Okay, an update on the different things I've tried.
- Naduron's Castanic Plate 13 works, but Castanic Leather 14 does not.
- Tried editing my own Castanic Plate 12, but doesn't work.
- Tried changing to DXT-1 1-bit alpha. Doesn't work.
- Tried changing to DXT-3 Explicit alpha, Generate MIP maps. Doesn't work.
- Tried changing to DXT-5 Interpolated alpha, Generate MIP maps. Doesn't work.
- Tried using the Plate 13 that works as a base for some modifications to the texture. Doesn't work.
- Tried loading the MIP maps when opening the .dds of Plate 13, editing, then saving DXT-5, Generate MIP maps. Doesn't work.
- Tried loading the MIP maps when opening the .dds of Plate 13, editing, then saving DXT-5, Use existing MIP maps. Doesn't work.
- Plate 13 still works.
This is frustrating, to say the least. About ready to put my skull through my monitor.
Edit: Decided to update my .dds plugin. Big mistake. Can't save anything anymore due to this error.
View attachment 2045
I may put my skull through this monitor after all.