The MONSTER project: HYPNOSIS 1.1.2 - Now free for all (1 Viewer)


Potential Patron
May 16, 2012
Re: The MONSTER project: HYPNOSIS - NEW: Version 1.1!!!

I'm encountering a problem in which the trigger WORDS aren't showing up on the newer versions of Loader 5.15 onwards. Also i'm using the new Hypnosis 1.1


Avid Affiliate
Sep 19, 2011
Re: The MONSTER project: HYPNOSIS - NEW: Version 1.1!!!

PinkiePie(Smile) said:
I'm encountering a problem in which the trigger WORDS aren't showing up on the newer versions of Loader 5.15 onwards.
thx for the info, but it was already discussed in this thread :)


Re: The MONSTER project: HYPNOSIS - NEW: Version 1.1!!!

Your dialog is very well made and it does its job very well ;) I would love to see the idea of a witch seducing you with love spells. It sounds incredibly sexy~


Avid Affiliate
Sep 19, 2011
Re: The MONSTER project: HYPNOSIS - NEW: Version 1.1!!!

pdishaw12 said:
I would love to see the idea of a witch seducing you with love spells. It sounds incredibly sexy~
yeah, i got the idea from isabella valentines "bewitched". even though the witches are too evil there.


Potential Patron
May 19, 2012
Re: The MONSTER project: HYPNOSIS - NEW: Version 1.1!!!

Absolutely flawless dialogue. It's amazing that it works this well and no one else seems to have a grasp of the dialogue system.


Potential Patron
Jan 21, 2013
Re: The MONSTER project: HYPNOSIS - NEW: Version 1.1!!!

booster, this dialog is super super great, and I can't wait to see what else you add.

That being said, 1.1 please. :D


Re: The MONSTER project: HYPNOSIS - NEW: Version 1.1!!!

Great job on the dialogue, it's an interesting concept and it works pretty well. Definitely one of the best written ones. Only problem is that it slowed down the game a bit, but that's probably just because I used too many mods at once. I'd like to see if 1.1 performs any better.


Re: The MONSTER project: HYPNOSIS - NEW: Version 1.1!!!

I really like the concept of it, but it seems to get stuck in an eternal loop for the version posted here. Other than that it is pretty nice.


Avid Affiliate
Sep 19, 2011
Re: The MONSTER project: HYPNOSIS - NEW: Version 1.1!!!

MadCat said:
I really like the concept of it, but it seems to get stuck in an eternal loop for the version posted here.


Re: The MONSTER project: HYPNOSIS - NEW: Version 1.1!!!

booster, three thumbs up. enjoyed it verry much.

just a few minor feedbacks for version 1.0:
"Have you ever been send to heaven in sexual pleasure" should be sent instead of send
"You like my sweet hypnotic eyes, do you?" should be don't instead of do

nevertheless, the best dialogue i've ever read for std.
thank you :)


Re: The MONSTER project: HYPNOSIS - NEW: Version 1.1!!!

Wow, exactly the dialogue I was looking for several months ago when I first stumbled upon SDT.

Too bad I seem to be completely incapable of running it correctly. :'( I am not sure what I am doing wrong, so let me go step by step. I've got the Adobe Flash player 11 and I open the SDT_1_20_1b.swf.

Then I click 'options'.
Ahegao mood, his arm: Free, mouse cursor behind her back. Deactivate tears, gagging and coughing. Activate nostril spray and breathing.
Maybe my problem is that I have no clue what ahegao stands for. :-[
The rest of the requirements seems straightforward enough. Then I should probably activate dialog and load Hypnosis1.1.txt.

So where do I go wrong, I never even make it to the intro.


Avid Affiliate
Sep 19, 2011
Re: The MONSTER project: HYPNOSIS - NEW: Version 1.1!!!

thank you very much, bkifft! i'll correct those points you mentioned. aaaand: you got mail :)

shpeka: you are correct with everything. in the options click on the tap "scene". on the bottom left there are 4 mood buttons with faces. click on the last one for ahegao.


Re: The MONSTER project: HYPNOSIS - NEW: Version 1.1!!!

Hey Booster, I have to say that this is an astonishing work you've done; this dialogue is, by far, the best dialogue I've stumbled upon across in this website. The only problem I came across was that it wouldn't recognize the actions I made but I think it was because I used an old version of Firefox to run it.


Potential Patron
Feb 21, 2013
Re: The MONSTER project: HYPNOSIS - NEW: Version 1.1!!!

I had the same issue with the trigger words not appearing, I changed %2A to - fixing the problem, but this was after I had used the dialog.
I thought maybe the trigger words weren't meant to display, so I checked the dialog editor and saw that something was meant to display but wasn't. Instead of enjoying the dialog I kept trying to figure out what was wrong.
Only after reading the board did I find the solution.

The suggestion I offer is to update on the OP for newer versions so that this doesn't happen again, this is a great dialog but this kept breaking it for me, instead of submission I would think "What was the trigger".

Everything beside that ran fine, no issues. It just sucks that the nonexistant trigger kept killing the illusion.

Looking forward to another 1.1


Re: The MONSTER project: HYPNOSIS - NEW: Version 1.1!!!

Loved the dialogue, great immersion factor and lots of fun!

I'm not sure what I can add in terms of feedback or bugs for 1.0 that hasn’t been mentioned. Just wanted to say great work!


Avid Affiliate
Sep 19, 2011
Re: The MONSTER project: HYPNOSIS 1.1 - Now free for all

Version 1.1 is now free for all!

that means no more fakes, everyone will get the real deal :)
have fun guys!


Content Creator
Jan 25, 2013
Looked the dialogue over:
- pre1 (pressure) was redirecting to blowjob lines - fixed
- i1 is unused for some reason (did not fix because I don't know whether that's intentional)

Strangeness (didn't fix because I'm not sure):
intro4:"[LOOK_UP]Now let me make you a good time...[LOOK_UP]БББББББББББББББББББББ [intro5]"
I'm not sure, but I think it's "give you a good time".

first_dt4:"[LOOK_UP]But don't ejaculate!БББББББББББББББББББББ When your vision gets WHITEБББББ and you are about to shoot your load,БББББББББ %0ASTOPБББББ and LISTENБББББ to my words first![LOOK_UP]БББББББББББББББББББББ [first_dt5]"

pre_cum6:"[LOOK_UP]I order you%3AБББББББББ Let me make you an injaculation![LOOK_UP]БББББББББББББББББББББ" {"mood":"Normal"}
Same here, "give you an"

Typo's (fixed):
i2:"[LOOK_UP]Have you ever been send to heaven in sexual pleasure?[LOOK_UP]БББББББББББББББББББББ [i3]"
i2:"[LOOK_UP]Have you ever been sent to heaven in sexual pleasure?[LOOK_UP]БББББББББББББББББББББ [i3]"

intro2:"[LOOK_UP]...cuming all over my tongue![LOOK_UP]БББББББББББББББББББББББББББ [intro3]"
intro2:"[LOOK_UP]...cumming all over my tongue![LOOK_UP]БББББББББББББББББББББББББББ [intro3]"

pre_cum5:"[LOOK_UP]I will continue your penetration nowББББ and as soon as you think you're cuming,БББББ I will say%3AББББББББББББББББББ %0A - - - I N J A C U L A T E ! - - -[LOOK_UP]БББББББББББББББББББББ [pre_cum6]" {"mood":"Normal"}
pre_cum5:"[LOOK_UP]I will continue your penetration nowББББ and as soon as you think you're cumming,БББББ I will say%3AББББББББББББББББББ %0A - - - I N J A C U L A T E ! - - -[LOOK_UP]БББББББББББББББББББББ [pre_cum6]" {"mood":"Normal"}

pulled_upa:"[LOOK_UP]Now, if you don't already do it,БББББ I want you to start MASTURBATING![LOOK_UP]ББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББ [pulled_upb]" {"style":"Him","mood":"Normal"}
pulled_upa:"[LOOK_UP]Now, if you aren't already doing it,БББББ I want you to start MASTURBATING![LOOK_UP]ББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББ [pulled_upb]" {"style":"Him","mood":"Normal"}

afterfive:"[LOOK_UP]This tonge loopingБББ will cause your penisБББ to get even HARDER,БББББББББ to STEALБББББ the seed![LOOK_UP]БББББББББББББББББББББ [afterfivea1]" {"style":"Him","mood":"Happy"}
afterfive:"[LOOK_UP]This tonge loopingБББ feels GOOD,БББББ doesn't it?БББББББББ You want to CUMБББББ to this feeling![LOOK_UP]БББББББББББББББББББББ [afterfivea1]" {"style":"Him","mood":"Happy"}
afterfive:"[LOOK_UP]This tongue loopingБББ will cause your penisБББ to get even HARDER,БББББББББ to STEALБББББ the seed![LOOK_UP]БББББББББББББББББББББ [afterfivea1]" {"style":"Him","mood":"Happy"}
afterfive:"[LOOK_UP]This tongue loopingБББ feels GOOD,БББББ doesn't it?БББББББББ You want to CUMБББББ to this feeling![LOOK_UP]БББББББББББББББББББББ [afterfivea1]" {"style":"Him","mood":"Happy"}

pulled_down:"[LOOK_UP][HAPPY_MOOD]So you are about to cum?БББББББББ You have your hand at your TROBBING cock,БББББ rubbing it?БББББББББББББББББББББ You want to shoot your load?[LOOK_UP]БББББББББББББББББББББ [pdown1]" {"style":"Him","mood":"Ahegao"}
pulled_down:"[LOOK_UP][HAPPY_MOOD]So you are about to cum?БББББББББ You have your hand at your THROBBING cock,БББББ rubbing it?БББББББББББББББББББББ You want to shoot your load?[LOOK_UP]БББББББББББББББББББББ [pdown1]" {"style":"Him","mood":"Ahegao"}
I'm pretty sure I missed a couple things since it's such a large dialogue but I think I got most of it.


Hypnosis 1.1.2Fixed.txt
189.5 KB · Views: 452


Avid Affiliate
Sep 19, 2011
Pim_gd, this is amazing! i highly appreciate your ambition to help, karma for you.

%0A makes a line break.

when i google for "cuming", it's always written with one "m"


Content Creator
Jan 25, 2013
booster said:
when i google for "cuming", it's always written with one "m"

cumming does not get underlined in my spellchecker, cuming does.
Googling was hard due to there being a significant lack of people who seem to worry about 1m 2m...
But in the end I see the vast difference in "cumming definition" and "cuming definition"...

I then went on trying to find out how to conjugate "cum" and there really isn't a whole load of subject matter on this that I can use to firmly establish that "cumming" is the right form (like how you can end a discussion by linking to wikipedia and then to wikipedia's sources to show that, yes, there is an animal with a penis of 5 meters in length (it's a whale) ).

As a result of that I found these conjugations of
Although the cum one says it's not a recognized verb.

In the end, I prefer "cumming".
Now I hope I won't get batshit insane ads from all these weird google searches I did.

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