Looked the dialogue over:
- pre1 (pressure) was redirecting to blowjob lines - fixed
- i1 is unused for some reason (did not fix because I don't know whether that's intentional)
Strangeness (didn't fix because I'm not sure):
intro4:"[LOOK_UP]Now let me make you a good time...[LOOK_UP]БББББББББББББББББББББ [intro5]"
I'm not sure, but I think it's "give you a good time".
first_dt4:"[LOOK_UP]But don't ejaculate!БББББББББББББББББББББ When your vision gets WHITEБББББ and you are about to shoot your load,БББББББББ %0ASTOPБББББ and LISTENБББББ to my words first![LOOK_UP]БББББББББББББББББББББ [first_dt5]"
pre_cum6:"[LOOK_UP]I order you%3AБББББББББ Let me make you an injaculation![LOOK_UP]БББББББББББББББББББББ" {"mood":"Normal"}
Same here, "give you an"
Typo's (fixed):
i2:"[LOOK_UP]Have you ever been send to heaven in sexual pleasure?[LOOK_UP]БББББББББББББББББББББ [i3]"
i2:"[LOOK_UP]Have you ever been sent to heaven in sexual pleasure?[LOOK_UP]БББББББББББББББББББББ [i3]"
intro2:"[LOOK_UP]...cuming all over my tongue![LOOK_UP]БББББББББББББББББББББББББББ [intro3]"
intro2:"[LOOK_UP]...cumming all over my tongue![LOOK_UP]БББББББББББББББББББББББББББ [intro3]"
pre_cum5:"[LOOK_UP]I will continue your penetration nowББББ and as soon as you think you're cuming,БББББ I will say%3AББББББББББББББББББ %0A - - - I N J A C U L A T E ! - - -[LOOK_UP]БББББББББББББББББББББ [pre_cum6]" {"mood":"Normal"}
pre_cum5:"[LOOK_UP]I will continue your penetration nowББББ and as soon as you think you're cumming,БББББ I will say%3AББББББББББББББББББ %0A - - - I N J A C U L A T E ! - - -[LOOK_UP]БББББББББББББББББББББ [pre_cum6]" {"mood":"Normal"}
pulled_upa:"[LOOK_UP]Now, if you don't already do it,БББББ I want you to start MASTURBATING![LOOK_UP]ББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББ [pulled_upb]" {"style":"Him","mood":"Normal"}
pulled_upa:"[LOOK_UP]Now, if you aren't already doing it,БББББ I want you to start MASTURBATING![LOOK_UP]ББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББ [pulled_upb]" {"style":"Him","mood":"Normal"}
afterfive:"[LOOK_UP]This tonge loopingБББ will cause your penisБББ to get even HARDER,БББББББББ to STEALБББББ the seed![LOOK_UP]БББББББББББББББББББББ [afterfivea1]" {"style":"Him","mood":"Happy"}
afterfive:"[LOOK_UP]This tonge loopingБББ feels GOOD,БББББ doesn't it?БББББББББ You want to CUMБББББ to this feeling![LOOK_UP]БББББББББББББББББББББ [afterfivea1]" {"style":"Him","mood":"Happy"}
afterfive:"[LOOK_UP]This tongue loopingБББ will cause your penisБББ to get even HARDER,БББББББББ to STEALБББББ the seed![LOOK_UP]БББББББББББББББББББББ [afterfivea1]" {"style":"Him","mood":"Happy"}
afterfive:"[LOOK_UP]This tongue loopingБББ feels GOOD,БББББ doesn't it?БББББББББ You want to CUMБББББ to this feeling![LOOK_UP]БББББББББББББББББББББ [afterfivea1]" {"style":"Him","mood":"Happy"}
pulled_down:"[LOOK_UP][HAPPY_MOOD]So you are about to cum?БББББББББ You have your hand at your TROBBING cock,БББББ rubbing it?БББББББББББББББББББББ You want to shoot your load?[LOOK_UP]БББББББББББББББББББББ [pdown1]" {"style":"Him","mood":"Ahegao"}
pulled_down:"[LOOK_UP][HAPPY_MOOD]So you are about to cum?БББББББББ You have your hand at your THROBBING cock,БББББ rubbing it?БББББББББББББББББББББ You want to shoot your load?[LOOK_UP]БББББББББББББББББББББ [pdown1]" {"style":"Him","mood":"Ahegao"}
I'm pretty sure I missed a couple things since it's such a large dialogue but I think I got most of it.