Well folks, here it is: my final modding tutorial. It builds on
the tutorial I've already posted, this time I'm covering more detailed .bin modding and packaging everything into an installer using Inno Setup.
Tutorial.7z is the main archive, containing the tutorial in .txt & .html formats, as well as supplementary graphics. The .html version of the tutorial, while rudimentary, is probably easier to navigate, since it has easily clickable links.
STO Extended Nude Mods 2.15.2 Inno Setup Source.7z is the full source I used to build my mod package installer using Inno Setup. If you install Inno Setup and then open the "STO Nude Mod.iss" file, you can compile the mod installer .exe by selecting Build -> Compile or using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+F9.
Toolset Update.7z is the latest update to the Cryptic mod tools that I've compiled. This may or may not actually be sufficient for the most recent version of STO, as I haven't tried decompiling any .bins after about February 2016.
I'll still monitor this thread if anyone has any specific modding questions.
If anyone else wants to take over this mod package, please feel welcome to do so! I am releasing the full source in the attached archives, so you should have everything needed to reproduce the installer file.