Thank you so much for such feedback, I'm really glad you liked it
About the pulled down panties, this mod isn't from me, I just extracted its components to remake it, so it would be displayed above any stockings (the original mod was bellow). I'm not a good enough drawer to do some sophisticated clothing mods, it really depends. I mean... I could achieve some sophisticated mechanics just like the office top outfit, but when it comes to drawings... it's not my best asset
About the 3/4some scenes, know that each background require 2 layers, background and foreground, wich requires clipping and sometimes is a long and painful work. The best would be to write a mod adding 1 or 2 more customizable actors but this is outside my league, and probably too much resources to handle for flash, I'm afraid it would become really slow.
About the typos and grammatical errors, your assumption is correct, I've been accross this dialog for so many hours I did my best to avoid it but I'm not surprised there are many remaining. I won't provide a text file as it would require to copy/paste every single line of the dialog, and I already did this to make 2 languages versions, wich took me... 4 days! (ok... it could have been less, but it was so anoying than I had to take breaks

However, you can find it all in the Mods/SR Eng folder, files named "day#(-#).txt"
If you're really up to this, send me the corrected english dialog files and I'll update the bundle, not forgeting to credit you about it
Having spent more than a year on this project, I don't think I'll make major changes to it, but minor improvements and fixes, sure.
Again, thank you