Story Commissions (UPDATED) (1 Viewer)

Asuka Kazama Ryona

Club Regular
Mar 25, 2018

I'm opening ryona story commissions once more! Choose a character you want to see get the absolute hell beaten out of them:

  • Asuka Kazama
  • Lili Rochefort
  • Josie Rizal
  • Julia Chang
  • Ling Xiaoyu
  • Christie Monteiro
  • Nina Williams
  • Zafina
Street Fighter
  • Chun-Li
  • Cammy White
  • Sakura Kasugano
Dead or Alive
  • Kasumi
  • Hitomi
  • Kokoro
  • Mila
  • Marie Rose
  • Tina Armstrong
Rumble Roses
  • Reiko Hinomoto
King of Fighters
  • Mai Shiranui
Final Fantasy
  • Tifa Lockhart
Virtua Fighter
  • Sarah Bryant
  • Black Widow
  • Wonder Woman
  • Supergirl
  • Batgirl
  • Catwoman
Fairy Tail
  • Lucy Heartfilia
  • Erza Scarlet

My base price for this is $0.015/word ($15/1000 words), but that price is negotiable. Just DM me in case you do want to negotiate the price for a commission.
Currently, I am prioritizing taking short story commissions, from 1000 to 2000 words. If you would like to commission a story about a character that isn't in the list above, tell me which character it is and I will decide if I want to take the commission. However, it is more likely that I won't take the commission if it's of a character not listed above.

Post down below or PM me what requests you have. Tell me what character/s you wanna see, what ryona themes, scenes, and other things you wanna have in your story!

My limits:
Broken bones
Excessive blood
Any extreme body deformation
Anything to do with the toilet (urine, scat)

Negotiable themes:
Some blood

Previous Works:

Asuka Kazama Ryona Slave - Asuka Kazama gets kidnapped and is beaten up very convincingly in a series of streamed fights in various ways. Full of belly punching, wrestling content, supernatural powers, use of foreign objects, multiple KOs, 1v1s, 2v1s, and 3v1s and more.

Chun-Li Outclassed - Chun-Li runs into a guard who proves to be more than a match than her, and is defeated and taken away. It's a much shorter story with a simple martial arts beatdown for Chun.

Black Widow vs. Three - Black Widow falls into the clutches of some of her villains, who take out their frustrations on her.

Kasumi Exhibition Match - Kasumi fights a nobody in an exhibition match. Should be easy for her... right?

Black Cat - Theft Trouble - An attempted robbery breaks out into a fight involving Felicia Hardy, the Black Cat.

Tina's Trial - Tina falls for a trap, and is forced to fight a bunch of thugs all at once.

Chun-Li: Crushed By Sagat - Exactly what it says on the tin. Chun-Li loses terribly to Sagat.

Other Samples:

Asuka had stopped moving aside from the rise and fall of her chest as she panted. Her head hung forward, and it was evident that she was completely spent after that beating.

“Aww… it looks like she's had enough. I suppose we'll have to get her down from there.” Fury went behind Asuka and reached up to free her hands from the cuffs. She immediately started to fall, but Fury caught her by the hair and dragged her body to the wall, where he dropped her on her ass. Asuka’s arms were limp at her sides, her legs now spread, and her head rested on her chest. Fury reached down to hold Asuka’s face up by her chin. “Hey, are you still with us?”

The camera moved to focus on Asuka’s face; the girl looked dazed, hurt, and tired all at once. She was having a hard time keeping her eyes open, and she was too busy gulping in air to reply to Fury.

“Well, you're at least not out yet. Saves me the trouble of waking you up.”

Fury punted her stomach with the tip of his steel-toed boot. Spit flew from Asuka’s mouth and she immediately doubled over, her arms instinctively going to her stomach.

Fury pulled her to an upwards sitting position against the wall, and then launched an even stronger kick to Asuka’s pussy.


Her eyes shut tight as pain exploded in Asuka’s nether regions and reverberated through her body. Fury didn't let up, and kicked her again in the same area. A soundless scream left her and her upper body shot forward as agony racked Asuka once more. Fury stood back, enjoying the view of Asuka Kazama doubled over from the torturous pain.

“Haaaahhh… aghhhh…” the beaten fighter’s heavy breaths were audible and could even be heard on the stream. No doubt there would be people clipping that again, adding it to their audio collection of Asuka in pain. Fury then yanked her head back against the wall, walked back a few paces, then charged back in to deliver a running kick to Asuka’s pussy one more time.


Asuka let out the loudest scream she had all night. Pain ravaged her body, and she was seeing stars from that blow. But Fury wasn't done; he dug his foot even more into Asuka’s abused womanhood.

kyAAAAAaaaaahhhh…” Moans of pain escaped Asuka’s lips, and they grew weaker as Asuka’s body started to shut down. She quickly blacked out from the pain. Fury picked her up by the head and dangled her off the ground, showing off Asuka Kazama’s limp body to the camera. Her face screamed destruction; her mouth was still hanging open, and her eyes were now closed. Fury held her there for a few moments, then let go of her, letting her crumble to the ground. She lay on her side and Fury pushed with his foot, causing her to end up on her back.

The camera zoomed in on Asuka, following Fury's finger as it traced Asuka's prone body, starting with the cheek of her KOed face, then showing her chest, her battered stomach, and finally her crotch, where the finger rested. It then zoomed out, fully showing Asuka splayed on her back, unconscious at Fury’s feet.

“Poor, poor Asuka. I'm told that while I was beating you, your new fans were just begging for more. And we can't disappoint them now, can we?” Fury looked to the camera at that last sentence. “Because you all loved Asuka so much, we will keep her as a regular Ryona slave. Keep sending in those requests for little miss Asuka here!”

The defeated fighter heard none of this. Asuka continued to lie there, utterly destroyed and knocked out. She would be given time to recover after the beating of a lifetime that she just got, but only so that they could utterly destroy Asuka Kazama again, and again, and again...

King IV pounded Asuka’s pretty face with a barrage of punches, and in her vulnerable state all she could do was take the punishment. Asuka continued to cry out in pain as she was mercilessly beaten to a pulp.

“nnnnhhh… hurts… “ Asuka groaned in pain, somehow still awake after the beating she got. King IV stood up, then repositioned himself such that he was sitting down with Asuka lying in front of him.
He then pulled her to his body, hauled Asuka up to a sitting position, before forcing her head under his side and locking her in another dragon sleeper.

“Kkhh… King… stop… “ the Osakan girl’s pleas were unheard, letting King IV choke her out one more time. She didn't even attempt to fight; Asuka faded out of consciousness quickly. Her limp body was draped over King’s, letting him have a good view of Asuka’s KOed expression. He signaled to make the camera focus on his opponent's face. It had been the xth time Asuka passed out this match, but the sight of Asuka’s pretty face while unconscious never got old. He stood up and let her drop to the mat where she lay motionless.

“All match long, it feels like you've just been lying on your back. It feels like you're suggesting something, Asuka… “ King IV teased. The way Asuka looked so helpless was giving King IV thoughts of destroying her, not in the ring, but somewhere more… private. But he knew to wait; he had been promised a piece of her later on as long as he did his job.

And that, he did. He rolled Asuka over once more so that she was face-down, then stood on the backs of her thighs and grabbed her wrists. He reared back until his back met the canvas, and lifted Asuka up in a ceiling hold. The pain and pressure on Asuka forced her awake, and it didn't take long for her screams to come out.


Asuka’s screams of pain filled the area with every passing second that she was stuck in King IV’s torturous ceiling hold. She was being stretched to her limits and could do nothing but scream and beg for them to stop.

“Do you submit?”
“I submit!! I submit!”
“Admit you've lost! Make it good for all of those at home, watching!”
King IV pushed his legs up, stretching Asuka even further and making her scream.

From ringside, Fury smiled underneath his mask. Once again, they had broken Asuka’s fighting spirit. Her total surrender was music to his ears. He walked back into the ring and walked over to the two fighters. “Alright, King, that's enough. Put her down.” King IV finally let go of Asuka and pushed her off of him, making her fall to her side. She stayed there, panting heavily and too pained to move.

“King, let's help Asuka up.” Fury and King draped each of her arms around their shoulders and pulled her up between the two of them. Unfortunately for Asuka, this was far from being a nice gesture from the two of them; Fury swung a huge punch to Asuka’s belly and King followed suit.

“Ough! Aghk!” Asuka coughed and gagged, then her eyes rolled up in her head and her knees buckled. The brutal punishment dealt to her stomach almost knocked Asuka out. She barely hung on to her consciousness as the two villains held her limp body up.

“King! It's time to finish Asuka off. The chat has requested a double finishing move… do you think we can do a tag team glam slam?” King nodded silently. The two then changed their hold on Asuka; each of them hooked Asuka’s arms behind her back and then raised her as high as they could in the air. Asuka winced in pain, too out of it to give a stronger reaction. The two of them waited for a few moments, letting the viewers drink up the sight Asuka’s sexy body arched slightly as Fury and King held her in the air. The two nodded at each other, and then executed. They jumped up, let go of her arms, and viciously slammed Asuka Kazama face-first into the mat.


The sound of Asuka crashing down face-first on the mat rang out in their space. The dual glam slam completely obliterated Asuka, putting her lights out instantly. She lay unmoving, face down and slightly spread-eagled. The two villains both planted their feet on her defeated body.

“Let's all give King a big thank you for joining us here today! Stay tuned for next week, and keep those requests coming in for Asuka!” Fury and King shook hands and looked down at their work. Asuka Kazama lay destroyed at her conquerors’ feet, mercifully unconscious for the night...

Natasha's screams pierced the room as her body spasmed violently after receiving a powerful shock from her own gauntlets. Her throat was straining hard from the combination of her screaming and her muscles contracting wildly from the electricity. Loki let her go from his invisible hold, letting Natasha drop to the ground on her knees. Immediately after, Bullseye slammed his foot into the side of her face, blasting her to the side and knocking her face-down.

“Urgh!” Natasha stayed down on the floor. Her hands were balled into fists; her mind was screaming at herself to get up, but her body was far from cooperative. She was far too dazed and weak to push her weight off the floor, so Loki did it for her. Again, Natasha was pulled up and forced to stand with Loki’s magic. She saw Bullseye and Kingpin right in front of her, grinning and cracking their knuckles. Her hands were again out to her sides, leaving her completely defenseless. All Natasha could do was close her eyes and grit her teeth as the blows started coming in.

“Umph! Ugh! Augh!” Natasha cried out as Bullseye once again rocked her pretty face left and right with alternating punches, and then her gut was subjected to a strong knee. Her mouth formed an O and her body pitched forward only slightly, because Loki still held her in place. Bullseye used Natasha’s position to throw both his fists down to the back of her head. “Ergh!” Her head was forced to look down by the blow, but she remained standing. Bullseye then followed up with a strong uppercut to Natasha’s head that threw her head back and made her stand straight again.

“Ahhh!” Bullseye then grabbed Natasha by her hair and used it to hold her head still as he bashed her face repeatedly with several punches. Her eyes were forced to be shut tightly as she was helplessly battered by the villain… all she could do was take each and every blow that came and punished her beautiful features.


Both of them lost count of how many punches Natasha took to her face; at some point her grunts turned into long, low moans as unconsciousness crept up on her again. Natasha’s beaten face started looking more and more submissive and relaxed, her expression loosening up as her lights were getting punched out. “Loki, she’s passing out again! Wake her up, I’m not through with her yet!”

With that, Loki tapped the small of Natasha’s back with the tip of his scepter. Her eyes shot back to life as her mental alertness returned. Unfortunately, the only person who would benefit from this was Bullseye; the villain grinned and hurled his boot straight into Natasha’s abs.

“AUGH!” The kick doubled Natasha over, and Bullseye followed up by quickly dropping
to the floor and throwing his leg upwards at her face.


Natasha screamed as the kick launched her off the floor by a few millimeters. Before her body could fall back to the ground, Loki used the Space Stone to bring her right to himself. He pushed Natasha harshly, straight into Bullseye’s waiting fist.

The haymaker to Natasha’s face stunned her and turned her round so that she was facing Loki’s direction again. Dizzy, she stumbled towards Loki, who in turn smacked her hard in the face with his scepter.

“Ungh! Augh! Agghhh! Ohh!” Natasha was pinballed between the two villains, taking shots and slams over and over again to her face and her body. Loki held her in place after hitting her face, forcing her to face Bullseye, who was now holding playing cards in his hand. Bullseye threw several cards at once, all of them cutting Natasha on her thighs, arms, and body.

“AGGGHHH!!” Natasha’s loud scream encouraged Bullseye, who threw more cards that grazed the against sides of her chest and her midriff. Her screams grew louder as she felt herself get slashed on both sides. This gave Loki an idea; once Bullseye stopped, he teleported behind Natasha and slashed her across her back with his scepter.

“AAAAAAGGGHHHH!!” Natasha’s screams reached a fever pitch as Loki’s scepter easily ripped through the material of her suit and cut her skin. But Loki was just getting started. He teleported in front of her and landed a blow to Natasha’s face that twisted her upper body a little bit to the left, and then slashed at her stomach, making a light but excruciating wound across her abs. Natasha’s eyelids were clamped shut as her mouth opened in a silent scream, and then her face was jolted again by a set of hard knuckles.

“AUGH! AAAGGH! URGH!” Poor Natasha could do nothing but stumble about and howl as Loki assaulted her lithe body over and over. The blade on Loki’s scepter was becoming increasingly more stained with Natasha’s blood. She was trapped in the center of a whirlwind of cuts and blows; Natasha would stagger in one direction, get slashed somewhere across her body or her limbs, take a punch to her pretty face that staggered her in another direction, and then Loki would slash her vulnerable figure once more. He kept this up for a few moments, slashing at Natasha and hitting her to lead her wherever he wanted her to go.

“Guh!” A backhanded punch to Natasha’s face made her fall to her knees. She was seeing double from the beatdown she just got, and her body was in too much pain to move willingly. Natasha stayed there, staring blankly at the space in front of her. The heroine was already hurt bad, but the villains weren’t done. Kingpin hadn’t had his turn yet. Loki and Bullseye stepped aside to watch what the gargantuan crime boss was going to do to Natasha.

Tifa's back slid down the concrete pillar until she was sitting down on the ground with her legs spread, arms limp at her side. Bryan Fury had caught her off-guard with a dirty ambush after the tournament, and his insane strength coupled with the element of surprise overwhelmed Tifa Lockhart.

"Nnnghhh... " A low moan of pain escaped the beaten fighter's lips. Tifa wasn't KOed yet, but she was pretty much defeated at this point - and Bryan knew it. She looked up to see Bryan looming over her and grab her by the collar of her shirt. He lifted her up easily with one hand, and she dangled limply in his grasp. Tifa was too beaten and exhausted to even struggle. Bryan smiled maniacally and drove his other fist hard into Tifa's bare stomach.


Bryan didn't even let Tifa finish crying out in pain before throwing another belly punch. Tifa coughed and gagged at the blow, and she was starting to see double.

Tifa gagged even harder this time at the third punch.

Her mouth opened in a silent scream, unable to even make a sound anymore. Bryan started focusing his attacks on Tifa's navel, and he made sure to drive his fist in deep to force the air out of Tifa's lungs.

Tifa's eyes glazed over. The poor girl was beginning to pass out…

Her mouth stayed agape, uselessly trying to suck in oxygen. Her eyelids were fluttering and her eyes were distant, unfocused… it was just the kind of thing Bryan loved to see; Tifa Lockhart, surrendering unwillingly to his might.

Tifa was truly done for. Her eyes rolled up in her head, and her body no longer responded to the blows from Bryan.


And still Bryan continued pounding Tifa’s poor midriff. Her body bounced slightly with every impact. The once powerful fighter was just a ragdoll or a punching bag to Bryan Fury.

Bryan finally stopped, and took a moment to admire what he had done. Tifa still dangled completely limp off the ground, her arms hanging uselessly at her sides. Her flawless belly was red all over after the utter destruction Bryan laid. The brute brushed stray strands of hair away from Tifa's face. Her mouth hung open, her eyes shut, and Bryan relished the complete submission and defeat written all over Tifa’s beautiful features.

He slung the unconscious woman over his shoulder and walked off into the night, his mind brimming with possibilities for what to do with Tifa Lockhart.
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Asuka Kazama Ryona

Club Regular
Mar 25, 2018
You still taking commissions sir?
Right now, it really depends on the prompt. I'm kind of burnt out and busy, so I won't take all commissions at the moment. However, I'm willing to do commissions that really strike my fancy.

So you can reply with or PM your prompt, and I'll see if I'm willing to do it.

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