Samoth's Imports (03-03-2025 Update: Nimi Nightmare Dynamic Hair [Vtuber]) (9 Viewers)


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Feb 13, 2016
Really like your RWBY mods can you do one for Sienna Khan?

I'll be honest: Sienna's one I did consider at one point in the past. The one concern I recall having was that her volume 4 outfit seemed like it had stuff that interconnected between her chest and her arms, which really wouldn't be feasible with the way SDT works; having seen her past outfit, though, it looks to me that the easy solution would be to simply disregard her cape (due to the afforementioned "not really working in SDT" issue).

For the time being, though, I want to focus on getting the Volume 6 girls out first (Terra's clothes, Saphron, Jinn, young Maria, past Salem, and a couple others that - if my sources are correct - will be appearing in episode 13; I don't have the premium membership thing RT offers so I watch the episodes when they go public).


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Feb 13, 2016
Something something "for thousands of years, I have laid dormant", something something "back now with another mod."

In any case… Pokemon has decided to come out of the gate swinging this month in terms of waifus, it seems. I’ve noticed no one has made a Sonia hair yet, which surprised me a bit given someone I'd swear someone made a mod for the female protagonist shortly after she was first revealed (though I can't seem to find the mod after a short search). In any case, I've decided to fix the issue I’ve decided to fix that, or at least make an attempt to do so.


Two versions of the hair exist – with and without the glasses. I'll also take this moment to note that I really wish we had more good side references of Sonia because the front forelock is still bugging me, though we probably won't get any until we get either another demo of the game before release that features her, or until the game actually releases. But I digress.

Feedback is welcomed as always. Enjoy! Or don’t. I’m not your supervisor.

Hank East

Content Creator
Jan 25, 2012
Seeing as I sadly won't be getting Sword and Shield, I guess this will make adequate...Comfort :P BTW, I don't think there's a mod for the SwSh female protagonist, you might be mixing that up with the SuMo one, as they do look rather similar. Maybe an idea for a future project? :3


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Feb 13, 2016
It's possible I saw the SuMo one; I just recall there being one for a protag and the caption being something like "it had to happen" (as in the little tagline underneath the post on the RM).

A couple friends of mine who know about this stuff are fans of Shield (that's the name I've heard thrown around for her as a placeholder for the time being) so if there isn't a mod for her than that'd probably go on the list as well.

EDIT: I can't seem to find this one either lmao; to be fair I may be mixing it up with another character because I have no clue who the tagline was for other than (I think) it being for someone from Pokémon.


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Feb 13, 2016
Y' that I look at the link you posted, I think that Bowsette hair is the one I was referring to in my last post. I recognize the tagline. That'd explain why I had trouble finding what I was looking for (since I was expecting Pokemon, not Bowsette). Thanks for the help on that!


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Feb 13, 2016
Ramblings on other mods and their existence aside, it's time for more content. Sonia's outfit is now complete!


Shot of right arm:

Shot of left arm:

Links continue to be in the OP as always.


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Feb 13, 2016
I feel like I've fallen behind the 8-ball a bit here, given the release of another trailer with another girl worth looking into (I'm not sure I'm too keen on Olessa at this time but Bea seems interesting)... but that's a story for another day. The story for today is Nessa. Ok, that's not really a story but still.


Links are in the same place they always are. Enjoy!

Also, one other thing that's not really important in any way, shape, or form but I feel like "officially" making a note of - I've taken the time to make a Twitter account to announce this stuff on as well, so that's another avenue people can use to keep appraised of new mods I make when I finally get enough time to rip myself away from FF14 and other games long enough to make them put them together and publish them. A link to my Twitter is in my forum signature.


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Feb 13, 2016
If I could come up with a proper lead-in I’d probably post a gif of the Undertaker sitting up in his coffin, but that’s besides the point. I have found myself once more drawn to SDT tomfoolery, and that’s what counts.

First, a confession. Besides being a lazy little shit, I had actually started work on a Nessa outfit months ago after I made the hair, but never got around to finishing it. Working on that again was what got me back into the swing of things, so to speak. Yet I didn’t finish it until a few days ago… so when I was prepping to go live I noticed someone else had already beaten me to the punch on a Nessa outfit. However, having examined theirs and compared it to my own, I found that we made different artistic choices (personally I think Masterdragon did a better job on the shoes than I did, for example). Therefore, combined with the fact that this wouldn’t be the first time multiple versions of the same outfit are on the RM, I have decided to publish my version as well. A preview is below, as usual.


Shot of right arm:

Short of left upper arm:

When I found the other Nessa outfit, I felt bad about making a post that would have been solely for an outfit someone else had already done. Thus, I opted to hold back the outfit for a couple of days while I got to work on something else so that my post had something unique to it.

To that end, I can now bring you a static hair for Gloria, aka Yuuri, aka the Pokemon SwSh female protagonist. I know the request for it is positively ancient now (I only just checked the dates while writing this… god, it’s been a YEAR since that was asked), but as I can see Hank East Hank East is still active on the forums, I can at least invoke the ping to let him know it finally happened. Yorokobe, shounen.


As an aside: I gave her a relatively decent chest to help the appearance of this being an “aged-up” version of the character since Gloria is, like all Pokemon protags, roughly -2 years old. (It never stopped the porn to begin with, but I feel better distancing myself from those concerns. But I digress.) Gonna try to not be an inactive little shit this time around and see how far that takes me.


Content Creator
May 9, 2020
Samoth Samoth if you want to merge my Nessa Outfit with yours in some way (like the shoe part) I can send you the fla file if you want. (If you just want it for reference and not actually merge it that's fine too ^^)

Hank East

Content Creator
Jan 25, 2012
Haha, I had honestly totally forgot about this :P

I've grown overall rather disillusioned with how Sword and Shield was handled, but nevertheless this is a good-looking import, nice job.


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Feb 13, 2016
Finally got around to finishing up Gloria's outfit. Add angry Scottish noises as applicable.


I've also updated both versions of the static hair to better mesh with the outfit (due to putting all of the hair in the "Above All" quadrant it would clip over the sweatshirt/jacket/whatever her top is, and IMO it should go under the top if there's an overlap like that). Links in the OP and on the resource pages are updated.

Hank East

Content Creator
Jan 25, 2012
Looks like Gloria grew up pretty nicely, eh? :P

I think the outfit overall looks pretty good, but I think it's missing a bit of shading which makes it look a little 'flat' so to speak.


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Feb 13, 2016
Looks like Gloria grew up pretty nicely, eh? :P

I wanted to make sure it was explicit that this was an "aged-up" version of Gloria, per my remark in the post about the hair about how every Pokemon protagonist is approximately -2 years old. Easiest way to do that is big tits (as long as it doesn't go into the territory of "shortstack" or "oppai loli" nonsense)

As far as your comments on the shading, does anywhere in particular stand out?

Hank East

Content Creator
Jan 25, 2012
It's not really one particular thing, but the outfit just has sections with too much of one colour that ends up looking flat. Hard to explain :P but I'd just add some shading to stuff like under the boobs, bottom sections of individual parts, and so on.

This D.Va mod D.Va Outfit has really great shading throughout, so maybe you could try copying how it was done there?


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Feb 13, 2016
I have an idea of what to do based on that, though I will admit I still ended up taking it slightly in my own personal direction.


In addition to adding shading to the arm behind the back (which is a touch I never even considered before, to be honest, though I do like it) I've shaded under the breast; the back end of her sleeves; at the bottom of her jacket, skirt and boots; and an attempt at a lighter shade on her side (sort of a reverse of "shade the edge to show it rounding down" - that being "lighten the middle for rounding up" or something similarly dumb in my head but I wanted to do it so here we are).

Whether or not it's "better", it's what I've gone with for the moment and is therefore still subject to change due to feedback or something like that.

Hank East

Content Creator
Jan 25, 2012
I think it already looks much better! The shading on the arms-on-back is a nice touch too, hadn't seen that before either.


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Feb 13, 2016
If there's one thing I'm consistent on, it's taking inexplicably long break periods due to a variety of reasons which I will summarize under the banner of "procrastination". In this installment, I have reactivated my dormant magical circuits to in the pursuit of porn.

Today, I'm serving up some Genshin Impact (another rabbit hole I have personally fallen down, AR50 and climbing) and I shall be starting with Amber, fire torch puzzle solver extraordinaire and wearer of a nice pair of booty shorts. As usual, minor artistic liberties have been taken because if I strain myself over every little detail I'd never finish any of these.


Link can be found in the main post, as well as a link to the hair used (which was sourced from tickles). I also used a custom background I made for the above shot, which can be found in the main post as well (and in the pre-set folder download on the mod page).


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Feb 13, 2016
Another one down. This time, I've done what I can to replicate Keqing's outfit. Speaking of Keqing, the fuck even is a Yuheng? I have her at friendship 10 and I still don't even know, to be fully honest. She just like, does stuff. Still quality, though.


I will note that there are deviations - such as the lack of her dangling ribbon things on her arms - but I have made these choices with the intent of trying to balance accuracy with "how much will this mod make me want to rip out my own hair." As always, links can be found in the OP. This pic uses tickles' Keqing hair, which is linked to from there as well, and a custom background based on the docks of Liyue which has been added to my (admittedly very small currently) background archive.

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