Star Trek Online Nude Mods: "The Nudist Generation" Edition (53 Viewers)


Swell Supporter
May 26, 2013
Some more digging in export schemas. Filtered out all the flags I could find listed in ColumnFlags.cs

<flag>FIXED_ARRAY</flag> doesn't seem to exist in any schema files had 0 hits
<flag>NO_LOG</flag> doesn't seem to exist in any schema files had 0 hits
All other flags I found at least 1 hit for in schemas

With all flags listed in ColumnFlags.cs filtered out I searched for new flags not listed and did not find any.

View attachment 82901

Don't be Distracted by the guns remember the objective :P
Well...that's one way to show some pussy around here.....


Content Creator
Dec 9, 2014
Another way is going to Risa, put on a floater and look under your toon's skirt :tongue:

But I'm more worried about a potential mutiny on our ships when we do get the mod back up again. It's the same scenario as in Star Trek: Insurrection when Picard wanted to sneak off the Enterprise using the captain's yacht; then Riker and the rest of the senior staff caught him in the act. Picard ordered them back to their quarters and to that Riker flatly replied: "No uniform? No orders."


Content Creator
Oct 11, 2018
Stupid question to follow.

Does the .xml files from the CGC.bin file need to be repacked to a .bin file?
Would it work if the .xml files is converted back to their native form (think its .cgeo) and then just placed in the proper location within the localdata folder instead of converting and packing to a .bin? It does look like the localdata folder doesn't require files to be packed sins creating empty files named with appropriate names in the correct location does break the game while files in incorrect locations or incorrect names does nothing.

Obviously the clothing files that was packed into CGC.bin inst .xml files and when unpacking the files get separated and converted to .xml and when repacking get converted back to their original form and packed into the .bin file. What if instead of going all the way to pack into the .bin the .xml just get converted as separate files.

If that is possible and it works then for the moment it can be a possible workaround sins we have the .xml files and have something till someone figures out how to unpack the CG.bin


Vivacious Visitor
Aug 21, 2018
I know it's not easy, but I still want the crew changer back, I miss seeing my harem crew ferngi-style.

*meme of naked female dancing to psy's song goes here*


Content Creator
Dec 26, 2017
Has anyone figured out where the problem is yet?

Fearing the worst sins its almost been a month now :(

Patience is one of the few virtues practiced here.

Hang tight! Arguing with code or any sort of computerized horse hockey that doesn't want to do what you want it to do is difficult at best. I'm sure our modders' tenacity will pay off eventually.

William Michael Phillips

Vivacious Visitor
Jul 2, 2018
Patience is one of the few virtues practiced here.

Hang tight! Arguing with code or any sort of computerized horse hockey that doesn't want to do what you want it to do is difficult at best. I'm sure our modders' tenacity will pay off eventually.
A Person can only be patient for so long. Saying our modder's tenacity will pay off eventually is like saying eventually their will be peace on earth. reguler updates on the progress of fixing the mod would go a long way as to keeping every on patient as would relessing parts of the mod that now work like they did with the breast and hips scalling options. (personely I am still waiting for breast jiggle to be restored.) All so another option would be to reless a mod with jest the scalling options and the breast and may be butt jiggle for thous of us who don't nessaserly want a full on nude mod, but want a mod that adds better breast and hip/butt scalling as well as breast & butt bounce.


Content Creator
Oct 11, 2018
Nevertheless, all we can do is wait. It's not like we're paying for a product.

Thats why I am trying to help by digging through code and experimenting with the game and passing it on. Might help or might not but it beats just waiting around. Given the circumstances its pointless and not justifiable to complain about the problem, that energy is better spent trying to help fix the problem.
Without ability to compile and debug I can just try and figure out how its supposed to work looking over the code and then see if something looks like it does not fit. Some of it is a bit outside of what I know of C# but its one way to learn new things or fry your brain in the process :)

This brings me to a question regarding the different TableLocator files. Does all the files require a matched pattern to properly export schemas or is one of each type of table (Enum/ExpressionFunction/Parser) all that is needed? I can only manage to get at most one of each type(Enum/ExpressionFunction/Parser) to match or partially match.

And something else i found in data.hogg there is a GameDataPathConfig.json that has an extra value added and what appears to be a missing " , " after one of the NULL entries. I don't know json and how or if this translates into the game in any way and how it would affect things but ill attach both files.


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Content Creator
Jan 12, 2017
Literally we're flying blind in a roaring hurricane with no GPS here. Our updates are that we have no updates. Not everything is working out like we expected it to, so we're doing our best here.


Swell Supporter
May 18, 2016
Made the changes to that one parser table I mentioned a few posts back and now when exporting schemas I have a new file in my export directory :D

*Edit would help If I upload the correct file.

Have you tried generating a new serializer yet with those exported schemas? Can you post the Schemas folder here.


Content Creator
Oct 11, 2018
Here is what I get in schemas now and also attaching the changes + compiled exporter [might need a recompile simply tested a compile and run]

Something on the original export caught my eye so i piped the console output to .txt and on the first line it complained about no expressions. With the changes it stopped complaining and created the extra file. Though I don't think there is a difference in the actual schemas exported the extra file looks like it contains a breakdown of variables contained in each part that might come in handy.


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Content Creator
Oct 11, 2018
OK broke the heck out of the Converter trying to figure out why it just refuses to work for some of the bins and got an interesting result. Managed to get @resource.xml from costumegeometry.bin then it tries to create entries.xml and bombs out with the buffer issue.

I think the problem is not that its getting to little information its actually it gets so much information it flows over and then appears like its to little info. with the messing I got an error from ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll that buffer is to small to handle it.

If anyone has a ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll that can handle a larger buffer or can compile one with increased buffer it might be worth giving it a shot.


Content Creator
Oct 11, 2018
How big does the buffer need to be? I might be able to hunt around for some goods.

I might be looking at this wrong

kicking it to putout the values it uses to test running against playercostume.bin I get.
input: 1280236
dataSize: 16258632
end: 17538864

before bombing out with a new error.

Unhandled Exception: System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part
of the path 'e:\STO\Data\data\@resource.xml'.
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, I
nt32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions o
ptions, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolea
n useLongPath)
at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access,
FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options)
at Gibbed.Cryptic.ConvertResource.Program.Main(String[] args) in c:\Downloads\GibbedTools-master\Gibbed.Cryptic.ConvertResource\Program.cs:line 498

Intresting thing that it points back to the program.cs in my downloads folder and not the compiled one I ran.

And now I cant get the damn thing to mention that .dll
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Content Creator
Oct 11, 2018
ok added some more and even more console outs and although it might appear that Gibbed.Cryptic.ConvertResource instantly breaks it actually does get a good bit into both CG.bin and PC.bin

Its like the program is counting incorrectly

when file is read by blobfile it reads fileInfoSize : 1870188
when it gets to BlobDataReader it has Input.Position : 1870264

when file is read by blobfile it reads fileInfoSize : 1280160
when it gets to BlobDataReader it has Input.Position : 1280236

both cases a diff of 76

for those interested attached the output showing its progressing through the bin at least for the file name and timestamp part. guess more console outputs is needed till the point it freaksout is found.


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Content Creator
Oct 11, 2018
For those that simply cant wait here is a CG.bin with the options I ticked in the last patch that worked. Note it does not have all the outfits and I merely copied the .xml files left over from that patch and overwrote the .xml in this CG.bin (creds goes to the guys that put the effort in to mod them)

Unrar and place in installdir\Star Trek Online_en\Star Trek Online\Live\Localdata\bin and enjoy



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