, and DialogueDisplayEdit v1
You simply download the .zip located in this spoiler cloud, extract it, start the Loader inside up and you're good to go.

All creators whose mods I have used in one or more of my dialogues (such as Animtools and the Dark Magician Girl hairstyle) are credited in the SOURCES.txt file which can be found inside the main folder.

Additionally, a text file titled "Notes From Samoth" can be found inside the main folder as well, which helps explain how to use this package.

If/when I create more dialogues, I will update the loader to contain these as well.

NOTE: The quick-select dialogues for Megan, Nyx and Mara are just the freeform portions of their respective dialogues trimmed down (and with certain aspects removed, such as the "counter" in Bully which would trigger the end sequence after 5 ejaculations).

Hung Like a Bully [Last Updated March 30, 2016] *READ THE MOD/ASSET REQUIREMENTS BEFORE DOWNLOADING V1.5*
Change Log:
v1.5 - Major update (hence why I jumped "4 versions")! Some dialogue lines reworked, others added. Further code updates based on newer works (or at least based on progress towards my next new dialogue). New freeform end system added - after the main sequence ends, you can choose how it progresses until the story's completion. It makes more sense once you get in game, trust me. Make sure you read the Mod and Asset Requirements for this one before just grabbing the new version - there's something in there you have to see!
v1.1 - Updated code to bring in-line with newer releases, added bits here and there. (Example: during final climax dialogue, moans are now added.)
Story: (Shamelessly copy-pasted from the other thread where I first posted this)
You are an honors student at the high school you're currently going to. Well, the grade is never specified but I feel high school fits best. You tend to get to school rather early because you have to take a public bus that runs on its own schedule, not the school's. As a result, you're one of the few people at school at this time. You like to go into the Janitor's Closet to study there, as you're friends with one of the custodians and it's far quieter in there...

However, one of the others who gets to school this early is "the Bully." (That's her name in this spoiler box because you can change it at your whim) She's been harassing you, teasing you, calling you names - basically everything in the book that's nonphysical. She would hunt you down before school started daily and taunt you until she got a reaction. She's let up on this behavior before school as of late, since she hasn't found your hiding spot. But today, she saw you walking in the closet. "This is it," she realizes. "I can finally corner him and have my way with him.

But what you DON'T know, however, is that she has a secret...
Instructions and Notes for Users:
This one runs better when the male has a name IMO. The two say each others' names a lot during the dialogue. You can also tweak the girl's name through the code - since it only loads once, you just change it up front and you're golden. The same goes for her hair. I would advise against changing her outfit, though. That part makes sense in context.

No actions occur (in terms of pleasure) until the handjob. Let the dialogue run fully before having him cum. In my testing, I've found I can pretty much get him there by moving quickly over the course of the whole interaction once she grabs him.

Position 2 has 3 Resistance lines, 3 Pull_off lines, and no vigorous lines.

Positions 3 through 6 each have 3 Vigorous lines. For position 3: although the 3 lines are thoughts, you'll have to pull out to get them to fire because of the way the code is set up.

For the freeform section: You click a button to swap to a position. The code is designed such that in any non-oral position, the "counter" to track progress towards the end is built into the dialogue. For the oral positions, it's coded into the Restart lines so make sure to let them fire. You'll know when they're done - the girl coughs once. After 5 counts, the game will progress to the end.

Also note that if you cum in a non-oral position, then swap to an oral position it will inevitably try to fire a Restart line before she has cum after swapping positions. Be aware of this, it might make the counter progress faster than you want it to.
Mod/Asset Requirements *Must Read*:
  • Animtools (v15 as of this post, v14 worked as well)
    • You now need a unique position not part of the starter pack supplied with Animtools. For your convenience, this position is included in my attachments (as I was the one who updated it to be compatible with v15 of Animtools. It was originally one of SkullH's old positions but it acted weird when I tried to use it so I just recreated it, hence it being the 'updated version.' To install this position, download it and then put it in your Animtools_positions folder. It should work once you've done that.
  • DialogueActions (v4.02 as of this post, v4.01 worked as well)
  • No assets are REQUIRED, as the base is 100% vanilla set pieces, but you can get a better Storage Room background from SyntaxTerror's background thread. Specifically, I use his "Storage Room (3)" on my end. If you have a better one, feel free to use it.
Miscellaneous Notes:
You might notice similarities between my dialogue/my dialogue's progression and those of a dialogue done by Chipster, called "Got The Lead." This is because I used his as a sort of template to learn from in the creation of this one (as it was my first) So yeah. If you happen to read this for whatever reason, thanks Chipster. Also thanks to Pim_gd for his dialogue guide and the dialogue checker tool.

Assassin Seduction [Last Updated April 16, 2016]
[IMPORTANT NOTE: You now need MoreClothing if you want this dialogue to function properly. The changes to this code now necessitate its use (unless a charcode setting of tops:none will remove a .swf that was added in. The only reason this is here, is because earlier versions of this dialogue gave the user the option of just importing the outfit .swf and not bothering to use MoreClothing. The code's different now.]
Change Log:
v1.5 - Updated code to bring in line with my newest iteration of "code design." Added bits of dialogue here and there, (p)added all positions to 3 vigorous lines each, added freeform post-ending system (if you've played Bully v1.5, it's the end system there without the climax limit. If you haven't, it basically allows you to keep fucking after the story's done).

v1.2 - Updated code in a fashion similar to v1.1 of Hung Like A Bully (both received overhauls due to my new design for Out of This World), changed some lines so that the girl removes her clothes at the titfuck scene (this is also mentioned in the dialogue), added moans to final climax.

v1.1 - Tweaked codes to remove references to MoreClothing Body pieces. I've figured out how to bind the sleeve to the rest of the outfit, so now that issue is gone. I've also updated the instructions to reflect not having to grapple with the sleeves anymore.
You're an adventurer out travelling between towns and between quests, when you're suddenly ambushed by a mysterious figure. Despite your best efforts to talk to her - it appears to be a her because you can clearly see where her breasts would be on her outfit - she does not respond. The battle is a challenge, but you eventually find yourself victorious. You refuse to kill the assassin immediately, instead curious about two things: why the assassin is here, and who she is...
Instructions and Notes for Users:
You don't need a name as terribly much here. I'd heavily advise you go read the Mod/Asset Requirements section because this one is a bit more of a doozy than the first one is, especially in terms of how you load things (at least the way I have mine set up).

The first part of the dialogue (until the first blowjob) can kinda drag on, so be aware of that. There's a heavy bit of exposition that goes on to set it up here. The last prompt I wrote for gave me a lot of the framework so I didn't have as much to do.

The dialogue after the first finish is much shorter, and you can start the next position almost immediately once it is queued (unlike the first).

All positions before freeform mode have 3 vigorous lines. The initial blowjob has 3 vigorous lines, 3 resistance lines, and one first_dt line.

Freeform operates almost exactly like in Bully, with the sole difference being that there's no upper limit on the number of climaxes here (since the two characters don't have class in half an hour and would eventually have to stop and clean up). In freeform, all positions have 3 vigorous lines. The blowjob and facefuck each also have 3 pull_off lines.
Mod/Asset Requirements:
This one's nasty. We need 3 mods this time:
  • Animtools (v15 as of this post, v14 worked as well)
  • DialogueActions (v4.02 as of this post, v4.01 worked as well)
  • MoreClothing (v5.3 as of this post, v5.1 worked as well)
We also need two Grakata asset downloads for this one:
  • Dante's "Female Ninja.swf" from his Imports Thread (over on Artist's Alley)
  • The "Dark Hood" hair style from Mainem's Imports Thread (also in the same location)
You can swap these out as you feel, but the female should appear to be like an assassin. I couldn't find a better hood/mask that I felt worked for the sequence (I envisioned something like the facemasks the League of Assassins wear in Batman: Arkham City so that during the intro the guy pulls the mask down to expose her mouth, but I couldn't really find anything I felt fit that bill perfectly) but this one works well enough.

For those of you unfamiliar with how to work the MoreClothing, here's a step-by-step guide:
  1. Download, extract the zip files.
  2. Go into the folder you just downloaded, open the MoreClothingSettings.txt file.
  3. Delete basically every line of text in the clothes list (you'll know when it starts) that isn't a background or hairstyle. This will save you alot of time whenever you boot up the Loader. You could instead opt to leave it once and dig through them to see which ones interest you before pruning out everything else. It's entirely your call. You could easily just re-download the .zip file for MoreClothing (or hold onto it to begin with) to re-acquire the large chunk of mods this step deletes.
  4. Add in the two asset mods downloaded for this dialogue to the MoreClothingSettings.txt file. For the hood, name it "hairs/[full name of the file when you downloaded it]=[whatever you want to call it, I called it "Assassin Hood"]". Obviously you'll want it under the Hairs subcategory.
  5. For the Ninja Outfit, you've got a few options. I put it under "Tops" and named it "[filename]=[Display Name, I used "Ninja Outfit"]:CostumeTop:CostumeBottoms>CostumeTop:CostumeCollar>CostumeTop:Body>CostumeTop". For those new to MoreClothing, this will bind the collar, bottoms, and tops pieces all to the Top tab. It will also bind the sleeves that would be missing if you didn't have Body>CostumeTop as part of the code. So when you cycle through your tops (if you use this code) to the Ninja Outfit, the whole thing will load rather than just what MoreClothing considers to be the top portion.
  6. Take the assets (the ninja outfit .swf and the hood) and put them in the "MoreClothingMods" subfolder (in the MoreClothingMod folder). Put the hood specifically into the "hairs" subfolder within this one. That or remove "hairs/" from the name of the hair file earlier in your settings. Either/or, I'm assuming. I know it works to put it in the hairs subfolder so I'm sticking to that.
  7. Take the "MoreClothingV[whatever version].swf," "MoreClothingSettings.txt," and the "MoreClothingMods" subfolder and copy them (or directly move them) to your $INIT folder in "Mods." In the $INIT folder, update Mods.txt to include "MoreClothingV[version number].swf" and SPECIFICALLY put it at the bottom of the list. We want it loading last, unless you've got a buttload of mods in which case good luck, we're all counting on you.
  8. The next time (and all subsequent times) you run the Loader, you should see it load in your clothing via MoreClothing. THIS is why I said to delete everything. Because otherwise this is over 100 items and it takes its sweet time loading.
  9. Once the loader is finished, take a quick moment to test and make sure the stuff is there. In the Scene tab, cycle through her shirts until you find the Ninja Outfit. If you clumped them elsewhere (i.e. under Collars), use that tab instead. If you didn't clump them, you'll have parts in 4 of the tabs: shirts, pants, collars, and the "Body" tab near the bottom of the scroll window. That one's unique - once you've cycled to the piece you want to add, you click it rather than it being automatically put on the model. If you've done it right, her new outfit should be there.
The alternative I had before NO LONGER WORKS AS OF V1.2 OF THIS DIALOGUE. Unfortunately you now have to do the above. However, IMO it's not that difficult and it really opens up possibilities for a new user going forward (especially the utility of MoreClothing as a whole...or if I ever get around to that mega dialogue I had a vision for, having MoreClothing installed will be an absolute necessity for that.

Dark Magician Girl [Last Updated: March 5, 2016]
Change Log:
v1.1 - Fixed dialogue errors I had missed because I forgot to run this through the Dialogue Checker in the first place. One of the Restart Lines should now be working as intended, as well as one of the Wake lines.
None, really. The best I can do if you want a story is that for some reason, Dark Magician Girl has challenged you to a duel where the loser is the first one to come. You're obviously going to be the one losing...but is it really a loss, given what you're getting for it?
Instructions and Notes for Users:
No instructions, this one functions like a dialogue pack (examples include the Default pack in SDT, CGma's 'Dynamic Girlfriend' and f93's 'Ruby'). The following is the number of unique lines for each subcategory listed:
Intro: 5
Resistance: 5
First_throat: 3
First_dt: 3
Pulled_up: 2
Pulled_down: 2
General: 5
Pull_off: 4
Vigorous: 4
Held: 3
Wake: 3
Pre_cum: 4
Cum_in_eye: 2
Cum_on_face: 4
Cum_in_mouth: 4
Cum_in_throat: 3
Swallow: 4
Restart: 4
Drool: 4
Pulled_up and Pulled_down both prompt a change in the action. Specifically, pulling her down releases his hold on her so she can go at her own pace and pulling her up grabs her.
Mod/Asset Requirements:
No mods needed this time. Just the .swf. You can get the costume from Dante's Artist Alley thread, and the hair from Kir's imports thread in the Graveyard subcategory (as of this thread - there's no guarantee that Kir's thread will remain in the Graveyard/Dante might update the link to the hair in his own thread which removes the need to point out Kir's thread).
You CAN put the body costume into MoreClothing if you have it. To rig it to one clothing slot, you can use the following code:
Dark_Magician_Girl_Outfit.swf=Dark Magician Girl:CostumeTop:CostumeBottoms>CostumeTop:CostumeFootwear>CostumeTop:CostumeCollar>CostumeTop:Body>CostumeTop
This example code binds all pieces to the Costume Top section. This is not necessary for this dialogue, though, because there are no clothing transitions.

Out of This World [Last Updated: April 17, 2016]
Change Log:
v1.3 - Following the pattern set by Bully v1.5 and Assassin v1.5, this update brings a Freeform end system. There are also updates to the code to bring it in line with my most recent of coding designs.
An alien race has invaded Earth and conquered it. Now, all humans are presented before their leader, King Boros in our language, to be judged and sentenced to their fate - whether it be manual labor, mental work, or something else. When you are sent forward to be judged, another alien interrupts him as he is about to sentence you. The two have a brief discussion. After it ends, Boros commands you to follow the alien. As you get close, you realize the alien appears to be female.

She leads you into one of their ships and through a maze of twisting corridors until you find yourself in front of a sealed doorway. She inputs a code into the keypad next to it and it opens. She enters the room and you follow her in...
Instructions and Notes for Users:
There are 3 resistance lines, 3 first_dt lines, and 3 vigorous for the initial blowjob sequence, for anyone looking to experience all the dialogue lines. In fact, every position has 3 vigorous lines.

For the second position, make sure to cum in her mouth like she specifically states in the pre-cum line.

The last 2 positions of the main story no longer tie their pre-cum dialogue into the next block of text thanks to my discovery of the cuminher dialogue line supplied by Animtools. If you've experienced Bully v1.5 or Assassin v1.5, this shouldn't be much of a surprise (because I found it out before doing those, too).

This freeform is unique in that it adds an entire new position to the list of options. The first time you choose this position, there will be an extended dialogue as the player broaches the idea with Mara. Subsequent instances of choosing this position will not repeat this extended dialogue.

Each of the 5 positions have 3 vigorous dialogue lines. The blowjob and the new position both also have 3 pull-off lines. All have pre-cum lines and other cum lines as applicable (i.e. the Blowjob position has cum on face, cum in mouth, and cum in throat dialogue lines whereas the Doggystyle only has the cuminher line for climax).
Mod/Asset Requirements:
  • Animtools (v15 as of this post, v14 worked as well)
  • DialogueActions (v4.02 as of this post, v4.01 worked as well)
  • No assets are REQUIRED, as the base is 100% vanilla set pieces, but you can definitely do better than the background I'm using. I was too lazy to find a bedroom that looks decently sci-fi enough to fit the scene, so I didn't bother adding one in.
Miscellaneous Notes:
For the record:
  • Yes, the leader of the aliens being named Boros is a OPM reference.
  • Yes, I know he only has one eye so her being his daughter (and having 2 eyes) seems weird.
  • No, I don't give a damn about it.
Also like I said in the Mod/Asset Requirements (if for some reason you decided to read this first or skip that because I didn't mention it in the instructions like I do for the nightmare that is Assassin Seduction), you can probably find a better background than the stock one I used. I honestly didn't even try. I might try hunting one down later and updating to point out where I got it from.

Mag Prime [Last Updated: April 19, 2016]
There is no story to this one. You're just being sucked off by Mag Prime for some reason. It operates the same way the Dark Magician Girl dialogue does - that is, there isn't an overarching story. Just the lines which will occur when you perform specific actions. The following spoiler cloud counts up the total number of lines present in this mod:
Intro: 3
General: 3
Resistance: 5
First_DT: 3
Pull_off: 5
Vigorous: 5
Pre_cum: 3
Cum_on_face: 3
Cum_in_mouth: 3
Cum_in_throat: 3
Restart: 3
There are alot of references to things from Warframe that a given person may not get without having prior knowledge. Since my Imports thread is going to be more Warframe-centric than this one is, you can go there to find an up-to-date list of references I make in my Warframe-related dialogue(s) to get a better understanding of what the girl is talking about.

This is meant to work with my Mag Prime mod, which can be found in my Imports thread. It makes more sense to use an appropriate (read: Warframe-themed) background with this, and those can also be found in my imports thread. My signature contains a direct link to the thread in question. Happy hunting.

Minecraft Adventure [Last Updated: May 8, 2016]
Download Link: MEGA
One day you wake up and suddenly find yourself in a Minecraft world. But all is not as it would initially seem...
(There's not a lot of back story here, but the dialogue itself actually has quite a story to it.)
Instructions and Notes for Users:
About Scene Selection:
Scene Select allows you to jump to various points in the dialogue because this is an insanely large dialogue (especially compared to my others). Each scene is labeled based on the last girl fucked (each scene marks the swap to a different girl; if a girl is fucked 3 times in sequence - like the Skeleton - the only jump you can make with respect to watching her scenes is right before her first one. You could then use the force-ejaculation (default J key) to jump the first and/or second scenes as necessary to return to where you were before you last stopped).

This system is here because I figured this would be too large for many people to get through in a single sitting. It also made it far easier for me to debug.
There is A LOT of dialogue. Be prepared for that. For the most part, dialogues will progress regardless of where you cum (face, mouth or throat).

For the Spider's first scene, DO NOT force ejaculation. It's specially scripted to REQUIRE you to reach pre-cum stage based on my current coding. Otherwise, there aren't really any specifications to keep in mind beyond that a girl has to be able to speak to swap positions or swap between characters when in Freeform.
Mod/Asset Requirements (And Installation Instructions):
You need the following mods for SDT to run this:
  • Animtools (v15 used as of this update)
  • DialogueActions (v4.02)
  • MoreClothing (v5.3)
I also advise getting DialogueDisplayEdit from Sby for this as well, as some dialogues may be difficult to see using the default SDT dialogue windows. I have the code in mine altered to this:

Her Speaking Color:

His Speaking Color:

Thought Color:
My Loader Package includes DialogueDisplayEdit and has this already set for it, which is one of the two reasons I strongly advise just downloading that instead (even if you downloaded it already in the past - just delete the old copy entirely).

The other reason is that this one requires a bunch of additions to Animtools and MoreClothing in terms of positions and mods respectively, which I have included in the standalone download of this dialogue. In the .zip folder for Minecraft Adventure, there are 2 folders helpfully labeled "To Add To Animtools" and "To Add To MoreClothing." Add all positions in the Animtools folder to your Animtools_Positions folder in your Settings, and add all mods in the MoreClothing folder to your MoreClothing Mods. I've also included README.txt files in both of these folders which repeat the above instructions. The MoreClothing version of the readme also includes all codes to drop into your MoreClothingSettings.txt file as well.

Once you've done this, put the Minecraft Adventure folder in your Mods folder somewhere and add it to Character Folders (or run CharacterFolder.jar, either/or). Then you can initiate it by going into SDT and clicking it, much like the way Wee Willie's "Trials of the Sorceress" dialogue is started.
Miscellaneous Notes:
This is by far the longest dialogue I have ever written, and incredibly likely the longest dialogue I ever WILL write. After my formatting, the dialogue comes in at about 1,600 lines according to DialogueChecker. If I were to un-format it (example: I put in a bunch of blank lines to keep it a bit neater), it'd probably still clock in at around 1,500 lines. I'm just proud of myself for having finally finished this monstrosity of a dialogue.

Trials of the Ancients [Last Updated: May 14, 2016]
Download Link: MEGA
You are the lead archaeologist on the excavation of a newly discovered tomb in Egypt. Despite heiroglyphics around the entrance, you carry on with the excavation. You are doing a routine examination of the tomb before work starts one day when an unknown voice calls out to you...
Instructions and Notes for Users:
For the 2 riddles you have to interact with, choose your answer by selecting the button. Getting it wrong will lead to a bad ending and force you to start over. For those who don't want to have to guess, you can either look into the actual .txt file and figure out which answers are right from that, or look in this box below for cheaters:
Riddle 1: Fire
Riddle 2: A cloud
Alternatively, you can just Google the riddles. That's how I found them to begin with.

The freeform at the end operates like all my other freeform systems - push button, swap to position, continue fucking.
Mod/Asset Requirements (And Installation Instructions):
You need the following mods (not included in the .zip download) to run this:
  • Animtools (v15 as of this post)
  • DialogueActions (v4.02)
To Install, download the .zip file located in this spoiler cloud and put it in your Mods folder. Take the one position inside the download and put it in your animtools_settings folder and you're good to go. I would advise getting DialogueDisplayEdit as well, as the art on Neith's legs makes it kind of hard to read text over. The same settings used for my Minecraft Adventure dialogue will work here, although you may also want to swap the Thought text box (perhaps make it green with white text, like Her lines are red/white and His are blue/white).
Any comments, criticism, and pointing out of spelling errors or other miscellaneous issues are welcome. I've run all scripts I upload here through Pim_gd's Dialogue Checker already, so that won't dredge up anything as far as I'm aware.

8/23 EDIT: I've rehosted the .zip files found here (Pre-packaged Loader, Minecraft and Trials of the on Mega at the request of a user, alongside all other files I used to host on Google (i.e. the Mag Prime.swf standalone).
Hey Samoth. I just downloaded and used your prepackaged loader to be able to use your bully dialogue and noticed that her spit comes out completely white and not clear like in the other loader I have that I downloaded from sby. Why is this?


Bedroom Philosopher
Content Creator
Sep 2, 2017
Hey Samoth. I just downloaded and used your prepackaged loader to be able to use your bully dialogue and noticed that her spit comes out completely white and not clear like in the other loader I have that I downloaded from sby. Why is this?
Update: Okay. It turns out that I can use this dialogue just fine with my own version of the loader (i.e., version 5.45d that I got from sby if I remember correctly) and fix the spit issue. All I needed to do was separately load your versions of dialogueactions and animtools from your prepackaged loader and turn on and off the strand shaders. Although, the only issue is that the dialogue does not automatically load the required animtools positions, so I have to load them myself. Nonetheless, all is well now. You did an amazing job on the bully dialogue. It is perhaps my second favorite one that I've downloaded, with the first being the insecure audio dialogue. Cheers, and have a lovely day.
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Bedroom Philosopher
Content Creator
Sep 2, 2017
Hello Samoth. I am writing a dialogue that is somewhat based on your "Hung Like a Bully" dialogue. The first three scenes go as follows:
Scene 1: default position.
Scene 3: ANIMTOOLS_$ATV2_titfuck_jetstorm.

I am having trouble triggering the following lines:

blowjobcum001:"AHH! Wow, lieutenant! This is a most exemplary exam performance indeed.[blowjobcum002]"{"style":"Him"}
blowjobcum002:"Thank you for your praise, general. This is all for the glory of the Motherland![blowjobcum003]"
blowjobcum003:"It most certainly is, Lieutenant Fedosya. I think you are ready now for the advanced part of the exam.[blowjobcum004]"{"style":"Him"}
blowjobcum004:"[LOOK_UP] What do you mean sir...[SHOCK][FACE_FUCK_STYLE]? So this is what you mean?[blowjobcum005]"{"set":{"position":"facefuck"}}
blowjobcum005:"Yes Lieutenant Fedosya. Only this time, I shall be slapping you as well as part of an evaluation of your pain tolerance.[blowjobcum006]"{"style":"Him"}
blowjobcum006:"[NORMAL_MOOD][LOOK_DOWN]Understood sir. Commence the evaluation... this will be pleasurable for the both of us.[blowjobcum007]"
blowjobcum007:"Heh, your enthusiasm to serve is most admirable indeed Lieutenant Fedosya. It's a pity we will only be doing this once."{"style":"Him"}

vigorous_facefuck_true:"[SLAP][MOAN][AHEGAO_MOOD]You really weren't kidding, were you lieutenant? I can tell by your face that you're really enjoying this."{"style":"Him"}
vigorous_facefuck_true:"[HAPPY_MOOD][ADD_TEARS]That's right, my dear Fedosya. [SLAP] Take it! [SLAP] Take it all! Take my punishment like the harlot you are. Feel me down your throat as I slap, punish, and humiliate you[SLAP]!"{"style":"Him"}
vigorous_facefuck_true:"What has he done to me? I can't help but be feel exhilarated at being treated like this. I must be a masochist by this point."{"style":"Thought"}
vigorous_facefuck_true:"Pound my face and destroy my throat, sir."

My issue is figuring out how to trigger the vigorous facepound lines(highlighted in yellow font) only when the guy is in that position. What I'm thinking is that once I figure this out, I can successfully figure out a way to make the dialogue transition using dialogueactions. If you can help me with this, that would be great. Even help with just one line from the vigorous facepound position would be of great help. Here is the link to the thread where I asked the same question:
Help With the Dialogueactionsmod.
Thanks in advance for replying.


Forums Moderator
Discord Moderator
Content Creator
2D Artist
Feb 13, 2016
The basic idea is that (and I'm not sure how much of this applies because I can't see all the lines you have) you take an inherent line type (here, the 'vigorous' line) and you make its sole trigger some sort of variable based response, like [vigorous_*chapter*]. The *chapter* variable is incremented throughout the dialogue to act as a progression marker. I follow this sort of pattern throughout my dialogues (the _true being a separate "endgame" check, solely used for the sake of "endless replayability" at the end through what I've referred to as "freeform" segments in the past.

If you want to PM me a copy of your dialogue as-is I could take a better look at it and help identify issues (as is I can't really say with certainty what your problem is because it could be that you don't have the thing I listed above, or maybe a variable is misplaced somewhere - things that I wouldn't see from what you've posted alone).

Hope this helps!


Bedroom Philosopher
Content Creator
Sep 2, 2017
The basic idea is that (and I'm not sure how much of this applies because I can't see all the lines you have) you take an inherent line type (here, the 'vigorous' line) and you make its sole trigger some sort of variable based response, like [vigorous_*chapter*]. The *chapter* variable is incremented throughout the dialogue to act as a progression marker. I follow this sort of pattern throughout my dialogues (the _true being a separate "endgame" check, solely used for the sake of "endless replayability" at the end through what I've referred to as "freeform" segments in the past.

If you want to PM me a copy of your dialogue as-is I could take a better look at it and help identify issues (as is I can't really say with certainty what your problem is because it could be that you don't have the thing I listed above, or maybe a variable is misplaced somewhere - things that I wouldn't see from what you've posted alone).

Hope this helps!
You know what, sure. I'll go do that right now. I'll start a private conversation with you here on this site and upload the work I have so far. Much thanks.
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Potential Patron
Jan 23, 2025
Hi! I just got back into this game after ages and was replaying your minecraft dialogue, but I bumped into an issue. When I get to the Librarian 2 scene, after coming back from the nether, and getting her handjob scene, the screen goes black because the main character has gone to sleep. But it stays black! Idk what to do. The dialogue keeps going and I'm supposed to fuck the librarian now, but the screen is still black so I can't see anything. I can only see the number values of resistance, cum etc. at the top of the screen.

Edit: Decided to snoop through the dialog file and managed to fix this! I added [END_FLASH] to line 893 on the Minecraft Adventure.txt file, like so:
librariancumB005:"[END_FLASH]<Your deliberation is interrupted by Laura.>[librariancumB006]"{"style":"Thought"}
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Forums Moderator
Discord Moderator
Content Creator
2D Artist
Feb 13, 2016
Huh. Weird. I'd swear I playtested it and never had an issue like that. I'll have to tweak it at some point, I suppose. Thanks for finding that.

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