stuntcock's loader mods - dynamicHairExtenderV5 (1 Viewer)


Content Creator
Jun 5, 2012
Re: stuntcock's loader mods - dynamicHairExtenderV2

I'd like to open up this thread for new hairstyle suggestions. This isn't the "Requests" board - I'm not promising to create hair imports for you. Rather, I'm asking for help in identifying hairstyles with unusual or complex physics, so that I can improve the dynamicHairExtender mod, in the hope of eventually bringing those hairstyles to life.

The secondary goal is to help me understand which features of the mod are confusing (or unreliable, or poorly-explained). I can use that information to improve the tutorial content, and hopefully encourage more people to begin working with the mod and creating fancy dynamic hairstyles.

Here's a rough list of what might happen when you make a suggestion:
  • the hairstyle is not feasible ever
    • I say "no" and explain why not (e.g. "it would require 3d depth-of-field logic and a working body-collision physics system").
    • you (hopefully) stop asking for impossible things.
  • the hairstyle is not feasible yet
    • I thank you for your valuable contribution.
    • I add the necessary features to the development roadmap.
    • I revisit the hairstyle when the mod is mature enough to handle it.
  • the hairstyle is feasible now but it requires a non-obvious approach
    • I describe the technique and provide a few screenshots or a rough FLA sketch of the recommended approach.
    • somebody gathers a proper set of reference images and creates a Request thread (if one does not already exist).
  • the hairstyle is feasible now and it would serve as a good tutorial
    • if the hairstyle is visually simple and has good references... then I'll trace it, animate it, and write up a tutorial.
    • if the design is visually complex or lacks references... then I'll trace a crude mockup, animate it, and write up a tutorial.
    • if the design is visually complex but someone volunteers to vector-trace... then I'll animate it and write up a tutorial.
  • the design is feasible now. In fact, it can be created with techniques which have already been tutorialized
    • I'll provide a link to the relevant tutorial section.
    • if you feel that the tutorial is unclear, incomplete, or poorly-written... then say so. I'll take another look at it.
    • if the tutorial is clear and you're posting just to draw attention to your Request because you really like the character... then you're being a jerk.

Please don't suggest any of the following:
  • prehensile hair strands -- magical hair strands which exhibit intelligent behaviour, tentacles which move under their own power, or hair which performs complex animations even when it's at rest (e.g. fluttering due to omnipresent "hero wind").
    • Such designs are do-able, but they require very heavy customization and they don't really "work" as tutorial content.
  • strands which dramatically change their length during normal animation cycles. We can achieve ~10% stretch using conventional techniques; beyond that we run into difficulties.
  • self-shadowing. Somewhat do-able, but it's very tedious work, it significantly degrades the game's performance, and the results aren't very believable. This topic is "on hold" until I can find a more effective technique.
  • hair strands whose highlights must shift as their scene-orientation changes (aka "dynamic lighting"). Too difficult.
  • Temporary: please do not request clothing. I intend to write some tutorials re: incorporating Rope physics into clothing, so please hold off on making requests until I've prepared the initial material.

When making a suggestion, please do include the following:
  • a link to the Request thread (if one exists).
  • one (1) image of the hairstyle.
    • This isn't a Request thread, so your image does not need to be a highres side-view.
    • I just want something that I can glance at to get a basic idea of the design.
    • Please don't flood this thread with images; one is enough. Post any extras in the Request thread.
  • a few sentences describing the unusual characteristics or behaviour of the hairstyle.
    • Even if you feel that the image perfectly illustrates the challenges posed by the hairstyle, describe it anyways.
    • I've put many hours of work into this mod. If you can't take thirty seconds to explain your suggestion, then I reserve the right to ignore it completely.
    • If your description doesn't include at least one physics term (such as "torque" or "elasticity" or "collision" or "momentum" or "shear") then your suggestion might not be appropriate for this thread.


Content Creator
Jun 5, 2012
Re: stuntcock's loader mods - dynamicHairExtenderV2

Here's a quick preview of floor-intersection feature. Note that the SDT physics does not include Friction, so things will just slide smoothly along the floor. A hair strand which encounters the floor will not necessarily remain "linear" - it can fold back in on itself and form a kink. In extreme cases, each successive segment might be folded in the opposite direction - resulting in an accordion-pleat pattern. As the strand pulls away from the ground, the kinks will quickly fade away and the strand will revert to its normal shape (straight, curved, spiral, etc).

Goal / Intent
I've been adding features to the mod (such as leash tension, hair-pulling, and physics-based hairstyling) which can make effective use of very long hair strands. However, there's a potential problem - if the physics policies are ineffective (e.g. because we're trying to tie the hair to a prop, but the prop isn't actually included in the scene) then the long hair will fall through the bottom of the game window and look stupid.

By defining an arbitrary floor and allowing the hair to rest against it, we create an "insurance policy." Physics weirdness may still occur, but the hair strand should remain within the scene boundaries.

It also becomes possible for modders to create hairstyles which rely on the floor and which are intended to rest against it. Similar possibilities exist for accessories and clothing (e.g. the train of a wedding dress, drooping sleeves, gymnast ribbons, etc).

Animation Sample


Note that the leash is somewhat more stiff than the hair strands. Hence, it tends not to form a neat little pile of accordion-pleated segments. It's more likely to stretch out in a line along the ground.

Unless a strand is very rigid, its orientation on the ground will be somewhat unpredictable. It's akin to a coin-toss. If the scene looks wrong, you can always pull the characters back and then return them -- perhaps you'll get a different result?

If you're using a customized Animtools position in which the girl is standing rather than kneeling, then the "knee = floor" rule will look wrong. You can customize the (x,y) offset ... or you can just toss in a visual prop to complete the scene.

The mod currently assumes that the knee always defines the Floor position. You can set a customized (x,y) offset for each hair strand, but this is mainly intended as a modding tool. The centerline of each strand will rest against the ground, so if you have a very thick strand then you might want to tweak its offset by a few pixels so that everything remains aligned.

I have not yet included a user-configurable mechanism for adjusting the floor. I'm waiting for feedback from modders and users.

Items in contact with the floor do not experience Friction. If this feature proves popular, then I can kludge in a pseudo-friction effect by temporarily boosting the Mass of any RopeLink which touches the floor.


Content Creator
Jun 5, 2012
Re: stuntcock's loader mods - dynamicHairExtenderV2

New collars. They're based on the standard Leather collar, with simple D-rings added to serve as visual attachment-points for a Leash. Note that this is a visual feature only -- the Leash physics will work fine even if you use a different item (e.g. Gem Choker) or a bare neck. In such cases, the leash clasp will simply float in the air and look a bit silly.

These are vanilla imports. I'm going to leave them here because they're intended for use with Loader mods (dynamicHairExtender for physics support, and moreClothing for UI convenience).

The collars have the standard RGB slider support.


Downloads - moved to first post

This is a single set of rough artwork (metallic clasp, leather segments, leather handle) which has been copy-pasted into several different forms. All of the leashes attach to the girl's neck (if you're using one of the collars shown above, then there will be a visible connection between the two elements). The other end of the leash has a "hardcoded" behaviour - it will either rest in one of his hands, or dangle towards the ground.

It is not currently possible to change the physics behaviour on-the-fly. If you have a dangling leash and you want him to "pick it up" then you must switch to a different Leash. If you want the leash to be more tight then either switch to a shorter leash or move the characters farther apart. AnimtoolsV14 may provide you with additional options for moving his arms, and thereby give you better control over Leash tautness.

All Leashes depend on the the dynamicHairExtenderV3 mod, which should be included in your $INIT\Mods.txt file if you intend to use these accessories in your gameplay. I'll try to "bundle" the physics code into the imports next time, so that you won't need to fiddle with Mods.txt.

The first Leash shown below (front collar ring ↔ left hand, long version) was used as the basis for development of the physics, and it has therefore received the most polish and fine-tuning. The other Leash variants were created more quickly, and may exhibit flaws in their animation or layering. This is mostly a "physics proof-of-concept" rather than real content.

I have given these files using the .mod file extension. This is simply a way of renaming SWF files so that they are visible to the Loader but invisible to the vanilla game. It is intended to avoid potential confusion for vanilla users who might inadvertently acquire the files.

Due to quirks of the physics system (discussed in greater detail here), the leashes possess more elasticity that they ought to. Although a leash may appear to be only a meter long when it is at rest, it can be stretched to 10+ meters and will begin to show seams and other visual flaws, yet it will not become fully taut.

Leashes cannot influence the movement of characters within the scene -- they are purely visual (or "decorative") objects which are decoupled from the actual game mechanics. There are potential avenues for integration into game mechanics -- such as an "Auto Mode" variant in which the girl moves closer whenever you yank on her leash. I have no plans to actually work on these ideas in the immediate future, though.

There is no Mod category for Leashes. If you want to use them in conjunction with moreClothing, then you will need to choose a category via the angle-bracket operator. I've used "Body2" in the sample below.

If a Leash import (.mod file) is loaded via the "SWF mod..." button then it will replace any Leash which has previously been loaded via the same method. If you're loading Leashes via moreClothing, and using the Body or Body2 categories, then it IS possible to have multiple Leashes active in a single scene. This tends to look silly, and it isn't officially supported (so don't complain!) but you're free to tinker.

Leashes loaded via the "SWF mod..." button will also replace any Dynamic Hair elements which are loaded via the same method. Therefore, I recommend that you use the moreClothing mod.

Like everything else in Flash, Leashes belong to the object hierarchy. Specifically, they are considered children of the object to which they are anchored (her collar, his hand, etc). When the two characters are in very close proximity, SDT alters the visual layering of the scene. This can cause parts of the leash to suddenly "jump forward" and clip through one or both characters. I have fine-tuned the Leash physics configuration to minimize this problem in the standard scenario, but I can't prevent it completely. If you're using a crazy Animtools position then you may see some weirdness.

Another corollary of the "leashes belong to the Flash object hierarchy" idea is that Leash objects inherit visual attributes from their ancestors. If you use an Animtools position which hides HIM, then half of your Leash will disappear from the scene.

Animation Sample


Front leashes - these are the "standard" items and will probably show the fewest visual bugs.

Dangling leashes - these items have no layering issues, but they may clip through her body if you use an unusual Animtools position. The long dangling leashes have been configured to rest against the floor instead of falling through it.

Rear leashes - these are intended for use with "from behind" sexual positions. These items are very susceptible to visual bugs (mostly layering errors) because there's an enormous range of possible over/under paths and I did not test very thoroughly. Caveat emptor.

Downloads moved to first post

Source File moved to first post


Potential Patron
Apr 8, 2012
Re: stuntcock's loader mods - dynamicHairExtenderV3

Hey, I just grabbed dynamicHairExtenderV4.swf and the various collar and leash mods. Looks excellent so far, but I can't seem to get the leashes working correctly in sby's moreclothingV4 mod.

If I add the moreclothingV4settings.txt entries for the leashes anywhere but at the end, they cause all mods loaded after them to error with missing parts. If I put the entries at the very bottom just before the general settings, there are no loading errors but other stuff in the loader starts to break (e.g. the reset button doesn't load settings from the $RESET$ folder any more, saved custom characters don't load correctly, and several of the submenus in the scene list no longer update when you cycle through them).

dynamicHairExtenderV4.swf is listed before moreclothingV4 in the Mods.txt in $INIT$, and I pasted in the moreclothingV4settings.txt entry examples you provided exactly as they appeared. I also changed +fasthideloading to 0.

Any ideas? They seem to work fine if I don't use sby's mod (which of course means other stuff like his fixes for vashikur's armbinder, etc aren't present, sadly - I would really love to get both working at the same time).

Edit: turns out +extractvanillapiecesenabled=1 was causing any leash I added to remove the previous hair. Setting it to 0 avoids this, and loading the leashes manually (omitting them from moreclothingsettingsV4.txt) is a decent workaround for now.


Potential Patron
Aug 26, 2013
Re: stuntcock's loader mods - dynamicHairExtenderV3

Been trying to load up one of your dynamic hairs but all I end up is having it all being messed up when loaded. I made sure to download dynamicHairExtenderV3 and it even notified me that it loaded but even when I load up your dynamic hair it just doesn't work, the static version does however.



Content Creator
Jun 5, 2012
Re: stuntcock's loader mods - dynamicHairExtenderV3

chair said:
I can't seem to get the leashes working correctly in sby's moreclothingV4 mod.
Edit: turns out +extractvanillapiecesenabled=1 was causing any leash I added to remove the previous hair. Setting it to 0 avoids this, and loading the leashes manually (omitting them from moreclothingsettingsV4.txt) is a decent workaround for now.
As you've discovered, the leash stuff isn't fully compatible with moreClothing because leashes don't fit into any of the standard "template" categories (and because moreClothing uses an optimized load/unload procedure which makes unsafe assumptions about the element hierarchy). As long as people are able to use leashes in conjunction with various clothing items and custom Dynamic hairstyles, I'm not going to put much effort into increasing the "convenience" factor or resolving minor UI issues.

The one feature which will force me to deal with the moreClothing UI stuff is RGB slider support. But that's low-priority for now; the standard "brown" leash is going to look pretty crappy regardless of how it's dyed. Priority will be increased if/when someone provides vectors for some nicer leashes, chains, or collars.

Also - sby's code is almost entirely undocumented, so I'd prefer to let him investigate the issue. If this problem is still occuring in a month or two, I'll start digging into the ActionScript.

Reagga said:
Been trying to load up one of your dynamic hairs but all I end up is having it all being messed up when loaded.
My fault. The new version of the mod changed the geometry rules and broke backwards compatibility. I had a "todo" item to upload fixed versions of those hairstyles but I've been working on the Expelled from Paradise project instead because it's more fun.

If you check the thread where you found that hairstyle, you'll find that there's a new version available for download. The delamination problem has been mostly corrected, but the rigid rotation constraints are still noticeable. The new math+geometry allows for soft rotation constraints, but it's a pain-in-the-ass to retrofit this feature onto a hairstyle which wasn't designed for it. I intend to just make better hairstyles in the future and not worry too much about optimizing the old ones.

I'll take a look at the Fluttershy file later this evening done. There's a neat layering trick that we could add to it now, but I'll probably just aim for a quick "compatibility" patch instead.


Potential Patron
Aug 26, 2013
Re: stuntcock's loader mods - dynamicHairExtenderV3

stuntcock said:
chair said:
I can't seem to get the leashes working correctly in sby's moreclothingV4 mod.
Edit: turns out +extractvanillapiecesenabled=1 was causing any leash I added to remove the previous hair. Setting it to 0 avoids this, and loading the leashes manually (omitting them from moreclothingsettingsV4.txt) is a decent workaround for now.
As you've discovered, the leash stuff isn't fully compatible with moreClothing because leashes don't fit into any of the standard "template" categories (and because moreClothing uses an optimized load/unload procedure which makes unsafe assumptions about the element hierarchy). As long as people are able to use leashes in conjunction with various clothing items and custom Dynamic hairstyles, I'm not going to put much effort into increasing the "convenience" factor or resolving minor UI issues.

The one feature which will force me to deal with the moreClothing UI stuff is RGB slider support. But that's low-priority for now; the standard "brown" leash is going to look pretty crappy regardless of how it's dyed. Priority will be increased if/when someone provides vectors for some nicer leashes, chains, or collars.

Also - sby's code is almost entirely undocumented, so I'd prefer to let him investigate the issue. If this problem is still occuring in a month or two, I'll start digging into the ActionScript.

Reagga said:
Been trying to load up one of your dynamic hairs but all I end up is having it all being messed up when loaded.
My fault. The new version of the mod changed the geometry rules and broke backwards compatibility. I had a "todo" item to upload fixed versions of those hairstyles but I've been working on the Expelled from Paradise project instead because it's more fun.

If you check the thread where you found that hairstyle, you'll find that there's a new version available for download. The delamination problem has been mostly corrected, but the rigid rotation constraints are still noticeable. The new math+geometry allows for soft rotation constraints, but it's a pain-in-the-ass to retrofit this feature onto a hairstyle which wasn't designed for it. I intend to just make better hairstyles in the future and not worry too much about optimizing the old ones.

I'll take a look at the Fluttershy file later this evening done. There's a neat layering trick that we could add to it now, but I'll probably just aim for a quick "compatibility" patch instead.

Thanks for fixing it, love your mods by the way.


Content Creator
Jun 5, 2012
Re: stuntcock's loader mods - dynamicHairExtenderV3

stuntcock said:
the leash stuff isn't fully compatible with moreClothing because leashes don't fit into any of the standard "template" categories (and because moreClothing uses an optimized load/unload procedure which makes unsafe assumptions about the element hierarchy).
Correction: the leash stuff wasn't compatible with moreClothing because my code was buggy. moreClothing was not at fault. You can continue to use the aforementioned leash-definition entries in your moreClothingV4Settings.txt file. It's no longer necessary to include any special configuration switches -- if you can disabled the quick-loading stuff for compatibilty reasons, then you can reactivate it.

RGB slider support has been added. Use the second colour button belonging to the "collar" category. It should work regardless of whether you're using a new collar, a vanilla collar, a bare neck, etc.

Patched versions of the files are now available. I've updated the attachments in the previous posts.


Content Creator
Jun 5, 2012
Re: stuntcock's loader mods - dynamicHairExtenderV4

I spent a bit of time on a side project: semi-rigid handheld objects. There's not much to report - the new information is mostly buried in configuration coefficients (and nobody reads those). I did discover and fix one medium-severity physics bug, so that's a positive.

The obvious application for this stuff is "whips." It's fairly easy to setup an object with the appropriate physics, but the in-game behaviour is very difficult to control. If you've played QWOP then you can probably understand what I mean. So I eventually opted for a fairly short "riding crop" (with re-used Leash artwork because [can't be arsed]).

(click for animation sample)

The chief obstacle at this point is inverse kinematics. AnimtoolsV14 allows us to influence his arm via standard mouse movement. Unfortunately, the game smooths out the animation; his wrist performs a gentle "twist" motion rather than a sharp "flick." The guy appears to hesitate before striking (the object decelerates before it reaches her body) and the overall effect is not very convincing. Also, the wrist movement relies heavily on up-down mouse movement, which means that the girl also moves, which means that she deliberately "leans into" the strike and then "dodges away" from the backswing -- which is very silly.

I'd need to write some anatomy-related code in order to proceed further, and at this point I don't even have a clear scope for what I want to accomplish (Left-Click to swing? Press shortcut key to swing? Different keystrokes to strike at different areas, or to strike faster/slower? Add some code which attempts to identify the point-of-impact by checking the visual element hierarchy? Calculate force-of-impact based on movement data? Integration with sound effect and dialog triggers?). So this project is getting shelved and I'm switching back to hairstyles.


Potential Patron
Dec 26, 2014
Re: stuntcock's loader mods - dynamicHairExtenderV4

I might be blind but I can't seem to find a download link to breastculpt in any posts or any information why was it removed.


Content Creator
Jun 5, 2012
Re: stuntcock's loader mods - dynamicHairExtenderV4

mewmewmew said:
I might be blind but I can't seem to find a download link to breastculpt in any posts or any information why was it removed.
I left it up for a long time due to simple laziness; the mod isn't really in a "release-worthy" state. The UI is unreliable, it occasionally throws an exception due to sloppy literals (which can potentially disrupt other mods), and it needs some conditional logic to work properly with the new content templates.

It wasn't a very popular mod, so fixing it isn't a high priority for me. sby has added charcode support to the original mod; most of the remaining unique features in this mod (rotation, translation, skew, independent left/right resizing) are just novelties. There's some value in the costume-manipulation capability, but once I began to actually create costume mods I became much less enthusiastic about giving users the freedom to randomly drag-drop costume components.

It's also kinda depressing to work on this mod, because I had intended it as the first step towards a new soft-anatomy physics system which never materialized (due to lack of popularity/interest).

If you want to fix the existing bugs and take over the mod then I can send you the source code. Otherwise, I'll (eventually) get it cleaned up and tested, then add it back into the first post of this thread.


Potential Patron
Jun 10, 2013
Re: stuntcock's loader mods - dynamicHairExtenderV4

Oh no man, i was such a big fan of the mod, i don't mind if it is a little sloppy or buggy i liked it. Can't you reup the dl link please i can't play SDT without it :C


Re: stuntcock's loader mods - dynamicHairExtenderV4


I think im an idiot... I don't see the breastSculpt download link in the first post. :(
Where can i find it?



Potential Patron
Jun 10, 2013
Re: stuntcock's loader mods - dynamicHairExtenderV4

Micuenta said:

I think im an idiot... I don't see the breastSculpt download link in the first post. :(
Where can i find it?


There is no download link since the author removed(he stated above why), i really hope he re-up seeing there is at least 3 people here missing such a good mod. Im still waiting :(


Content Creator
Jun 5, 2012
Re: stuntcock's loader mods - dynamicHairExtenderV4

Dante said:
Now on to chains ;)
Probably not. I put a bunch of work into chains two months ago, and included a hasty ultimatum:

stuntcock said:
If nobody is willing to trace stuff (it's not that hard, folks!) then nobody gets to play with chains.

I assumed that there would be a few dozen people who'd want to see this feature added to the game, and that one or two of them could be cajoled into learning how to trace vectors. Then I'd be able to extend the physics system (and do the UI integration stuff) while someone else supplied the artwork.

That didn't happen. :(
In fact, nobody was even willing to post usable reference images. :( :(
Not even the guy who made the Request. :( :( :(

Maybe this reluctance shows that users recognize the limited design space, and don't really want gameplay mods which highlight the game's weaknesses. Chains and leashes are certainly guilty on that score - they don't really interact with core features (e.g. movement tweens) and so it's impossible to actually "pull a girl along" via a leash or "chain her in place." Adding these mods to a scene will potentially make it more visually complete but the overall gameplay experience could be less immersive and less enjoyable.

Maybe it's a reflection of the fact that the default framerate of SDT is unimpressive, and the chain mod threatened to make it worse. Hence - people were unwilling to contribute to a misguided mod.

It could be that the bondage-fetish stuff is just too weird for most peoples' tastes. They see SDT as a lighthearted anime blowjob simulator, and they were creeped out by the darker themes. They certainly wouldn't want to contribute to such an effort.

Perhaps SDT forum users face psychological barriers. They see the game itself as arcane, and assume that artists and modders possess some special innate talent. They assume that they themselves lack this talent and therefore cannot contribute. Perhaps they fear that their contributions would be scorned and mocked by the veteran modders. So they become passive consumers - content to simply vote for their preferred characters and wait for download links to appear.

Maybe people are just enormously lazy and can't be arsed.

By the way - if anyone reading this message did follow the Chains thread and wanted to see it succeed but chose not to contribute, then please let me know why (via reply or PM). I honestly do want to know so that I can avoid repeating the same mistakes.

Regardless of the reasoning, I'm going to stick with my silly ultimatum. The crowdsource effort failed, so Chains are off the table until I get extremely bored and decide to trace them myself.

The physics library will continue to improve in the meantime (it's currently driven mostly by clothing features rather than hair features) so we should be able to do some interesting stuff when/if I pick up the Chains project again.

It's not all whining and self-pity, though! Your post did remind me that I need to republish the Leash mods. They're badly overdue for an update, which will include:
  • performance enhancement (reduced FPS cost)
  • delamination fix (a proper fix -- the previous one was merely a reduction)
  • proper tension control and prompt tautness (instead of remaining slack even when stretched to ~200%)
  • reduced complexity of configuration (due to improved physics code -- we can get things to work without including dozens of "special snowflake" settings on each Rope)
    • as a side benefit, the diminution of hardcoding means that leashes will tend to be usable (and visually stable) across a wider range of Animtools positions


Content Creator
Jun 15, 2012
Re: stuntcock's loader mods - dynamicHairExtenderV4

If it's the cahin art you need... I'll be right back 8)

ANNNND.... Done. In 26 minutes flat



The Front and Side veiws are on seperate layers, feel free to adjust as you see fit. Before you think that I only made this for the leash mod, I had to do it anyway for my "Biker" him mod. Gonna give him a multitude of weaponry which include (but is not limited to): Switch Blade, Ball Bat, Crowbar, Pistol, "Do It Or Else" Pistol, Sawed off Shotgun, AND Chain.


Potential Patron
Aug 5, 2014
Question: What is this code you include supposed to do? Where is it supposed to go?



Content Creator
Jun 5, 2012
PyramidHead said:
Question: What is this code you include supposed to do? Where is it supposed to go?

It's a snippet which can be pasted into a moreClothing configuration file.

moreClothing is a mod written by sby which "expands" the various options which are available via the ⏴and ⏵ buttons. It allows you to register additional types of clothing, accessories, hairstyles, and so on -- by dropping the SWF files into a specific subfolder and then fiddling with your configuration file.

Once this is done, you can save and load characters which rely on the "extended" components without messing with character folders. You simply Save the character and the custom stuff ends up in the normal charcode. For example:


The only major downside is that the game needs to load all of the extended content files during initialization. Hence, the startup becomes prolonged and it might require 20+ seconds before you're able to actually play the game. If you have an enormous library of custom content then the init stuff might span several minutes.

The actual syntax of the moreClothing configuration file can be slightly confusing (moreso if you don't actually read the instructions), because it allows you to split things apart and reorganize them. If someone publishes a SWF which contains a custom background and a set of lingerie, then you can use moreClothing to discard the background, extract the bra and panties, but treat the bra as a Top and the panties as Bottoms. This stuff can be painful to test/debug if your startup time exceeds 20s, so modders sometimes provide moreClothing configuration snippets in order to make things easier.


Content Creator
Sep 11, 2012
i am surprised .mod files work, i don't remember adding any support for it xD

but hey if it works, sweet

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