SexyAmazons (Updates and Contests!) (1 Viewer)


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 15, 2009
yes, it is back up now for me! for a while i was getting SQL errors and then a page that said the account had been suspended.


Vivacious Visitor
Jan 15, 2010

I'm hoping SexyAmazons etc will be up again soon. For over a week I've been hit hard by at least 3 different type of hacker attacks meant to crash the sites, maybe more and right now the OS is messed up due to numerous crashes. My webhost is fixing the OS and putting in some more tweeks to stop two continuous attacks that they saw. I'm hoping that they won't have to do a new OS install because restoring all the sites will take days of uploading. Once we're up and running and the chaos has died down, I'm hoping to post contests again.

Thanks for your concern.


thanks for keeping us updated... love this site, and I love the challenge contests that you guys do =)


Vivacious Visitor
Jan 15, 2010
New combat contest on

Thanks to everyone for their patience during the hacker/flood attacks. Everything is more or less stable right now but you never know when someone will find a new way in. In the meantime, let's have some fun! :)


"Between the Boobs!" is over!

Top artists:
These are the top pics in the contest ranked by # of hits and artist. An artist will only get his highest ranking pic in the list so if an artist received 1st, 2nd and 3rd place - he'd only receive 1st place. The hits are the hits for the highest ranking picture, not a total of all pictures posted.

NSD 2,508 Hits:

Amazonfan (5 pics) 1,977 Hits:

SpaceBabes 1,795 Hits:

Seaquester 321 (2 pics) 1,665 Hits:

Suleyman 1,651 Hits:

Jason 1,571 Hits:

Georgel (2 pics) 1,296 Hits:

Red King (26 pics) 1,233 Hits:

Snipered 1,204 Hits:

Beermanfreo 1,110 Hits:

Lady Tania 1,018 Hits:

XR-43 819 Hits: 1

Dodger3742Da 482 Hits:

Proud Warrioress (5 pics) 389 Hits:

SmallAmy (3 pics) 352 Hits:

Thanks to everyone who participated.

New Contest! "Full Auto!"

Full Auto! Hot, fighting girls shot up with machine guns, automatic bolt throwers, gattling lasers etc while in combat.

Good luck to all of you!

Home - Art - Female combat, Death fetish, Amazon battle, Girls Executed, Fatal Female Fights. Women Hanged, Beheaded, Shot, Stabbed.


Vivacious Visitor
Jan 15, 2010
New Peril contest on SexyAmazons


"The Morgue" is over!

Top artists:

NSD: 1447 hits (5 Pics)

Random: 1178 Hits

Ladytania 1: 1154 Hits

Dalecar: 922 Hits (20 Pics)

IMSaneUK: 717 Hits

Dodger3742Da: 293 Hits

Smallamy: 261 Hits

Congratulations to NSD for winning. Thanks to everyone who participated.

New Contest! "Public Execution!"

Beautiful women executed in public. Hanged, beheaded, firing squad, impaling etc.


Vivacious Visitor
Jan 15, 2010
New Peril Contest on


"Public Execution!" is over!

Top artists:

NSD: 2715 hits

JohnDelvesRichardson: 2459 hits (5 Pics)

Foliemeurtiere: 2321 hits

Eiseck71: 2115 hits

Aishado: 1083 hits (4 pics)

Thongar: 835 hits (3 pics)

SmallAmy: 350 hits

Congratulations to NSD for winning.

New Contest! "Slasher Flick!"

A slasher flick where beautiful sorority girls, slumber party chicks or teen (18) campers are stalked by an insane killer. Must be present day and killer can be unseen, masked or evil looking. Murders can be anything from knives or strangling to imaginative.


Vivacious Visitor
Jan 15, 2010
New Peril Contest on


"Slasher Flick" is over!

Top artists:

Necromunda: 2655 hits

Foliemeurtriere: 1819 hits

GeorgeL: 1532 hits (8 Pics)

SmallAmy: 624 hits

ProudWarrioress: 583 hits

Congratulations to Necromunda for winning.

New Contest! "Office Massacre!"

A beautiful woman or women dying in an office environment. Maybe a nazi command post or evil secretary spy(s) eliminated or maybe just some targets of a psychokiller.


Vivacious Visitor
Jan 15, 2010
New Combat Contest on! Post Apocalypse!

"Coup de Grace!" is over!

Top artists:
These are the top pics in the contest ranked by # of hits and artist. An artist will only get his highest ranking pic in the list so if an artist received 1st, 2nd and 3rd place - he'd only receive 1st place. The hits are the hits for the highest ranking picture, not a total of all pictures posted.

NSD: 2710 Hits

Jolly Roger: 2546 Hits

DaleCar: 1916 Hits (16 Pics)

Random: 1864 Hits

Darian: 1611 Hits (12 pics)

ImsaneUK: 1256 Hits

Dodger3742Da: 561 Hits (2 Pics)

ProudWarrioress: 554 Hits (2 Pics)

SmallAmy: 405 Hits

Congratulations NSD and thanks to everyone who participated.

New Contest! "Post Apocalypse!"

Post Apocalypse! Lethal combat in a post apocalyptic future. Please post any non lethal pics in the Post Apocalpyse contest on too.

Good luck to all of you!

Home - Art - Female combat, Death fetish, Amazon battle, Girls Executed, Fatal Female Fights. Women Hanged, Beheaded, Shot, Stabbed.


Vivacious Visitor
Jan 15, 2010
New Peril Contest on


"Office Massacre" is over!

Top artists:

NSD: 2071 hits

Mr X: 1872 hits - 10 Pics

GeorgeL: 1761 hits - 2 Pics

MontyHack: 1695 hits

Random: 1552 hits

Foliemeurtriere: 1479 hits

Aishado: 928 hits

MoNoCeRoTiS: 701 hits

Gordie: 610 hits

SmallAmy: 490 hits

ProudWarrioress: 447 hits

Congratulations to NSD for winning. Thanks to everyone who participated.

New Contest! "Assembly Line Execution!"

Girls executed in a row like waiting for an axe, a bunch of nooses, group firing squad etc.


Vivacious Visitor
Jan 15, 2010
New Combat Contest on SexyAmazons and DeadlyAmazons

"Post Apocalypse!" is over!

Post Apocalypse! Combat in a post apocalyptic future.

Check out the contest at: SexyAmazons (Lethal) or DeadlyAmazons (Non Lethal)

Top artists:
These are the top pics in the contest ranked by # of hits and artist. An artist will only get his highest ranking pic in the list so if an artist received 1st, 2nd and 3rd place - he'd only receive 1st place. The hits are the hits for the highest ranking picture, not a total of all pictures posted.

Winners On DeadlyAmazons (Non Lethal)

Chumez by Catfight Factory: 353 Hits (3 pics)

Apocalyptic Warriors by DaleCar: 236 Hits (3 pics)

Winners On SexyAmazons (Lethal)

Necromunda: 3089 Hits

Foliemeurtriere: 1573 Hits (2 Pics)

TC: 1463 Hits

DaleCar 1355 Hits (4 Pics)

MoNoCeRoTiS 1192 Hits

Amazon Gabriela: 1178 Hits (6 pics)

ProudWarrioress: 562 Hits (2 pics)

Congratulations Necromunda and Catfight Factory. Thanks to everyone who participated.

New Contest! "Barbarians at the Gate!"

Barbarians at the Gate! The imperials must stop the invading barbarians. Set in the past, the present or the future.

Check out the contest on (Lethal) or DeadlyAmazons (Non Lethal)

Good luck to all of you!

Home - Art - Female combat, Death fetish, Amazon battle, Girls Executed, Fatal Female Fights. Women Hanged, Beheaded, Shot, Stabbed.
Home - Deadly Amazons Art Gallery
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Vivacious Visitor
Jan 15, 2010
New Peril Contest on


"Assembly Line Execution" is over!

Top artists:

NSD: 2103 hits

TrakeM: 2057 hits

Congratulations to both artists for winning. Thanks to everyone who participated.

New Contest! "Stake the Vampiress!"

Kill the vampiress with a stake, spear or arrow in her evil heart or cleavage!.


Vivacious Visitor
Jan 15, 2010
New Combat Contest on and

"Barbarians at the Gate!" is over!

Barbarians at the Gate! The imperials must stop the invading barbarians. Set in the past, the present or the future..

Check out the contest at: SexyAmazons (Lethal) or DeadlyAmazons (Non Lethal)

Top artists:
These are the top pics in the contest ranked by # of hits and artist. An artist will only get his highest ranking pic in the list so if an artist received 1st, 2nd and 3rd place - he'd only receive 1st place. The hits are the hits for the highest ranking picture, not a total of all pictures posted.

Winners On SexyAmazons (Lethal)

Amazon Attack by Necromunda: 4149 Hits

Last Guard by Random: 2911 Hits

Amazons vs Wall Guards by Amazonfan: 2225 Hits (2 Pics)

Lost Battle by Guido: 1972 Hits (2 pics)

Come out and Play by Novax 1605 Hits

Congratulations Necromunda. Thanks to everyone who participated.

New Contest on! "After the Battle!"

After the Battle! The mess left behind after combat. At least two dead, female corpses in the scene.

Check out the contest on (Lethal)


New Contest on! "Naked Fight!"

Two, beautiful, NAKED women in hand to hand combat!

Check out the contest on DeadlyAmazons (Non Lethal)

Good luck to all of you!

Home - Art - Female combat, Death fetish, Amazon battle, Girls Executed, Fatal Female Fights. Women Hanged, Beheaded, Shot, Stabbed.
Home - Deadly Amazons Art Gallery


Vivacious Visitor
Jan 15, 2010
New Peril Contest on


"Bow Sniper" is over!

Top artists:

NSD: 2580 hits (3 Pics)

Novax: 1822 hits (3 Pics)

Jolly Roger: 1802 hits

Amazonfan: 1770 hits (2 Pics)

Foliemeurtriere: 1408 hits (2 Pics)

Seaquester321: 1022 hits

Random: 994 hits (2 Pics)

ProudWarrioress: 604 hits (2 Pics)

Nombe Zulu: 328 hits (3 Pics)

Congratulations to NSD for winning. Thanks to everyone who participated.

New Contest! "Right Through the Breast!"

Girls killed with a sword, spear, arrow, knife or bullet through the breast. Sometimes the best way to the heart is right through the breast.


Potential Patron
May 21, 2012
Grats to the winner, though I wish there were more competition subjects I would enjoy taking part in :P


Vivacious Visitor
Jan 15, 2010
New Combat Contest on SexyAmazons

"After the Battle!" is over!

After the Battle! The mess left behind after combat. At least two dead, female corpses in the scene.

Check out the contest on (Lethal)

Top artists:
These are the top pics in the contest ranked by # of hits and artist. An artist will only get his highest ranking pic in the list so if an artist received 1st, 2nd and 3rd place - he'd only receive 1st place. The hits are the hits for the highest ranking picture, not a total of all pictures posted.

Winners On SexyAmazons (Lethal)

Desert Ambush by Amazonfan: 3059 Hits

Left Behind by NSD: 2809 Hits (3 Pics)

Cobra Patrol Wiped Out by Novax: 2662 Hits (2 Pics)

After the Battle by Beetle: 2414 Hits (2 Pics)

The Dead were Searched and Stripped by Jolly Roger: 2316 Hits (2 Pics)

Roxanne Arrowed by SeaQuester 1898 Hits

Left by DXC: 1884 Hits

Sabotage the Helicarrier by Sylar: 1785 Hits (2 Pics)

Sunset 1 by Random: 1600 Hits (2 Pics)

Slaughter is the Best Medicine by Warthon 3D: 1515 Hits

The Mess After a Sea Battle by Nombe Zulu: 995 Hits

Hill 137 by Randomite: 941 Hits

Two Dead Losers by Proud Warrioress: 890 Hits

On the Steps by Uniform: 865 Hits (2 Pics)

On the Steps by Kimblis: 383 Hits (5 Pics)

Congratulations Amazonfan. Thanks to everyone who participated.

New Contest on! "Silence the Sentry!"

Silence the Sentry! Kill the sentry before she alerts the enemy!

Check out the contest on (Lethal)


Vivacious Visitor
Jan 15, 2010
New Peril Contest on


"Through the Breast!" is over!

Top artists:

Suleyman: 2007 hits (2 Pics)

NSD: 1958 hits (2 Pics)

TC: 1836 hits

Jolly Roger: 1660 hits

Foliemeurtriere: 1539 hits

Amazon Gabriela: 1515 hits (5 pics)

AmazonFan: 1224 hits (2 Pics)

ImSaneUK: 1159 hits

Nombe Zulu: 1149 hits (4 Pics)

Random: 1080 hits

Proud Warriroress: 684 hits (2 Pics)

Dodger: 310 hits

Congratulations to Suleyman for winning. Thanks to everyone who participated.

New Contest! "Crime Scene!"

A CSI-style crime scene with one or more female corpses.


Vivacious Visitor
Jan 15, 2010
Announcing, "Hooker Wars, the Series!"

Announcing, "Hooker Wars, the Series!"

at Art

Brand new! An ongoing fatal female combat series on!

Twenty one female gangs are ready to fight to the death but who will participate? Will it be the Big breasted "Juggernauts" or the scantily-clad stripper gang, "The Death Dancers" or maybe the leggy "Sexataries". It's up to you to choose which gangs go on to fight each other to the death. Only sixteen will survive the votes and go on to fight to the end!

Just click on this link: Hooker Wars - The Series and vote for your favorite factions by clicking on the pics. Once the factions have been chosen, a contest will be held each month where two of the popular factions will fight each other to the death.

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Vivacious Visitor
Jan 15, 2010
New Combat Contest on SexyAmazons

"After the Battle!" is over!

Silence the Sentry! Kill the sentry before she alerts the enemy!

Check out the contest on (Lethal)

Top artists:
These are the top pics in the contest ranked by # of hits and artist. An artist will only get his highest ranking pic in the list so if an artist received 1st, 2nd and 3rd place - he'd only receive 1st place. The hits are the hits for the highest ranking picture, not a total of all pictures posted.

Winners On SexyAmazons (Lethal)

Three Plus One Makes Four by NSD: 2186 Hits

Catch Her by Waraji: 2055 Hits

First Sentry Silenced by Guido: 1967 Hits

Silenced by a Sword by Amazonfan: 1959 Hits

Silence the Sentry by Novax: 1937 Hits

Shh.... by Random: 1896 Hits

Silencing Two Sentries by Imhotep: 1808 Hits

Sentrys by DXC:1495 Hits

Pffffuttt! by Jolly Roger: 1431 Hits

Downed Sentry by Dvorak: 1370 Hits

Minus One by Foliemeurtriere: 1200 Hits

Silenced Sentry the Injection Method by Warthon 3D: 977 Hits

Two Sentries out of Jobs and Guts: 875 Hits

Silence the Sentry! by Secteur-X7 839 Hits

Train Guard Duty by DragonAT: 807 Hits

Sleepy Sentry by DaleCar: 698 Hits (20 Pics)

Die Bitch! by ImsaneUK: 666 Hits

Crime and Punishment from ProudWarrioress 420 Hits (2 Pics)

Spygirl Trooper by Dodger: 351 Hits

Congratulations NSD, please contact Templar at templarart at gmail dot com for the prize. Thanks to everyone who participated.

New Contest on! "Silence the Sentry!"

Through the Belly! Girl killed in combat with a blade, spear, arrow or bullet in her belly.

Check out the contest on (Lethal)

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