personally I liked it cause it is something different for once (everybody does the huge tits)I like the more toned look and, whenever Taki leaps into the air my brain is always going "Jesus, you must have the worst back problems on the planet" But that is just me
personally I liked it cause it is something different for once (everybody does the huge tits)I like the more toned look and, whenever Taki leaps into the air my brain is always going "Jesus, you must have the worst back problems on the planet" But that is just me
Just in case people missed ryona fanatic posted an excellent vid of birdie putting the hurt on the capcom ladies
Wow, that's pretty cool. It would be amazing if there are a lot of custom KO animations depending on the move used to finish the opponent. As a KO fan, the constant generic KO poses of the entire female cast in SFIV kind of made that game worthless for me, regarding ryona. This game might actually offer some decent variety in that regard.
Also, I hope Cammy gets her Shadaloo Doll outfit. Was hoping that would be her default in this game, since they seem to be taking some inspiration from Alpha 3, but maybe we will get it as an alt.
Ahhhh, I really super duper want a redesign of Sakura. Older, Dark, I don't care! Just wanna see her finally get out of the school uniform and be a big girl, haha. Of course, if they do that, then naturally they'll do an alt outfit with the uniform to make old fashioned people happy.
Sakura in the uniform is cute and all but I'm a big fan of her character and she's not really a type who likes the uniform, so it makes no sense for her to always be in it arghhhh. >_<
It does look like this is gonna be past SF3 timeline finally, huh? I really hope for an older Ibuki and Makoto, too~~
Juri is one of my mains so I hope she comes back, but I wonder if they'll do something different or keep her mostly the same...
The beta starts soon doesn't it? You have to pre-order it for a beta code? I guess I gotta do that...I heard the beta is online only, though, which is kinda lame, but ah well. It's a way to like, play a demo way ahead of time, um, so I'll take it.
in SF 4 she is 21(same age as Cammy) and apparently the reason she wears it is she "thinks it is her proper combat gear". I don't get it either. I would personally love to see her in a pair of jeans. I would LOVE Makoto too but she isn't nearly as popular as Sakura and I am not a bettin man but I could bet against her getting in sadly :((I hope I am wrong)
Whaaaat?? Sakura can't be 21, she's...still in school. Her cutscenes and everything show her in school. Ummm, where'd you get that age from? I'm a bettin gal and I bet that Capcom just ignored their own timeline, pffff.
If you like Sakura in normal clothes, you should totally read her comic they did! I think it was by Udon? They did a super cute Ibuki one toooo! The main artist is one of my favorites Omar Dogan. Omar-Dogan's DeviantArt Gallery
He loves doin Capcom ladies AND a lot of his own cuties in casual clothes!
You can find all these and more at his gallery GOGOGO
Buuuut I'll put these after a spoiler tag 'cuz lotsa pics!
He even draws Nintendo princesses a bit, too haha! ;D
Sakura is my main SF girl buuuut not gonna lie Ibuki is my fav for ryona. A lotta that is her voice actress sounding so cute, haha. Both ENG and JAP!
It's for some thing with all these characters based on SF ladies, buuut with their own plot I guess? kinda like how there's magic girl stuff like SM that isn't SM, only with SF? there's some writing for it but I haven't read it and there's a buncha artworks. I guess the protag looks like Sakura sorta but is actully really different? I think creator says she's into S&M and that's like part of why she fights lol. Sounds more Juri and I'm ok with that haha. And she's in love with her teacher who is based on Makoto! i dunno if BDSM of them will be written or drawn buuut yea. I wouldn't mind that haha. It would be a little diffrent from SF.
Ahhhh I really super want Sakura Ibuki and Makoto to come back with new designs...That would be the best thing. I could hate everything else but if it had that I would stillb uy day one.
Ummm actually I mighta missed it buuut on this topic is there a good place to find SF ryona? I'm not into blood and gore n' stuff buuut yea I actually haven't seen a lot of good SF ryona pics when I think.
Thennnnn yeaaa SF4 prolly forgot its timeline haha.
I heard that Makoto, Ibuki, and Elena were all in high school together, buuut...that's in SF3. Which is later, right?
Which means, well, how are they still in HS in SF4, then, if that's so much earlier? They'd be too young but they look like exactly the same as in SF3.
Soooo basically Capcom doesn't care about their own canon? :P It's not the first time they do this sort of thing.
damn that is great ! wish there will be more win/loose interactions and not just a special opening fight cut scene. I was able to play some of the beta but only vs ryu. from a ryona stand point only complaint i have is chun li's stun animation. i hope they give her a new stun/game over animation thats not the same as her sfiv animation.
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