Slime Girl! (1 Viewer)


Potential Patron
Jan 16, 2014
I WAS talking about animation tools. The removal of any object, may leave the points, but still just removes the object. and ultimately see through has never been thought of or more to the point done. So here we are, stuck with no way to make HER see through.


Content Creator
Feb 17, 2011
Don't mean to disturb this but this request is a little more complicated than you'd first expect.
Because the hair and arm containers are outside of the rest of the body they don't follow blend modes.
By moving them in to the same container, proxying the matrix transforms and then using a layer blend on the entire object you can achieve proper transparency.
After this you can proxy the her.move method to get the penis to animate properly.
If I get a chance I'll look in to the transparency first. If I get that working then harass Dante to work with me.


Potential Patron
Jan 16, 2014
I never even considered the hair and arm as separate entities of the whole! But given the mods should have...All hail the big wrench!


Content Creator
Feb 17, 2011
package flash
	import flash.display.BlendMode;
	import flash.geom.Matrix;
    public dynamic class Main extends flash.display.MovieClip
		var g;
		var her;
		public var lProxy;

		public function initl(l){

			g = l.g;
			her = g.her;

			var lp = lProxy.createProxy(g, "setPenisOut");
			lp.addPre(setPenisOut, true);
			lp.hooked = false;
			lp = lProxy.createProxy(her, "updateTorso");
			lp.addPost(updateTorso, true);
			lp = lProxy.createProxy(her, "updateElements");
			lp.addPost(updateElements, true);
			her.addChildAt(her.hairBackContainer, 0);
			her.blendMode = "layer";
			her.alpha = 5/10;


		function updateElements(){
			her.hairBackContainer.transform.matrix = her.mZero;
			her.hairTop.transform.matrix=new Matrix();

		function updateTorso(){
			g.her.rightArmContainer.transform.matrix = g.her.torsoIK.section1Matrix.clone();
			g.her.rightForeArmContainer.transform.matrix = g.her.torsoIK.section1Matrix.clone();			

		function setPenisOut(param1:Boolean=true) : void {
			if(param1 && !g.penisOut)
				g.penisOut = true;
					g.penisOut = false;

Things left to do:

Proxy hand transform for proper alignment.
Proxy penis movement and actions.
Add all costume/hair layers for proper control.

Other than this it works.


Potential Patron
Feb 12, 2014

So, this is what I meant with post earlier. It's really easy to do with mods already available.
Kir's Sea Slime hair and charcode from thread Kir's Imports thread;
al1enh0mIn1d's Hardlight Mod effect from Old Mod archive;
Dante's X-ray mod from Dante's Loader Import thread ;
Synonymous' no penis mode from [Synon] [Anime + Video Game Costumes] thread.

Now this should do as short-term thing, also if Dante is willing to, his xray could be edited a little to remove all throat textures and putting same hardlight effect on the penis inside her throat. Now how to make his penis visible with all this - I've no idea. Still it seems like an okay solution with little effort.

Obviously, if ModGuy is willing to finish his idea, that would be way better but for me the explanation seemed difficult, since I assume he'd still need to either draw himself or use Dante's xray frames for penis to go inside her throat.


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Potential Patron
Jan 16, 2014
That is VERY wicked! I would like to agree that all the throat parts need really not be there, But criticize only to one point, no penis - no presence, there has to be a way to keep the penis there!!! (or will a separate animation overlay\MOD need be written in total?), and I ask if in APT how would it still be represented? But I hate to present problems alone. The point of entry mask works both in vanilla and loader? So blowing or banging right? Can the mask (if within the her body model limits) be replaced with a different "mask" to allow visibility of the penis while she remains opaque? Can they be reversed his cock stays and she disappears? LOL Stay with me here, the angle and start\end of any position can be found, proven first by Skull hammer, and then I found how much fun they were to tweak by so little as a decimal offset. So if "she could be masked with the same opaque mods in use (I would still like to see liquid) given the code by MG I mean I get this...
var lp = lProxy.createProxy(g, "setPenisOut");
lp.addPre(setPenisOut, true);
lp.hooked = false;

lp = lProxy.createProxy(her, "updateTorso");
lp.addPost(updateTorso, true);

lp = lProxy.createProxy(her, "updateElements");
lp.addPost(updateElements, true);

her.addChildAt(her.hairBackContainer, 0);

her.blendMode = "layer";
her.alpha = 5/10;

But am lost on the origin of the initial, I get how it ends up being transferred now more that ever, but where the hell was it introduced in the code? (spell it out for me code?) Or is it just in the mod and I spent an hour going nuts for nothing? LMAO (wouldn't surprise me)


Content Creator
Feb 17, 2011
You could manually adjust the mask during a proxy of her.move, take the position as provided and adjust his penis mask .x property accordingly.
Alternatively, animate the actual motion and step through the frames depending on the position + g.penisOut.


Content Creator
Sep 11, 2012
maybe have the penis be a child of her with that layer blend?

just throwing out ideas, cause not sure how you would not have small graphical bugs if you don't do this


Potential Patron
Jan 16, 2014
"Ah so" I know it means "fighting hands" Not a profound realization, But an Asian friend told me it means an American with no clue and is pronounced AASSHHOOLLEE. I certainly qualify, but How do I turn air into water? I want to make the MOD "goo girls" being the idea, (white,green,blue,red,water,ghost,smoke) (or is goo girls a different reference I just don't get?) and will have to create a liquid frame based on the parameters of the body frame, I suck at art but have a buddy that does not (he sucks at codeing, so symbiotic), and even if once you get the look right, how do you represent the penis right given it was meant to just be masked not shown? I may have bitten off more than I can chew...given this game , that's screwed up! LOL

Funny part is PM_GD called it...
"This is a really tough one to make, if someone is going to make it."


Content Creator
Feb 17, 2011
Polarcat in siberia said:
how do you represent the penis right given it was meant to just be masked not shown?

MG said:
You could manually adjust the mask during a proxy of her.move, take the position as provided and adjust his penis mask .x property accordingly.
Alternatively, animate the actual motion and step through the frames depending on the position + g.penisOut.

Please cut down on fluff when asking questions, you're reminding me of Kyro.

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