Anyone else disappointed on the portrayal of chun li in the story mode?
***spoiler alert***
Even though chun li is my favorite ryona character, it's because she's "the world's strongest women" that makes me love her so much... It really felt she didn't hold that title at all, rushing in and getting her ass kicked by bison, then Rasheed, and then spending the rest just running. Chun li didn't even help against bison at the end and even when carrying li-fen to safety it was ryu that saves them at the end. She even gets her butt kicked against birdie in his story mode...
To me the most badass female was actually Karin... It felt like I played Karin more than any other character in story mode with her winning each fight. Not only that but felt Karin's role was a lot bigger leading the charge. Ironicly it makes one of my favorite ryona arts "Dethroned" by keunglee feel more like canon where Chun li is coming in as the underdog and has no chance to beat a badass like Karin...whereas I felt before Karin coming in as the underdog upseting chun li giving her a much more humiliating loss.
**spoilers and rant incoming....**
Having Capcom in charge of telling any story (that's not Rival Schools or Darkstalkers...) is instantly asking for disappointment. This is the same company that said that Marvel vs. Capcom 3 would have a deep story and then it proceeded to do just a couple of stills per character and a lame text ending just like the old games. And then there's Street Fighter x Tekken & the Pandora set-up (plus completely screwing up over half the Tekken side's personalities... Poor Xiaoyu...) and Street Fighter 4's continuous indecisiveness on who to focus on throughout its lifespan, Abel, Juri or Decapre, and failing there as well...
But enough about that. SF5's story did have some high points but it had some glaring lows. While as a Karin fan I was really living it up seeing her go from little rich ojou rival to my fave SF, Sakura, to literally saving the world (along with Rashid) by bringing her management and fighting skills to the table, the writers totally forgot the ones that should've been really facing Bison in the first place outside of Nash. So that means that Chun-Li literally got the short-end of the stick again (which has been happening for quite a few games now story wise...) I knew something was up when all the previews to the story that had Chun-Li in it always had her already defeated or just being useless and needed Cammy or Guile to save her and made the prediction that she'd literally be as useful to the plot as Zelda is in any given Legend of Zelda game; "implied" to be important to the plot but barely does anything and always requires saving. At LEAST she was the one to take down F.A.N.G. at the end and he totally needed to be ended for what he did to the Dolls (love those girls now...) but it felt more like a consolation prize since that's the ONLY time you play as her... at the end of story mode... after kicking her ass three times over with other characters (...oh... and I guess it was nice that she literally blew through a metal Shadalow security door like it was nothing along with Karin... Where was THIS Chun at the whole story mode...?)
This next bit may not be ryona centered but it really shows how Capcom is with story, there are characters that made even LESS impact when they should've been front and center than Chun-Li. I'm more disappointed with the handling of Guile & Necalli. Guile literally only fights of one of the Dolls and that's it really. He got into a scuffle with Vega and that never really went anywhere (despite this being the same scene where Chun tries to bum-rush the 4 Kings, Bison hands Chun her ass and nearly kills her on the spot without even trying... which then leads into her being so weakened Rashid also handily beat her later that night.) He and Nash have literally no interaction even though Nash was supposed to be THE driving motivation to Guile's actions in the WHOLE series, dude watches Nash literally sacrifice his body once again to try to weaken Bison and ends himself, has NO reaction to Bison stepping on his cherished friend's dogtags he gave back to him the night before and isn't even the one (nor Chun) that kills the joker. RYU just comes out of nowhere (from his 'special training'... that ALL happened off-screen mind you) and defeats a villian he has ZERO connections with outside of the Alpha series (and even then that was mostly retconned). Oh, and the supposed major new antagonist Necalli literally does NOTHING but get his ass kicked by the people we was prophecized to 'devour' and then exits stage left, turning him into a joke even bigger than Dan Hibiki. Why even bother with trying to set up big plots to the game if you're gonna squander such potential? Ryu should've just stayed out of the Shadaloo conflict all-together and beefed with Necalli while Chun, Guile, Cammy & Nash properly dealt with the four Kings.
And here's another one to throw on the fire, why was Laura even there? Ignoring the beginning part with Gief, Mika and Alex since they didn't even start fighting due to MOONZ, she shows up during the mid part and causes a big fuss with Ken & the gang while being stereotypically overpretective of Sean, then goes 'let me go with you to help'... only to literally not appear again in the rest of the story outside of ONE quick glimpse of her... AFTER Bison was defeated. Note that this would've been the perfect scene for Sean to start his idolization of Ken for saving his life, but nope? Laura comes up and ruins it... then gives back nothing to make up for it. Sorry, she may be hot and her story mode outfit is perfect for ryona in my eyes, but that's just a massive turn off with badly written characters like that for me.
Again, Karin may be my favorite character in the game and I loved her big role, loved the Dolls being so... interesting (and sexy IMO... Playable when?), Rashid getting his big bits in at the end (even though some of that was ALSO BS...) and some other moments during the story (Zangief, Juri & the little bit of Urien for example) but that doesn't excuse Capcom for dropping the ball with the rest of the characters & plot. I expected Chun to really step up here like I was led to believe in SF3 Third Strike; I was disappointed on that regard plain and simple... and even when I get all these scenes of her being bested it just feels its because she's being completely incompetent and a non-factor instead of actually being defeated and broken down like a true strong female fighter should have been, ESPECIALLY someone as legendary as her in that regard. I mean... that's her whole appeal. Most of us don't like just seeing Chun being abused just because she's some typically weak woman who just happens to be hot, we liked seeing the woman actually BE the Stronger Woman in the World and show off her strength, wit and skill, and THAT is what makes seeing her in fallen, defeated positions so alluring... You know, actually see the pride before the fall; not have her be broken out of the box. Crazy logic, I know... but I'm tired of seeing one of my all time favorite girls job so hard lately. It's getting absurd now. Might as well hand that title to Karin, Cammy or Juri because she's sure not using it these days...
*sigh* At least I can sorta make that up by actually playing the game as her.... (and promptly getting my ass kicked online because well... that happens a lot too ironically... lol)