The girls from RWBY (3 Viewers)


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Feb 13, 2016
No clue. It comes down largely to "I'm a lazy little shit" - though I HAVE started work on it. Were I to hazard a guess, upper bound would be some time in the next week. Assuming I get around being a lazy little shit, of course. Which I SHOULD.


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Feb 13, 2016
I said a week. Got it in with about 2 days to spare.


For the record, I believe there's a new contender for "outfit I hated drawing the most." Weiss pretty much unquestionably held the crown since the start of my foray into RWBY outfits (her original outfit's skirt hem can still go die in the nearest ditch) but I really got annoyed with some parts of Coco's attire. The relative lack of images (because she doesn't show up all that much) didn't help, either. I guess I'm saying this as a sort of defense mechanism against the fact that this isn't 100% accurate. I'd put it at around 90-95% but I'm also horrible at estimation.

In any case, here's the link: Coco Adel Outfit

I'll be going back and updating the images from my last meaningful post in this thread (i.e. the one with the preview head shots of Coco's hair variants) shortly now that I have a proper outfit to show them off with.


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Feb 13, 2016
can you share the png for the hair please

Literally quoting my own post (the one you happened to quote), you can find the hair in Maineim's thread which I linked in the post and will link again here: Stuff by Maineim (2-2-14 RWBY's Penny)
  1. Go to the thread at the above URL (i.e. click the link).
  2. CTRL + F "RWBY" until you find a picture of Yang (since that's what he used as the "thumbnail" for the set of RWBY hairs), or scroll until you find it. I recommend CTRL + F because it's faster.
  3. Click the spoiler button below the picture of Yang
  4. Either CTRL + F "Yang" or scroll down until you find the Yang hair
  5. Click the hair, then right click and choose "Save Image as..."
  6. Name it if you need to, save it to your computer.
  7. Done. Hair get.


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Feb 13, 2016
Any idea of what we might see next in the RWBY department?

Working on Velvet. Shortly into the process I realized I'd have to make the hair a .swf instead of a .png to do justice to her rabbit ears (fun fact I noticed recently - apparently Velvet has both human and rabbit ears. Seems odd). That led to me deciding to try and make it dynamic which was a whole thing where I couldn't figure out why it wasn't loading when I was testing it (which led me to backburner it for a week until I tried something that worked and, quite frankly, I'm honestly not 100% sure why it WASN'T working before but that doesn't matter because it works now) so now I need to make the hair not look janky as all hell when it goes dynamic (first successful iteration looked kinda jagged, hoping second iteration fixes that) and add details (and the ears, I was gonna add them last because they seemed like the simplest detail).

I'm not even gonna try to give an ETA this time because I'm not sure how long I'll be spending on the minor hair details (or how many times I'll end up re-tooling the dynamic part of her hair until I shrug and say "eh, close enough").


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Feb 13, 2016
I apologize (briefly) for the double post but this one's kinda relevant to things. I spent some time today getting the details in line and making the necessary changes and whatnot to the WIP hair as I had it. Basically what I'm saying is that now Velvet's hair is in a state in which I'm willing to submit it for general use:


Hair Link: Velvet Scarletina Dynamic Hair

As I alluded in my prior post, the hair is a dynamic hair (i.e, parts of the hair move as the girl does). This also makes it the first time I've made a dynamic hair, so I will once again take this time to note that feedback on how I can improve (both in the dynamic aspect and in general "making it look better;" I've attempted to do the latter by adding highlights and shades to her hair to help illustrate some level of depth or to at least match the tritone anime hair color palette of "base, shade, light reflect" with respect to hairs).

Also while it is a .swf file it is NOT a Loader-based file - this hair was made using the Vanilla template so it shouldn't have any dependencies (at least as far as I'm aware).

To recreate the exact outfit I have above you can use the following code:



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Feb 13, 2016
Huh. Triple post. Wasn't expecting this. Eh, I'd argue that I have at least somewhat of a good reason for it. Having managed to get my hair to stop being metaphorically on fire I've taken the time to churn out Velvet's costume:


Costume Link: Velvet Scarletina Outfit

Note: this mod IS a Loader mod so it has the standard Loader mod dependencies (which are listed out in the costume's download page, and are the exact same as all the other Loader mods I've made so don't let the phrasing get to you), unlike the hair mod.


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Feb 13, 2016
Any plans for future mods coming up?

Didn't want to make a commitment in responding to this until I had something concrete to use. I have something concrete to use, so now I'm going to go making a commitment.

Salem's next.


Hair's done so far. I intend to make this 3 mods total - hair mod, a body mod for the "vein" markings (with some artistic license taken, mainly on her upper arms and to a lesser degree on her torso/legs because as far as I'm aware we don't actually know how expansive these veins are) so that she can be accurate while naked, and a costume mod for her robe (which will be slightly annoying because I haven't decided how to deal with her feet yet, since her robe completely hides her feet as far as I've been able to tell from half paying attention to this aspect of her wardrobe).

In any case: here's the hair:

Salem Hair.png

The code I used here is as follows:

The key takeaways from the code (i.e. the stuff that actually matters to making Salem) would probably be this:


This second character code is the baseline stuff necessary to recreate Salem where it matters (to the same specifications that I used in my model above) - that being mainly the eyes, the breasts, and the skin tone.

EDIT: Changed images to be in line with updates (i.e. Salem's markings are now present).
Last edited:


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Feb 13, 2016
So I've finished making Salem's vein markings. I think technically speaking that this can be argued to be my first actual original content on this site, since everything else I've done has had a reference for me to go by. Semantics aside, here's how it came out:


I will note that I make a couple of brief deviances from canon for the markings on her forearms and hands - to prevent it from looking weird in certain configurations, each forearm and hand has the marks trail off to the side near the ends rather than join. This is because the range of motion supported by the game can lead to some interesting complete disconnects that I really didn't like and (to the best of my knowledge) am unable to avoid unless I simply don't give them the chance to be an issue.

The mod can be found here: Salem Body Markings

The same character code used above can still be used as a "placeholder" until I finish her robes. For those curious, here's how she looks with the clothes on:


The character code can be found in my previous post.


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Feb 13, 2016
I'll be honest. I'm not the biggest fan of Salem's outfit for a couple of reasons. It's black so details are harder to make, and also the "cape" thing on her back is technically attached at her shoulders which really doesn't play nice with the way SDT mods are set up. But I digress.


The costume mod includes the markings you can see visible here (arms, face, collar, feet), so you can use the mod as a standalone Char.swf (i.e. you don't need to mess around with a Mods.txt file to get this full effect).

The mod can be found here: Salem Outfit

As an aside: My output might go back down significantly over the coming weeks, unfortunately. It's due to events outside my control. I will make no promises of speed or due dates, but I WILL say that I'm probably going to do Raven next when I finally get around to making more mods, mainly because I do want to make her stuff next (of the 5 characters I want to make costumes for in the short run - Raven, Vernal, Ilia, as well as the post-timeskip outfits for Nora and Cinder because I never made them back when I did team RWBY's - she's the one I want to make a costume for the most).


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Feb 13, 2016
2 Guesses:

1. You're not running a standalone version of SDT, aka you're trying to run it in a browser. You need the standalone version of the Loader to work (all my costumes have links to the Loader in their descriptions).
2. You're using the standalone version of SDT, but are not running the Loader. If you have the Loader downloaded you have to run Loader.swf, not SDT.swf.


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Jun 23, 2017
Any idea what you might work on next if anything? If you're taking suggestions I'd personally like to see Neon Katt or Illia


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Feb 13, 2016
Any idea what you might work on next if anything?

Well, I MIGHT have an idea...

I will briefly note that the hair goes off screen somewhat by necessity because of how Raven's hair is designed in the show itself, and I'm too much of a stickler for accuracy to the canon to allow myself to not recreate it to a degree (I will note that I omitted a lot of "minor" details from the back part of the hair because they wouldn't show very well in my opinion (even here there's a lot of detail that can be difficult to see in the "main" part of Raven's hair because of how dark it is as a whole, but I digress). I am nonetheless pleased with the result and am happy I finally got this done (the first time I tried to make one was back in May, I think, and I gave up when I tried porting that hair into SDT and realizing I didn't like it one bit - when I came back to it last week I came to the conclusion that it'd necessarily have to be a .SWF file to appropriately capture the size of the hair).

The hair mod can be found here: Raven Branwen Hair

Until the outfit is made (my next objective), I've also put together a quick placeholder outfit (there's no two-color tops which makes it somewhat difficult to make her outfit look "right" but this isn't going to last anyways so it doesn't matter to me TOO much):


The code used to achieve the outfit above is as follows:
The rest of the aspects "necessary" to recreate the above images - breast size, skin tone, iris color, etc. are "built in" to the hair .swf file so they are omitted from the code block for brevity.

Assuming I don't end up falling off the wagon after fixing up Raven other characters I personally want to make mods for include Ilia (I checked just now because I wasn't sure, her name only has 1 L), Vernal, and (finally getting around to making) post-timeskip outfits for Nora and Cinder (as well as a unique alternate outfit for Cinder based on Volume 5 because "fear boner" memes).

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