Streets of Girls: Fully AI powered beat em up walktrhoughs (1 Viewer)


Master of this Domain
Mar 8, 2017
Beat 'Em Up Club Level Walkthrough

The level unfolds inside a pulsating dance club filled with blaring music, flickering neon lights, and a swirl of shadows and smoke. The place is packed with people who seem to be more than mere partygoers—each figure is filled with attitude, style, and a hint of menace. The ambiance is a chaotic blend of Gothic gloom, punk edginess, and athletic energy, reflecting the diverse and dangerous personalities lurking within.

Pre-Fight Scene

As the player character steps through the double doors of the club, the first thing that hits is the overpowering throb of bass reverberating through the walls. Multicolored spotlights spin lazily across the room, bathing clusters of dancers in shifting shades of blue, red, and green. The camera pans slowly, capturing the idle movements and private conversations of the enemies that lie ahead, giving glimpses of their personalities before they spring into action.

On the dance floor, Yuki stands out with her exaggerated gothic lolita outfit, her green hair cascading over one eye as she watches the crowd with a smirk of smug confidence. She shifts her weight to one hip, sipping a blood-red drink as if daring anyone to challenge her. Not far from her, Laura is perched on a barstool, sketching furiously in a small notebook. Her tall, wiry frame seems out of place amidst the revelry, but her eyes flicker with the mischievous spark of an artist at work.

Across the room, Summer and Natalie are locked in an intense debate, their gestures sharp and animated. Summer’s large green eyes flash with conviction as she points accusingly at a group of men across the room, her freckled face set in a determined scowl. Natalie stands beside her, her tall and thin frame leaning in, her tan skin glowing under the dim lights. She glares with a mix of disdain and rage, ready to pounce at the slightest provocation.

Mist huddles shyly at the edge of the dance floor, nervously adjusting her glasses and sneaking glances at the player. Her small frame is almost swallowed by the dark shadows, but her timid eyes linger on the player with a strange mix of fear and infatuation. Lilith, her protector, stands beside her with crossed arms and a defiant glare. The tall redhead, with her big lower lip and muscular build, looks ready to strike at any moment, her stance betraying her kickboxing expertise.

In a dark corner, Deborah leans seductively against the wall, her voluptuous hourglass figure accentuated by her tight, revealing clothes. She twirls a lock of red hair around her finger, her flirtatious gaze never straying far from the player…

Encounter 1: Lily and Stephany





Idle Actions and Conversation:
Lily, the petite roller derby girl with strawberry red hair, skates in tight circles, her giggles echoing over the thumping music. She’s a ball of nervous energy, her freckled face flushed with excitement. Stephany, the tall and flirtatious party girl, dances provocatively beside her, her fishnet-clad legs swaying to the beat as she draws the eyes of the crowd.

  • Lily: “Do you think he’s gonna fight us? He looks kinda tough…”
  • Stephany: “Oh, please. It’s just a game. Let’s see how long he can keep up.”
Fight: Lily kicks things off, darting in with reckless abandon, her roller skates clattering loudly on the floor. She giggles as she spins, trying to land light hits, but her attacks are mostly a distraction. Stephany saunters forward, using her tall, slim frame to lure the player in close before delivering a few teasing slaps that sting more from the mockery than the force.

The player quickly adapts, dodging Lily’s speedy but weak hits and countering with quick jabs that send her reeling. Stephany’s flirtations become more aggressive, but she’s unable to keep up with the player’s relentless assault. A heavy kick sends Lily crashing into the bar, where she struggles to stand, her skates wobbling beneath her.

Demise: With one final strike, Lily skids backward, spinning out of control before her body disintegrates into a shower of glitter and sparkling dust that hangs in the air for a moment before fading. The score counter flashes: +50 points, and her skates remain behind, glowing faintly as a lootable item.

Stephany, realizing she’s outmatched, tries to seduce the player one last time with a playful wink and a blown kiss. But a hard punch interrupts her act, and she flickers briefly, blinking away in a soft pop of light that leaves only a faint trace of perfume. A drink ticket drops at the player’s feet: +30 points.

Encounter 2: Karen


Idle Actions and Conversation:
Karen, the self-assured goth with striking blue hair, lounges against the bar with a cocky smirk. Her leather outfit clings tightly, emphasizing her stocky, muscular frame. She surveys the dance floor with disdain, sipping from a tall glass as if everyone around her were beneath her notice.

  • Karen: “Look at you, thinking you’re all that. Guys like you are nothing but stepping stones.”
Fight: Karen’s fighting style is a brutal showcase of her raw strength. She lumbers forward, her hits slow but devastating, each punch like a sledgehammer. She swings with full force, her leather-clad body a wall of muscle and confidence that’s difficult to penetrate. The player has to be careful—getting caught in her barrage of strikes means taking serious damage.

Despite her confidence, Karen’s slow movements leave her vulnerable to quick counterattacks. The player weaves in and out of her reach, landing precise blows to her midsection that slowly chip away at her high hit points. Karen grits her teeth, frustration growing as she struggles to keep up. She goes for a final, desperate grab, but the player ducks low, sweeping her legs out from under her.

Demise: Karen crashes to the ground, her body convulsing once before igniting into a burst of intense blue flames that consume her entirely. The fire swirls upwards, leaving behind only ashes and the faint smell of burnt leather. The score counter ticks up: +200 points, and a spiked leather bracelet is left as a valuable loot item.

Encounter 3: Laura


Idle Actions and Conversation:
Laura is still deeply absorbed in her sketch, her long, thin fingers moving rapidly across the page as she captures the chaotic energy of the club. Every so often, she glances up, her large eyes brimming with amusement as she spots potential subjects for her drawings.

  • Laura: “Oh, another brute to add to my collection. You’d make an interesting sketch… before you get flattened, that is.”
Fight: Laura’s attacks are infused with the theatrical flair of an artist. She dodges with a dancer’s grace, but her movements are more for show than actual combat effectiveness. She taunts with quips and sarcastic remarks, her low strength making her strikes almost laughable.

The player closes in, delivering a quick series of punches that stagger her. Laura tries to recover, pulling a pencil from her pocket as if it were a weapon, but it’s no match for a swift kick to her midsection. She stumbles back, dropping her sketchbook in the process.

Demise: Laura crumples to the floor, clutching her side before her body shimmers and dissolves into a flurry of charcoal dust, blending with the shadows around her. Her final laugh echoes softly as she fades away, leaving behind +100 points and a set of colored pencils as loot.

Encounter 4: Summer and Natalie





Idle Actions and Conversation: Summer and Natalie stand side by side, the fire of righteous anger blazing in their eyes. They’ve been watching the player’s progress with growing hostility, and now they’re ready to make their move.

  • Summer: “We’ve had enough of this macho crap. Time to take him down.”
  • Natalie: “We’ll show him what real power looks like. This isn’t your playground anymore.”
Fight: Summer’s attack is direct and powerful. She charges in, her large frame barreling forward with surprising speed. She uses her wide hips to body slam the player, followed by a series of heavy punches. Natalie, meanwhile, is quicker and more aggressive, darting around the player and landing sharp kicks and bites whenever she sees an opening.

The fight becomes a delicate balance of timing and strategy. The player must dodge Natalie’s rapid strikes while focusing on bringing down the tougher Summer. Natalie’s taunts and biting sarcasm only fuel the intensity, and the combined assault from the misandrist duo makes it a truly grueling battle.

As Summer’s stamina begins to wane, the player finds an opening, landing a powerful uppercut that sends her crashing into the club’s sound system, sparking a burst of electrical discharges.

Demise: Summer convulses as the electric shock courses through her, her body disintegrating into a cascade of sparks that flicker out one by one.

Natalie, seeing her partner fall, lets out a furious scream and lunges at the player in a final, desperate attack. She moves like a whirlwind, her rage fueling her agility, but it’s clear that without Summer, her rhythm is off. The player capitalizes on her recklessness, dodging her furious flurry of kicks and landing a crushing blow to her midsection.

Demise: Natalie stumbles back, clutching her stomach, her fierce glare melting into a look of shock. Her body flickers violently before blinking out of existence, leaving behind nothing but a faint red mist and an echo of her last snarl. The score flashes: +350 points. A silver necklace with a broken heart pendant is left on the ground, glinting under the club lights—a bittersweet memento.

Encounter 5: Deborah’s Seduction


Idle Actions and Conversation:
Deborah, having observed the chaos unfold from her vantage point, decides it’s time to make her move. She sways toward the player, her hips moving in rhythm with the beat, her flirtatious smile never faltering. She speaks with a sultry voice, oozing with false sweetness.

  • Deborah: “What’s a handsome hero like you doing in a dangerous place like this? How about we skip the fighting and have a little fun instead?”
Fight: Deborah’s approach is different—she uses seduction as her weapon. She tries to get close, attempting to disarm the player with her charm and seductive glances. She caresses the player’s cheek, whispering suggestively, hoping to catch him off guard. But when her charm fails, Deborah’s demeanor shifts instantly. She lashes out with surprisingly sharp nails, delivering quick, spiteful slaps and low kicks.

The player manages to sidestep her advances, countering with sharp jabs that disrupt her rhythm. Deborah’s attempts at seduction quickly turn desperate, her attacks becoming sloppy and unfocused. The player delivers a decisive spinning kick that sends her sprawling to the floor.

Demise: Deborah lets out a defeated sigh, her body flickering like a faulty hologram before dissolving into a shimmering cloud of glitter and rose petals. A lipstick tube remains on the ground, rolling to the player’s feet. The score ticks up: +180 points. The player picks up the lipstick—a charm that temporarily increases charisma.

Encounter 6: Sandy


Idle Actions and Conversation: Sandy, the tall and muscular sporty blonde, had been standing at the back, shyly watching the brawls unfold. Her big blue eyes are full of awe as she observes the player. She nervously fiddles with her hair, lost in her own world, but her infatuation is clear.

  • Sandy: “Oh wow… I… I don’t really want to fight, but... I can’t just stand here.”
Fight: Sandy finally steps forward, her movements shy but driven by a sense of duty. Despite her mild and somewhat clumsy demeanor, she is incredibly strong, delivering powerful punches and kicks that are surprisingly well-coordinated. She’s reluctant, almost apologetic with every blow, as if unsure whether she really wants to hurt the player.

The player dodges her heavy-handed strikes, looking for the right moment to strike back. Sandy’s high agility makes her unpredictable, but her reluctance to engage fully is her downfall. The player counters with a series of rapid punches that overwhelm her defenses.

Demise: Sandy stumbles backward, her tall frame teetering before collapsing. She whispers a soft “sorry” as her body breaks apart into a cascade of soft, glowing petals that flutter gently to the ground. The score reads +250 points. A golden headband remains as loot, providing a temporary boost to the player’s agility.

Encounter 7: Betty


Idle Actions and Conversation:
Betty, the chubby nerdy girl with large glasses, is sitting on a nearby couch, surrounded by discarded books and RPG dice. She’s been watching the player’s every move, her depressive, shy nature making her hesitant to join the fray. She finally stands up, her voice shaky but determined.

  • Betty: “You… you think you can just come in here and beat us all? I… I have to do something. Even if I’m scared.”
Fight: Betty fights with a mix of nerdy awkwardness and surprising force. Her large, heavy blows are backed by her high hit points, making her a formidable opponent despite her depressive aura. She swings wildly, her lack of coordination making her attacks somewhat unpredictable.

The player has to dodge her powerful but slow punches, moving in and out of her reach while landing precise counterattacks. Betty’s stamina is strong, but her agility is her weakness. The player maneuvers around her, striking with a series of uppercuts that finally break her resolve.

Demise: Betty falls to her knees, tears welling up in her eyes before she vanishes into a flurry of torn pages and scattered dice. Her sorrowful gaze lingers for a moment before fading completely. The score counter displays +300 points. A rare D20 die drops as loot, capable of giving the player a temporary luck boost.


Encounter 8: Lilith and Mist





Idle Actions and Conversation: Mist clutches her sketchbook nervously, watching the player’s approach with a mix of fear and admiration. Lilith, sensing Mist’s growing infatuation, steps in front of her protectively. The redhead’s expression is cold and calculating, her stance ready for a fight.

  • Mist: “I… I think he’s kind of… amazing…”
  • Lilith: “Don’t even think about it, Mist. This guy’s just another jerk. I’ll handle him.”
Fight: Lilith immediately engages with a flurry of kickboxing moves, her powerful strikes showing her training. She’s confident and precise, landing heavy kicks that force the player to stay on the defensive. Mist, meanwhile, tries to keep her distance, occasionally throwing timid punches that barely make contact.

The player focuses on Lilith first, dodging her kicks and countering with quick, sharp jabs that gradually wear her down. Lilith’s protective nature keeps her fighting fiercely, but the player’s persistence prevails. With a final roundhouse kick, Lilith is knocked back, slamming against the DJ booth.

Demise: Lilith flickers like a damaged VHS tape before she shatters into a rain of broken glass shards, disappearing in a crackle of static. Mist, terrified, tries to flee, but the player intercepts her, disarming her sketchbook and delivering a swift, finishing punch.

Mist’s demise is quiet—her body fades into wisps of smoke, leaving behind a single, beautifully drawn portrait of the player, along with a +220 score boost. Her glasses remain, granting a temporary increase in perception.

Final Encounter: Yuki


Idle Actions and Conversation: Yuki has been watching the entire spectacle, her green hair hiding one eye as she surveys the chaos with a twisted grin. Her chubby figure and Gothic Lolita outfit make her stand out, and she finally steps forward, confident and unafraid.

  • Yuki: “Well, well. Look who’s made it this far. I guess it’s my turn now. Don’t think for a second that you’ll get past me.”
Fight: Yuki’s strength is overwhelming. She fights with raw power, swinging her massive fists with lethal intent. Her hits feel like getting struck by a wrecking ball, and the player must be constantly on guard, dodging her lumbering but forceful strikes. Yuki taunts mercilessly, her confidence unshaken even as she takes damage.

The fight is intense and grueling, with Yuki’s high hit points making it difficult for the player to gain the upper hand. Each of her punches threatens to end the fight, but the player’s persistence and strategy eventually wear her down. A perfectly timed counter sends her crashing into the club’s DJ table, knocking over equipment and sending sparks flying.

Demise: Yuki’s body glows with an eerie green light before she bursts into a storm of black feathers and emerald sparks. Her mocking laughter echoes briefly, fading as her remains scatter into nothingness. The score racks up to +400 points, and a pair of laced gloves remain, boosting the player’s strength temporarily.

End of Level Summary: The player stands amidst the aftermath, surrounded by the echoes of battle and the faint traces of their fallen foes. The club’s energy dims as the enemies’ presence vanishes, leaving behind a trail of loot and a hard-earned victory. The score total flashes on screen, accompanied by a montage of collected items: skates, pencils, necklaces, headbands, and various charms. The club’s music fades, signaling the end of a chaotic yet triumphant night.


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Master of this Domain
Feb 15, 2020
Some great ladies, & quite the in-depth writing.
AI is handy, though it made two girls (on the left) joined at the arms in Natalie's background. :oops: And one of Summer's short fingers. :wink:
Favs include Stephany, Deborah, Sandy, Lilith & Yuki. Curious what they'd look like full-body. :smile: Well done.


Master of this Domain
Mar 8, 2017
Alternate version

Level Walkthrough: Nightclub Showdown

1. Entrance Area

The level kicks off with a dramatic and immersive entrance into the heart of a bustling nightclub. The scene is set with a dazzling array of neon lights that cut through the dense haze of fog and strobe lights. The techno music pulses through the air, creating a rhythmic backdrop that syncs with the vibrant, shifting lights. The dance floor is alive with an eclectic mix of characters, each showcasing their unique styles and eccentricities, adding to the frenetic energy of the venue.

Enemy 1: Karen


  • Idle Action: Karen stands at the bar, her striking goth appearance impossible to ignore. Her stocky frame, adorned in tight leather that accentuates her ample cleavage, is hard to miss amidst the crowd. Her blue hair catches the light as she preens. With a confident smirk, she sips her drink, surveying the room with a superiority that clearly shows her disdain for the less fashionable patrons.
  • Conversation Before Fight: Karen engages in a loud conversation with Deborah and Lilith, her voice dripping with disdain. "Honestly, the audacity of some people," she says, chuckling as she swirls her drink. "They waltz in here like they own the place. Let’s show them their place before they ruin our night."
  • Fight: As you approach, Karen’s initial nonchalance gives way to hostility. Her high hit points and strength make her a daunting opponent. She moves with a deliberate, powerful gait, her attacks coming in heavy, cumbersome swings. Her low agility means she’s slow to change tactics, making her attacks easier to predict. You dodge her sluggish blows and respond with swift, tactical strikes, exploiting her predictable patterns.
  • Demise: In a final, frustrated roar, Karen’s body begins to emit a menacing blue glow. This glow intensifies, enveloping her figure in a shimmering aura before she disintegrates into a swirling cloud of blue particles that gradually disperse, leaving nothing behind.

  • Score & Loot: 100 points, Leather Clad Gloves.

Enemy 2: Mist


  • Idle Action: Mist hides nervously behind a tall pillar, her small frame barely noticeable. Her black hair, coupled with large, round glasses, adds to her timid appearance. She shifts uneasily from foot to foot, her body language revealing her apprehension.
  • Conversation Before Fight: Mist mumbles to herself, her voice trembling with anxiety. "I really hope they don’t notice me. I’m not ready for this," she mutters, her gaze darting around. Lilith, observing her, offers a dismissive comment. "Just stay out of trouble and let the stronger ones handle it," she says, clearly unimpressed.
  • Fight: Mist, despite her attempts to hide, is soon drawn into the fight. Her low hit points and strength make her more of an inconvenience than a real threat. She tries to launch weak, erratic attacks, her movements clumsy and uncoordinated. You can easily dodge her feeble strikes and counter with quick, precise blows, taking her down with minimal effort.
  • Demise: Mist’s form blinks out of view in a gentle puff of lavender smoke, her body fading away with a soft, wistful sigh that echoes briefly before disappearing completely.

  • Score & Loot: 50 points, Nerdy Glasses.
Enemy 3: Lilith


  • Idle Action: Lilith stands by the edge of the dance floor, her imposing figure practicing various kickboxing moves. Her big frame and muscular build are highlighted as she performs dramatic, forceful kicks and punches. She occasionally glances over at Yuki, her protective attitude clear in her watchful eyes.
  • Conversation Before Fight: Lilith, with a commanding presence, warns the group, "Everyone stay sharp! We’ve got a real challenge on our hands. I’ll take care of this one and make sure they don’t get past us."
  • Fight: Lilith’s high hit points and strength make her a formidable adversary. She uses her kickboxing skills to deliver powerful, sweeping kicks and heavy punches. Despite her strength, her low agility makes her movements slower and more predictable. You capitalize on her slower speed by dodging her attacks and delivering calculated counterattacks, gradually wearing her down.
  • Demise: Lilith’s body erupts in a dramatic explosion of red sparks, her figure breaking apart into a dazzling array of shimmering particles that scatter and fade away into the night.

  • Score & Loot: 150 points, Kickboxer’s Boots.
Enemy 4: Summer



  • Idle Action: Summer and Natalie are cozied up in a plush booth, their intimate actions drawing attention. Summer’s big frame and wide hips are accentuated by her misandrist demeanor as she playfully nudges Natalie, their laughter resonating amidst the chaos of the club. Their presence adds a touch of chaotic energy to the scene.
  • Conversation Before Fight: Summer leans in close to Natalie, her voice full of mischief. "Looks like we’ve got some action coming our way. Are you ready to stir things up and make sure they remember us?"
  • Fight: As you draw near, Summer leaps into action with surprising energy. Her high strength and agility make her a challenging opponent. She launches into powerful attacks, her large frame allowing her to absorb several hits. Natalie joins in with her own high agility, using swift, unpredictable movements to keep you off balance. You focus on overcoming Summer first, using a combination of quick strikes and evasive maneuvers to deal with her before turning your attention to Natalie.
  • Demise: Summer’s body blinks out of sight in a shimmering burst of light, her figure dissolving into a sparkling array of particles that gradually fade into the surroundings.

  • Score & Loot: 100 points, Feminist Bandana.
Enemy 5: Natalie

  • Idle Action: Natalie energetically dances on a raised platform, her tall, thin frame and aggressive demeanor making her a focal point. Her movements are charged with intensity, reflecting her readiness to confront any challengers.
  • Conversation Before Fight: Natalie shouts over the thumping music, her voice brimming with confidence. "Time to show them what happens when they mess with us! This is our turf, and we’re not backing down!"
  • Fight: Natalie’s high agility allows her to evade many of your attacks, and her medium hit points mean she can withstand a fair number of hits. Her aggressive fighting style is characterized by quick, forceful movements. You need to stay focused and anticipate her fast, unpredictable attacks, using precise strikes to overcome her.
  • Demise: Natalie’s form disintegrates in a burst of brilliant light, her figure breaking apart into glowing particles that fade away into the nightclub’s ambient energy.

  • Score & Loot: 80 points, Aggressive Dance Shoes.
Enemy 6: Laura


  • Idle Action: Laura is elegantly positioned near the club’s art installation, her tall and slender frame accentuated by her dramatic, very long hair. She admires the artwork with a discerning eye, adjusting her hair and brushing her fingers delicately over the pieces.
  • Conversation Before Fight: Laura, with a cocky grin, comments to herself, "I’m too talented for this place. Let’s see if you can handle my artistic flair and grace under pressure."
  • Fight: Laura uses her height and slender build to maintain distance, attempting to strike from afar with graceful, yet deceptive moves. Her medium hit points mean she can endure a few hits, but her low strength makes her attacks less impactful. You need to close the distance and deliver focused, effective strikes to overcome her.
  • Demise: Laura’s body dissolves into a swirl of vibrant paint, her form breaking apart in a cascade of colorful splashes that eventually fade into the club’s ambiance.

  • Score & Loot: 70 points, Artist’s Paintbrush.
Enemy 7: Deborah


  • Idle Action: Deborah is perched on a bar stool, her sexy hourglass body and red hair making her an eye-catching presence. She engages in flirtatious poses, frequently checking her reflection and blowing kisses with a playful grin.
  • Conversation Before Fight: Deborah leans forward with a sultry smile and says, "I’m sure you’ve come all this way for me. Let’s see if you can keep up with my charms and grace."
  • Fight: Deborah’s flirtatious demeanor hides her balanced abilities. Her medium hit points and strength make her a well-rounded opponent, but her attempts to distract you with her flirtations are predictable. You need to stay focused on her weaknesses and use strategic attacks to bring her down.
  • Demise: Deborah’s body bursts into a dazzling array of pink glitter, her figure scattering into a shower of sparkling lights that gradually fades from view.

  • Score & Loot: 90 points, Flirtatious Lipstick.
Enemy 8: Lily


  • Idle Action: Lily zips around the dance floor, her petite frame and strawberry-red hair making her a blur of activity. She performs various tricks and stunts, her giggles and playful energy adding to the chaotic atmosphere.
  • Conversation Before Fight: Lily, laughing and twirling, says, "You’ll have to catch me first! Let’s see if you can keep up with my moves and have some fun while you’re at it!"
  • Fight: Lily’s low hit points and strength are counterbalanced by her high agility. She moves with remarkable speed, dodging attacks and countering with quick, light jabs. Her agility makes her hard to hit, so you need to anticipate her rapid movements and strike with precision to bring her down.
  • Demise: Lily’s form blinks away in a burst of twinkling lights, her figure dissolving into a stream of sparkling energy that dissipates into the vibrant nightclub atmosphere, leaving only a faint echo of her cheerful giggles.

  • Score & Loot: 60 points, Roller Derby Skates.
Enemy 9: Sophia


  • Idle Action: Sophia stands near the club’s photo booth, her tall, slender frame striking a dramatic pose as she adjusts her beret and plays with her long black hair. She takes occasional snapshots, her large eyes scanning the room with a critical and artistic eye.
  • Conversation Before Fight: Sophia, without looking up from her camera, comments with an ironic tone, "It’s fascinating how some people think they can disrupt the artistry of this place. Let’s see if you can make it through my lens."
  • Fight: Sophia’s very high agility and flexibility make her a challenging opponent. She moves gracefully, using her high flexibility to evade your attacks and strike with unexpected angles. Her medium hit points and strength are balanced by her quick reflexes, so you must carefully time your attacks and exploit her moments of vulnerability.
  • Demise: Sophia’s body dissolves into a burst of black and white photographic negatives, her figure fading into a cloud of shimmering film that eventually vanishes into the air.

  • Score & Loot: 90 points, Hipster Beret.
Enemy 10: Sandy


  • Idle Action: Sandy paces nervously by the DJ booth, her tall stature and athletic build standing out among the crowd. She wipes sweat from her brow and fidgets with her sporty attire, clearly anxious yet determined. Her movements are somewhat restless, reflecting her inner tension.
  • Conversation Before Fight: Sandy, glancing around nervously, mutters, "I hope I’m ready for this. I’ve never had to fight like this before. But I can’t let everyone down. I have to try my best."
  • Fight: Sandy’s very high hit points and strength make her a formidable adversary, but her low agility means she’s slower and less nimble. She relies on powerful, sweeping attacks and charges that can deal significant damage. You need to exploit her slower reactions by dodging her heavy blows and striking decisively when she’s momentarily vulnerable.
  • Demise: Sandy’s body erupts in a spectacular explosion of multicolored lights, her form breaking apart into radiant particles that scatter and gradually fade away into the pulsating nightclub scene.

  • Score & Loot: 120 points, Sporty Wristbands.
Enemy 11: Betty


  • Idle Action: Betty sits forlornly at a corner table, surrounded by books and papers. Her chubby frame and large glasses give her a withdrawn appearance as she studies with a sigh, occasionally glancing up with a look of concern.
  • Conversation Before Fight: Betty, with a forlorn voice, says, "I didn’t expect this... I just want to get through this without too much trouble. I hope it’s over quickly."
  • Fight: Betty’s very high hit points and strength make her a resilient opponent, but her low agility means she’s slow and predictable. Her attacks are heavy and powerful but sluggish. You need to stay agile, dodging her slow but strong strikes, and focus on delivering precise counterattacks to wear her down.
  • Demise: Betty’s body disintegrates into a cloud of dark, swirling smoke, her figure dissolving into the air with a mournful, echoing sigh that fades away as the smoke disperses.

  • Score & Loot: 110 points, Nerdy Book.
Enemy 12: Victoria


  • Idle Action: Victoria lounges elegantly on a luxurious couch near the VIP section, her pale green night dress flowing gracefully. Her long blonde hair cascades over her face, adding an air of mystery as she occasionally adjusts her position with a greedy, calculated gaze.
  • Conversation Before Fight: Victoria, her voice soft yet commanding, says, "I’ve been expecting a challenge. Let’s see how you handle my skills. This should be quite entertaining."
  • Fight: Victoria’s medium hit points and low strength contrast with her graceful agility. Her attacks are strategic, aiming to outmaneuver rather than overpower. Her movements are smooth and calculated, requiring you to stay alert and exploit her moments of vulnerability to succeed in the fight.
  • Demise: Victoria’s form blinks out of existence in a flash of pale green light, her body vanishing in a shimmering aura that gradually fades into the surrounding nightclub ambiance.

  • Score & Loot: 80 points, Otaku Night Dress.
Enemy 13: Stephany


  • Idle Action: Stephany dances exuberantly atop a small stage, her lively movements and flirtatious demeanor drawing attention. Her fishnets and hot pants accentuate her tall, thin frame, and she occasionally winks at passersby with a mischievous grin.
  • Conversation Before Fight: Stephany shouts with a playful tone, "Ready for some excitement? Let’s make this night unforgettable! I’m all about making it a wild one."
  • Fight: Stephany’s low hit points and strength are offset by her medium agility. She uses her dance moves to evade attacks and counter with quick, light jabs. Her agility allows her to dodge many of your strikes, so you need to anticipate her movements and strike decisively to bring her down.
  • Demise: Stephany’s body bursts into a dazzling array of vibrant lights, her figure breaking apart into a whirlwind of colorful sparks that quickly fade into the night.

  • Score & Loot: 60 points, Party Hat.
Enemy 14: Eve


  • Idle Action: Eve lounges near the DJ booth, her small top and hot pants highlighting her pregnancy. She giggles and chats with nearby enemies, her hand resting on her rounded belly as she playfully interacts with others.
  • Conversation Before Fight: Eve chuckles, her voice tinged with a playful challenge, "You think you can handle me? Let’s see how well you can keep up with me and my little one."
  • Fight: Eve’s low hit points and strength are balanced by her medium agility. Despite her pregnancy, she moves with surprising speed and agility, using erratic movements to dodge attacks and strike back with unpredictable force. You need to be cautious and time your strikes carefully to overcome her.
  • Demise: Eve’s form blinks out of sight in a burst of neon lights, her body vanishing in a cascade of sparkling energy that gradually fades away.

  • Score & Loot: 50 points, Punk Rock Necklace.
Enemy 15: Elsa


  • Idle Action: Elsa practices her aerial silk routines suspended from the ceiling. Her red hair and lean, strong legs are highlighted as she performs graceful, acrobatic maneuvers. She occasionally glances down with a flirtatious smile, adding a touch of whimsical charm to her actions.
  • Conversation Before Fight: Elsa calls down with a teasing tone, "Ready to face a real challenge? Let’s see if you can keep up with my moves and handle the aerial tricks I’ve got in store!"
  • Fight: Elsa’s very high agility and flexibility make her a challenging opponent. She uses her aerial silk skills to swing around and strike from above, making her difficult to hit. You need to stay nimble and anticipate her movements, striking when she’s briefly grounded or vulnerable.
  • Demise: Elsa’s body dissolves into a whirl of multicolored lights, her figure scattering into a vibrant mist that eventually dissipates into the air.

  • Score & Loot: 70 points, Aerial Silk Scarf.
Final Boss: Yuki


  • Idle Action: Yuki commands the center of the nightclub, her imposing presence highlighted by her luxurious throne-like chair. Her chubby body, adorned in gothic lolita attire, contrasts sharply with the lively surroundings. She watches the chaos with a sense of detached amusement, her green hair and voluptuous figure making her an imposing figure in the dimly lit room.
  • Conversation Before Fight: Yuki rises from her seat with an air of regal authority, her voice echoing through the room, "You’ve managed to make it this far, but this is where your journey ends. Prepare yourself for the ultimate challenge. I won’t be easy to defeat."
  • Fight: Yuki’s very high hit points and strength make her an exceptionally tough opponent. Her low agility means she’s slower, but her powerful, devastating attacks are anything but gentle. She utilizes her gothic lolita style to unleash powerful strikes and grappling maneuvers. The key to defeating her lies in exploiting her slower movements, dodging her heavy blows, and striking strategically when she shows signs of fatigue.
  • Demise: Yuki’s body disintegrates in a dramatic explosion of green and black energy. Her form breaks apart into a cascade of glowing particles that rapidly scatter and dissolve into the ambient nightclub atmosphere, leaving behind a lingering echo of her confident laughter.

  • Score & Loot: 200 points, Gothic Lolita Crown.

End of Level Summary:

As Yuki falls and the final echoes of her presence fade, the nightclub’s chaotic energy begins to settle. The pulsing lights and booming music continue, but the defeated enemies and their tumultuous presence are now gone. The atmosphere shifts from one of intense conflict to a more subdued, reflective ambiance. You stand victorious amid the remnants of the defeated foes, ready to continue your journey through this vibrant and ever-changing world.


Master of this Domain
Mar 8, 2017
Level: "Clubbed Heartbreak" - Nightclub Showdown (Extended Version)

Setting: The dark, pulsating nightclub is alive with the thrum of music and flashing neon lights. In every corner, patrons and enemies mix as the bass shakes the walls. Scantily clad women lounge at the bar, dance in circles, and flirt with strangers. It's the perfect stage for a brutal beat-em-up, where each fight will leave a permanent mark on the neon-tinged chaos.

1st Fight: Laura


  • Idle: Laura sits near the entrance, sipping a neon-colored cocktail, occasionally glancing at her phone while taking artsy selfies. Her long hair cascades over her shoulders as she tilts her head in the perfect angle for a shot.
  • Conversation: "Ugh, these people have no sense of style... and neither do you. Why don’t you just leave before you embarrass yourself?"
Laura barely looks up from her phone as you approach. She sighs and stands, flipping her long hair over her shoulder.

  • Battle: Laura fights with a haughty indifference, using wild, sloppy swings that are more for show than impact. Her gangly arms flail as she tries to land a kick, but her weak frame is no match for a heavy punch to the gut. She stumbles back, clutching her stomach.
  • Demise: After a brutal combo of punches and a final knee to the face, Laura falls to the ground, her phone shattering beside her. Her body convulses as her form flickers like a broken hologram before disintegrating into shards of glass that scatter across the dance floor.

  • Score: 300 points
  • Loot: Small Health Pack

2nd Fight: Stephany


  • Idle: Stephany is on the dance floor, her legs swaying to the beat. Her hot pants and small top leave little to the imagination as she spins in the flashing lights, giving winks and flirty glances to everyone around her.
  • Conversation: "Oh, hey, cutie. Wanna dance? Or are you here to cause some trouble?"
She stumbles a bit as she giggles, clearly tipsy, but then her smile sharpens when she sees your determined look.

  • Battle: Stephany is fast, using her long legs to throw quick kicks and trying to keep her distance. She even tries to playfully dodge your attacks, but you quickly close the gap. A spinning kick from you connects with her ribs, and the cracking sound silences her giggle.
  • Demise: You grab her by the arm and swing her into a nearby wall. Her body smashes through it, creating a massive hole. As she tries to crawl away, you stomp down hard, and she bursts into a neon-blue mist, leaving behind nothing but a sizzling outline.

  • Score: 350 points
  • Loot: Temporary Speed Boost

3rd Fight: Lily


  • Idle: Lily zips around the nightclub on her roller skates, playfully bumping into other patrons. She giggles hysterically, swerving between tables and occasionally crashing into chairs.
  • Conversation: "Oops! Hehehe! Watch out or I'll run you over!"
Lily laughs uncontrollably, her strawberry-red hair hanging in her face as she speeds toward you, arms outstretched like she’s ready to tackle.

  • Battle: Her speed is her biggest advantage, making it hard to land a clean hit. She darts around, swinging punches that barely hurt but are relentless. After a few moments of dodging her erratic movements, you land a well-timed kick to her side, sending her flying off her skates.
  • Demise: She hits the ground hard, rolling a few feet before slamming into a wall. You walk over and deliver a brutal stomp to her head, crushing her skull with a sickening crack. Her giggle turns into a gurgle before her body crumbles into dust, her skates clattering to the floor.

  • Score: 400 points
  • Loot: Small Health Pack

4th Fight: Elsa


  • Idle: Elsa dangles from the aerial silks hanging from the ceiling, performing graceful flips and spins while grinning down at the crowd. Her long legs move with precision, showcasing her flexibility and skill.
  • Conversation: "Wow, you’re really cute! You wanna play? I could wrap you up in these silks... or maybe something more fun."
She winks as she twirls in the air, clearly trying to charm you as she lowers herself gracefully to the floor.

  • Battle: Elsa moves with fluidity, using her legs to strike and wrap around you, attempting to trip you up or bind your arms. Her agility makes her a tricky opponent at first, but a heavy elbow to her midsection sends her crashing to the ground.
  • Demise: You grab the dangling silks and swing her by the neck, spinning her body around like a rag doll. With a vicious yank, you snap her spine, and her body slumps lifelessly before exploding into a burst of flower petals, leaving the silks hanging limp.

  • Score: 500 points
  • Loot: Medium Health Pack

5th Fight: Eve


  • Idle: Eve sits by a booth with her feet up, rubbing her small pregnant belly absentmindedly. Her hot pants and tight top reveal her thin frame, and she looks at you with a smug, defiant grin.
  • Conversation: "Yeah, I’m pregnant, so what? You think that means I’m an easy target? Try me."
She gets up, cracking her knuckles, her big lips twisted in a sneer.

  • Battle: Eve is quick but not strong. She throws fast punches and kicks, moving with a punkish energy. You hesitate briefly, but as she lands a punch to your jaw, the fight becomes real. After a flurry of blows, you land a powerful roundhouse kick, sending her spinning.
  • Demise: Eve crashes into a nearby speaker, causing an explosion of sparks. Her body is caught in the electricity, and she convulses before being electrocuted into a charred corpse. With one final flicker, she disintegrates into black ash.

  • Score: 600 points
  • Loot: 100 Coins

6th Fight: Victoria


  • Idle: Victoria stands near the DJ booth, her furry ears twitching as she hums along to the music. She wears a pale green nightdress and occasionally adjusts the long blonde hair falling over her face.
  • Conversation: "Are you here to disrupt my vibe? Bad choice. I’m gonna claw you up."
She grins, revealing a set of sharpened fake nails as she stretches, ready for a fight.

  • Battle: Victoria is surprisingly agile for her size, darting around and swiping with her clawed hands. She jumps at you, trying to scratch your face, but you grab her mid-air and slam her into the floor. A few powerful strikes to her torso send her sprawling.
  • Demise: With one final punch, you slam her head into the ground, causing her entire body to collapse inward. Her bones crack loudly as she’s crushed under the weight of your fist, and she crumples into a pile of fur and bone that dissipates into nothing.

  • Score: 700 points
  • Loot: Large Health Pack

7th Fight: Summer & Natalie



  • Idle: Summer and Natalie are in the VIP section, entwined in each other’s arms, passionately making out. Summer’s large frame dominates the couch while Natalie sits on her lap, their hands wandering each other’s bodies. They break apart only to glare at you.
  • Conversation:
    • Summer: "Oh look, another pig. You’re about to regret interrupting us."
    • Natalie: "Time to break this one."
They get up, their faces set in matching scowls as they crack their knuckles.

  • Battle: Summer charges in with heavy swings, her strength behind each punch. Natalie is more agile, using quick kicks and fast jabs to wear you down. After dodging Summer’s haymakers, you land a series of counterpunches, forcing them both to back up. You grab Summer by the neck and use her as a battering ram to knock Natalie into a speaker.
  • Demise: With a powerful uppercut, Summer is launched into the air and crashes through the VIP balcony, impaled on a broken railing. Her body twitches before exploding in a fiery burst of red light. Natalie, dazed from the impact, tries to crawl away, but you deliver a fatal stomp, crushing her skull. She disintegrates into blue sparks.


  • Score: 1000 points (combined)
  • Loot: Strength Boost, 200 Coins

8th Fight: Mist & Lilith



  • Idle: Mist hides behind Lilith, trembling slightly. Lilith stands tall and confident, her kickboxer stance ready. Her red hair is tied back, revealing her fierce expression as she shields the timid Mist.
  • Conversation:
    • Mist: "I-I don’t want to fight..."
    • Lilith: "Stay back, Mist. I’ll take care of this creep."
Lilith cracks her knuckles, stepping forward, while Mist nervously watches from behind. Her eyes are wide with fear, and she’s clearly reluctant to engage, but Lilith’s protective instincts take over as she steps into battle.

  • Battle: Lilith fights with the precision of a trained kickboxer, throwing powerful roundhouse kicks and devastating punches. Her strikes are strong, but slow, and you manage to dodge her attacks while landing a few quick hits. Lilith shouts at Mist to stay back, but Mist’s nerves get the better of her, and she throws a weak punch in your direction. You catch her wrist and fling her across the floor like a rag doll, but Lilith retaliates with a brutal knee to your chest, momentarily stunning you.
After a fierce exchange of blows, Lilith begins to slow down, and you capitalize with a spinning kick to her head, sending her reeling. Mist cowers in the corner as you take Lilith down with a combo of punches, finishing her with a knee to the face.

  • Demise: Lilith stumbles backward, blood dripping from her mouth. She collapses, her large frame crashing into a pile of broken glass. With one final grunt of defiance, her body crumbles into ash, disappearing in a burst of red flames. Mist, now completely terrified, tries to crawl away, but you grab her by the ankle. With a brutal swing, you throw her against a column, her skull cracking on impact. She gives a final whimper before her body dissolves into a faint pink mist, her glasses clattering to the floor.


  • Score: 700 points (combined)
  • Loot: Medium Health Pack, 150 Coins

9th Fight: Sophia


  • Idle: Sophia stands near a graffiti-covered wall, taking ironic photos of herself with a vintage camera. She’s tall, lanky, and her beret sits askew on her long, dark hair. She glances at you with an air of disinterest, adjusting the angle of her camera.
  • Conversation: "Oh wow, another generic tough guy. This is going to be so amusing. You know, violence is just so... passé."
Sophia tosses her camera aside, rolling her eyes as she steps forward lazily, as if she’s already bored with the idea of fighting you.

  • Battle: Sophia’s long, lanky limbs give her an advantage in reach, but her strikes are weak and lack any real power. She tries to maintain distance, throwing lazy kicks and swatting at you with disdainful slaps. After dodging her half-hearted attacks, you catch one of her legs and flip her onto the ground. She scrambles to her feet but is clearly outmatched. After a few more hits, you deliver a brutal kick to her midsection, doubling her over.
  • Demise: With a savage uppercut, you send Sophia flying backward, smashing into a stack of sound equipment. The impact causes the equipment to collapse on top of her, crushing her under the weight. Her long limbs twitch beneath the debris before her body begins to convulse. She lets out a final ironic laugh before her body flickers like a broken light bulb, then disintegrates into pixels, vanishing without a trace.

  • Score: 500 points
  • Loot: 100 Coins

10th Fight: Sandy


  • Idle: Sandy stands near a punching bag in the club’s makeshift gym area, her tall, blonde figure looming over the equipment. She’s shy, avoiding eye contact with anyone, but she’s built like an athlete, and her fists pound the bag with tremendous force.
  • Conversation: "I... I don’t want to hurt you... but if you force me, I will."
She looks at you nervously, her large eyes pleading for you to walk away, but her fists clench as she takes a deep breath, preparing for the inevitable fight.

  • Battle: Sandy is a powerhouse, with punches that could shatter bones. Her movements are swift and calculated, a stark contrast to her shy demeanor. She delivers powerful blows, knocking you back with each hit, but her hesitation gives you openings. You dodge her heavy strikes and counter with a series of rapid punches. As the fight wears on, Sandy’s nerves start to show, and her strikes become more erratic. You sidestep a devastating punch and land a kick to her knee, buckling her leg.
  • Demise: With a brutal knee to the face, you send Sandy crashing to the ground, blood pouring from her nose. She crawls to her feet, but you grab her by the hair and swing her into the nearby punching bag stand. The metal structure topples over, impaling her through the chest with a jagged piece of steel. Sandy gasps, her eyes wide with shock, before her body spasms and explodes into a shower of red mist.

  • Score: 600 points
  • Loot: Large Health Pack, Strength Boost

11th Fight: Deborah


  • Idle: Deborah lounges at the bar, twirling a strand of her fiery red hair and batting her eyes at anyone who looks her way. Her seductive gaze follows you as you approach, and she smirks confidently.
  • Conversation: "Mmm, look at you. Why don’t we skip the fighting and... get to know each other better?"
She winks, her large red lips curling into a devilish grin, but her flirtation quickly fades as she realizes you’re not here to play.

  • Battle: Deborah fights with a playful yet dangerous energy. Her movements are quick, but she lacks the power to do any real damage. She tries to use her seductive charm to distract you, swaying her hips and blowing kisses, but you remain focused. After dodging a few of her weak punches, you land a solid kick to her midsection, knocking the wind out of her. She gasps, clutching her stomach.
  • Demise: Grabbing her by the throat, you lift Deborah off the ground and slam her onto the bar. The bottles shatter around her as you deliver a bone-crushing punch to her face, shattering her nose. Blood pours from her as her body begins to convulse. With a final, gurgling gasp, her body ignites in a burst of flames, burning away to nothing but ashes on the bar.

  • Score: 450 points
  • Loot: 50 Coins

12th Fight: Betty


  • Idle: Betty sits in a dark corner, her large glasses perched on her nose as she stares at the floor. Her chubby frame and massive breasts are barely concealed by her oversized sweater. She looks up at you with sad, hollow eyes.
  • Conversation: "I guess... it doesn’t matter. Nothing does."
She sighs deeply, barely motivated to stand up, but when she does, her sheer size and strength are intimidating.

  • Battle: Betty’s depression weighs heavily on her, but she’s surprisingly strong. Her punches are slow but devastating, and each hit sends shockwaves through your body. You have to dodge carefully, waiting for the right moment to strike. After landing a few quick hits, Betty starts to stagger, her will to fight fading quickly. You deliver a series of powerful punches to her stomach, doubling her over.
  • Demise: As Betty gasps for air, you grab her by the neck and lift her off the ground. Her eyes widen in fear as you slam her into the floor, the impact creating a small crater beneath her. Betty's body twitches, and with a final, broken sob, she dissolves into a pool of black sludge, her glasses sinking into the ground.

  • Score: 500 points
  • Loot: Medium Health Pack

13th Fight: Karen


  • Idle: Karen leans against a wall, her blue hair hanging in her face as she glares at you. Her leather outfit clings to her stocky frame, and her large breasts are barely contained by her top. She crosses her arms, unimpressed.
  • Conversation: "Oh, great. Another disgusting man. Let’s get this over with, so I can go back to ignoring you."
She cracks her knuckles and steps forward, her confidence palpable.

  • Battle: Karen is slow, but every punch feels like a sledgehammer. She swings wildly, her hatred for you fueling her attacks, but her lack of agility makes it easy to dodge. After a few dodges, you counter with a heavy punch to her chest, knocking her off balance. She recovers quickly, though, and grabs you by the throat, slamming you into a table. You manage to break free and land a series of rapid punches, dazing her.
  • Demise: With a powerful uppercut, you send Karen crashing into the club’s speaker system. The speakers explode in a shower of sparks, and Karen is electrocuted as her body convulses violently. Her scream is drowned out by the music as her body bursts into flames, disintegrating into a pile of charred bones.

  • Score: 700 points
  • Loot: Large Health Pack, Strength Boost

Final Boss Fight: Yuki


  • Idle: Yuki stands at the center center of the nightclub's VIP section, her small frame dressed in an elaborate gothic lolita outfit. Her pale skin contrasts sharply with the dark, frilled dress, and her long black hair cascades over her shoulders in soft waves. Her eyes, cold and calculating, lock onto you as you approach, and she toys with a lace parasol in one hand. Despite her childlike appearance, there’s a menacing aura about her.
  • Conversation: "You’ve made it this far? Impressive… but foolish. You should have left while you had the chance. Now, I’ll make sure your pathetic little journey ends in agony."
She closes her parasol and twirls it in her hand, her voice sweet but laced with venom. Her confidence is unshakable as she steps forward, ready to deliver your demise.

  • Battle: Yuki’s small frame and delicate appearance are deceptive. She’s fast, graceful, and deadly precise. Every movement is calculated, and she uses her parasol like a sword, striking with surgical precision. Her attacks are a mix of fast, slashing motions and swift kicks that keep you on your toes. She dances around the battlefield, taunting you with every dodge and counterattack.
Each time you try to land a hit, she spins out of the way, countering with a sharp blow to your ribs or a well-placed strike to your face. The battle intensifies as she begins using dark magic, summoning black tendrils from the floor that lash at you, trying to drag you down into the abyss below.

  • Phase 1: In the first phase of the fight, Yuki relies mostly on her parasol and agility. Her speed makes her difficult to hit, but her light frame means that when you do land a punch, it sends her reeling. She recovers quickly, though, and returns with even more ferocity. After several exchanges of blows, you manage to break her parasol in half with a powerful punch, sending her staggering backward.
  • Phase 2: Enraged, Yuki taps into her dark powers. Her eyes glow a deep crimson as she levitates off the ground, summoning dark tendrils that whip around the battlefield. She conjures spectral hands that claw at you, pulling you in closer for her deadly strikes. Her once playful demeanor shifts to one of cold, unrelenting fury as she hurls balls of dark energy at you.
You manage to dodge her magic, closing the distance and landing several powerful punches. She lets out a furious scream, and the nightclub’s walls begin to crack under the weight of her power.

  • Demise: With one final, brutal combo of punches, you manage to overpower Yuki. Her dark magic falters as you land a crushing blow to her midsection, doubling her over. You seize the opportunity and grab her by the throat, lifting her off the ground. She struggles, gasping for air as you slam her into the ground with such force that the floor beneath her shatters.

Yuki lets out a gurgling scream, her body twitching violently as black energy erupts from her, consuming the room in darkness. For a moment, it feels like she might take you with her, but the tendrils of dark energy dissipate as her small frame collapses into a pool of black liquid. Her parasol disintegrates into ashes, and her body melts into nothingness, leaving only her black lace ribbon behind, fluttering to the ground.

  • Score: 1500 points
  • Loot: Ultimate Power Boost, 500 Coins, Rare Weapon: "Shadow Parasite" (parasol weapon with dark magic abilities)

Level Complete: "Clubbed Heartbreak"

  • Total Points: Calculated based on your performance
  • Time Bonus: Awarded if completed under a certain time
  • Loot Summary: Health Packs, Strength Boosts, Coins, and Rare Weapon

As the nightclub returns to silence, the flashing lights flicker one last time, and the crowd that once danced and cheered is gone. The broken bodies of your enemies are nowhere to be found, erased as if they never existed. You stand alone in the aftermath, victorious, but knowing that this was just another step in a much larger, darker journey.


Casual Client
Dec 6, 2022
Level: "Clubbed Heartbreak" - Nightclub Showdown (Extended Version)

Setting: The dark, pulsating nightclub is alive with the thrum of music and flashing neon lights. In every corner, patrons and enemies mix as the bass shakes the walls. Scantily clad women lounge at the bar, dance in circles, and flirt with strangers. It's the perfect stage for a brutal beat-em-up, where each fight will leave a permanent mark on the neon-tinged chaos.

1st Fight: Laura

View attachment 159130

  • Idle: Laura sits near the entrance, sipping a neon-colored cocktail, occasionally glancing at her phone while taking artsy selfies. Her long hair cascades over her shoulders as she tilts her head in the perfect angle for a shot.
  • Conversation: "Ugh, these people have no sense of style... and neither do you. Why don’t you just leave before you embarrass yourself?"
Laura barely looks up from her phone as you approach. She sighs and stands, flipping her long hair over her shoulder.

  • Battle: Laura fights with a haughty indifference, using wild, sloppy swings that are more for show than impact. Her gangly arms flail as she tries to land a kick, but her weak frame is no match for a heavy punch to the gut. She stumbles back, clutching her stomach.
  • Demise: After a brutal combo of punches and a final knee to the face, Laura falls to the ground, her phone shattering beside her. Her body convulses as her form flickers like a broken hologram before disintegrating into shards of glass that scatter across the dance floor.
View attachment 159112
  • Score: 300 points
  • Loot: Small Health Pack

2nd Fight: Stephany

View attachment 159127

  • Idle: Stephany is on the dance floor, her legs swaying to the beat. Her hot pants and small top leave little to the imagination as she spins in the flashing lights, giving winks and flirty glances to everyone around her.
  • Conversation: "Oh, hey, cutie. Wanna dance? Or are you here to cause some trouble?"
She stumbles a bit as she giggles, clearly tipsy, but then her smile sharpens when she sees your determined look.

  • Battle: Stephany is fast, using her long legs to throw quick kicks and trying to keep her distance. She even tries to playfully dodge your attacks, but you quickly close the gap. A spinning kick from you connects with her ribs, and the cracking sound silences her giggle.
  • Demise: You grab her by the arm and swing her into a nearby wall. Her body smashes through it, creating a massive hole. As she tries to crawl away, you stomp down hard, and she bursts into a neon-blue mist, leaving behind nothing but a sizzling outline.
View attachment 159120
  • Score: 350 points
  • Loot: Temporary Speed Boost

3rd Fight: Lily

View attachment 159124

  • Idle: Lily zips around the nightclub on her roller skates, playfully bumping into other patrons. She giggles hysterically, swerving between tables and occasionally crashing into chairs.
  • Conversation: "Oops! Hehehe! Watch out or I'll run you over!"
Lily laughs uncontrollably, her strawberry-red hair hanging in her face as she speeds toward you, arms outstretched like she’s ready to tackle.

  • Battle: Her speed is her biggest advantage, making it hard to land a clean hit. She darts around, swinging punches that barely hurt but are relentless. After a few moments of dodging her erratic movements, you land a well-timed kick to her side, sending her flying off her skates.
  • Demise: She hits the ground hard, rolling a few feet before slamming into a wall. You walk over and deliver a brutal stomp to her head, crushing her skull with a sickening crack. Her giggle turns into a gurgle before her body crumbles into dust, her skates clattering to the floor.
View attachment 159115
  • Score: 400 points
  • Loot: Small Health Pack

4th Fight: Elsa

View attachment 159136

  • Idle: Elsa dangles from the aerial silks hanging from the ceiling, performing graceful flips and spins while grinning down at the crowd. Her long legs move with precision, showcasing her flexibility and skill.
  • Conversation: "Wow, you’re really cute! You wanna play? I could wrap you up in these silks... or maybe something more fun."
She winks as she twirls in the air, clearly trying to charm you as she lowers herself gracefully to the floor.

  • Battle: Elsa moves with fluidity, using her legs to strike and wrap around you, attempting to trip you up or bind your arms. Her agility makes her a tricky opponent at first, but a heavy elbow to her midsection sends her crashing to the ground.
  • Demise: You grab the dangling silks and swing her by the neck, spinning her body around like a rag doll. With a vicious yank, you snap her spine, and her body slumps lifelessly before exploding into a burst of flower petals, leaving the silks hanging limp.
View attachment 159110
  • Score: 500 points
  • Loot: Medium Health Pack

5th Fight: Eve

View attachment 159138

  • Idle: Eve sits by a booth with her feet up, rubbing her small pregnant belly absentmindedly. Her hot pants and tight top reveal her thin frame, and she looks at you with a smug, defiant grin.
  • Conversation: "Yeah, I’m pregnant, so what? You think that means I’m an easy target? Try me."
She gets up, cracking her knuckles, her big lips twisted in a sneer.

  • Battle: Eve is quick but not strong. She throws fast punches and kicks, moving with a punkish energy. You hesitate briefly, but as she lands a punch to your jaw, the fight becomes real. After a flurry of blows, you land a powerful roundhouse kick, sending her spinning.
  • Demise: Eve crashes into a nearby speaker, causing an explosion of sparks. Her body is caught in the electricity, and she convulses before being electrocuted into a charred corpse. With one final flicker, she disintegrates into black ash.
View attachment 159111
  • Score: 600 points
  • Loot: 100 Coins

6th Fight: Victoria

View attachment 159139

  • Idle: Victoria stands near the DJ booth, her furry ears twitching as she hums along to the music. She wears a pale green nightdress and occasionally adjusts the long blonde hair falling over her face.
  • Conversation: "Are you here to disrupt my vibe? Bad choice. I’m gonna claw you up."
She grins, revealing a set of sharpened fake nails as she stretches, ready for a fight.

  • Battle: Victoria is surprisingly agile for her size, darting around and swiping with her clawed hands. She jumps at you, trying to scratch your face, but you grab her mid-air and slam her into the floor. A few powerful strikes to her torso send her sprawling.
  • Demise: With one final punch, you slam her head into the ground, causing her entire body to collapse inward. Her bones crack loudly as she’s crushed under the weight of your fist, and she crumples into a pile of fur and bone that dissipates into nothing.
View attachment 159122
  • Score: 700 points
  • Loot: Large Health Pack

7th Fight: Summer & Natalie

View attachment 159133
View attachment 159126

  • Idle: Summer and Natalie are in the VIP section, entwined in each other’s arms, passionately making out. Summer’s large frame dominates the couch while Natalie sits on her lap, their hands wandering each other’s bodies. They break apart only to glare at you.
  • Conversation:
    • Summer: "Oh look, another pig. You’re about to regret interrupting us."
    • Natalie: "Time to break this one."
They get up, their faces set in matching scowls as they crack their knuckles.

  • Battle: Summer charges in with heavy swings, her strength behind each punch. Natalie is more agile, using quick kicks and fast jabs to wear you down. After dodging Summer’s haymakers, you land a series of counterpunches, forcing them both to back up. You grab Summer by the neck and use her as a battering ram to knock Natalie into a speaker.
  • Demise: With a powerful uppercut, Summer is launched into the air and crashes through the VIP balcony, impaled on a broken railing. Her body twitches before exploding in a fiery burst of red light. Natalie, dazed from the impact, tries to crawl away, but you deliver a fatal stomp, crushing her skull. She disintegrates into blue sparks.
View attachment 159121
View attachment 159117

  • Score: 1000 points (combined)
  • Loot: Strength Boost, 200 Coins

8th Fight: Mist & Lilith

View attachment 159132
View attachment 159134

  • Idle: Mist hides behind Lilith, trembling slightly. Lilith stands tall and confident, her kickboxer stance ready. Her red hair is tied back, revealing her fierce expression as she shields the timid Mist.
  • Conversation:
    • Mist: "I-I don’t want to fight..."
    • Lilith: "Stay back, Mist. I’ll take care of this creep."
Lilith cracks her knuckles, stepping forward, while Mist nervously watches from behind. Her eyes are wide with fear, and she’s clearly reluctant to engage, but Lilith’s protective instincts take over as she steps into battle.

  • Battle: Lilith fights with the precision of a trained kickboxer, throwing powerful roundhouse kicks and devastating punches. Her strikes are strong, but slow, and you manage to dodge her attacks while landing a few quick hits. Lilith shouts at Mist to stay back, but Mist’s nerves get the better of her, and she throws a weak punch in your direction. You catch her wrist and fling her across the floor like a rag doll, but Lilith retaliates with a brutal knee to your chest, momentarily stunning you.
After a fierce exchange of blows, Lilith begins to slow down, and you capitalize with a spinning kick to her head, sending her reeling. Mist cowers in the corner as you take Lilith down with a combo of punches, finishing her with a knee to the face.

  • Demise: Lilith stumbles backward, blood dripping from her mouth. She collapses, her large frame crashing into a pile of broken glass. With one final grunt of defiance, her body crumbles into ash, disappearing in a burst of red flames. Mist, now completely terrified, tries to crawl away, but you grab her by the ankle. With a brutal swing, you throw her against a column, her skull cracking on impact. She gives a final whimper before her body dissolves into a faint pink mist, her glasses clattering to the floor.
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  • Score: 700 points (combined)
  • Loot: Medium Health Pack, 150 Coins

9th Fight: Sophia

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  • Idle: Sophia stands near a graffiti-covered wall, taking ironic photos of herself with a vintage camera. She’s tall, lanky, and her beret sits askew on her long, dark hair. She glances at you with an air of disinterest, adjusting the angle of her camera.
  • Conversation: "Oh wow, another generic tough guy. This is going to be so amusing. You know, violence is just so... passé."
Sophia tosses her camera aside, rolling her eyes as she steps forward lazily, as if she’s already bored with the idea of fighting you.

  • Battle: Sophia’s long, lanky limbs give her an advantage in reach, but her strikes are weak and lack any real power. She tries to maintain distance, throwing lazy kicks and swatting at you with disdainful slaps. After dodging her half-hearted attacks, you catch one of her legs and flip her onto the ground. She scrambles to her feet but is clearly outmatched. After a few more hits, you deliver a brutal kick to her midsection, doubling her over.
  • Demise: With a savage uppercut, you send Sophia flying backward, smashing into a stack of sound equipment. The impact causes the equipment to collapse on top of her, crushing her under the weight. Her long limbs twitch beneath the debris before her body begins to convulse. She lets out a final ironic laugh before her body flickers like a broken light bulb, then disintegrates into pixels, vanishing without a trace.
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  • Score: 500 points
  • Loot: 100 Coins

10th Fight: Sandy

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  • Idle: Sandy stands near a punching bag in the club’s makeshift gym area, her tall, blonde figure looming over the equipment. She’s shy, avoiding eye contact with anyone, but she’s built like an athlete, and her fists pound the bag with tremendous force.
  • Conversation: "I... I don’t want to hurt you... but if you force me, I will."
She looks at you nervously, her large eyes pleading for you to walk away, but her fists clench as she takes a deep breath, preparing for the inevitable fight.

  • Battle: Sandy is a powerhouse, with punches that could shatter bones. Her movements are swift and calculated, a stark contrast to her shy demeanor. She delivers powerful blows, knocking you back with each hit, but her hesitation gives you openings. You dodge her heavy strikes and counter with a series of rapid punches. As the fight wears on, Sandy’s nerves start to show, and her strikes become more erratic. You sidestep a devastating punch and land a kick to her knee, buckling her leg.
  • Demise: With a brutal knee to the face, you send Sandy crashing to the ground, blood pouring from her nose. She crawls to her feet, but you grab her by the hair and swing her into the nearby punching bag stand. The metal structure topples over, impaling her through the chest with a jagged piece of steel. Sandy gasps, her eyes wide with shock, before her body spasms and explodes into a shower of red mist.
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  • Score: 600 points
  • Loot: Large Health Pack, Strength Boost

11th Fight: Deborah

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  • Idle: Deborah lounges at the bar, twirling a strand of her fiery red hair and batting her eyes at anyone who looks her way. Her seductive gaze follows you as you approach, and she smirks confidently.
  • Conversation: "Mmm, look at you. Why don’t we skip the fighting and... get to know each other better?"
She winks, her large red lips curling into a devilish grin, but her flirtation quickly fades as she realizes you’re not here to play.

  • Battle: Deborah fights with a playful yet dangerous energy. Her movements are quick, but she lacks the power to do any real damage. She tries to use her seductive charm to distract you, swaying her hips and blowing kisses, but you remain focused. After dodging a few of her weak punches, you land a solid kick to her midsection, knocking the wind out of her. She gasps, clutching her stomach.
  • Demise: Grabbing her by the throat, you lift Deborah off the ground and slam her onto the bar. The bottles shatter around her as you deliver a bone-crushing punch to her face, shattering her nose. Blood pours from her as her body begins to convulse. With a final, gurgling gasp, her body ignites in a burst of flames, burning away to nothing but ashes on the bar.
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  • Score: 450 points
  • Loot: 50 Coins

12th Fight: Betty

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  • Idle: Betty sits in a dark corner, her large glasses perched on her nose as she stares at the floor. Her chubby frame and massive breasts are barely concealed by her oversized sweater. She looks up at you with sad, hollow eyes.
  • Conversation: "I guess... it doesn’t matter. Nothing does."
She sighs deeply, barely motivated to stand up, but when she does, her sheer size and strength are intimidating.

  • Battle: Betty’s depression weighs heavily on her, but she’s surprisingly strong. Her punches are slow but devastating, and each hit sends shockwaves through your body. You have to dodge carefully, waiting for the right moment to strike. After landing a few quick hits, Betty starts to stagger, her will to fight fading quickly. You deliver a series of powerful punches to her stomach, doubling her over.
  • Demise: As Betty gasps for air, you grab her by the neck and lift her off the ground. Her eyes widen in fear as you slam her into the floor, the impact creating a small crater beneath her. Betty's body twitches, and with a final, broken sob, she dissolves into a pool of black sludge, her glasses sinking into the ground.
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  • Score: 500 points
  • Loot: Medium Health Pack

13th Fight: Karen

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  • Idle: Karen leans against a wall, her blue hair hanging in her face as she glares at you. Her leather outfit clings to her stocky frame, and her large breasts are barely contained by her top. She crosses her arms, unimpressed.
  • Conversation: "Oh, great. Another disgusting man. Let’s get this over with, so I can go back to ignoring you."
She cracks her knuckles and steps forward, her confidence palpable.

  • Battle: Karen is slow, but every punch feels like a sledgehammer. She swings wildly, her hatred for you fueling her attacks, but her lack of agility makes it easy to dodge. After a few dodges, you counter with a heavy punch to her chest, knocking her off balance. She recovers quickly, though, and grabs you by the throat, slamming you into a table. You manage to break free and land a series of rapid punches, dazing her.
  • Demise: With a powerful uppercut, you send Karen crashing into the club’s speaker system. The speakers explode in a shower of sparks, and Karen is electrocuted as her body convulses violently. Her scream is drowned out by the music as her body bursts into flames, disintegrating into a pile of charred bones.
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  • Score: 700 points
  • Loot: Large Health Pack, Strength Boost

Final Boss Fight: Yuki

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  • Idle: Yuki stands at the center center of the nightclub's VIP section, her small frame dressed in an elaborate gothic lolita outfit. Her pale skin contrasts sharply with the dark, frilled dress, and her long black hair cascades over her shoulders in soft waves. Her eyes, cold and calculating, lock onto you as you approach, and she toys with a lace parasol in one hand. Despite her childlike appearance, there’s a menacing aura about her.
  • Conversation: "You’ve made it this far? Impressive… but foolish. You should have left while you had the chance. Now, I’ll make sure your pathetic little journey ends in agony."
She closes her parasol and twirls it in her hand, her voice sweet but laced with venom. Her confidence is unshakable as she steps forward, ready to deliver your demise.

  • Battle: Yuki’s small frame and delicate appearance are deceptive. She’s fast, graceful, and deadly precise. Every movement is calculated, and she uses her parasol like a sword, striking with surgical precision. Her attacks are a mix of fast, slashing motions and swift kicks that keep you on your toes. She dances around the battlefield, taunting you with every dodge and counterattack.
Each time you try to land a hit, she spins out of the way, countering with a sharp blow to your ribs or a well-placed strike to your face. The battle intensifies as she begins using dark magic, summoning black tendrils from the floor that lash at you, trying to drag you down into the abyss below.

  • Phase 1: In the first phase of the fight, Yuki relies mostly on her parasol and agility. Her speed makes her difficult to hit, but her light frame means that when you do land a punch, it sends her reeling. She recovers quickly, though, and returns with even more ferocity. After several exchanges of blows, you manage to break her parasol in half with a powerful punch, sending her staggering backward.
  • Phase 2: Enraged, Yuki taps into her dark powers. Her eyes glow a deep crimson as she levitates off the ground, summoning dark tendrils that whip around the battlefield. She conjures spectral hands that claw at you, pulling you in closer for her deadly strikes. Her once playful demeanor shifts to one of cold, unrelenting fury as she hurls balls of dark energy at you.
You manage to dodge her magic, closing the distance and landing several powerful punches. She lets out a furious scream, and the nightclub’s walls begin to crack under the weight of her power.

  • Demise: With one final, brutal combo of punches, you manage to overpower Yuki. Her dark magic falters as you land a crushing blow to her midsection, doubling her over. You seize the opportunity and grab her by the throat, lifting her off the ground. She struggles, gasping for air as you slam her into the ground with such force that the floor beneath her shatters.
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Yuki lets out a gurgling scream, her body twitching violently as black energy erupts from her, consuming the room in darkness. For a moment, it feels like she might take you with her, but the tendrils of dark energy dissipate as her small frame collapses into a pool of black liquid. Her parasol disintegrates into ashes, and her body melts into nothingness, leaving only her black lace ribbon behind, fluttering to the ground.

  • Score: 1500 points
  • Loot: Ultimate Power Boost, 500 Coins, Rare Weapon: "Shadow Parasite" (parasol weapon with dark magic abilities)

Level Complete: "Clubbed Heartbreak"

  • Total Points: Calculated based on your performance
  • Time Bonus: Awarded if completed under a certain time
  • Loot Summary: Health Packs, Strength Boosts, Coins, and Rare Weapon

As the nightclub returns to silence, the flashing lights flicker one last time, and the crowd that once danced and cheered is gone. The broken bodies of your enemies are nowhere to be found, erased as if they never existed. You stand alone in the aftermath, victorious, but knowing that this was just another step in a much larger, darker journey.
Damn, this really good, i won't lie

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