sby's loader imports (4 Viewers)


Content Creator
Sep 11, 2012
These mods are for use with the LOADER
if you don't know how to use loader imports, check the 'other downloads' section of this post for video tutorials​

--- Introduction: ---
i do "behavior" loader mods that use and manipulate konashion's current code framework. these mods do additional or limit selective things depending on the desired circumstance. essentially, i do code-based modding. i have no background in flash creation, but the actionscript language flash utilizes has familiar features to other languages i have used. because of this, i would like to thank modguy for the boiler plate flash project file / setup that i have been using; it has enabled me to do much by letting me into flash.

i used to post the notes in this main post, but they were not the easiest to read in the limited size of the forum page; so i removed them. the latest update comments will give the overview of the new mods/features, and the notes included with the mods go into further detail of all of the available features and options. mods using the new loader 5.18 settings style will have their comments in the settings file itself next to each option.

if you have any questions or suggestions for other mechanics/behavior modding, feel free to post here; it is the most likely area i will see it.

- formatting of mods in this post:

[mod name][Version number] : [small description, if it is a new version lists major changes]
[date uploaded] - [mod download link]
| picture of |
| mod here |
| |
[embedded picture view link]
[optional spoiler tag to view older versions of the mod]

--- Loader Imports: ---
Latest versions of my mods are now found on the forum resource manager here:
Downloads from sby
Older versions can be found below:
aimpenisV1: can angle the penis like bukkake mode, without the bukkake mode cumming limitations
2013/01/07 -
2013/01/07 - Box

allalphaslidersV5: added stuntcock's code to add missing secondary rgb sliders
2015/07/22 -
2015/07/22 - Box
allalphaslidersV4: adds alpha sliders to the vanilla color pickers, top alpha optional, nipple button
2014/10/23 - Box

allalphaslidersV3: adds alpha sliders to the vanilla color pickers missing them, top alpha optional
2014/08/09 - Box

allalphaslidersV2: adds alpha sliders to the vanilla color pickers missing them, saves top alpha
2014/06/30 - Box

allalphaslidersV1: adds alpha sliders to the vanilla color pickers missing them
2014/06/12 - Box

androidbehaviorV2: better openeyelid option, inthroatsoundbydepth option, removed emulating being awake
2013/01/18 -
2013/01/18 - Box
androidbehaviorV1: contains many featuring limiting for: vigour wincing,coughing,eye closing, blinking; emulates being awake
- toggles the sdt breath setting for emulating being awake, may leave it off after using.
2012/11/06 - Box

animtoolsV18: more sound options and dialog stuff
2016/12/28 -
2016/12/28 - Box
~share/find position files here: animtool positions
see 'other downloads' section in this post for video tutorials if included text guides unclear
animtoolsV17: her sound effects added
2016/10/19 -
2016/10/19 - Box

animtoolsV15: individual leg setting, his arm settings, her arm bugfix, new dialog lines, DA masterbate, random button
2016/03/05 -
2016/03/05 - Box

animtoolsV14: individual leg setting, his arm settings, her arm bugfix, new dialog lines, DA masterbate, random button
2015/01/24 -
2015/01/24 - Box

animtoolsV13: shade transition, hand fixes, startup position
2014/10/23 - Box

animtoolsV12: new zooming, bunch of fixes
2014/08/09 - Box

animtoolsV11: new interface, dialog variables, vigour settings; reupped with positions and tweaks
2014/06/16 - Box

animtoolsV10: behindleg feature, arm position maintaining, reload key, bug fixes
5/14/2014 - Box

animtoolsV9: props,in-loader position editing, auto mode fix, 'animtools_positions' folder
3/29/2014 - Box

animtoolsV8: dialog variable, user guides, editmode values view, penisrange mask
2013/10/09 - Box

animtoolsV7: character positions, quickloadkeys+, cuminher dialog, compatability
2013/08/02 - Box

animtoolsV6: better resistance, dynamic handontit loading, handjob hands, unix compatablity(hopefully)
2013/07/30 - Box

animtoolsV5: added custom resistance, dialog position loading, quickload keys
2013/05/08 - Box

animtoolsV4: more stuff, now incorporates animtoolsedit and animtoolloader
2013/03/30 - Box

animtoolloaderV3: loads position files created by animtooleditV3
2013/03/16 - Box

animtoolloaderV2: loads position files created by animtooleditV2
2013/02/08 - Box

animtooleditV3: create custom animations using tons of keys, then save them to use with animtoolloaderV3.
2013/03/16 - Box

animtooleditV2: create custom animations using tons of keys, then save them to use with animtoolloaderV2. new keys
2013/02/08 - Box

autocloseeyeV2: animtools contact support added
2015/01/24 -
2015/01/24 - Box
autocloseeyeV1: she closes her eyes when sucking the penis
2014/10/23 - Box

autoclosemouthV4: added animtools non oral support
2016/08/18 -
2016/08/18 - Box
autoclosemouthV3: added button control
2014/08/09 - autoclosemouthV3
2014/08/09 - Box

autoclosemouthV2: added some new settings to enable some minor additional features
2014/01/28 - Box

autoclosemouthV1: she closes her mouth when away from penis
2013/08/02 - Box

autohueregV2: fixed for loader 5.25c+
2013/08/02 - autohueregV2
2013/08/02 - Box
autohueregV1: automatically registers vanilla and loader imports for hue shifting
2013/06/17 - Box

breastexpansionplusV2_6: other belly skin tones added
2016/12/28 - breastexpansionplusV2_6
2016/12/28 - Box
breastexpansionplusV2_5: can use effective cum settings to shrink instead
2016/03/05 - breastexpansionplusV2_5
2016/03/05 - Box

breastexpansionV2_4a: tweaked swallow checking
2013/10/09 - breastexpansionplusV2_4a
2013/10/09 - Box

breastexpansionV2_4: body scale bug, animtools bigpenis and bodycontact cumming
2013/07/30 - Box

BreastExpansionV2_3: added cumming pressure temp expansion, dialog variable bugfix
2013/06/17 - Box

BreastExpansionV2_2: added some dialog variables to use in dialogs
2013/04/25 - Box

BreastExpansionV2_1: bigger max belly, modpanel buttons, manual autoshrink, bugfixed
2013/03/30 - Box

BreastExpansionV2_0: dialog triggers + actions, timepuke option, eyecum, penisdistance expansions
2013/02/17 - Box

BreastExpansionV1.9: puke animation, puke button, better puke settings, cleaner settings file
2013/01/29 - Box
- Zan made a dialog for a BE scenario:

BreastExpansionV1.8: included option to turn off belly movieclip
2013/01/10 - Box

BreastExpansionV1.6.1: new core framework around cum inside, belly expansion (animation by Dante), sounds, debug view
2012/12/17 - Box

BreastExpansionV1.5.1: fixed for sdt 1.18, hopefully fixed resource class error, added asyncronous breast cum splitting
2012/11/27 - Box

BreastExpansionV1.5: cumming breasts and superbreast features added; built onto from V1.4clean
- don't use superbreast=1 with superbreastV1 mod
2012/11/13 - Box

BreastExpansionV1.4 clean: cleaned out version of BEplus1.4, non-BE features been pruned and uploaded as separate mods
2012/10/26 - Box

BreastExpansionV1.4: the 4th version of BE, i suggest downloading the "clean" version instead with other mods desired
2012/10/09 - Box

BreastExpansionV1.3: more BE features included, some extra mods incorporated
2012/09/18 - Box

BreastExpansionV1.2: an updated version of breastexpansionplus with new features. (V1.1 was never uploaded)
2012/08/28 - Box

BreastExpansionV1.1: 1st mod uploaded, is a pimped version of Modguy's "breast expansion test" mod
2012/08/06 - Box

breastfirmnessV1: adjust how much the breasts sway with movement
2013/07/30 - breastfirmnessV1
2013/07/30 - Box

cheekbulgeeditV3: added cheeksuck, altered settings
2016/10/19 - cheekbulgeeditV3
2016/10/19 - Box
cheekbulgeeditV2: modifies how cheekbulge is shown
2013/03/21 - cheekbulgeeditV2
2013/03/21 - Box

cheekbulgeeditV1: modifies how cheekbulge is shown
2012/10/06 - Box

clearlastdataV1: prevents charcode loading from previous session
2016/10/19 - clearlastdataV1
2016/10/19 - Box
deepthroatactionsV3: added breathlevels and percent activation
2013/03/21 - deepthroatactionsV3
2013/03/21 - Box
deepthroatactionsV2: many actions for ondeepthroat, indeepthroat, onhilt, inhilt
2012/11/06 - Box

dialogdisplayeditV1: change color/opacity of dialog boxes/text, only show box with valid text
2013/05/08 - dialogdisplayeditV1
2013/05/08 - Box

dialogpatchV4: compatibility with dialog actions V4.07+
2015/12/28 - dialogpatchV4
2015/12/28 - Box
dialogpatchV3: Option to play lower priority dialog lines if highers unable to
2015/07/22 - dialogpatchV3
2015/07/22 - Box

dialogpatchV2: bugfix, probably only noticable to flash debuggers
2015/01/24 - Box

dialogpatchV1: "check" efficiency improved, adds != capability to "check"
2014/06/02 - Box

extractloadercharsV3: added options, regular expression setting, cleaned up
2013/10/09 - extractloadercharsV3
2013/10/09 - Box
extractloadercharsV2: extracts loader mods to loader tab/modpage
2013/08/02 - Box

eyebrowcontrolV1: adjust how her eyebrows move/rotate, default is transition to 'panicked' brows
2013/04/25 - eyebrowcontrolV1
2013/04/25 - Box

femalemasterbateV1: press l for hand rotation goodness, #modguy
2014/08/13 - femalemasterbateV1
2014/08/13 - Box

ffbehaviorV3a: small bug fix so mascara does show up when wincing
2015/07/22 - ffbehaviorV3a
2015/07/22 - Box
ffbehaviorV3: she behaves similar to the game; now passoutfactor based
2014/06/02 - Box

ffbehaviorV2: she behaves similar to the game; shocking eyes, background darken, sudden pulloff
2013/03/21 - Box

ffbehaviorV1: she behaves similar to the game; shocking eyes, background darken, sudden pulloff
2012/12/16 - Box

hairoverlaypatchV1: fixes hair layering to not go through her arms
2014/10/23 - hairlayerpatchV1
2014/10/23 -

loadingscreenV1: a mod for loader bundles for cleaner startup
2016/12/28 -
2016/12/28 -
look to see it in Slingerbult's Sexy Sister Saga on next release
monitordialogV2: now sorts by dialog priority and build level
2015/07/22 -
2015/07/22 -
monitordialogV1: shows dialog line control information
2015/01/29 -

moreclothingV6_1: overwrite bugfix, show modtypes option, regulaterandomV2 support
2016/12/28 -
2016/12/28 -
~suggest mods that should be included by default here:
moreclothingV6: poptotop, poptobottom, more charcode support
2016/10/19 -
2016/10/19 -

moreclothingV5_3: bugfix with closehand animtools thing
2016/03/05 -
2016/03/05 -

moreclothingV5_1: character folder settings support, some bug fixes
2015/07/22 -
2015/07/22 -

moreclothingV5: body mods bugfix, skin reset bugfix, bunch of mods added, requires templateextensionV5
2015/01/24 -
2015/01/24 -

moreclothingV4: reghue and nipple option, costumeovertop support, requires loader 5.41
2014/10/23 -

moreclothingV4: reghue and nipple option, costumeovertop support, requires loader 5.41
2014/10/23 -

moreclothingV3: modpieces, mod combining, background fix, body mods refined, requires loader 5.37
2014/08/09 -

moreclothingV2: multiple body mods support + saving, shuffle options, xvanilla hair fix
2014/06/30 -

moreclothingV1_2: fixed typo that permitted overwriting body mods, little better loading time
2014/06/12 -

moreclothingV1_1: fixed hair related remapping, and probably other stuff that i forgot about
5/12/2014 -

moreclothingV1: adds more vanilla clothing to the in-game menu, supersedes extractvanillapiecesV1
1/15/2014 -

extractvanillapiecesV1: moves pieces of vanilla mods to the clothing menu
2013/10/09 -

morecumspurtsV3: added ability to decrease cum spurts instead
2015/07/22 -
2015/07/22 -
see stuntcock's thread for unified update of this mod:
morecumspurtsV2: adds more cum spurts when ejaculating
2013/03/21 -

morecumspurtsV1: adds more cum spurts when ejaculating
2012/11/06 -

morestrandsV2: adds more spit strands for pulling up and leaving the penis
2013/03/21 -
2013/03/21 -
morestrandsV1: adds more spit strands for pulling up and leaving the penis
2012/11/06 -

noblinkV1: prevents random blinking ~superseded by androidbehavior mod
2013/05/20 -
2013/05/20 -

noclenchteethV1: prevents her from clenching her teeth
2013/03/30 -
2013/03/30 -

penisrangeV5: penis strap-on color save charcode support
2015/01/24 -
2015/01/24 -
penisrangeV4: added animtools communication ability
2013/10/09 -

penisrangeV3: persist option, alternate override penis tilt setting. seems to function better than vanilla sdt penis tilting
2013/03/21 -

penisrangeV2: 5.18 settings, alternate override penis tilt setting. seems to function better than vanilla sdt penis tilting
2013/02/21 -

penisrangeV1: increases penis scale range, extensive penis mask, faster tilting, constraint limiter
2013/02/14 -

regulaterandomV2: bugfix with moreclothingV6_1+, moreclothing body support
2016/12/28 -
2016/12/28 -
regulaterandomV1: choose what type of things to shuffle
2015/07/22 -
2015/07/22 -
strandlimitV3: persist option, minor efficient tweaks, delete out of bounds option
2014/06/02 -
2014/06/02 -
strandlimitV2: automatically fades strands depending on fps/amount, has dynamic fps option
2013/01/25 -

strandlimitV1: features to limit/reduce to desired amount of cum and spit strands that exist on the screen (for performance)
2012/11/27 -

superbellyV2: superbelly size charcode save support
2015/01/24 -
2015/01/24 -
superbellyV1: adds a light-skin pregnant-like belly to her that is size changable
2013/03/27 -

superbreastV3: superbreast size charcode save support
2015/01/24 -
2015/01/24 -
~stuntcock made a variant of this with some more features and interface:
superbreastV2: added separate x/y scaling, fixed pause bug,don't use with BE1.5+ with superbreast=1
2013/03/21 -

superbreastV1: provides breast scalability to make them bigger than sdt's limit, does not scale clothing. don't use with BE1.5+ with superbreast=1
2012/11/04 -

swallowtiltsetV2: set the swallow tilt range, use if you hate accidentally swallowing by raising the mouse
2013/03/21 -
2013/03/21 -
swallowtiltsetV1: set the swallow tilt range, use if you hate accidentally swallowing by raising the mouse
2012/11/06 -

templateextensionV5_sby: bugfix with armwears
2015/01/24 -
2015/01/24 -
templateextensionV4_sby: (included with loader 5.41)adds overtop modtype, fixes panties hiding
2014/10/23 -

templateextensionV3_sby: (included with loader 5.37)fixes armwear rgb
2014/08/09 -

templateextensionV2_sby: (included with loader)some fixes, tweaked bra
2014/01/04 -

throatcumbulgeV2: increases her throat bulge when ejaculating in her throat
2013/03/21 -
2013/03/21 -
throatcumbulgeV1: increases her throat bulge when ejaculating in her throat
2012/11/06 -

throatResistStretchV1_1: her neck/throat becomes 'stretched' and loose by vigour/holding, added slider update setting
2016/01/10 -
2016/01/10 -
throatResistStretchV1: her neck/throat becomes 'stretched' and loose by vigour/holding
2013/01/25 -

vanillaarmpatchV2: new patch algorithm, maintains arm layer
2014/08/09 -
2014/08/09 -
vanillaarmpatchV1: fixes that flashing arm bug. arms on body modtypes assigned to costume layer
2014/05/18 -
2014/05/18 -

--- Sby Loader Pack(s): ---
The loaderpack can now be found on the resource manager:
packlogo.png sbytrans.png

sby loader pack 9: A packaged and configured loader + flash player + some of my mods
2017/07/02 -
packlogo.png sbytrans.png
sby loader pack 9
A packaged and configured loader + flash player + some of my mods

This pack has:

- Standalone flash player 11, the suggested way of playing SDT (changed it from version 14 because it was stated that it runs faster)
- Windows shortcut with script to open the loader with flash player
- Windows shortcut with script to open the loader with debug flash player (only use for seeing if there are errors)
- Windows shortcut with script to open animtools in editmode
- Init mods setup: dialogpatchV4, vanillaarmpatchV2, clearAllShortcut, regulaterandomV2, allalphaslidersV5, animtoolsV20, moreclothingV6_2, penisrangeV5, hairlayerpatchV1, clearlastdataV1, TemplateExtensionV5_sby, disablepastchardataV1
- Mod character folders: aimpenisV1, androidbehaviorV2, autocloseeyeV2, autoclosemouthV4, autohuerefV2, breastexpansionplusV3_2, breastfirmnessV2, cheekbulgeeditV3, coughhotkeyV1, deepthroatactionsV3_1, dialogdisplayeditV1, dialogspeedV1, extractloadercharsV3, eyebrowcontrolV1, femalemasturbateV1, ffbehaviorV3_1, h-Tentacles2, monitordialogV3, morecumspurtsV3, morespitstrandsV2_1, noclenchteethV1, strandlimitV3, suberbellyV5, superbreastV6, swallowtiltsetV2, throatcumbulgeV2, throatresiststretchV1_1, ToggleHim
- Modified loader Settings; original Settings file included as well
- Shortcuts file for loader keys, generated by 'Keys.swf', with loader keys mapped to 0-9, page up, page down, home, end
- A copy of my Character list "sby's Char List Backup.sdt" that may be imported through the modding tab

It will take several seconds for all of the init mods to load on startup, last thing should be 'moreclothing loaded' message.
Don't load any other mods until these are done loading.

If you use Firefox and automatically clear your cookies and local storage, i would suggest getting the add-on 'BetterPrivacy' and choosing to protect your SDT Loader .sol files. otherwise your in-game characters and settings may be deleted by your browser.

some keys that do stuff:
f2:load animtools position
f3 - f9: quickload animtools position
f11: load random animtools position
esc: show frames per second
right arrow: clear strands

- sby
sby loader pack 8: A packaged and configured loader + flash player + some of my mods
2016/10/19 -

sby loader pack 7: A packaged and configured loader + flash player + some of my mods
2016/10/19 -

sby loader pack 6: A packaged and configured loader + flash player + some of my mods
2016/03/05 -

sby loader pack 5: A packaged and configured loader + flash player + some of my mods
2015/07/22 -

sby loader pack 4: A packaged and configured loader + flash player + some of my mods
2015/01/24 -

sby loader pack 3: A packaged and configured loader + flash player + some of my mods
2014/10/23 -

sby loader pack 2: A packaged and configured loader + flash player + some of my mods
2014/08/09 -

sby loader pack 1: A packaged and configured loader + flash player + some of my mods
2014/06/12 -

--- Other Downloads, Archives, Tutorials: ---
animtooltutorial3: quick setup and usage of animtoolsV11, doesn't cover dialog stuff
2014/06/16 -
animtooltutorial2: video tutorial showing and explaining setup and usage of animtoolsV5
2013/05/08 -

animtooltutorial: a video tutorial showing how to use the animtoolV3 tools
2013/03/16 -

getting started loader tutorial3: a thorough from-start walkthrough of setting up and using the loader & SDT
2015/01/24 -
getting started loader tutorial2: a thorough from-start walkthrough of setting up and using loader imports
2013/04/20 -
the video is a tad old, and some things have changed since its creation:
the loader tab is now built into the regular menu system, it replaces the help tab
all of the loader character folders are now found in the regular character menu
modguy fixed the in-game character saving since the video
the 'Mods Folder.exe' has been replaced with a java version 'Mods Folder.jar'
the file called 'Mods.txt' in the 'Mods' folder is now called 'CharacterFolders.txt', and rightfully so

getting started loader tutorial: if you have any trouble, or are new to mods and the loader, watch this video
2012/09/06 -

decompiled code navigation picture:

decompiled sdt actionscript references: actionscript files of the sdt code structure, referenced for code-centric modding
2013/07/12 -
2013/07/12 -

code modding tutorial: a video tutorial showing some basics of how to do the stuff i do
2013/07/24 -

code modding tutorial materials: the example mod and files used in the code modding tutorial
2013/07/24 -

code modding tutorial 2 - applied: demonstrating using the background knowledge in the 1st tutorial to make a mod
2014/05/08 -

moreclothingV1 video: demonstrates setup and some features of moreclothing(watching from mediafire might not work)
2014/01/17 - demo.wmv

eager + rough 9 dialog: requires dialogpatchV1, covers various animtools positions
2014/06/02 -
2014/06/02 -
eager + rough 7:
2013/06/16 -

eager + rough 5:
2012/09/03 -

sbyloadersettingstemplateV3: loader 5.18, the flash template i use to get a quick-start on new code mods with settings
2013/01/06 -
2021/03/20 -

Modguy's loader mods archive2: added drip out and drool mods from my personal collection

2015/01/29 -
2015/01/29 -
Modguy's loader mods archive: i downloaded this when it was still up, here it is for others
2013/09/01 -
Last edited:

Invisible Lad

Potential Patron
May 16, 2012
Re: sby's loader imports; 8/09/2014: too much stuff to list here

It seems to work pretty well so far, although it seems to have a small bug. Every so often, cum will spontaneously generate, even though the guy didn't cum. Not a big problem, really, but you might want to look into it.

Edit: Nevermind, just realized, looking at the list of settings that this was an intentional feature, and can be adjusted. Cool.


Content Creator
Sep 11, 2012
Re: sby's loader imports; 8/09/2014: too much stuff to list here

ahh, i was changing up some up the settings before uploading, and i forgot to set autominbreastsize back to 1 in the txt file.
(fixed the default value for that)


Content Creator
Feb 17, 2011
Re: sby's loader imports; 8/09/2014: too much stuff to list here

That's dedication right there, haven't seen such an elaborate mod in some time.
There really isn't any need to mention me in the OP as this was quite clearly your initiative and all I did was throw out a hint.
Good job.

Reconsider making other mods, you're capable and I'm sure there aren't going to be any shortage of requests.


Potential Patron
Aug 3, 2011
Re: sby's loader imports; 8/09/2014: too much stuff to list here

sby said:
modguy's suggestion was helpful, and i was able to incorporate some more features in my breast expansion plus mod using the new functions and variables i found:

breast expansion refined v1.2
this is a re-modified version my modified version of Modguy's "Breast Expansion Test"

added new features:
breast increase from cumming down throat,
breast increase from cumming into mouth while mouth cum max,
can limit/change max and min (original) breast size,
new breast increase equation that attepts accurate volume scaling (also because breast slider has bigger difference in breast size near end)

same settings file as before, here are the defaults and comments:

swallowincrease=1 //1=on,0=off; increase breast size after swallowing cum
animSpeed=0.06 //rate that breasts grow for swallowincrease
incMult=1.3 //0=none;3> = lots;amount that breasts grow for swallowincrease
autoshrink=1 //1=on,0=off; breasts will slowly decrease in size over time to their min / original size
animRevSpeed=0.12 //rate that breasts shrink; (animrevspeed * 30 ~= time in seconds per decrease)
puke=1 //1=on,0=off; sectionally over time, she will drool out cum while her breasts shrink
winceonpuke=1 //1=on,0=off; she will wince during puking
pukeamt=1.3 //0.0 to 2.0; a scaled amount of cum she will drool out during puking; 0 = 12, 2 will double
pukeshrinkrate=12 //int value >= 0;the amount that her breasts shrink per puke section (still mis-named with the next xD)
pukeshrinkamt=60 //rate that breasts shrink while puking
puketimebeforestarting=-100 //effects time delay before puking, range from -900 for super quick, 900 or more for long time
throatcumincrease=1 //1=on,0=off; breasts increase when cumming down throat
throatcuminc=7.3 //~-5 to ~15; amount breasts grow from cumming down throat
mouthfullthroatcum=1 //1=on,0=off; breasts will grow while cumming when cum in mouth is maxed (40)
winceonthroatcumincrease=1 //1=on,0=off; she will wince during cumming down throat and mouthfullthroatcum
autominbreastsize=0 //1=on,0=off; will set the original breast size (or min) to her breast size when mod is loaded, limits puke and autoshrink.
minbreastamount=10 //0 to 149; manually set min breast size if autominbreastsize disabled
maxbreastamount=149 //0 to 149; limits breast increases
setbreastsscalelimitingfactor=0.8 //0 to ~3; scales all breast increases according to current size (bigger breasts increase slower); use 0 to have v1.0 equation

for those that had trouble with the original version:
get the latest loader
extract folder to 'Mods'
(if there is a folder of BreastExpansionPlusV1.2 inside a BreastExpansionPlusV1.2 folder from unzipping, make sure to only grab the inside folder)
update your 'Mods.txt" file to include 'BreastExpansionPlusV1.2:BreastExpansionPlusV1.2'
open loader
hover mouse to right edge of flash window where the loader menu tab is
click on 'BreastExpansionPlusV1.2'

I did exactly what you said and the mod doesn't load. Up in the right hand corner it says "Mod Loading failed". Not sure what I did wrong or if there is something I forgot to do. Might it be because I am runing the Loader through my IE browser (never really had problems before)?


Content Creator
Sep 11, 2012
Re: sby's loader imports; 8/09/2014: too much stuff to list here

i did a fresh download of the new loader and the mod and tried it out, no issues. i attached a video:

edit, as per request, this video has uploaded to mediafire instead; i put the link in the 1st post for consolidation.


Re: sby's loader imports; 8/09/2014: too much stuff to list here

I've lurked forever and finally made an account just so I can thank you for this magnificent mod.

Well done sir. Well done.


Potential Patron
Jul 28, 2012
Re: sby's loader imports; 8/09/2014: too much stuff to list here

I'm really glad I made that request thread. Thank you so much.


Content Creator
Sep 11, 2012
Re: sby's loader imports; 8/09/2014: too much stuff to list here

i am happy that people enjoy my mod :D

BEplus 1.3 is out, check 1st post


Potential Patron
Feb 17, 2011
Re: sby's loader imports; 8/09/2014: too much stuff to list here

Hey, man. Just wanted to drop in and say good job.

Not exactly up my alley, but your mod's very well done. You clearly worked very hard on it. Well done, sir! Hope to see more from you.


Potential Patron
Apr 17, 2012
Re: sby's loader imports; 8/09/2014: too much stuff to list here

Really amazing job! I didn't see this til now. I have a request for the same mod but with body instead of breast, is that possible?


Potential Patron
May 17, 2012
Re: sby's loader imports; 8/09/2014: too much stuff to list here

EDIT: I did exactly what the video shows, but i am getting a loading error with 1.3. Anyone else? Im using my browser to play, will try in standalone

EDIT2: Here is the error I get from Flash Projector:
TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.
	at BreastExpPlus_fla::MainTimeline/init()
	at Loader_fla::MainTimeline/modDataLoadingComplete()

EDIT3: I deleted the mods.txt file in the mod folder and the mod loaded successfully.

EDIT4: I can successfully load the mod, but it isn't doing anything. I am using the default mod settings. This is the only mod I have loaded. I am using Loader 5.1e. It is supposed to work with bukkake mode right?

Please help me sort this out

EDIT5: Figured it out...somehow

Thanks very much for this mod, I am a BE and inflation fetishist.

Would you consider doing a belly version?



Potential Patron
Jun 17, 2012
Re: sby's loader imports; 8/09/2014: too much stuff to list here

hey im sorry if this is a stupid question but for some reason the setting seem to do nothing when I try to change them

tried to change one of the numbers to 2 to only do puking but it still shrink breasts

at least that is the most obvious issue other things do not seem to change either

I am loading it using the newest loader and the mod itself does seem to work just the setting arent changing anything

what I am doing is

edit values on breastexpplus text file


open sdt with loader in internet explorer

maybe I am missing some obvious step

please help


Content Creator
Sep 11, 2012
Re: sby's loader imports; 8/09/2014: too much stuff to list here

MetalWarrior22 said:
I have a request for the same mod but with body instead of breast, is that possible?
yes, it should be possible; and hopefully is easy to add. i will try it out; most likely will be in the next update as an option.

elwood288 said:
hey im sorry if this is a stupid question but for some reason the setting seem to do nothing when I try to change them

tried to change one of the numbers to 2 to only do puking but it still shrink breasts

at least that is the most obvious issue other things do not seem to change either

I am loading it using the newest loader and the mod itself does seem to work just the setting arent changing anything

what I am doing is

edit values on breastexpplus text file


open sdt with loader in internet explorer

maybe I am missing some obvious step

please help
you probably have autoshrink = 1. this option has the breasts gradually reduce over time.

if you are unsure if the options are changing, try changing additonalcumspurts=50 and addmorecumspurts=1, this should make the dude many many spurts of cum. if nothing seems to change, then modguy might be right with the standalone loader. however, IE worked for me.

puke 2 still uses the side effects of the swallowincrease, puke, and throatcumincrease just as puke 1 does, just differently. to have puking solely by itself, setting maxbreastamount=0 will do it as noted in the notes. this allows the checks for cum in her to occur, while preventing the breast increase.

to better support puke2, i could duplicate these checks that the features provide, but that would almost double the resources used for
the mod. so i went with this workaround instead.


Content Creator
Sep 11, 2012
Re: sby's loader imports; 8/09/2014: too much stuff to list here

turns out making onhilt options was pretty much a cut and paste of the ondeppthroat options. they will be included in the next update once i find some more stuff to add.

v1.4 has been uploaded and added to 1st post

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