[PC] The Scion's Desire (1 Viewer)


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Content Creator
Apr 16, 2012
Life is complicated. It gets even more complicated when you try to take it into your own hands.
Young Dr. Victor Frankenstein (a scion of his infamous namesake) has been looking for love in all the wrong places. Lonely and desperate, he begins drifting toward the idea of creating the Perfect Woman to meet his "desires."
You, the Player, determine the outcome, through the choices you make concerning Victor's actions.
Will he succeed in playing God, or will his arrogance only destroy him? Can your choices bring him success and future happiness, or only continued failure? Can your choices help prevent him from "crossing the line" into the unthinkable? And if not, what will happen then?
You will make the decisions. [And, unlike Real Life, you can always go back, make different choices, and see how that works out...]

There are six endings. This can be played on a MAC, Linux, or Windows system
The Scion's Desire | Undertow


Forums Moderator
RM Moderator
Content Creator
Apr 16, 2012
Here is how to reach all six endings. There are other ways to get the endings, but if you missed finding some of the endings this will help.
Ending 1 _Pygmalion is alive, Victor ends up alone

Give Melinda money for a cab
Choose She will obey my every wish
Go to the morgue
Choose either Yes or No when asked about bypassing procedures
When Janette telephones, downplay her concerns
After Pygmalion leaves, Victor ends up alone.

Ending 2 Pygmalion is alive and Victor weds Melinda
Give Melinda money for a cab
Choose She will obey my every wish
Go to the morgue
Choose either Yes or No when asked about bypassing procedures
When Janette telephones, agree to meet to discuss her concerns.
After Pygmalion leaves, go to the tavern
Choose to enter Melinda’s home.

Ending 3 Pygmalion is alive, and Victor messes up a potential relationship with Melinda

Give Melinda money for a cab
Choose She will obey my every wish
Go to the morgue
Choose either Yes or No when asked about bypassing procedures
When Janette telephones, agree to meet to discuss her concerns.
After Pygmalion leaves, go to the tavern
Do not enter Melinda’s home

Ending 4 Pygmalion is dead, and Victor weds Janette

Give Melinda money for a cab
Choose She will be grateful and worship me
Go to the morgue
Choose either Yes or No when asked about bypassing procedures
When Janette telephones, agree to meet to discuss her concerns.
After Victor finds Pygmailion dead, go on a date with Janeete
When she asks about going for coffee, say Yes
Victor weds Janette

Ending 5 Pygmalion marries Victor
Give Melinda money for a cab
Choose I will give her all my love
Go to the morgue
Choose either Yes or No when asked about bypassing procedures
When Janette telephones, agree to meet to discuss her concerns.
Pygmalion is alive and marries Victor.

Ending 6 Pygmalion is dead, and Victor weds Sally

Give Melinda money for a cab
Choose She will be grateful and worship me
Go to the funeral parlor
Agree to meet with Sally
When asked about having a nightcap, choose No.
When Sally telephones, agree to meet her at a bar
Sally will again ask Victor to have a nightcap, say No again.
Victor finds Pygmalion dead, Sally marries Victor.

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