Those folders probably contain SWF files for hair or clothing. The SWF files contain embedded charcodes. The embedded charcodes contain a
bg:# parameter (because the modder who created the file was slightly careless).
You can use the
Settings.txt option (
blockCharData=1) to prevent SWF files from applying their embedded charcodes.
If you make this change globally (
%SDT Folder%\Settings.txt), then you would need to review your character folders. In some cases, you'd need to add a code.txt file (or extend it) in order to apply character-specific effects which were previously handled by one of your SWF file.
You can also make the change locally, by creating a
Settings.txt file with the
blockCharData=1 line
inside your misbehaving character folder. In that case, the "blocking policy" would apply only to that one character. It would
not apply to SWF files loaded manually (via the "Swf Mod..." button), or files loaded via moreClothing, or %INIT%, etc... The complication is that you'd need to apply the policy to each of your misbehaving folders -- by copy-pasting your 1-line special
Settings.txt file into each of them.
It's possible to package a background into a SWF file, but it's
not a
"newbie friendly" option. Doing so requires
commercial software or
specialized tools.