SDT Loader question (23 Viewers)


Content Creator
Feb 17, 2011
desperatefapper said:
Found another potential bug. I get different characters when I advance with a shortcut key vs click on the character from the right-hand menu. Sometimes various hairs/mods are left when pressing the shortcut key to move to a new character.

Was due to same problem here:

ModGuy said:
chair said:
Is it intended that you can't load mods from the right-hand menu cumulatively any more? Every time I click a name in the list it resets everything and just loads that mod on its own.

This is done on purpose, for now anyway.
Something changed internally so I just disabled it.

Try manual resetting for now.

Should be fixed now.


Potential Patron
Feb 17, 2012
I saw the update about the tongue toggle is now a shortcut key. Ctrl doesn't seem to do anything, does the shortcut key have to be setup manually?


Content Creator
Feb 17, 2011
sdtaddict121 said:
I saw the update about the tongue toggle is now a shortcut key. Ctrl doesn't seem to do anything, does the shortcut key have to be setup manually?

You're not the first one to notice that Ctrl keeps getting changed.
I use it as a debugging shortcut to execute some arbitrary AS3 at a specific time.
I used it when I was trying out the tongue toggle, before I optimized the shortcut keys code.
So things bound to Ctrl are most likely not permanent, although you could go ahead and set things to Ctrl if you wanted.

Also, Kona really thought about the design of the dialogue editor.
It's so clean and structured, but one feature really stood out.
When the menu pops up, the sceneLayer blurs.
Like, what a nice touch.

Now I need to find out what new code is kicking around in this addition.


Yes, a new loader for the new version is in fact ready - the crappy tool I developed churns out a new version instantaneously, most of the time.
No, you can't have it yet - I want to implement something substantial to make for a decent release.
No, you're not missing out - additions are mainly dialogue anyway.
No, this isn't me trying to annoy you all - I'm just trying to pre-empt the guy who asks for a new loader.


Avid Affiliate
Dec 31, 2011
ModGuy said:
No, you can't have it yet - I want to implement something substantial to make for a decent release.
No, you're not missing out - additions are mainly dialogue anyway.

Noooooooooooooooooo :'(


Content Creator
Feb 17, 2011
palidinsalim said:
1) Nipple size, and color change.
2) Cum duration.
3) choose how much in each ejactulation
4) Make it so that larger penis sizes ejactulate more sperm.
5) more sperm in her mouth at any given point.
6) Second Hand strength.
7) Repeated deepthroating causes her to tire faster.
8) Even bigger penis sizes!!!
9) Smoothed out longer throat bulge.
10) What does throat resistance do?
11) What does the thrust meter do, besides show thrust?

1. Already possible though nipple mods as you said, ask a modder for something specific if you want.
2. Will have a look, but pressing J isn't difficult.
3. Not a good idea, would conflict with the existing algorithm in place.
4. No.
5. Can't be done due to a hardcoded limit, I could change that but I don't want to begin messing with specific classes.
6. Easy enough - Just toggle Auto Hold.
7. Should be easy enough, just need to reduce the max possible breath after a while.
8. Already possible, but would break things. Look for custom penis mods.
9. No. This is handled rather specifically by Kona and I don't want to change it around.
10. It's a variable surely, I don't know. Try reading the guide.
11. It does exactly that. It displays the current "roughness", used by SDT for things such as facial expression.


Content Creator
Jun 12, 2011
ModGuy said:
7. Should be easy enough, just need to reduce the max possible breath after a while.
It doesn't already do that? It's always seemed to me that her breath decreases more easily after she's passed out a few times.


Content Creator
Feb 17, 2011
silentsky said:
Would it be possible to add back masturbation for her in the next loader release?

It's possible, but I don't want to integrate hard coded positions in to the loader.

palidinsalim said:
7) Repeated deepthroating causes her to tire faster.

Just to prove a point, have some haxe code.
For use with:

import flash.display.MovieClip;
class Mod {
	static var m;
	static var z = new MovieClip();
	static function main() {
		var l = flash.Lib.current.stage.getChildByName("root1");
		if( l.toString().indexOf("boot")==-1 ){
			trace("LOAD IN THE LOADER!");
	public static function modCode(main){
		m = cast(main);
		z.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update);
	public static function update(e){
		var vigorPerc:Float = Math.min(100, / 1050 * 10000) / 100);
		if (vigorPerc > 85)
			var passOut:Float = m.her.passOutMax;
			Reflect.setField(m.her, "passOutMax", Math.max(passOut - 0.008,15));
	public static function undo(){
		Reflect.setField(m.her, "passOutMax", 40);
		z.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update);


Content Creator
Feb 17, 2011
palidinsalim said:
Works. How would you modify it to make it have more of an effect:

ie The less breathing she does reduces her ability to regain breath (ie it slows down faster and faster) and her ability to keep breath (ie it goes down faster and faster). When she gets a chance to breath it removes some of the effects but slowly with each breath. If this makes any sense that is.

The code is there if you want to build on it, I'm done with it.


Content Creator
Jun 12, 2011
Declare a counter. Have that counter act as a multiplier for the breath recovery rate.*

*I have not looked at the code.


Content Creator
Feb 17, 2011
palidinsalim said:
Now I see that instead of the file being available there is something called
The Mod.hx file seemed straight forward enough; change some variables and away you go.
But I didn't have a clue how to then compile it into a .swf mod.

palidinsalim said:
there is something called
how to then compile it into a .swf mod.

palidinsalim said:
how to then compile it

palidinsalim said:
how to compile

palidinsalim said:

You must be fucking kidding me.

palidinsalim said:
Oh I read that stuff, but I had no idea what you were talking about.

The read me says: "Code goes in Mod.hx" because that's all that needs to be done.
There's even a batch file included called "Compile.bat" as if that isn't clear enough.
So what exactly did you not understand?

Secondly, what REALLY annoys me:

palidinsalim said:
I have never heard of AS3 code or something called Haxe.

Do you think a lack of knowledge is a valid excuse for ignoring things I say?

"Ummm, I didn't know what AS3 was so ModGuy is trolling hurrrrr"

You need to learn to actually put thought in to the shit you say.
I doubt you only mean well and I'm finished with this nonsense.

If this for some odd reason does not compute in your head, elaborate on your question - in a new thread.

From now on you will be ignored in this thread.

Well, that's cruel.
Not ignored. But if you continue to show such little effort as this then I will mirror that in my responses.


Casual Client
Feb 4, 2012
palidinsalim said:
Oh I read that stuff, but I had no idea what you were talking about. I have never heard of AS3 code or something called Haxe. I did download the mod.hx file but didn't know what to do with it. Now I see that instead of the file being available there is something called

The Mod.hx file seemed straight forward enough; change some variables and away you go. But I didn't have a clue how to then compile it into a .swf mod.

Great candidate for the UMB there, if only you had created a thread. Next time maybe ?


Avid Affiliate
Dec 31, 2011
1) bug: having something like "hair:misato,1,1,0;" in the code.txt loads as "hair:misato,1,1,1;" when loaded through the sidepanel. pasting the code into the original char-code-goes-here field works fine, but loaded as a mod goes default

2) feature: please add "his hand stance" to settings.txt


Potential Patron
Aug 3, 2011
I have to interrupt my lurk-spree once again (for the third time in total maybe) to deliver the following message:
Thanks for the ongoing effort you put into the Loader and other tools, ModGuy.
In the name of all 9000 lurkers I wish to express my gratitude and let you know that it is appreciated (in fact, some peoples (sex)lives depend on it..).
... but please update the Loader to the newest version soon(tm) ::)

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