SDT Loader question (4 Viewers)


Content Creator
Sep 11, 2012
i wonder what happens with the nsfw sites if you password protect your zip files.....


Content Creator
Jun 12, 2013
Small thing that I noticed. In Guide/DevGuide.txt under "Some useful functions to use in a mod:", the second function is listed as "updateStatus(message, col)" while it should be "updateStatusCol(message, col)"


Content Creator
Feb 17, 2011
Spinners are a new dev UI control, similar to spinner widgets where you have a text area and two arrows. Arrows adjust the text value, holding it causes it to "spin" resulting in adjustment without having to keep clicking.

As of right now spinners require a list to operate, the plan is to add in an alternative perhaps named "DecimalSpinner", "IntSpinner" etc where a lower and upper bound is provided and it handles the rest.
The idea for it came when sby was implementing controls for animTools and I noticed it was tedious to adjust values relatively with the current solution, I forgot about it until he asked me to try out one of the newer versions and I found that he had pieced together his own spinner from various components.


Potential Patron
Dec 21, 2013
Hey, MG did you finally find a filehosting site of your preference? Or you'll keep attaching stuff in the forum?
I couldn't find more.... :(


Casual Client
Sep 14, 2013
MG - did you have a list of the features you were planning to add to the next release? I thought I saw on once but can't find it anymore...


Potential Patron
May 7, 2013
MG said:
shadowstar3010 said:
Am i the only one that is having a hard time downloading the new sdt loader?

Oh for fuck sake. I'm sorry guys, looks like this host is gonna have to go too.
Turns out there's a great big fake download button on these pages too, same reason I ditched solidfiles.
Need host suggestions. Requirements/Preference:

No bullshit download page, adverts are fine but no fake buttons. Prefer no popups etc.
Account based so that I can remove files etc.
Hierarchical file structure for management.
Prefer download counter because I dunno, done it like that so far.

Mediafire - suspended for Loader.
MEGA - files removed for copyright or something.
Solidfiles - Fake download button.
Zippyshare - NSFW prohibited.
Firedrive - NSFW prohibited.
Hostr - Fake download button. - It's some social thing now.
Box - Terminated without warning.

This is a real problem:

Need community suggestion on this, or might take Anon up on his attachment idea.

Hosting onsite for the time being, I hope this doesn't cause any further concern.

Try it's in Swedish but very simple, direct links and works like a charm, no accounts though.

I got a huge amount of dropbox space I'm not using, not sure if dropbox would suspend it but you think it would work? I guess I could add you to the folder and give you mod privileges so you can delete files at any time.

The green download link on solidfiles seems to download the correct file now but sometimes opens 1-2 popups, no more bloatware .exe, not for me though. Tested on Kubuntu/firefox, Kubuntu/chrome and Kubuntu/rekonq.

Oh yeah, any idea on unix/Kubuntu? My windows 7 crashed and I just moved to Kubuntu for now, I haven't used unix since FreeBSD like 10 years ago so I'm a bit rusty and not sure how to get a flash player working. I've tried gnash but it just loads a grey screen with the 3 icons from loader mods in $INIT, and pipelight, which I'm not entirely sure how to use.... yet. wine keeps giving me errors on install but I'll sort that out eventually. Help?


Potential Patron
May 15, 2012
My windows crashed too... now I run Zorin 8. I just open the loader with the Adobe flash player in Wine. Everything works perfect, as well as it did in windows 7.


Content Creator
Feb 17, 2011
The current on forum hosting is absolutely fine for now, while I prefer hosting offsite the hassle of being in constant violation of every ToS ever isn't acceptable.
There is a standalone flash player available for linux distros straight from Adobe so I would suggest against running it through something like Wine, although it's totally your choice.
As for crashing Windows, I've no idea why. I can't say I've ever run in to that issue, probably one of many memory leaks.


Potential Patron
May 15, 2012
Yeah, it does run smoother through the chrome browser with the plug in. I haven't tried it tell now, my windows was running it pretty slow so I didn't think anything of it. Thanks!


Potential Patron
May 7, 2013
I'll mess around in wine then, should get it working somehow.
EDIT: For other linux users, wine got it working, load 'flashplayer_14_sa.exe' with wine then open 'Loader.swf'.

You want this one.
Download the Windows Flash Player 14 Projector (EXE, 10.60MB)

кальмар said:
Yeah, it does run smoother through the chrome browser with the plug in. I haven't tried it tell now, my windows was running it pretty slow so I didn't think anything of it. Thanks!

Waterfox might improve performance, 64 bit firefox browser.


Content Creator
Jun 12, 2011
ModGuy, is the loadHairLast setting supposed to work with dynamic hairs? Because I'm not seeing any difference in behavior.

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