The owners of the server where Undertow resides shut us down due to an e-mail redirect problem. While we are now back up and running, please bear with the site gurus while they research the e-mail problem and devise a solution.
For new members awaiting conformation e-mails, if you don't get a response in a few hours and have followed the instructions about white-listing click here for info about whitelisting and so forth , please make a post in the Guest room threadhttps://www.undertow.club/forums/guest-room.4/
A staff member will activate your accounts and post a reply there. Please be advised that a staff member with admin controls may not always be on site, so you might have to wait a few hours (hopefully not more than 12 hours) for manual activation.
Very respectfully,
fleet (global moderator)
The owners of the server where Undertow resides shut us down due to an e-mail redirect problem. While we are now back up and running, please bear with the site gurus while they research the e-mail problem and devise a solution.
For new members awaiting conformation e-mails, if you don't get a response in a few hours and have followed the instructions about white-listing click here for info about whitelisting and so forth , please make a post in the Guest room threadhttps://www.undertow.club/forums/guest-room.4/
A staff member will activate your accounts and post a reply there. Please be advised that a staff member with admin controls may not always be on site, so you might have to wait a few hours (hopefully not more than 12 hours) for manual activation.
Very respectfully,
fleet (global moderator)
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