Scarlet Blade Mods (11 Viewers)


Potential Patron
Sep 7, 2012
keep getting error message for step three after adding -w-r to end targert location. says not valid path after i add the : -w-r at the end of the .exe.

im basically having the same problem as Genbatsu


Potential Patron
May 3, 2012
Like. I. Said. Make sure it matches the location on your computer! If it reads "C:\Username\Douments\Quickbms\Quickbms\quickbms.exe" in the Target: box but the location on your computer is "C:\Funstuff\Quickbms\quickbms.exe", it won't work. Same for the location in the Start in: box. Make sure it matches to where it is on your computer than put in the -r -w.


Potential Patron
Mar 15, 2013
There are two Aeria folders. One in C:\ and another one in C:\Program Files.
You're looking for the one in C:\

Make sure you're doing everything right. I followed the steps yesterday and it worked.

yea i use the C:\ Aeriagames\scarletblade directory not the other


Potential Patron
Dec 4, 2012
03_15_22_43_29.jpg got an issue with the textures of my char, someone knows why ?


Potential Patron
Mar 15, 2013
anyone figure out how to get step 3 modifying the Target to add the -r-w.
Ye, just hit to your desktop -> rightclick on your shortcut -> select properties -> add -r -w to the end of the path.
It will look like this then: C:\Users\User\Downloads\Quickbms\Quickbms\quickbms.exe -w -r


Potential Patron
Sep 7, 2012
location says : C:\Users\Derek\Downloads\Quickbms
Target reads :C:\Users\Derek\Downloads\Quickbms\quickbms.exe
Start in says:C:\Users\Derek\Downloads\Quickbms

but when i got to add -r-w i still get the not valid error


Potential Patron
Mar 15, 2013
You made a new shortcut right? Using the one it comes with I believe gave me that same error. Make a new shortcut and it'll put the location automatically; you'll just have to add the -r and -w.


Potential Patron
Sep 7, 2012
im having trouble repacking though it gives me that 927 error and press return to quit after i hit save on the mod folder

Trung Duong

I'm not quite sure how to do step 3 and also in step 6, i can't locate tex.gfpk anywhere. Can you please post pictures to show the step or a video would be even greater. Thanks :)


Potential Patron
Feb 23, 2013
That's... really not enough information to go on. It means you're trying to access a file or directory that doesn't exist. All I can recommend is to make sure you're using the right paths as indicated on the instructions. The Tex pack, extracting the .dds files into the Mods directory with the indicated path, then selecting to extract the pack into the Mods directory -- not the directory with the .dds files.


Potential Patron
Sep 7, 2012
My steps (mods allready in tex folder)

open quickbms repacker
select SB script ( click open to go to next step)
select tex file then open Mod folder til i get the a folder showing up
click save

then i get that error message once all is said and done


Potential Patron
Feb 23, 2013
Make sure the mod extracted properly into the appropriate folder -- make sure no files are missing, etc. Other than that, I'm not really sure what the problem could be.

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