I've found another bug within the installer. Using any of Daedalus's body art unchecks the "Nude Textures" installer option. That's what's causing details like nipples and the like to not show up. Don't use Daedalus's body art until the installer is fixed. I'll keep messing with it to ensure that is in fact the problem.
In the meantime I'm sure things can be manually implemented...somehow.
EDIT: Confirmed. That was the issue. Choosing a body texture removes the base one.
I must have messed something up when I made Body Art and Nude Textures mutually exclusive so they don't needlessly overwrite one another. I'll look at it later tonight when I have the time.
Hi Everyone. I recently found this and wanted to say this is a great mod! however I was wondering a few things:
1) is there a list of what is included in this mod somewhere? There are several features I would like more description on what they do.
2) What exactly does Chastity Belt do? all I've been able to find is that I should run it before running STO ut I have no clue what it does and my searches thus far haven't given me any information.
3) FYI my female liberted borg romulan character has some major clipping issues with Talaxian skirts. I'll post pictures when I get the chance.
Thanks for the help!
Chastity Belt is a simple program which looks for any instances of CrypticErrorReporter.exe and kills it. Originally I used it to keep Steam from thinking STO was open, but it's useful for not phoning home all the time on the slightest issue.
As for the clipping issue, I'm aware. I'm seeing about doing some manual adjustments to my development environment to make it such that the old Skirt Legs Fix and Belly Geo Fix are integrated and no longer nessecary.
Ok So I desided to go head and live with the skinny nipple less Cardasiens and reinstaled this mod execpt now my Cardasian brige officers are all turn invisable when they are supposed to be nude. can any body tell me what texture pack I shude use for the Cardasians?
There isn't one for you to use right now. We're still trying to find the textures.