Star Trek Online Nude Mods: "The Nudist Generation" Edition (46 Viewers)


Content Creator
Jan 12, 2017
Poplan Poplan I implemented just about everything you suggested for the file structure except the Examples. The examples have to be deployed before the actual installer cause of how that little blue link in the installer window works.

Also, you CANNOT rename Localdata, you will loose all your game settings. I learned that the REALLY hard way. There's a file in there, GamePrefs.pref, that is loaded on every start of GameClient for your settings.

And there's a line somewhere that says the mods are on by default, but it's probably not clear where that line is.


Potential Patron
Nov 7, 2017
The ZTS The ZTS , thanks for your reply.
I just reinstalled the mod, where I have selected the default options:
Setup type:
Default Options

Selected components:
Legacy textures (Klingons/Cats/Remans) (required)
Base Nude Mod (required)
All Fixes for Body Stuff
Belt 1
Belt 2
Belt 3
TOS Shirt
TOS Shorts
Belt 1
Belt 2
Belt 3
Belt 3A
Belt 4
Bikini 1
Bikini 2
Bikini 3
Bikini 4
Bikini Bottom
Bikini Tattered
Romulan Civilian
Romulan Civilian A
Romulan Civilian Vest
Cadet 2409 (Starfleet Academy)
Cadet 2409 Skirt
TOS Starfleet
TOS Medical
TOS Mirror
TOS Mirror Skirt
Universal Outfits
Iconian 1
Iconian 1 Short
Iconian 2
Iconian 2 Short
TOS Kahn
Risa Swimwear
Basic Suit Patch (required for any others)
All Open Bikinis
All Tops Only
Bikini Double
Bikini Hammock
Bikini Thick
Board Shorts
One Piece
Waist Tied
Y Cut
TOS Tied Orion
Tank Top
Wet Suit
Winter Apparel
Cropped Frost
Cropped Green
Cropped Mistletoe
Cropped Purple
Nude Textures
Spanner's HD Skin Textures
High Resolution Shaved
Petite Torso Maps
Other Skin Options
Mining Clothes to Swimsuit
Animation Changes
Dance Jester to Electro Shock
Wave Hands to Seductive Dance #1
Leg Kick to Seductive Dance #2
Yawn to Flirty
Cute to Hands on Hips
Mirror Leeta's Pistol Idle
New Contact Screen Zoom
Mod Switch on Desktop
Install Chastity Belt
Nipple Imprints
TNG Counselor
Seven of Nine
TOS Wide Neck
TOS Medical
TOS Mirror
TOS Uniform
TOS Tunic
Skeletal Mods
Add Jiggle Physics
4. War Heads
Additional tasks:
Create direct desktop links to the mod switches.
You need to click this in order for the mod switches to actually work.
Thus it appears the mod is not working correctly on my machine, so here are the required details
-Mod version: 3.3.0
-Game shard version: ST.80.20171016a.15
-What lighting you're using: 2.0 - off, dynamic - on, Shadows - medium, max lights per object - 5, max shadowed lights - 1
Here is what I get for "Odyssey" jacket for example: Snaggy - easy screenshots
As you can see, "Skirt - Sierra" works correctly, but Odyssey Jacket does not (out of all jackets, only Terran Mirror - TOS jacket results in a topless model).
Extra info: Star Trek Online_en\Star Trek Online\Live\localdata is about 89MB (millions of bytes) after the mod is installed (free disk space is 11GB). My suspicion is that Gibbed extraction is partly broken.
Any help with fixing this would be greatly appreciated.


Potential Patron
Nov 7, 2017
The ZTS The ZTS can you please advise, which jackets should result in a topless model (or more generally, how can I make my FED toon/BOff to be topless)?
RE: Odyssey - maybe you can override it in your mod with a 3D mesh of the known format skinned in your own nude texture of the known format? Something similar to the nipple/jiggle 3D meshes that you are already using.


Content Creator
Jan 12, 2017
D Discusser You're missing the point. The texture format is so alien to us that when we try to apply a nude texture, it ends up in the character's torso being totally black except where the neck meets the chest. Meshes are not and cannot be used anymore because the Cryptic Engine has optimized how body meshes are loaded. Basically it's a topless model.

The engine will actually halt loading if it tries to load one of the newer textures that we still do not fully know how to modify.

If you want topless, my best suggestion to you is to buy a Winter Cropped Jacket. They're not that much on the exchange.

BOFFs being topless is currently not supported.


Content Creator
Jan 12, 2017
Poplan Poplan I'm ready for another release, but since my batch files caused havoc with you and you offered to adjust them, I await your suggestions and changes.

(I'm still uber sorry about that, I don't know how you've got stuff set up but if you need recovery software...)


Potential Patron
Nov 7, 2017
Regarding batch files - I suggest the following enhancements that will both check if STO is currently running, and also if the mod is already on or off, skipping any disk changes in either case.
@echo off
if exist ..\Localdata.nudemode\nul goto :nowoff
tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq gameclient.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "gameclient.exe">NUL
if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto :stoup

move ..\Localdata ..\Localdata.nudemode
mkdir ..\Localdata
move ..\Localdata.nudemode\GamePrefs.Pref ..\Localdata
echo Nude Mod is OFF.
goto :e

echo Nude Mod is already OFF.
goto :e

echo Please close STO before switching mod state.

@echo off
if not exist ..\Localdata.nudemode\nul goto :nowon
tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq gameclient.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "gameclient.exe">NUL
if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto :stoup

del ..\Localdata.nudemode\GamePrefs.Pref
move ..\Localdata\GamePrefs.Pref ..\Localdata.nudemode
rmdir /S /Q ..\Localdata
move ..\Localdata.nudemode ..\Localdata
echo Nude Mod is ON.
goto :e

echo Nude Mod is already ON (or not installed).
goto :e

echo Please close STO before switching mod state.


And if you want to be absolutely paranoid, you can still keep the
section for both files in case "tasklist" call fails for some reason.
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Content Creator
Jan 12, 2017
Regarding batch files - I suggest the following enhancements that will both check if STO is currently running, and also if the mod is already on or off, skipping any disk changes in either case.
@echo off
if exist ..\Localdata.nudemode\nul goto :nowoff
tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq gameclient.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "gameclient.exe">NUL
if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto :stoup

move ..\Localdata ..\Localdata.nudemode
mkdir ..\Localdata
move ..\Localdata.nudemode\GamePrefs.Pref ..\Localdata
echo Nude Mod is OFF.
goto :e

echo Nude Mod is already OFF.
goto :e

echo Please close STO before switching mod state.

@echo off
if not exist ..\Localdata.nudemode\nul goto :nowon
tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq gameclient.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "gameclient.exe">NUL
if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto :stoup

del ..\Localdata.nudemode\GamePrefs.Pref
move ..\Localdata\GamePrefs.Pref ..\Localdata.nudemode
rmdir /S /Q ..\Localdata
move ..\Localdata.nudemode ..\Localdata
echo Nude Mod is ON.
goto :e

echo Nude Mod is already ON (or not installed).
goto :e

echo Please close STO before switching mod state.


And if you want to be absolutely paranoid, you can still keep the
section for both files in case "tasklist" call fails for some reason.

Aahh, your suggestions are excellent. The last time I used batch was, quote, "sometime in a highschool far far away". Now I'm doing hard stuff in Bash, PowerShell (which is AWESOME by the way), and stuff like Perl and Python. I totally forgot some of the stuff you can reference in batch (and how much of a PITA it is to do stuff how you want or how you expect...).

Your recommendations have been integrated.

That corrupted texture will be corrected in the next update; they changed the name of the cropped shirts in game and we didn't notice it until recently.


Content Creator
Jan 12, 2017
xaos25 xaos25 I hate to ask this of you, but for your costume cheat sheet, could you redo it using Greenshot? It's a point-and-shoot screenshot program that lets you constrain the screenshot to only a few pixels instead of the entire screen. I'm fairly constricted on time, and I don't have the time to go through all your screenshots and crop them down to what we need from the tailor.

Also, save them as .PNG files for now so I can compress them using Photoshop.

(I'm really sorry to ask this of you but I'm trying to do a lot of stuff with my hands tied, I need assistance wherever I can get it!)


Swell Supporter
May 18, 2016
I get a corrupted texture this way, any help would be appreciated: Snaggy - easy screenshots
try using the frost colored winter cropped jacket, I don't think the red one is included in the mod yet. I supplied The Zts with all of the colors but I don't think they're implemented yet.

The ZTS The ZTS you want just the working toolset or the source of the actual tools, cause I think Belechonnas posted the site where you can download them I'll look for it


Potential Patron
Nov 7, 2017
That corrupted texture will be corrected in the next update...
Thanks, in the meantime if there an alternative jacket I could buy off the Exchange feel free to let me know.
Otherwise I will be very much looking forward to the next update, and hope it is out soon, since it would essentially be the first version to allow FED characters to go topless without spending Zen.
PS. I also get a similarly corrupted texture in "Uniform Jacket - Loose/The Next Generation Skant", and in "Uniform - Skirts": Skirt - 23 c Kilt, and The Next Generation Skant, so would be nice correcting them at some point (but IMO not worth holding the update just to correct these).


Content Creator
Aug 7, 2013
@TheZTS, I managed to get my files back, thanks. (I am an IT person so I have recovery software already).
I'll work on the batch files.


Content Creator
Aug 7, 2013

I'm unable to test some of this because of the way the mod install works so I'm going to go over some stuff one by one and you can integrate it as needed.

As previously stated by someone, you can use tasklist to check if a process is running or not, however, it is *case sensitive* so if the game is "GameClient.exe" and you're checking "gameclient.exe" it will fail.

Using relative paths like .\ and ..\ can get you into trouble. Be very careful.

If you start your batch with setlocal all variables you set during the session will be removed when your batch is ended. This is useful for doing some temporary things. I'd suggest at the top of the mod processing to set a temp folder for the installation.

As you already do in the compiler, you can maintain some information by storing it to a file and using set /p to retrieve it. If you do this however, you'll probably want a trim function since there can be an extra space at the end.

You can use "if exist" and "if not exist" to check if folders or files are there or not.

You CAN rename localdata, if you make sure to handle the preferences file. You're already doing this by doing a delete and a move. (In fact, you should probably copy localdata\gameprefs.Pref to something like _backup\localdata\gameprefs.Prefs.original before installing the mod files to the install dir.)

I've modified the files but they are untested, use caution!

UPDATE: I didn't catch this in "3. Compiler.bat" but you've hard coded C:\Temp, should never use hard coded paths, the OS isn't even necessarily on C, use %TEMP% or some other construct (%SystemDrive% will always be the OS drive letter, for example).

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Avid Affiliate
Jul 17, 2014
xaos25 xaos25 I hate to ask this of you, but for your costume cheat sheet, could you redo it using Greenshot? It's a point-and-shoot screenshot program that lets you constrain the screenshot to only a few pixels instead of the entire screen. I'm fairly constricted on time, and I don't have the time to go through all your screenshots and crop them down to what we need from the tailor.

Also, save them as .PNG files for now so I can compress them using Photoshop.

(I'm really sorry to ask this of you but I'm trying to do a lot of stuff with my hands tied, I need assistance wherever I can get it!)

No problem at all. I dont see any settings inside Greenshot for sizing the output or anything, but I'll play with it later tonight. If you have a preferred size or settings just let me know. I'll give it a few days for you to reply before I bang out anything. And I know I did the wrong Iconian, it's the reputation armor that goes nude, right? I dont have that.


Potential Patron
Nov 7, 2017
As previously stated by someone, you can use tasklist to check if a process is running or not, however, it is *case sensitive* so if the game is "GameClient.exe" and you're checking "gameclient.exe" it will fail.
On Windows 7 it is NOT case sensitive, just tried it with STO running. I did test the batch files before posting them in the forum, you know:
> tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq gameclient.exe"

Image Name                     PID Session Name        Session#    Mem Usage
========================= ======== ================ =========== ============
GameClient.exe               16068 Console                    1    862,136 K

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