to make other modtypes follow different color slider, the common way is for one of the modtypes to look at the other piece of clothing the mod is also adding and copy its coloring. if that other modtype isn't loaded, it causes errors (if you use the flash debugger, you will see these).
an easy fix would be to open the mods in a swf decompiler like JPEXS and remove the followcolorslider code, then register them and deal with having to also adjust the bottoms RGB in game.
the harder fix is come up with a better implementation than what the common 'followcolorslider' code uses to set the RGB.
while typing this i glanced at how i handled this same case in my example modtype+code mod 'flexing buttplug',
this is how i implemented it:
(in this case, i was only grabbing rgbfill2 so rgbfill1 was commented out, and my mod is following the anklecuffs color)
var rgbFill1ToUse;
var rgbFill2ToUse;
{ //if in loader, can be very efficient and grab it directly
//if want to use rgb picker 1:
//rgbFill1ToUse = g.characterControl.ankleCuffsControl.rgb1;
//if want to use rgb picker 2:
rgbFill2ToUse = g.characterControl.ankleCuffsControl.rgb2;
var fills = g.characterControl.ankleCuffsControl.getDataString().split(",");
//if want to use rgb picker 1:
if(fills.length >= 5) //Check for rgbFill1
rgbFill1ToUse = {r:fills[1], g:fills[2], b:fills[3], a:fills[4]};
rgbFill1ToUse = {r:0, g:0, b:0, a:1}; //default to black
//if want to use rgb picker 2:
if(fills.length >= 9) //Check for rgbFill2
rgbFill2ToUse = {r:fills[5], g:fills[6], b:fills[7], a:fills[8]};
rgbFill2ToUse = {r:0, g:0, b:0, a:1}; //default to black
//here is an example follow color slider piece of code
//var mycolor1 = new ColorTransform(1, 1, 1, rgbFill1ToUse.a, rgbFill1ToUse.r, rgbFill1ToUse.g, rgbFill1ToUse.b);
var mycolor2 = new ColorTransform(1, 1, 1, rgbFill2ToUse.a, rgbFill2ToUse.r, rgbFill2ToUse.g, rgbFill2ToUse.b);
tryToSetFill(bottoms.backside.plug.myplug2, "rgbFill", mycolor2);
it requires some setup to be able to reference the 'g' game object in vanilla, and it is a bit messy to cover the various different ways a mod can be loaded (took many iterations to get to where it is now), so the simplified implementation modders using with followcolorslider is probably best, and really only breaks because moreclothing is ripping out parts of the mod.
as for the SDT moding discord, i fixed my signature to include it. i tried to update the link the other day but apparently had too many clickable links in my signature. changed them all to non-clickable links.