Swollen belly and smaller body edit? (1 Viewer)



stuntcock said:
assdfgh said:
I don't know how to mod and the thought about having to learn advanced scripting/programming/compiling just to change one single variable when you know it can be done (or already has been done) easily... um yeah it's frustrating.
You don't necessarily need to learn how to mod; if you're seeking to change only a single value then memory editing (via a tool such as Cheat Engine) is a viable alternative. I can't give you the exact offset because memory allocation isn't predictable, but on version 1.15.3b the body slider value varies from 1.86 to 1.88. The screenshot below was taken with a value of 1.95.



Potential Patron
Feb 9, 2012
lol111 said:
how do i know which process to use in cheat engine? there are like 2 flash ones running at the same time. they both go away when i close SDT. also, im not sure what exactly im doing as when i search for numbers between 1.86 and 1.88 and change them all to very dfferent numbers, nothing changes.
In my experience, forget Cheat Engine and similar programs to peek inside Flash variables. The anti debugging features of Flash Virtual Machine has been beefed up, making such programs (i.e. CheatEngine) unreliable to hack it. The variables in the RAM are moved around a lot, sometimes under 1sec. Unless there's someone wrote an ASM script for CheatEngine to follow those movements, I give up.

There's a program called SWFMoney which can expose the running SWF variables conveniently and consistently. However last time I checked it can't handle SWF compiled with Flash 9 and above. Maybe they updated it.


Potential Patron
Jun 29, 2012
I have no idea what I'm doing as far as actual modding goes, but if it helps anyone else, here's the full source code. No, I have no clue what part is actually the relevant value, nor how to actually apply it in some sort of mod. This is just the raw source code for those more savy than myself. If someone wanted to actually PM me a bit of help, though, I certainly wouldn't be adversed to that at all. I've spent quite some time trying to wrap my head around this for modding in general, and the tutorials don't seem too helpful for someone new to the coding aspect of it, but rather just the art side of it.

Edit: Great success! I managed to find the relevant line of code. However, I have no idea how to actually apply a changed value to the game. I'm sure telling us THAT much wouldn't be a problem, right? In order to respect the wishes of the community here, I wont openly post the relevant value, but it should be alright if I send it to folks that ask for it through PM, right?


1.1 MB · Views: 1,183


Potential Patron
Jun 29, 2012
Something like this might be cool... just saying ;)


  • prego bitch.png
    prego bitch.png
    570.5 KB · Views: 9,077


Content Creator
Jun 12, 2011
Welcome to last year? There's been a preggers mod for the loader and lactating nipples for a while now.


Potential Patron
Aug 22, 2012
And what is the password?
And since when lolicon isn't legal? Lolicon also means adults presented to look like premature characters as well, read definition in wikipedia.


Potential Patron
Jun 30, 2012
malakaj said:
And what is the password?
And since when lolicon isn't legal? Lolicon also means adults presented to look like premature characters as well, read definition in wikipedia.

It's not that it is illegal, it's just that they don't want any unwanted attention... >.>

At the end of the day calling it 'lolicon' is just sugar coating it, it doesn't change the fact they are small. What's the difference between 'lolicon' and a actual young person? The only difference is the name you're calling them. This is a game not real life, in real life a adult who is small can do stuff a ''normal'' sized adult can do but the pixels on a game aren't living beings so you can't prove they are just a small adult, you can just say empty words.

Edit: Seems like it can be legal and illegal(just do some research and you will know what I mean) in most countries, so they just don't want to take any chances. I know I wouldn't. >.>
(well presuming the reason is that >.>)

Me personally, see no problem with fictional stuff(it's not like they have based a drawing off a actual person lol) whatever they may be unless they are somewhat realistic then it would be a problem(if the act is illegal IRL). That's if it is even possible IRL. Tentacles/aliens? Not that I'm trying to say that a alien or tentacle could molest a realistically drawn underage person(or 'loli') because it's still same just the human is now in a form of a alien/tentacle, it doesn't all of a sudden make it alright lol.

You just have to accept that there are paranoid people that think it promotes it, tempts people to imitate it or whatever bull crap(a 'normal' person wont suddenly feel the need for the young ones, off some fictional stuff...). Even if lolicon where to cease to exist there will still be people like you know what. well I'm not trying saying it should be on the same 'level' as normal porn but should at least not be thought of something a pedophile will have or pedo's to be.

(some probably do but what are they going to do? Turn the drawings/pixels into a actual human? The drawings/pixels might actually keep their temptations they have at bay)

Just because you like a theme but in fictional sense doesn't mean you will eventually bring it out of the fiction. This is somewhat similar to the whole violent games turns children violent. Its not the game that turns them violent, it's their minds(not right in the head/lack of morals). >.>

Well enough of my somewhat 'rant'(I tend to do that when something really bothers me).

Edit: Didn't realize it was that long. So, sorry if you don't like my 'rant'. >.>


Potential Patron
Aug 22, 2012
From what your saying it seems that you will have to draw fictional ID of suspicious looking characters, but then you could get prosecuted for manufacturing false ID documents? :)

From popularity of this thread, there are nearly ninteen thousands of attention peeks (Read 18866 times) of real people, who would like to get smaller body character to suck in this flash game.
I have 29 years old friend, she is short and tiny and i find her sexy.
She resembles Sinderella/Cinderella/lil'Cinderella pornstar actress.

From what it seems, small frame females are discriminated as women, being connected as resemblance of forbidden appeal. This is just wrong, hurtful and unfair.


Content Creator
Feb 17, 2011
malakaj said:
From popularity of this thread, there are nearly ninteen thousands of attention peeks (Read 18866 times) of real people, who would like to get smaller body character to suck in this flash game.

Tons of threads get this many views. View count includes people refreshing, replying, browsing etc.

This will probably get done eventually, but it's not in the modders interest to be the one to create it.
Perhaps they'd feel some level of guilt for promoting a potentially risque idea, I know I would. (Ridiculous, I know.)
If anyone does feel like trying their hand at some extremely basic coding, I could help you get started with the method.


Potential Patron
Aug 22, 2012
Im all ears on basic coding lessons and i think it would be fair to post them here in case someone digs giant fat characters or not, just for their own interpretation, resemblence or whatever.


Potential Patron
Jun 30, 2012
malakaj said:
Im all ears on basic coding lessons and i think it would be fair to post them here in case someone digs giant fat characters or not, just for their own interpretation, resemblence or whatever.

They have already said they wont openly post how to make her bigger or smaller(if you knew how to make her bigger I'm pretty sure you could figure out how to make smaller...). And ModGuy has already said to PM him if you want to try and learn some basic coding.


Using Cheat Engine (cheatengine.org) and a complete lack of modding knowledge, you can achieve a smaller body size like I did. Set the body to minimum size, then search for the values in the attached txt file using Cheat Engine. Pay attention to how much the body slider changes these values. Modify these values to get the look you want. If you find particular settings you like, please share them or PM them to me.


bod mod info.txt
191 bytes · Views: 1,285


Potential Patron
May 9, 2012
I don't really know what I'm doing, but I was able to sort of hack something together. Load this using the loader, and you can use the up and down arrow keys to change the size.

Don't use the body size slider at the same time as this. I don't really know what will happen if you do that. If you destroy the universe, it isn't my fault.
You can easily change the size so that things are kinda broken. Too big and she looks utterly ridiculous. Too short and she can't reach anymore.*

*If anyone has an idea for how to fix this, I'm curious. I can move her knees up (as if she's kneeling on something) using a position file made by the modder, but that doesn't move her torso up. I thumbed through the source trying to find out what variable(s) need to be modified, but I didn't have a whole lot of luck.


3.7 KB · Views: 38,431


Potential Patron
Aug 17, 2011
hozaykwairvo said:
I don't really know what I'm doing, but I was able to sort of hack something together. Load this using the loader, and you can use the up and down arrow keys to change the size.

Don't use the body size slider at the same time as this. I don't really know what will happen if you do that. If you destroy the universe, it isn't my fault.
You can easily change the size so that things are kinda broken. Too big and she looks utterly ridiculous. Too short and she can't reach anymore.*

*If anyone has an idea for how to fix this, I'm curious. I can move her knees up (as if she's kneeling on something) using a position file made by the modder, but that doesn't move her torso up. I thumbed through the source trying to find out what variable(s) need to be modified, but I didn't have a whole lot of luck.

You get some pretty interesting glitches if you make it too tall/short. Too short and it gives you an excorcist type glitch LOL!

Thanks for sharing hozay!


Faceless said:
Lactating nipples are available in my loader imports thread, and here's the preggers mod.

Sorry if this has been asked before, but it keeps saying there's an error whenever I click the links. Any chance the actual .swf files can be just posted. Or any fix would be greatly appreciated. Been trying to get the pregnant/lactating mods forever

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