The Zanzibar Organization v01 Mission1 (Nigeria) and Mission2 (Chad) (1 Viewer)

The ZIL Organization

Club Regular
Jul 25, 2017
The Zanzibar Organization is my web novel.

Set in the year 2050, it's about a group of political risk consultants who travel the world in an airship, taking missions to solve real-world political or social problems using all powers and abilities at their disposal.

Like most anime-inspired work or light novels, my web novel is quite cross genre. There is a mix of politics, satire, real life fact-fiction, conspiracy theories and kungfu/ magic. So my characters may use guns, martial arts, magical skills and brains/ politicking to achieve their goals.

I have posted pieces, including the introduction, on another thread in the ryona subforum. After all, there's action and fighting. Originally I just got used to posting on that thread. But from now on, I will post in this sub forum instead since it's for general fiction.

My chapters are planned for weekly release. You can follow me here, on Deviantart, on Pixiv, on Wattpad or on Patreon. More avenues and websites will come later!
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The ZIL Organization

Club Regular
Jul 25, 2017
The Zanzibar Organization Introduction (Mission00)

“Wake up.”


“Queen, wake up.”


“It’s time, Queen. You have slept enough.”

Akia murmured to herself and turned sideways. Then her eyelids flew open.


The bed was hard and cold. Very cold!

And no, this is not a bed!

Akia sat up and looked around, her eyes wide open. She was on a metal gurney, the kind of thing that you would place a corpse on. Or a reanimated corpse from someone who was technically dead until half an hour ago.

“Queen, you’re awake,” the voice said.

Akia’s eyes narrowed only for a moment. She didn’t recognize the voice nor the face that the voice belonged to, but things like this never slowed her down. She could tell right away that this voice and this female person was not a threat.

But the room! Akia glanced around quickly, taking in everything as quickly as she could.

Something was wrong. This room was both familiar and unfamiliar. The size and shape and layout had not changed. The LED light fixtures were the same. But some of the fittings and equipment was off. No, not just off, they were out of place. Like she had stepped into a science fiction world.

Akia specialized in figuring out things that were off or out of place, and she specialized in putting things in the right place. And people in the right place.


Pensive look. Hand to her upper lip. Akia scanned her body. Was she still the same Akia? These were familiar clothes. Long loose sleeves that covered her entire arm down to her knuckles, long loose pants that covered her feet, loose fitting, long shirt with flower motifs... these were Akia’s favorite clothes for indoors relaxation, what she called her flowerpower outfit. Because of her flowerpower outfit, Akia couldn’t see even an inch of her brown skin underneath. She could only see her fingers, and her toes peeking out of the trouser cuffs below. But they did seem to be her fingers and toes; being frozen for a long time hadn’t turned her white.

“Queen,” the woman spoke again.

“I don’t recognize you,” Akia said to the woman. She glanced up and down at the woman. The uniform was familiar – a pink outfit similar to what many nurses wore, except with far shorter hemlines and pink stockings. But...

“You’ve been asleep for many years, Queen. And speaking of that, can I call you Queen?”

“Akia will do,” Akia said shortly. She was fixated on the screens in the room. They didn’t look like the monitor screens she knew. They were much lighter, bigger, thinner.

“That’s new,” Akia pointed.

The woman smiled. Thus far she had not made any move. But now she stepped closer to a screen. Something detected her proximity, and instantly a blank screen became completely lighted up. There was a lot of information about medical stuff which Akia didn’t understand, but which obviously referred to herself.

“Now watch,” the woman said. She drew back her fist and punched a screen hard. It shattered. But glass did not fly everywhere. It was just a vast web of cracks that spread for a radius of maybe forty centimeters from the point of impact.

The woman raised her hand to show Akia. She had sustained no injuries.

“Nowadays screens are very safe. Nobody gets hit by flying glass anymore.”

That was nice. But what about the screen? This had to be an expensive demonstration!

But when Akia looked back towards the screen, the web of cracks had vanished. Oh no, there was still a bit, some indentation at the center... but it was rapidly...

No, the screen had restored itself completely. There was no sign of any damage now.

“Self healing screens,” Akia marveled. Of course. Screens needed to be self healing. They were so fragile and monitors getting broken in workplace fights were such a commonplace ocurrence back in her time. This was really a good and well deserved technological innovation.

“You’ve been asleep for more than thirty years, after all.”

“Thir...!” Akia could not stop herself. Her hands went up to her mouth. Both her hands.

“I’m sorry, but you being placed in our cryogenic storage...”


The image of Rine’s mischievous face popped up in Akia’s mind. Rine, that eternal prankster. Rine, who brought her here, fed her something and put her into a cryo chamber when Akia lost consciousness. Rine, who...

“Rin, Rine, RINE, REEEENE!!!!” Akia cried out.

The nurse-like woman faltered a little at Akia’s anger, but steeled herself when she backed into a desk.

“It’s okay, Queen, it’s Okay. There’s no Rine here,” the nurse said soothingly.


Although she had never seen the nurse before, the nurse seemed to know much about Akia. She was able to quickly answer any questions Akia posed to her.

“So much has changed in the last thirty years. Thanks to your investments in Ecowas tech startups, you were a billionaire at one point,” the nurse said.

“Billionaire? I was a billionaire?” The use of past tense had not escaped Akia’s attention. “Billionaire in what? Nigerian Nairas? Zimbabwean Dollars?” African currencies were generally not worth much internationally. Akia simply did not think being a billionaire meant such great wealth.

“North American Dollars,” the nurse corrected Akia.

Now that was serious wealth. Probably enough to buy an entire year’s production of Rolls Royce cars back in Akia’s day.

“But I’m sorry, as I said earlier...”

“Yes, that bad news thing.”

“You had been missing for a long time, and nobody knew you were here in this facility. Your relatives declared you missing, and the shares...”

“It’s ok, that’s all right,” Akia waved a hand dismissively. The money hadn’t meant that much to her. She had never been good at keeping in touch with her relatives. They were more likely to use the money for good community purposes than a loner like Akia.

But the mention of North American Dollars reminded Akia of Banana Ben the Banker. And that made Akia feel sick, tense, worried. She sensed that something was wrong. Even without having read the newspaper for more than 30 years – did anybody publish paper news anymore – Akia felt that something must have gone wrong and her world had not turned out correctly. Cicero would never have left her stranded in a cryogenics facility. He would have looked for Akia!

Akia began asking questions about the people she knew in the past.

Vanished Friends​

“So Cicero and Stacy, I mean Anastasia... they are dead?”

“No, just vanished. They’ve not been seen again. But they were pretty exhausted when Banana Ben employed his ultimate Kungfu, Too Big To Fail.”

“I’m not sure what you mean. I wasn’t there. I didn’t see it,” Akia remonstrated. “You’re saying Banana Ben is too big to fail?”

“No, that’s the name of his KungFu. It’s a mysterious power that we were not expecting. We only learned about it after the fact. But thanks to TBTF, Banana Ben was instantaneously able to resurrect all the zombie bankers and reinforce them. The more defeated the banker was, the more bankrupt, the more indebted, the more Banana Ben was able to raise them from the dead. Furthermore, Banana Ben drew from all the liquidity in the world to do it. The atmosphere dried up. Anyone relying on Water-based kungfu suffered. After which the fight started again, and this time our exhausted heroes...” Nurse stopped.

Cicero... I miss you... Akia thought to herself. And Stacy. Both of them had great teams, and she had liked them all.

“Oh wait a moment,” Akia raised a hand. “What about Rine? Wasn’t she with Cicero’s team?”

“Not everyone. At the last moment Rine seemed to know what was coming, and she grabbed the kids and fled.”

“The kids!”

“Yes, Rine took the kids, literally two under one arm and one under the other. She left for South Africa immediately, and hasn’t been seen since.” The nurse spoke with confidence. Akia did not question how this nurse could have known all these, despite not looking as though she was old enough to have witnessed the events at that huge battle more than thirty years ago. The nature of the people who had backed Akia and Cicero and Anastasia and other similar teams, was such that a lot of information was available to their employees and subordinates.

“So she could be...” Akia stopped. No, Rine couldn’t be gone. Rine was a survivor. She always anticipated danger, and knew what to do to avoid danger.

Akia looked down. After the initial anger at Rine for having tricked her into taking a sedative and putting her into cryogenic storage had faded, Akia wanted to see Rine so much. A familiar face. Surely Rine would not have changed much. Even thirty plus years... and the kids... all grown up, thanks to her cryosleep Akia would seem to be the same age as the kids now... how would they relate to her?

Forget it, Akia admonished herself.

She knew it won’t be that easy.

She was awake now. But they wouldn’t have awakened her if they didn’t need her, would they? They wouldn’t have been so remiss that they could operate a cryo facility for decades without noticing someone stored inside. Rine’s action had to be something sanctioned by them.

Akia’s personal matters could wait.


“And now, Queen, no sorry, Akia,” the nurse spoke. “I think some people would like to speak to you.”

“It’s them?”

“Nobody else,” the woman smiled and nodded her head.

Akia raised her head and stood to her full height of 175cm. Her entire body seemed to change as she did so. The nurse stood back and marveled. Despite her seemingly slack, flowerpower outfit, Queen Akia was no layabout. She was driven by her own internal engine, and now this engine was operating at full capacity and had forgotten the effects of the cryosleep.

A regal brown hand went up and indicated a door.

“They’re behind that door?”

“Same as ever,” the nurse bowed and retreated. She had not intended to move that way, but it felt correct. Queen Akia was back in charge.

Akia strode to the door. It opened automatically, and she entered the dark recesses of the room within.

The lights came on. The room had always been small and grotto-like, and after thirty plus years it seemed to be the same. The screens had changed with the technology available, but otherwise it was basically the same room. There was no room to sit; one did not sit in front of the Benefactors when they summoned you.

Once again, the people known as the Benefactors appeared on the screen. Their faces and dresses were indistinct as ever; some kind of technique or programming sequence had blurred them out, yet they were still recognizable as individuals in their own way.

“They’ve not changed,” Akia noted to herself. This was truly an example of the mysterious ways the Benefactors seemed to work. They either grew old and were replaced by people who seemed to be exactly the same, or they... never grew old?

Someone was talking about something... uh...

“Akia, quit musing,” one of the female Benefactors said in a tone of command that even Akia could not resist. “ You will learn more when you meet your team. One head does not hold council.”

“Of course, Ohemaa,” Akia lowered her head respectfully.

“This is The Real World. We have no time to fantasize. Keep your focus.”

The Benefactors made no reference to the past or previous teams. They told Akia that she would be leading a team to take on assorted missions.

“So, my political risk consultancy has seven members?” Akia put a hand to her chin.

“Have no fear, technology has advanced,” a Benefactor said. “There will be plenty of space for seven of you on board the airship.”

“All right,” Akia waved a hand to show support. “But if I’m not mistaken, I’ll start out having to rescue others?”

“Not for the first two. Four more await extraction.”

Akia nodded. “After which...”

“Same as ever.”

“So I’m back in business.”

“Of course, my daughter,” a Benefactor spoke up. “No matter the time or era, it’s always the same business in the human world.”

The Benefactor’s voice was warm and her body language appeared friendly, but once again Akia felt a chill. It wasn’t an unfriendly chill like the coming of death. It was a chill like when a cold, moist wind from Kilimanjaro rushes down and hits you while you are walking around the foothills below. It suggested the Benefactor was more than you. More than human.


One single word floated up in Akia’s mind. She immediately pushed it down. She would deal with facts as they revealed themselves to her, without speculating on anything.


“One thing, do beware,” a Benefactor said. “You have been asleep for over thirty years. Your skills and powers have deteriorated. You have lost a lot of levels due to inaction over time. Do be aware that it will take a considerable time to regain all your former powers.”

“I understand.”

“We will, of course, equip you as always,” another Benefactor spoke.

“Equipment?” More than three decades had passed, and Akia wasn’t sure if she knew what to use or do.

“An airship, as always. With the latest in equipment. Which you’ll learn about with time.” The Benefactor concluded.

“The capacity of this airship is bigger than previous models in your time,” another Benefactor added.

A female Benefactor pointed at Akia. “You will start with two teammates. They are of this current time, so they have been instructed accordingly. They will teach you everything you need to know.”

The Teammates​

As her conference with the Benefactors drew to a close, Akia was told to await the arrival of the airship that she was supposed to take command of. There were a couple of hours to kill, so the nurse offered to accompany Akia for a drive outside the facility. But Akia was not a Political Risk Consultant for nothing. She had her inner nerd; her inner intellectual, that craved new data and as much of it as possible in as short a time as possible. So she sat in front of a screen and read as much as she could, to catch up on the past thirty-plus years. Because Akia started by attacking a database with statistics on each country in a great many categories, she was able to absorb a lot of information quickly, and build a picture of the current position of each country.

Akia was pleased to see progress. Botswana and Namibia were now high income countries. Malawi and South Sudan were now middle income countries; Ghana a higher-middle income country, and Bangladesh solidly middle class. Akia was a lot less pleased to see that Yemen remained destitute, and that countries in Africa, especially those in the Sahel, continued to dominate the rankings of the poor and least developed nations.

Early in the evening, an airship arrived at the cryogenics facility that had housed Akia for more than thirty years.

Akia did not see the airship approach in person; she was too busy reading and watching as much as she could on multiple screens. She did not wish to appear ignorant in front of her new team. So she remained at her station until the nurse came in with two people, a large man and a much smaller woman. The man was in a pink suit so eye catching that Akia’s attention was immediately riveted to his clothes.

“Sugto and Mayapi, this is your leader, Akia,” the nurse made the introduction.

“I’m Sugto,” the man said in an accent that reminded Akia of sex fantasies, wine and romantic movies. He was very tall and handsome with a shaved head, and his confidence was as arresting to a woman as his clothes were. “I’m from...”

Akia raised a hand with a knowing smile. “Don’t tell me, I can guess,” she said.

Looks like some things really don’t change. That face, that accent, that dress. Only one country.


“It’s actually France, but Congo is also correct.” Even this sentence practically floated out like a sexual invitation. Sugto could really smile. It wasn’t a generous, kindly smile, but a smile that hinted of pleasures of the night and other things that a woman could only wish for deep down inside but which would cause feelings of guilt for decades.

Akia tore her eyes away from Sugto’s clean, white teeth and turned to the curly-haired woman beside Sugto.

“I’m Mayapi,” the woman said. She was of average height, so Akia was a lot taller than her.

“Mayapi, is that a personal name or...”

“My personal name is Thabisile,” the woman preempted Akia, as though she was expecting this question.

“Should...” but Akia didn’t get to finish.

“Thabisile means Cause of Happiness,” Sugto shrugged. “Xhosa or Zulu.”

“But they liked to call me Tubby for short,” Mayapi said. “And I didn’t like that.”

Akia looked at Mayapi up and down. She was too short to be a model, but she was extremely trim. Nothing tubby about her. Mayapi was definitely photogenic. And the hot pants that didn’t quite keep fuschia panties from showing even when she was standing still, that sleeveless white top with black bra peeking out... simply irresistible. Akia wanted to see more. No, her tongue wanted to explore more. If not for that set jawline...

Mayapi met Akia’s eyes. Despite being fifteen cm shorter, Mayapi had that steel in her eyes that suggested a childhood of fights.

OK, this woman isn’t going to be that submissive, Akia noted to herself. But somehow it made getting hold of Mayapi even more desirable. It would be definitely great fun to pin down Mayapi and...

“Furthermore, I don’t want to just bring joy to others. I want myself to be happy.”


“Why should I be sacrificed for others?” Mayapi raised her hands, palms up in an inquiring motion. Her eyebrows went up. “Anyway, if you feel my family name is a bit unfamiliar, I also answer to Maya.”

“All right, I’ll call you Maya then, if you don’t mind.”

The Zanzibar Organization​

The group of three people took a hovering platform into the airship. Once they were in, Sugto said something to a screen nearby. The airship automatically began ascending.

Maya seemed to have taken it all for granted, but Akia took note. Looks like digital control technology had indeed improved from Akia’s days, since there was no one at the main controls when the airship started moving.

While Sugto went to the main control room, Maya showed Akia around the airship. Akia was pleased to note that the Benefactors had at least provided for her with a few changes of clothes and underwear. This was better than forty years earlier, when the Benefactors simply had people rescued with the clothes on their backs. A rescued person could not change her clothes until it was safe to stop, get off and buy something.

There were a lot of new things to learn. Chief among the new things, was that all doors were guarded by smartlocks now. If you were considered the legitimate occupant or visitor for a room, you could just approach and the door would open as long as it could scan your face or hear your voice command. If not, the door merely stayed closed until you were allowed in by the occupant. So there could not be any surprise night visits from unwanted visitors.

Sugto was very pleasing to look at and enjoyable to talk to, but Akia did not see herself ever wanting a visit from him. She preferred a man her height or less.

It was night already and she was not hungry. But there were a couple more things to do before she could go to sleep...

Akia met her team in the operations room of the airship. Maya was watching what appeared to be Korean or Central Asian pop stars performing. She was eating straight from a tub of yam-flavored ice cream. Sugto was seated in front of several lighted screens and seemed to be multitasking.

Sugto grinned mischievously and rubbed his chin.

“Our name, leader. You must give our team a name before you go to sleep.”

“We...” Akia’s eyes rolled up at that thought.

Maya looked straight at Akia. Akia’s flowerpower outfit had not impressed Maya. Maya was a little afraid that this new leader, who had only just woken from cryosleep, was some crackpot idealist born in the wrong era and not ready to lead even in this era.

But Akia was not spacing out. She was remininescing. Cicero had his Z Organization, Anastasia had her ZIL Organization. Now Akia wanted...

Akia turned to look at her two crewmates.

“We’re black Africans. We should have a name appropriate to our region.”

“Hang on,” Sugto interrupted. “Not all our members have...”

“Of course, they did tell me that,” Akia asserted her authority as leader. “We have rescue missions to effect in China, India, Eastern Albania and North Africa. We’ll be a lot more global eventually, when we reach our full roster of 7. But for now, the core is us three. So I’ll want a name that suits our starting point. And I like the idea of something with Z in it.”

“Not anything-isiZulu,” Maya said immediately. Akia ignored her.

“Z-, Z-, Zee, Zanj, Zanzibar. OK, Zanzibar Organization. ZZO for short,” Akia pronounced in a voice that brooked no opposition.

There was a pause as Maya and Sugto took in the name of their new team. Unlike Akia, Maya and Sugto had to consider whether it was the type of name that you were afraid to associate yourself with, on social media. But they decided that the initials ZZO carried no negative connotations.

“I already set course for East Northeast,” Sugto said. “My Benefactors told me our first objective was to rescue our fourth teammate.”

“As well as handle any missions in between if we have the time,” Maya added. She didn’t want Sugto to control everything.

“Let’s get to it,” Akia said.

Sugto was going to the navigation console, when he turned around.

“Say, we still need a name for this ship. We’ve been travelling without a name, but we’re actually over Benin by now. We’ll be exiting the Ghanaian airspace control area soon. So we’ll need a name to tell Nigerian air control. It can’t be Temporary License 83888 for Domestic Lighter Than Air Pleasure Craft.”

“I can suggest a name if you want,” Maya said.

Akia shook her head slightly. Was it like that for Cicero too? She remembered Cicero telling her that he had to come up with a name for his airship on the spot, and he chose a name with the same initials as his own but which was actually a pun with some profundity to it. Ah, Cicero loved puns...

Akia made a downwards gesture with one hand. To Maya, it looked like her leader was flapping her over-long sleeve like an indecisive person. But Akia merely wanted to focus on the present.

All right, she wanted a name that sounded good. Sounded happy. Sounded spiritual. Sounded young and energetic and full of life...

Oh, happiness too...

But Akia was at a loss. What name could she use?

In her mind, Akia groped for things she had seen before. On Cicero’s ship. On Stacy’s ship. Oh, the most majestic object on both of these ships must have been Stacy’s Rolls Royce Phantom...

Akia put a hand to her chin. And she wanted something that honored friends who were no longer with her...

“Spirit of Exstacy,” Akia decided. “E-X-S-t-a-c-y.”

Sugto looked steadily at his boss. “Shall I tell the air controllers that our code is SPOEX? Then they’ll assign a random number to make it seven alphanumerics.”

“Go ahead,” Akia said. Their eyes met, and Akia smiled.

The ZIL Organization

Club Regular
Jul 25, 2017
Volume01 Mission1 Chapter1

The airship SPOEX moved silently through the night. Sugto had filed his flight plan with Nigerian air traffic controllers, and they were not a jet. To conserve fuel, airships usually tried to ride the currents. But since there were no particularly favorable air currents at this time of year, they had to use SPOEX’s own engines at cruising speed.

When Akia had been put in cryo, people were building a solar plane that could theoretically stay in the air indefinitely, traveling at over 100kph, drawing its energy solely from the sun charging its batteries in the day. Now there were much faster solar powered aircraft.

Fifty to one hundred kilometers an hour was not fast by modern standards, but it was consistent and it didn’t overtax the batteries of a solar-powered airship at night which had to supply all living quarters with electricity also. Furthermore, the stores and fridges were full. If Akia wished, she had no need to land this airship for months. According to Maya who managed the water, only bathing might be a problem after the entire team was assembled, since the small wastewater treatment plants did not have capacity to recycle the bathwater of seven people using full bathtubs every day.

“All right, let’s look at our first mission.”

Akia moved her hand as to touch a keyboard, then stopped. Where was the wireless keyboard stowed?

“Just show us,” Maya commanded the computer.

The computer responded. Information appeared on the screens facing Akia and her teammates.

“Borno State... near Maiduguri...” Akia read out. “What the hell!”

“What’s wrong?” Maya asked.

“It’s Boko Haram again, isn’t it?”

“Yes. Of course.” Maya didn’t seem to think it was a big thing. “Or probably. It’s not specific.”

“How the hell... after all these years...”

“I think the IRA was around for many years also,” Sugto pointed out. “Boko Haram has been in action for forty plus years.”

“Never defeated?” Akia snorted.

“Yes. Nobody wanted to make the effort to take them out, I guess.”

“Oh yes, what failures they are,” Akia lashed out. “One hundred and sixty million Nigerians, and they can’t...”

“Not one hundred and sixty million. Three hundred and ninety-five million,” Maya interrupted with delight at being able to correct her leader’s outdated information.

“Whew,” Akia let out her breath. “That’s one huge country. And they still can’t take out a few thousand – or is it still a few thousand -?”

“Honestly, nobody knows,” Sugto shrugged and opened his hands. “Drone technology has gotten a lot better since your days, Akia, but it’s still about spending money. As long as their federal government doesn’t want to spend money, they’ll never be able to stop some localized insurgency.”

“They could always get some people to fund a reward,” Akia said.

“They? Who would They be?” Maya laughed derisively.

“Civil society.”

“Civil society hasn’t gotten that civil yet, at least when it comes to real action that costs real money,” Sugto said as he browsed at another screen, waving his hand to indicate the screen should scroll down. “But if you want, there are more than a hundred million thumbs down for every Boko Haram atrocity,” he added.

“Oh yes, hundreds of millions of Nigerians getting together to show their displeasure,” Akia commented acidly. “In this time and age, surely they can get together and crowdsource some mercenaries if their government doesn’t want to do anything?”

Sugto didn’t say anything to that. He had always felt that Nigerians were more competitive and proactive than Congolese, so surely they should feel bad about national embarassments and do something?

Maya got up. “So we’re supposed to...”

“No, we don’t have to take these guys out,” Akia said. “The Benefactors know that the three of us aren’t at that level yet. Our mission is a lot simpler.”

Akia indicated with one knuckle at the screen. “Tonight. This small town. Save a dozen or so local kids.”

“Opposition?” Sugto asked without a hint of emotion. It was impossible to tell whether he was looking forward to, or fearing, the fight.

“Probably a few gunmen at the most.”

Maya relaxed. “So it is a local affiliate of a local branch...”

Akia turned and smiled. It was just like the Benefactors to calibrate their requested missions. “It’s our first mission together, and my first mission after being thawed. We have a long way to go before we can do serious stuff.”

“I don’t consider the threat of being shot dead not-serious,” Maya said.

“There is always a threat of getting shot in every mission,” Akia said soberly. She hoped that Maya had not joined with the wrong expectations. She had not spent enough time with Maya to know very much about the circumstances under which Maya joined.

“No, shot and shot dead are very different,” Maya spoke up.

“What’s the difference?” Akia asked. “Anytime someone shoots a gun at you, you could be shot dead. That’s always the risk with Political Risk Consultants.”

Sugto stirred. That gorgeous three piece suit moved, and Sugto stood up like a modern day Black Adonis.

“Akia, you might be a bit less familiar with modern weaponry.”

“Oh, they’ve come up with more awesome ways to kill people?”

“No, they’ve come up with more awesome ways not to kill people,” Sugto said. “C’mon, you haven’t seen our armory yet.”

The Armory​

Unlike in previous ships, the Armory was not located in deep recesses protected by the rest of the ship. It was located right next to the control room.

Akia found that surprising. Surely one wanted to lower the chances of ammunition or...

Sugto swept open a curtain.

This has got to be the flimsiest armory door ever, Akia thought. Even on the airships over thirty years ago, the armory door had to be thick and heavy. You didn’t want the ammunition to go off by accident and destroy everything. But here...

Akia found herself staring at what had got to be...

It’s Sugto, its Sugto, this guy, he’s like that, Akia desperately told herself. She had to maintain her dignity as the leader of this outfit when confronted with views like this. But she...

No, no outburst, her inner voice told Akia.

But all the same, no way!

This was clearly a sex shop.

That Sugto! Considering his dress, he’s probably a pimp who got rescued by the Benefactors somehow! This is his collection!

Akia struggled to maintain calm and keep her posture.

But why would a big black man have a collection like this? Did he really...

Akia’s brain was rushing to process everything. If anything, she was good at handing the unexpected.

Sugto was standing to the side. He seemed pleased. There was no hint of malice or trickery or perverted sexuality in his expression and his stance.

And there were triggers. Yes, so these are guns.

What seemed to be a largish walk-in closet full of black or darkish Dildos of varying sizes, some outrageously huge, had to be weapons of varying calibers. She tried not to think of how close these appeared to some masculine appendages that she had not seen for over thirty years during her cryosleep.

Sugto seemed to expect her to say something. Akia decided she had better say something. She had controlled her shock, but surely by now Sugto was aware of Akia’s surprise. Akia had better say something that maintained her dignity and didn’t admit to being caught off guard, yet which could encourage Sugto to explain this to her.

“The look,” Akia indicated the weapons. “Sugto, maybe you could explain to me again how modern weapons work.”

Sugto was expecting this, and didn’t act like he had an advantage over his leader. His Benefactors had already given him instructions.

“Technology, Akia.” Sugto made a gentlemanly gesture.

“It actually started with a movement in North America. They got tired of black people being killed by police. It snowballed into a general anti-firearms movement.

In the meantime Chinese technology had improved.

The Chinese government didn’t want to let up on its social controls, but since it was locked in political rivalry with North America, it was eager to demonstrate a commitment to human rights.

Moreover China really wanted to get a bigger piece of the world security pie, which North America dominated. The North Americans had all the traditional firearms and were making ever more lethal weaponry. 2021 was really a boom year for the North American firearms industry because they had so many mass shootings. The arms manufacturers, pun intended, really made a killing selling their weapons.

In response to that, China started manufacturing taser weapons in vast numbers and selling these to ‘autocratic regimes’ worldwide.”

Akia took a breath. Beating up the underlings of autocratic regimes was one of the great pleasures of her life thirty odd years ago.

Sugto continued: “They’re totally non lethal. Totally, totally. They just shoot balls of taser gel – electrified, sticky stuff that gets onto you and zaps you. One zap, and a protestor or fleeing criminal goes down,” Sugto explained.

“Oh, more than one sometimes,” he corrected himself as Akia continued looking at Sugto.

“OK, if using a small caliber taser handgun, sometimes it does take three shots to effect full paralysis,” Sugto continued. “But in general, these are really good. Instantly Effective. No lasting damage to humans. A well placed shot would also disable the handphones that people were using to stream footage of protests. You can’t enjoy such efficacy even with rubber bullets, beanbags or water cannon. It shut up all the human rights groups so well, that before long every dictator and every not-too-democratic democracy, and every Guided Democracy and Budding Democracy and Democratic People’s Republic wanted the same thing. To arm their domestic law enforcement agencies with taser gel guns.”

Sugto picked up a huge weapon with one hand.

“See this? This is the equivalent to... uh, the Stinger in your day.”

“You can shoot down aircraft with this?” Akia was incredulous. It seemed to be a gigantic supersoaker or some water gun made into an obscene sex toy.

“Not a supersonic jet a few km up in the sky. But it does take out conventional drones flying closer to the ground and at subsonic speeds. Realistically, that’s the highest level of opposition we’re likely to face.”

“That’s still amazing.”

“The key lies in magnetic acceleration,” Sugto explained. Since the taser gel can be magnetized as a ball, it can be accelerated and fired. In many ways, it is more effective than traditional firearms that rely on chemical propellants.”

Sugto put down the weapon and patted it.

“It’s made of plastics and silicon. Environmentally friendly. Light. Cheap. You don’t need access to chemicals. You don’t need to worry about ammunition degradation. Storage is easy as it won’t blow up on you. I could throw this onto a fire, and the worst we get is a nasty smell as it melts.

Sugto indicated another weapon that resembled a joke penis three feet long.

“That’s an antitank gun. Unlike the crappy weapons thirty years ago, it’s reusable.”


“The old style bazooka has problems whenever there’s sand or water or temperatures are low. But you can actually wash and heat these taser weapons safely to dry or thaw. They won’t blow up on you,” Sugto said. “Moreover, due to the non contact nature of magnetic acceleration, the barrel will never wear down. The tube or barrel will never need to be changed.”

Akia overcame the tiny inhibition that remained in her heart, and reached out to stroke one of the weapons. She was surprised at how warm and soft it felt. Almost like a man’s...

Sugto didn’t notice. Or he wasn’t prepared to notice it, given that these weapons were so common in his time that it didn’t matter to him.

“Yeah, not like a metal gun from your time, eh?” Sugto said with a warm smile that seemed so genuine that it carried no innuendo. Like all men, Sugto loved toys and this was an awesome toy to him. “These taser weapons don’t get hot after firing, so you won’t burn yourself touching the barrel after a discharge. They don’t produce any loud sounds or smoke, so shooter won’t give his position away or deafen himself when discharging in an enclosed space. And the modern silicon skin is awesome. It’s practically human. I can’t see myself using a traditional firearm.”

“But why this skin...” Akia pointed. This was so much like a dildo from her time, that she really had difficulty imagining this as anything but a joke.

“The silicon skin’s good,” Sugto said happily. “Won’t freeze in winter. Won’t get stuck to your hand if its wet and cold. Great to hold at any angle. Feels 100% natural. Like a part of me. And best of all...”

Akia’s eyes narrowed and she laced her fingers together. Sugto mentioning that the gun felt like a part of him was really too much. “And best of all...” she repeated, wondering whether Sugto would fill in the same blanks that her brain was filling in right now. (Akia really felt she needed to do something she hadn’t done for over thirty years.)

“Best of all, this skin is a great electrical and magnetic insulator,” Sugto said. “You can fire this in a room full of tech devices, and it won’t hurt anything except the person or item that the taser gel hits. You can stand next to an electromagnet, and your enemy can’t steal your weapon by turning on the magnet.”

And now Sugto held the gun in one hand and stroked it with the other.

“The silicon skin is such a great insulator that it can’t even be detected when you pass a metal detector. I’m sure you remember from the airports a few decades ago, where anything iron or steel, even belt buckles and shoelace eyelets, will get detected.”

Akia’ eyes ran over the weapons in the room. There were all manner of weapons. Some appeared to be batons or shock prods, some were mini handguns, some bigger handguns, some rifles, one that appeared to be an antitank gun, and one that appeared to be an antiaircraft gun. And every single one of these looked like...

Akia put a hand to her eyes. Just because she had been asleep for over thirty years, didn’t mean that she had been starved of men for thirty years. Come on, Akia! There was no need to keep thinking these things were...

“Okay, how about you tell me the disadvantages?” Akia forced her instincts to lie low and brought the bosswoman persona back. She put her hands on her hips and looked straight at Sugto, like a supervisor questioning a subordinate.

Sugto raised two fingers in a V shape.

“Only two,” he said. “But I don’t even know if they are supposed to be disadvantages.”

“Go ahead.”

“Firstly, non lethal. They don’t do any permanent damage to people. They do kill electrical devices though, since they’re magnetically charged. But that again, is probably a big plus to most users who are not murderers. These taser guns can shoot down drones and disable any vehicle that isn’t electrically insulated. That’s what the antiaircraft gun really is. It shoots a huge ball of magnetized gel at high speeds to envelope aircraft and disable their electrical systems.”

“And?” Akia felt compelled to look at the V in Sugto’s fingers. It was probably unintended by Sugto, but the innuendo felt too much for Akia. It suggested something, and she did want to feel his fingers...

“The taser gel is a sticky substance that adheres quite well to skin and transmits electrical energy to disable the target,” Sugto said. “Moreover, it always must have an electrical charge to work with magnetic acceleration. This means no fighting with blanks to scare people, or rubber bullets to limit the damage.

You cannot shoot uncharged taser gel blobs. If it hits you, you’re going down, and your muscles go all crazy and your clothes will be stained. Of course, that’s still much safer than conventional firearms, but the problem is that because these guns are so completely nonlethal, now the security forces in every country have turned super trigger happy.”

“That’s not good. Not good at all,” Akia said blandly. This was a very loaded topic, especially in Africa where civil wars and repressive regimes were aplenty.

“They’ll shoot you for almost any reason now, and they’re more than happy to shoot you five times or more just for fun, since they know you won’t die. And they’ll stand around laughing while you squirm away.”

“Whew,” Akia said to herself. Well, it was good that black people wouldn’t get shot dead by the police for little reason now. But if it meant that a lot more black people were getting shot precisely because the police knew they didn’t risk killing anybody...

“And even worse, China encourages it. They make a lot of money selling taser gel ammo worldwide. An incredible, incredible amount of money.”

“Gilette model, huh?” Akia said knowingly.

“Yes,” Sugto grinned and showed his perfect teeth and toothpaste-advertisement smile. “That’s right. China gave many countries these guns for free, or sold at a big discount. And now all internal security forces worldwide use these, except for the North Americans. Nobody wants to be accused of using lethal weaponry on their own people anymore.”

Sugto put the gun he was holding back into its rack and continued: “The only people who use firearms are true criminals or national militaries. And even the national militaries are rotating out of firearms, since fewer and fewer national conflicts really involve human combat anyway. Electricity or sticky gel takes down drones much more effectively and less messily than traditional bullets.”

Sugto waved his hands expansively. “No explosions, no shrapnel flying everywhere, no environmental damage and no collateral damage.”

Akia picked up a handgun and inspected it at all angles.

The barrel truly resembled some... personal toys she had used in the past. She didn’t want to ask. She knew that before she was put in cryo, China had already beome the world’s biggest exporter of adult toys. She wondered if there was not some communication or shared use of OEM manufacturing facilities...

“How much are gel shots compared with the price of traditional bullets?”

“I can’t quite say. Really few bullets are sold internationally now. The countries of North America are among the very few holdouts, but nobody buys from them. Maybe the gel shots cost two percent of what a traditional lead bullet could cost?”

“There’s a huge difference.”

“And due to lack of recoil, accuracy is much higher for short distances. Even untrained security guards can point and shoot fairly effectively. Nobody is ever going to trust a low level security guy with a traditional handgun anymore.”

Having said this, Sugto looked out of the window again and pulled a cigar out of his pocket.

Nigerians win World Cup​

“It’ll take us all night and until late tomorrow morning to get across Nigeria,” he pointed with his cigar. “We have time tomorrow morning to plan our mission.”

“Just one thing,” Akia looked sharply at Sugto’s cigar. “Are you planning to light that thing?”

“I don’t smoke.”


“It’s just a gadget I like carrying around,” Sugto said and put the cigar into his mouth. He made a fake puff, muttered something under his breath, and began speaking in a different language.

Akia recognized that language. It was whatshername’s...

“You’re speaking Kazakh!”

Sugto grinned and took the cigar out of his mouth. “No, I am not a Kazakh speaker. It’s just the translation function.”

“There’s so much I have to catch up on,” Akia mused. “The world has changed so much.”

“You don’t know what I was saying?” Sugto was surprised. “If you can even tell Kazakh from Turkish...”

“I recognize the language; doesn’t mean I actually understand it.”

“Oh, I was just saying Welcome to this country, Norway, blah blah blah.”

“We’re over Nigeria right now.”

“Yea, and cigars like this are totally beloved by the successful folks – I mean scammers in this country below us. You can talk with it in your mouth, and speak fluent Norwegian on the spot. Very convincing when you’re trying to sweet talk a woman on the other side of the globe.”

Sugto had a broad grin on his face. “I’m sure you will agree with me that at least on this matter, the world hasn’t changed.”

Akia had a sweet smile on her face. “Nope, this cigar thing is a fake fake. Not real fake. Nigerian scammers in my day took pride in training their skills. They could fool any oyinbo with realistic accents.”

Sugto laughed, and Akia joined in. It was good that Africans could still share politically incorrect jokes about each other.

Then Akia got a little more serious.

“I haven’t had time to catch up on everything,” Akia said. “But I don’t think they had any serious bloodshed?”

“You mean the Nigerians?”


“Actually, things got really bad some years ago,” Sugto said.

“It’s a confluence of these factors: spreading Sahel, desertification in the north, environmental refugees and migrants to the south, cultural and religious tensions. All taking place in an environment of depressed oil prices. Am I right?”

Sugto almost whistled in approval, but decided this was too undignified. “If you can come up with this within a few hours of waking up from cryosleep, you deserve to be my leader.”

“I was a political risk consultant before cryosleep. And we are political risk consultants now. It’s our job to figure this out and advise clients accordingly.”

Sugto nodded in approval. “What saved Nigeria was winning the World Cup in 2046. It really brought the entire country together.”

“Don’t pull a Nigerian 419 on me,” Akia replied immediately. “I can fact check that easily!”

Sugto grinned and raised both hands apologetically. “OK, that’s just what Nigerians claim.”

“Even for a nation of ridiculously optimistic people, this is ludicrous.”

“They got to the finals in Abuja.”

Akia’s jaw dropped and she stared at Sugto.

“Yes, that’s true. World Cup 2046 was jointly held by Nigeria, Cameroon and Ghana. Nigeria was beaten 4-1 at the finals by Germany.”

“That, I can believe.”

“The winning German team had 6 players of African origin. Of which one was Yoruba, one was Igbo and one was Hausa. So the Nigerians still called it a Nigerian victory. It was a tremendously unifying moment for the country.”


Akia had mixed feelings about this. In her time, African professionals usually left Africa to be successful elsewhere. She had also done the same.

The Forbidden​

As the SPOEX traveled towards its destination, Akia reflected on the conflict taking place.

Why did Boko Haram – often translated as ‘Western Education is Forbidden’ - come about in the first place? Why does it hate Western-style education so much?

The Hausa have been the biggest ethnic group in Nigeria from independence. Their traditional alphabet, known as ajami script, was based on Arabic. It was closely tied to the Hausas’ Muslim identity. There were hundreds of years of history behind this. Hausa kingdoms and states traded and fought with the Mali Empire, the Songhai Empire, and eventually ended in the Sokoto Caliphate. Which was in turn conquered in the early 20th century by the British, but whose green flag influenced Nigeria’s modern green and white flag. Much of the territory of modern Nigeria was formerly under the control of the Sokoto Caliphate.

The Malian Empire of Mansa Musa used ajami script. Rival and successor empires used ajami script. They conducted business across the Sahel, a territory twice the size of the European Union.

When Hausa parents wanted their child to read and learn about their own history and culture, naturally they used ajami.

Even Akia had learned some ajami. Most West Africans, including non-Muslim cultures, used ajami before the European colonial period. This was hardly different from pagan Norwegians accepting the alphabet of the Christian Roman empire, and modifying some letters to suit Norwegian sounds. But Akia learned ajami in a country where choice of writing system wasn’t being politicized.

It was different in Nigeria.

Nigeria had terrible schools ever since independence because the government neglected education. Hence it was normal for Nigerians to send their children to private boarding schools.

Modern Hausa was written in boko, a Latin based script introduced by British colonizers. There was little literature and law and religion and values and culture available in boko. Boko was just a script used for the colonial administrators’ convenience.

Secular schools taught in boko; religious schools taught in ajami. Nigerians educated in traditional schools could not read their own language in boko, so they were regarded as illiterate by the government, and excluded from most aspects of modern life such as civil services and banking. This marginalized the graduates of religious schools, and made them very angry. Thus creating an environment fertile for the rise of the terrorist group Boko Haram.

Other countries with options for religious education did not have such a problem, because they did not have a colonial power deliberately create a new script to separate people from their culture. Those who attended Japanese Buddhist universities could read modern Japanese. Graduates of faith-based institutions in the USA could function in modern English. An Islamic Studies graduate in Turkey had no problem with modern Turkish. Hence Boko Haram was a uniquely Nigerian problem.

Moreover, the fact that so much information was locked away in the ajami script, meant that other Nigerians who could not read ajami, could not differentiate between a business contract and a Quranic verse. To them everything written in ajami looked like religious doctrine. Hence Southern Nigerians failed to appreciate the profound and wide ranging nature of the institutions of the caliphates who once ruled Northern Nigeria.

Akia reflected that if Boko Haram was still around in 2050, it suggested that there was still social discontent. This didn’t suprise her. Educational matters affected an entire generation, and resolving such macro issues took years of government intervention.

In 2014, Nigeria introduced a new 100-naira banknote. Southerners fought to keep ajami script off the banknote because they were afraid of Islamization. Northerners fought to put ajami script on the banknote because they considered it a truly indigenous Nigerian script, as opposed to the Western-style numbers and words that the Southerners wanted. The Northerners called it Islamophobic, without explaining that ajami script was not Arabic but authentically rooted in Nigerian history. The Southerners didn’t consider that their insistence on using boko script for the Hausa language, made them look like high-handed colonial authorities.

The fact that neither side listened to the other, guaranteed that problems and resentments relating to education in boko script would continue for at least a few more decades.

The ZIL Organization

Club Regular
Jul 25, 2017
V01 mission1 chapter2

After her tour of the armory, Akia and Sugto returned to the operations room. Maya was doing a headstand right in the middle of the room.

Whatever the heck? Akia thought. But then again, Political Risk Consulting Teams engaged by the Benefactors had all kinds of eccentric individuals.

Maya’s headstand allowed a view of her that Akia would normally not get. Her tiny denim cutoffs sank down, revealing even more fuschia panty in the gaps. In fact, all that fuschia was practically a neon light blinking away, saying ‘come and get some!’. Akia had to consciously stop herself from licking her lips.

I’m the BOSSWOMAN, Akia told herself. And a bosswoman had more things to do than look at her subordinates.

Maya flipped herself back onto her feet. “I didn’t want to be looking on my own,” she explained.

That’s nice, Akia thought to herself. But she didn’t completely believe it. More like, Maya had taken advantage of Akia stepping away from the screen, to read all the information and form her own opinion first.

But when Akia stepped in front of the screen, she realized that modern technology had indeed changed. There was a screen saver, and it said Locked.

Before Akia could ask anybody how to unlock the screensaver, Eva spoke.

“Authorized user has returned. Resume session?”

“Yes,” Akia said immediately and the screensaver disappeared.


“OK, so our ETA is forty-five minutes. The location is in Nigeria’s Borno state near the former Lake Chad. The airship would not be obvious tonight due to a combination of no moon and cloudy weather. We can insert...” Akia mused aloud.

“Oh yes, what about the reward? Is there any?” Sugto asked.


“Isn’t there a reward for us risking our lives? Like a bounty you know,” Sugto made a chopping hand gesture. “Head of a militant...”

“Or head of a rescued, I mean, a captive rescued alive and well?” Maya asked.

“I think it doesn’t work that way,” Akia said. Had the Benefactors changed? She remembered the Benefactors just handed over an airship and some equipment and some instructions. Actually they were quite hands-off most of the time, and all the expenses and maintenance had to be borne by the team of political risk consultants. So some teams made a lot of money focusing on profitable work, and some barely got by because they took on jobs that were less profitable.

Maya was now standing over Akia’s shoulder. “Scroll down,” she commanded the computer.

Information about any reward was completely lacking.

“No information about a reward,” Maya said, disappointed.

“The Benefactors...” Sugto spoke.

But Akia was definitely more familiar with this than her two teammates. “There is no reward.”

“None?” Sugto’s eyes grew larger.

“Of course not. The Benefactors merely give us equipment and some advice and general instructions, and let us be. What we do next is up to us,” Akia said. “We could turn this airship into a floating brothel to pay for expenses, if we so wished.”

Maya adopted a hand-on-hip position by her side. Akia found herself looking up at Maya. Wow, this was delectable, Akia could not help feeling. This was Maya’s white outfit with that black bra peeking out, and Akia really wanted to see more.


“I don’t want to risk my life,” Sugto said. “It’s one thing to fight against government entities, small time crooks and legit corporations. They’ll use taser weapons and nonlethal weaponry. But against religious fanatics and old-school militants who care not for law or public opinion, it’s all firearms still. These can really kill.”

Akia looked steadily at Sugto. “But we’re here now. And it’s really close by.”

“In fact, that wasn’t meant to be our first mission. Our first mission was to go northeast and rescue our fourth teammate. This just happened to be on the way, came in when we were flying over Nigeria’s Plateau state,” Maya spoke up. “We can decline this quite easily I’m sure.”

Akia shook her head. This wasn’t how she did things.

“We’re not out of Nigerian airspace yet. And we have a mission to help people. I’m taking this mission.”

“Wha...” Sugto protested.

Akia wheeled to face Sugto. She didn’t say anything, but the two locked eyes. Sugto was nearly a head taller than her, but he was now seated and he was not mentally prepared for Akia’s eagle-eyed look.

“Okay, you’re the leader,” Sugto murmured.


Much to Akia’s surprise, the locality was not some underdeveloped, poverty stricken landscape of half burnt down houses and mud huts.

Lake Chad’s drying up had devasted the original communities, true. They had been forced to relocate. They were not faring very well in the slums of Kano, Port Harcourt and Lagos.

The drying up of Lake Chad had also greatly profited some other enterprises. Who now enthusiastically mined the former lake surface for deposits of minerals.

The building where the kidnapped children were supposedly held, was quite a large facility.

Akia now wondered whether her original instincts were wrong. This does not look like Boko Haram’s favorite ground. This is an urban landscape, a developed area!

“Come to think of it, they never specified Boko Haram. It was just something I assumed, based on the location and the fact of kidnapping,” Akia mused to herself. “You might have made some wrong assumptions, Akia!”

Not a good idea to base her current expectations on experiences that are decades old...

To keep a low profile, the ZZO parked their airship a few kilometers away. Then they descended and cautiously drove up in a car and a small van. The vehicles had been issued with the airship. The small van was the biggest-capacity vehicle that could be carried on the airship, and it should be enough for evacuating twelve or so undernourished kidnap victims.

“You sure this is the right place?” Maya asked over the radio. She was controlling the van while Sugto controlled the car.

Akia hadn’t fully gotten the hang of things, but it seemed that auto-driving technology had become fully developed during the time that Akia was in cryosleep. Under normal circumstances, the driver didn’t need to micromanage a vehicle. A designated driver was only necessary for issuing new orders and telling the artificial intelligence what to prioritize. That way the AI did not respond to random words from any conversation taking place inside the car.

Akia frowned and put her hand to her chin.

Maya had been designated for the van because she was likely to be a less skilled fighter. She was supposed to flee back to the airship the minute all, or nearly all, of the kidnap victims had been rescued. But this also meant that Akia was next to Sugto in the leading car. Akia could afford to be indecisive and ask questions, because Sugto was less likely to challenge her than Maya.

“It’s not set to autoreply...” Sugto gestured at the controls.

Akia raised a hand.

“She won’t hear us unless...”

Akia made a wrist movement, and Sugto fell silent.

“This doesn’t seem to be what I was expecting,” Akia said. “In my time, Boko Haram kidnapped girls for sex.”

“They still do.” (Officially it was called religious conversion followed by marriage. Female consent optional.)

“But these are industrial facilities.”

“Many mining facilities are automated now,” Sugto said. “With a minimal human crew on site. With plenty of shelter and hardly any resistance, a bunch of criminals could keep kidnap victims here for as long as the mining company doesn’t take action.”

There was only one hundred more meters to the building in front. The designated building.

“I think we’re on the right track,” Sugto said. “That looks like a carpark.”

Akia had some misgivings, but nothing could be definitively settled until they actually got inside and checked things out. So they parked by the side of the building with the rear of the car facing the building, allowing them to make a quick retreat if necessary.

Akia and Sugto now snuck against the outside of the building, carefully entering through an unlocked side entrance.

No sooner had they entered the building than the silence came to an end with multiple cries of pain and shouts.

Pow! Wham! Aaa!

Cries of pain and the slamming sound of what seemed to human bodies hitting the ground greeted Akia.

Akia looked at Sugto, and sent him an unspoken message in her eyes. Time to take risks! She could see the Adam’s apple moving on Sugto’s neck, but his eyes were fully in agreement with Akia’s. Without further discussion, the two charged at a door and burst into the main part of the building.

As she rushed through the door, Akia first took note.

Yes, this is indeed a garage. There were vehicles of all kinds, some of which were obviously mining equipment and some were cars.

Then Akia’s attention turned to the bizarre scene that greeted her.

Akia had been expecting some gun-toting religious extremists with big beards and ancient robes abusing hostages and kidnap victims. But what she saw, were a group of fair-skinned and attractive women in very short skirts.

All the women were dressed alike in black uniforms. These looked vaguely military, and they all wore high boots. But the military getup also came across as dated. Modern militaries mostly used digital camouflage patterns. These outfits came across as something you might see over a century ago. They all wore armbands and had lapel pins featuring the face of someone, but Akia was too far away to see.


Akia’s brain quickly processed the total number of potential enemies at the scene.

No apparent other enemies. At least, not within obvious sight. No armored car or truck with its guns pointed at them, no machine gun emplacements, no snipers on high ground.

Just ten very sexy looking women.

But no.

These women could not be considered completely harmless.

None of them seemed to be armed, whether with taser weaponry or traditional firearms. But there were two uniformed men lying unconscious on the floor. Clearly security guards.

The Black Zinas​


The sound came from Sugto. It didn’t sound like he was trying to get Akia’s attention. It sounded more like he was taken by surprise and didn’t know what to say.

“Um, maybe I shouldn’t fight with this.” Sugto had been expecting to fight some nasty misogynists, but he simply was not prepared to use his taser handguns on what appeared to be unarmed women. All the same, he did not think it was wise to holster his gun right now.

Then Akia noticed Maya entering via another door.

“Maya and I can handle this,” Akia told Sugto. “You run around, check out the surrounding areas, make sure no snipers are lurking to ambush us.”

“Will do,” Sugto immediately ran towards a nearby staircase that would lead to the second floor of their area. He was going to scope everything out.

As Sugto ran off, Akia looked over the ten women. Even without exchanging words, she felt certain that these women were not on the good side. Many of them had smirks or arrogant looks on their faces, and they certainly seemed to belong less to this facility than the two security guards lying on the ground.

Furthermore, the postures of these women was just so... smug and infuriating.

Two of these women had one foot raised, stepping on the fallen guards. The short length of their hemlines meant that their panties were visible.

Two women were standing with hands on their hips.

There was one woman leaning against a car on the right side, and one leaning against a wall on the left side. Both had a foot up against the wall, as though they were loitering gangsters.

One more woman was sitting on a defeated security guard with her legs apart.

Another woman shamelessly squatted on top of a defeated security guard. It was an utterly obscene pose.

And finally there were two women lounging complacently on nearby car bonnets. Akia didn’t know what made her angrier, their sexy poses with underwear showing, or the fact that they did carry it off very well, as though they were models rather than members of some weird paramilitary outfit.

Out of the corner of her eye, Akia noticed Maya approaching. Two versus ten. Could be very bad, could be an easy fight. Akia wasn’t that sure; she hadn’t tried out her powers in a combat situation since being awakened and warned that her powers had diminished.

“What are you here for? Do you want to get beaten up?” One of the two women with hands on hips was speaking.

“Speak for yourself. Do you have any business here?” Maya called back.

“We’re here to do as we please,” the woman replied.

“Then... have you heard of anybody being kidnapped here? We heard that...”

The woman shut Akia up with an outstretched palm and a sneering expression. These women were really rude, Akia thought.

“That kidnapping thing, is just a big lie,” the woman said. “We just wanted to disrupt our rival’s business.”

“You should have known that the Nigerian government isn’t going to come rushing in to rescue kidnap victims,” Akia returned. Things were not yet adding up for her.

“We spread news of kidnapping, precisely because we wanted the security forces to stay away,” laughed the woman. So that when we come in and trash the place, the police and the military dare not approach!”

Now this sounded a lot more logical. At least, in Nigeria.

Akia braced herself. “So you admit that you have no right to be here? That you’re really here for a nefarious purpose?”

The women all started laughing. The woman sitting on top of a guard sat back and spread her legs out further, seeming holding Akia and Maya in contempt with her blatantly sexual gesture.

The other standing woman lifted a hand and made a gesture. “You don’t seem to like us. And we don’t like you. Care to get lost?”

Maya muttered under her breath: “Akia, I think it isn’t worth it to fight these women. There are no hapless children to rescue.”
But Akia was not the type to back down from a fight. And she really wanted to put her skills to the test. She figured that since these women were not armed, it was unlikely to get very dangerous. Akia and Maya were armed with taser batons, which reduced the uneven odds a little.

“You there, the squatting one,” Akia addressed the woman squatting on a guard. “I don’t think that’s a toilet.”

The squatting woman sneered. “This entire continent is a toilet to us.”

Akia did not respond to that provocation, but Maya stopped retreating and returned with some choice words about imperialists.

The other side started getting angry. Evidently they were expecting that Akia and Maya would be intimidated and retreat, and they didn’t like it when Maya talked back.

“Black Zinas! Let’s teach these uppity bitches a lesson!” Someone called out.

And the women in black started to approach Akia and Maya menacingly. There was a tense few seconds...

Then it happened. The dam burst.

A Black Zina charged at Akia. All right, this was easy. Akia stepped to the side suddenly, swept a foot forward, and tripped the Zina into practically doing a 360 degree flip .

Even as Akia was defending, Maya was charging forward at another Black Zina. The Black Zina backed away in a hurry, her skirt swishing about her hips. Maya failed to hit the Zina.

Even before the first Zina had come crashing to the ground, a third Black Zina was attacking Akia. She tried a high kick at Akia’s face, but Akia blocked that kick with both arms.

Oof! Akia thought to herself. This was harder than she expected! The old Akia could have casually blocked the kick with one arm without feeling a thing. Her powers had definitely decreased with time!

But what had not decreased, were Akia’s muscle memories and her reflexes. She reacted automatically to the third Zina’s attack. Even without thinking, Akia kept one arm up to block the Zina’s leg, and shoved her taser baton from below at the Zina’s wide open crotch.

Slam! The taser baton pummeled the Zina’s most sensitive body part. The third Zina cried out in pain, and started to faint as she collapsed.

Even in this, Akia was already giving the Zina mercy. She had not turned on her taser when she struck the Zina’s crotch. This was because Akia did not have any muscle memories of using taser batons. So when relying on pure reflexes, Akia could only use a taser baton as an ordinary baton.

But now as the third Zina was collapsing, a fourth Zina swung her leg at Akia from the side in a roundhouse kick. Without thinking, Akia grabbed the Zina’s leg and stepped backwards. This abruptly pulled the Zina off balance, and caused her to do the splits painfully on the ground.

“Aaaaeeeerrrrr...” The fourth Zina moaned in pain.

But already Akia had to face more challenges. A fifth Zina was attacking. This Zina did a dramatic frontal kick directed upwards at Akia’s face. It didn’t hit Akia, but forced her to step back.

Then this Zina made the mistake of coming closer after her failed attack. Akia’s timing was better. She leapt up and kicked the Zina in the face, her ankle smashing into the fifth Zina’s cheek. Half a move later, Akia landed and also kneed the fourth Zina in the face.

In the meantime Maya had tried to punch the second Black Zina again. She missed. But the Zina ducked down and punched Maya in the belly, causing Maya to collapse.

Akia had no time to celebrate her triumph over the fourth and fifth Zinas, for a sixth Zina jumped on her and grabbed Akia by her neck. Akia struggled to get the smaller woman off, and the Zina wrapped her legs around the taller woman hoping to make it hard for Akia to move.

But Akia was an experienced fighter, even if her skills and powers were less than at her peak. Akia did not spend much time struggling against the woman clinging to her. She simply did a header backwards, and knocked the sixth Zina unconscious instantly. The unfortunate Zina let go of Akia, fell backwards and crashed onto the ground, her skirt falling up to her waistline.

So far all this had taken place in a very short time frame. But the remaining Zinas now had enough time to take stock of the situation. A seventh and eighth Zina decided to take a different approach, and coordinate it to give Akia less time to respond. They climbed onto a nearby car. Then the seventh jumped off the car to aim a flying kick at Akia, with the eighth close behind.

Akia’s reaction time was completely unexpected by the Zinas. She grabbed the seventh woman and threw her onto the ground. Without looking and relying purely on instinct and the sense of a rushing body nearby, Akia then reached forward with her arms even as her body tilted backwards sharply. A less skillful person would definitely have lost her balance by that point. But Akia, or at least her muscle memories, knew what she was doing. The eighth Zina was coming, but Akia evaded the kick and grabbed her leg all in one motion.

And now, because Akia’s body was leaning back, this meant that Akia’s weight was moving in the opposite direction as the eighth Zina. It gave Akia considerable power to change the Zina’s momentum. Akia twisted her body even as it was falling. And with her holding onto the Zina’s leg, she was able to spin the Zina around in mid air, converting Akia’s backwards fall into a rotating motion that spun the other woman around midair, completely changing her direction.

And now Akia flung the eighth Zina straight at a ninth Zina. So successful and skilled was Akia’s spinning motion, that it restored Akia to a standing position even as the eighth Zina was thrown forward so high that her crotch slammed into her teammate’s face. The two Zinas were thrown painfully onto the carpark floor.

Thud! Akia’s world shook.

The second Black Zina had punched Akia after defeating Maya. Akia stumbled backwards as the tenth Black Zina, who had been creeping up on Akia from the back, leapt forward and pinned Akia’s arms together from behind.

Despite the stunning effect of the punch, Akia never lost control of the situation. She was moving purely on the instincts honed by much training and experience. Akia threw her body into a horizontal position. This meant throwing her head backwards even as she kicked her legs up.

If you were to try this in the gym, you would just find your legs kicking in mid air with nothing to support, and come crashing down the the ground and look really stupid. But Akia’s system was fully adapted to function in a combat situation. Her movements allowed her to kick the second Black Zina in the face and do a header against the tenth Black Zina at the same time. This knocked the second Black Zina back and caused the tenth Black Zina to lose consciousness and collapse backwards, hitting the ground with Akia on top of her.


Akia was left sitting with her legs drawn up, her red miniskirt hiked almost to her waist by the force of all these exertions. She was breathing heavily with the tenth Zina unconscious beneath her. Apart from Akia, everyone else was flat on the ground.


Akia stood with her hands on her hips, surveying the situation.

All ten of the Zinas had been defeated and were lying on the ground. Not a single Zina stirred. They could be unconscious, stunned, semi conscious, playing possum or too sore to move. Akia didn’t really care. As long as none challenged her, this meant the fight was concluded.

If she had her full team with her, and a lot more confidence that she understood how The Real World operated, Akia would not hesitate to grab a Black Zina and interrogate her. But now she was in an unfamiliar time, her team was newly formed and under strength, the venue was unfamiliar and already she had been taken by surprise here. She didn’t feel confident with staying too long.

So it was best to make the ZZO scarce.

Akia picked up the unconscious Maya.


Maya felt really heavy.

Akia knew better than to comment about this. Leader or not, there would be a big fight with Maya if she dared comment about the weight. But surely all that ice cream had gone somewhere.

Sugto offered his hand. “Akia, I can do this.”

Akia shook her head. She had one hand on Maya’s bottom, and another hand on Maya’s thigh. Maya’s breasts were pressing against Akia’s shoulder blade. This was not an appropriate way for a man to evacuate his female colleague. At this point she did not consider that Sugto would easily have the strength to carry Maya in less-compromising positions.

Maya’s short skirt had hiked up and her panties were in full view to anybody looking straight at Akia. To his credit, Sugto was gentlemanly enough not to look at the pleasing sight. He maintained eye contact with Akia, they briefly discussed the situation, and the ZZO pulled out quickly.

The ZIL Organization

Club Regular
Jul 25, 2017
v01 mission1 chapter3

Eva and Doors​

Having returned to their airship with very mixed feelings, the members of the Zanzibar Organization sat around in their operations room.

“What next?” Maya shook her curly hair. She seemed to have suffered no damage, other than the humiliation of hitting the floor. Maya wasn’t too happy about having to wash her hair again, though. Her hair wasn’t easy to tame.

“We ought to continue north. We need to rescue our fourth teammate anyway,” Akia said.

“So where is it?”

“Hey Eva, map of region!” Sugto suddenly looked up and called.

“Map of region,” a female voice intoned, and a projector created a map against the blank wall.

“Scroll North,” Sugto ordered. “No, just expand map.”

“Expanding map.”

“Identify location of our mission to rescue teammate.”

“Location marked.”

“There,” Sugto pointed to the western part of Sudan.

Akia raised a hand. “Wait,” she said. “I’m not familiar. Is our voice control system called Eva? I last remembered Alexa when it was still in its infancy.”

Maya exploded in laughter. Akia shot her a warning look. Sugto grinned and moved a hand like a magician playing with a cat.

“Alexa, Beatrice, Christine, are now ancient history. Even Denise is used on increasingly fewer systems.”

“Wait, is that Doors operating system still around?” Akia turned her head. Consultants in her time had always worked with a Linux derived custom operating system, so she hadn’t seen much of the dominant computer operating system for ordinary people during these times.

“Doors turned into House,” Sugto said. “Big data, control everything in your home. It takes about 2 or 3 Exabytes to run a full House system nowadays.”

Akia raised a hand to her forehead, then turned it into a finger that traced circles next to her temple. This was going to be hard. Tera. Tera. What’s after tera. No, don’t – she narrowed her eyes and pointed a finger warningly at Maya. Akia wasn’t going to accept an answer from her junior. After Terabyte is Petabyte. Ok, then after peta is... ok, Exa. Exa is a thousand times thousand tera. So an exabyte is a million times that of a Terabyte.

“Wow,” Akia looked across at Sugto. “Software bloat has gotten a million times worse.”

“No it hasn’t,” Maya grinned at Akia, happy that she could correct her leader. “Not with our system.”

“Even if it is still a Linux based...”

“Doors software was bloating exponentially more than Linux based stuff for the past few decades. Multiply that over years, and the difference has gotten really big. Our ship OS takes up less than half a petabyte. I think just 560TB.”

“Wow. But do we have to do any maintenance in this day and age?”

“No need. Whole ship, including Eva, is run on this amount of system resources. And we’re much better off than the average intelligent home. We have our OS right here with us. Response is definitely faster.”

Akia didn’t understand what Sugto meant when he talked about having an OS with us. “And that Doors requires two to three thousand times as much disk space to run?” Akia asked.

“Nope,” Sugto replied. “Nobody has a Doors operating system installed locally in their home. It’s all in the cloud. Everything they require to run anything is in the cloud.”

“This means...”

“If your internet connection is lost, everything is lost. People have been locked at home with the tap running, oven going full blast, all the electricity going haywire, etc. But since we’re an airship and constantly on the move, we can’t afford internet downtime. We can’t let a cloud based system do all our processing and decisionmaking.”

Maya grinned. On most beautiful women, that could look like an eagerness for sex. But Maya’s jawline made that interpretation impossible. When she grinned, it made her look like a skull ready to consume Akia.

“We don’t believe in outsourcing leadership and competence to others,” Maya said while looking at Akia.

Sugto might have noticed the dynamics between Maya and Akia, or he might have not. In any case he intervened smoothly:

“Not to mention, it affects our security. Anytime House wants to do an update, it could mess with all your system appliances. Any incompatibility or outdated driver and you’re screwed. People have been killed when their washing machines or food processors started up unexpectedly thanks to a House update. So our OS is right here on board with us,” Sugto explained. “We control it. No updates forced on us at the worst possible times.”

All that information was new and a little overwhelming to Akia. She wasn’t a tech maven back in the day, and now this was a lot worse. She hoped for her own sake and for others’ sake, that she could still lead a team.

Maya looked steadily at Akia. She had been probing her new leader for weaknesses. And she wasn’t going to stop. Maya didn’t believe in anybody but herself. She did have much respect for the Benefactors, hence she was going to give Akia the benefit of the doubt, but Maya was definitely wary that this strange woman who had been frozen for decades might not be able to handle the requirements of contemporary leadership.


Seeing the location marked on the map caused Akia to look back. Rine was young, Akia was young. They had some happy conversations and games together. But Rine carried that darkness within her, the Fur from Darfur... there was always a piece of Rine that Akia could never reach.

How was Rine now? Why did the Benefactors not try and contact Rine again, or form a new team with her? Had Rine’s Benefactors given up on her? There was so much Akia didn’t know...

“Wait!” Sugto’s voice broke into Akia’s consciousness. He pointed at the map displayed by the big screen on the wall.

“Our course sets us for Mao.”

“It’s just the wind. We don’t need to stop in Mao, there’s hardly anything there.” Akia hadn’t had time to catch up on everything for the past 30 years, but she could see from the contemporary maps that Mao still seemed to have a small population.

“Nope,” Sugto indicated the screen he was using. “There’s this.”

To the screen, Sugto spoke. “Zoom in.” Sugto had been looking at something that appeared to be a Chinese takeaway menu. And now that it got bigger, indeed it turned out to be a Chinese takeaway menu.

Akia was nonplussed. “Uh... uh...” She blinked. She didn’t get it.

“We have to get this. Otherwise we might have to cook for the next couple days.”

“A Chinese takeaway in Mao? Last I remembered, it was last town before the Sahara. On the edge of nowhere. ”

“The Sahara spread southwards,” Maya was more than happy to highlight her leader’s outdated knowledge. “Now it is in the middle of nowhere.”

“Ah, but the Chinese are everywhere,” Sugto said smiling. “Everywhere in Africa, as long as there’s civilization,” he indicated the screen, “you can get stuff like this. Chinese bringto.”

Bringto? The name was unfamiliar to Akia. She had eaten many times with Cicero, and she never heard this name...

Maya caught the perplexed expression on Akia’s face with delight.

“Bring To, is the opposite of Take Away. Paid digitally. Delivered by drone. Wildly popular on our wonderful continent where the infrastructure is poor and there are still too many dangerous zones.”

Pleased at the expression on Akia’s face, Maya continued, “We won’t even need to land the ship. The drone can just bring the food up to us. Is that not fun or what?”

Sugto rubbed his hands together. “We’ll buy several meals in one shot.”

But Akia wasn’t the leader for nothing. She immediately considered the practical aspects.

“Sugto, you said paid for digitally. But where is the money coming from?”
“Our group bank account.”


“We’ve only just started this consultancy and aren’t even at half strength. Can our bank account handle this?”

If the atmosphere had previously resembled a bounce house, now it turned into a Bauhaus. Maya’s hair practically deflated itself.

“Well, if you don’t want to spend money on bringto, we’ve got lots of Pepe Cubes in the freezer. Enough for 200 meals I think,” Sugto admitted.

Akia recalled the Pepper Soup cubes she had in the past as a busy, harried consultant. Products of Nigeria...

“Let’s go for the bringto.”

Akia did hope that they had developed some more environmentally friendly form of chopsticks.

Refuse Collection​

Back in the carpark in the mining facility building near the former shores of Lake Chad...

Several attractive young women in Blue uniforms were walking around. The uniforms were somewhat military or police, but corresponded to no official force in any country.

They had armbands and lapel pins. Their lapel pin showed the face of a man. Their armbands were in black and red with the red letter B in the middle of a black circle.

Despite the official-looking nature of their getup, there was something rather incongruous about the whole thing. Their skirts were very short and tight, so short and tight that they could not possibly bend over or sit down without the skirt sliding up their hips. Their tops covered as much flesh as that of any police or official military uniform – but were practically skin tight, so their breasts and bras were outlined clearly underneath.

They called themselves Blue Zinas.

Most carried taser rifles. Two unfortunate Blue Zinas – they considered themselves unfortunate – had been told to shoulder their taser rifles and collect the garbage instead. The women frowned inwardly. But at least they wore gloves as part of their Blue Zina uniform, so they did not need to touch the garbage directly.

Piling them Up​

“Pile the trash up!” A Blue Zina called out.

Two Blue Zinas carried an incapacitated Black Zina by her arms and legs. They weren’t particularly gentle about it. They were supposedly on the same side, but losers didn’t get too much respect in their world. It was all about survival of the fittest.

The Zinas belonged to the most superior race in the world, or so they were taught. They were special. They were chosen. They were the best.

To lose to a bunch of dark skinned nobodies from this pathetic overpopulated continent crammed full of dark skinned pathetic undereducated nobodies, was completely unacceptable and deserved punishment.



On the dark floor of a transport van, two Black Zinas moaned and stirred. They had been roughly picked up from the floor earlier, carried over to the van and dumped on the floor like sacks of potatoes. The Blue Zinas did not pay them any attention. They dumped the Black Zina they were carrying on top of her two fellow Black Zinas.

“Aaaaa...” the Black Zina on top moaned. The beating had been painful, but this treatment was not making her sore body feel any better. Her friends underneath her were faring even more badly. The sudden weight on top of them had knocked their breaths out, so they needed to take in more air before they could do any more moaning.

“Another worthless piece of meat!” The Blue Zinas cursed the defeated Black Zinas, as they picked up another defeated Black Zina. This time they carried this Black Zina by her legs, so the poor woman was upside down and her skirt fell below her waist. The Blue Zinas carried this Black Zina to the bodypile in the van and tossed her onto her comrades. Again there were more slight moans and some squirming in pain.


The two motorized trolleys followed their two Blue Zina escorts. This was a minor technical requirement. When issuing voice control orders, the trolley had to know whose voice commands to follow.

“The Trash is here!” The Blue Zinas called as they reached the Correction Chamber.

Another attractive, young looking woman came out. She was dressed in smart uniform with a thin, close fitting white blouse and a short black skirt. Like the Blue and Black Zinas, she wore a lapel pin with someone’s face displayed, and an armband with a B on it.

This woman was a member of the White Zinas. She looked sternly at the two trolleys piled with bodies of Black Zinas. The Black Zinas had long since recovered from the beating that Akia gave them, but they knew better than to move. Their Blue Zina allies – or was it oppressors – would mercilessly taser them again just to keep them down. So the Black Zinas had remained as still as they could, despite the rough and humiliating treatment. Resisting was a very bad idea.

“Bring them in. We will Correct their mistakes,” the White Zina said. She produced a taser baton and smacked it grimly against the palm of her hand.

As the trolleys glided into the Correction Chamber following their Blue Zina escorts, the ten defeated Black Zinas steeled themselves for the punishment that was to come.

Vacuum Cleaner​

It was not even two days since she set foot on the SPOEX, but Akia wanted to clean her room thoroughly. She wanted to get rid of any dust that was not her dust.

“Be careful,” Sugto had told her. “This is a really strong vacuum. You don’t want to use it on the highest settings. Don’t ever go over low when doing the floor.”

“The power can be controlled, right?” Akia was looking for a dial, but it didn’t seem to have one.

“Like most things, you control the power by telling it verbally,” Sugto said. “So you need to pair your smartwatch to the vacuum.”

“Got it,” Akia said immediately. She figured that she could sort this out.


“Vacuum, lowest setting,” Akia instructed the vacuum. It didn’t seem to function.

Akia put a hand down. She hardly felt anything. This setting was actually for microelectronics, and meant to be paired with a suitably tiny attachment to vacuum the surfaces of printed circuit boards. So it produced almost no discernable suction when used with a household-sized floor vacuum head.





The vacuums that came with the SPOEX were meant for multipurpose use. There were many different attachments and gradations of suction power. If Akia had bothered with the online manual, she would have learned immediately how to instruct the vacuum. But for now, she was just fumbling around.


Akia got on hands and knees and examined the attachment head. Hardly any suction power. She grabbed the head with both hands and played with it.





“Is there something stuck?” She lifted the attachment and peered inside. But it was all dark; she could see nothing.

What the hell, Akia thought. How seriously strong can a vacuum cleaner suction be? Surely not strong enough to cause any injury to a regular human!

“Vacuum, maximum power!” Akia announced.

Suddenly, the engine roared to life. Akia had never heard such a loud sound from a household appliance before. Of course, this was not just a household appliance for ordinary domestic use; it was also a vacuum cleaner that could be used to clean out engines and fan rotors if the correct attachments were used. The Benefactors had thought of everything. What they hadn’t considered, was whether the humans using it would neglect to read the instruction manual first.

Akia hadn’t realized that this vacuum cleaner offered fifty levels of suction power.

Voooo vooooo voooooooo

An incredible force started pulling on Akia’s sleeves. It was her flowerpower outfit with nice long sleeves. The material was opaque to block UV rays from the sun, but otherwise extremely thin and light for maximum comfort during hot African days.

And now the sleeves were being sucked into the vacuum!

Akia had not expected this. She was used to fighting with tough guys. But she had never thought she needed to fight a vacuum.


The ferocious pulling continued. Akia tugged hard, but the sleeves had been sucked into the vacuum, and didn’t seem to be coming out.


Akia felt as though the tension was becoming distributed all over her body. Her sleeves were being pulled, and so was her entire garment!

“Aaa... aaaaa...” Akia continued tugging against the vacuum. She had entirely forgotten that she could tell the vacuum to turn itself off.

Then it happened.


Akia’s sleeves completely disappeared into the vacuum, then once enough suction was obtained, her entire top went with the sleeves! In less than a second, it was just pulled completely off her body and her head, and the flowerpower top disappeared into the vacuum!


Akia was kneeling dazed on the floor. Did she just lose her entire top? To a vacuum, no less?

Akia looked all over herself. Yes, this is me. My breasts, my belly button. I really got my top sucked off by a vacuum!

This was incredible. She could not imagine technology was at this level now... Akia stood up, stunned. Thirty years....

Voo... Voooo.... Vooooo...

The vacuum hadn’t been turned off, so it was furiously sucking at anything nearby. And Akia’s loose trouser cuffs disappeared into the vacuum.


The vacuum cleaner couldn’t keep sucking on the trouser cuffs because they were being worn by Akia. So the vacuum cleaner head was thrown forward and attached itself to Akia’s ankles. That insanely powerful suction was very uncomfortable. Akia instinctively sat down and lifted her feet and tried to pull off the vacuum cleaner head.

And then it happened again.

The cuffs disappeared inside the vacuum cleaner. The pulling force extended itself to Akia’s entire lower body. It felt uncomfortable, so she instinctively rested some weight on one elbow and lifted her hips a bit.


Again the vacuum cleaner made off with another garment! This time it was Akia’s flowerpower pants!

Akia was left in her bra, her panties, and a completely dumbfounded expression on her face.

Voo... Voooo.... Vooooo...

The vacuum cleaner continued looking for something to suck in. It seemed to be taunting Akia.

The ZIL Organization

Club Regular
Jul 25, 2017
v01 mission2 chapter1

A man sat on his chair, thinking to himself.

It was a vast armchair with specific customisations, so it fit his body perfectly and provided the exact level of required support at all times. This chair was so comfortable that the man hardly ever needed to leave the chair.


The chair was surrounded by screens, front and back. Each screen carried information on this man’s projects and plans. There was a lower layer of screens, and an upper layer of screens. And since all the screens formed a circle around the man, there were ten screens on each level and a total of twenty in all. The man could rotate his chair anytime to respond to a screen.

But if he was totally flanked by screens at every angle, how was the man going to leave his location?

Simple. This was just a sunken data and operations room. If the man wanted to leave, the floor would rise to the level above, which would leave the screens below and no longer blocking the man’s exit.

Right now the man did not feel like leaving. He lay back in his chair and spread his legs and arms. It was a very luxurious feeling. In this position he was mostly facing up, so he naturally was looking at the pleasureable views above. Mmmm.

“Hey, watch your teeth!” The man smirked to the head bobbing just below his waist.

There was a woman with spiky blonde-orange hair kneeling between his legs, and she was serving him. She was dressed in the uniform of a Blue Zina.

The man reached down with both hands and lovingly caressed the spiky-soft hair. The woman did not respond except to make murmurs of submission and satisfaction. This was the proper way to respond to her master, the great Rudolf Binhagen.

Rudolf continued smirking. He had not looked at the Blue Zina at all. His eyes were fixated on another woman – one dressed in a White Zina outfit. The White Zina was walking around in the operations center above, supervising other White Zinas. Like other White Zinas, her skirt was very short, allowing Rudolf a view of her panties from below.

A lot of work to do, but everything was coming along fine.

The uranium mining had been smooth. The network of regional alliances was functioning well. Arms deals in the region were profitable. The uranium reprocessing and enrichment plant was online. Other projects to encourage and forment regional instability and mutual suspicion were underway.

Rudolf Binhagen, you are very smart, the man crowed silently to himself.

To the woman in Blue at his feet, he ordered with a single barked word: “tongue!”

The Blue Zina complied.

But Rudolf Binhagen was not one to rest. He wanted to do more, get more results. He was an overachiever.

Unlike this continent of underachievers.

And Rudolf wanted to demonstrate his superiority here.

But there was one little matter...

He had a minor little action in Northeastern Nigeria yesterday that met with some difficulty. No harm done, but still a bit unexpected nonetheless. The team sent to sabotage a rival mining firm was defeated by what seemed to be a few local do-gooders.

“Hm!” Rudolf punched one fist into an open palm.

This was a continent of inferior people. As clearly demonstrated by their incompetent governments.

500 years ago, the incompetence of these governments had resulted in traders coming in and easily purchasing the lives of millions of slaves.

300 years ago, the traders simply marched inland and grabbed natural resources for themselves, and the locals scarcely resisted.

200 years ago, they were colonized and made to worship their new masters and their masters’ gods.

100 years ago, foreign corporations plundered the continent’s natural resources while local dictators stashed vast sums in the same banks that supported these exploitative corporations.

Binhagen felt he was only following the footsteps of naturally superior people like him.

And now they dared talk back? And even worse, fight back – and win?

There was absolutely no reason for them to win. Every independence movement on this continent, had required vast numbers on the part of these people, to remove their colonial masters.

After which these people promptly got their own new masters. In most cases, these new masters were much worse than the colonists. They were incompetent like Mugabe, they were genocidial like Idi Amin, they were kleptocrats like Mobutu, they were psychotic like Nguema, they were clowns like Qaddafi, they were imbeciles like Zuma... all of which showed that these people didn’t deserve any respect. Give them the right to vote, and this is what happens.

Rudolf made a gesture, and the screen he was looking at scrolled down.

But in modern times, most things were automated. You couldn’t use vast numbers to defeat technology anymore. And the Binhagens had access to the best technology.

It was time for Rudolf to come and reassert the natural superiority of people like himself.

Rudolf reached below and ruffled the hair of his Blue Zina.

And Rudolf’s women, of course. With them, he would repopulate this continent after the current undeserving inhabitants were removed.

At an Airstrip​


Six women in blue uniforms stood ramrod straight. They had their chins in the air. Their tight military uniforms clung to their breasts, emphasizing the bras and nipples underneath. They held taser anti-drone guns by their sides.

“At ease!”

The women relaxed. But they did more than that. In this organization, the term ‘at ease’ carried a different meaning from what it meant in a regular military. This organization had some of the traditions of private right wing militias. When its members were put ‘at ease’, it meant they could position themselves in anyway they liked, as long as they continued holding their weapons and were ready for a fight.

So one woman put one hand on a hip, and swayed sexily to the side while hefting her taser gun into the air. This was possible because taser guns were far lighter than their predecessors such as the Stinger.

Another woman turned to the side and made a pose like a model.

A woman went down on one knee and placed her gun butt on her higher knee, pointing up. This meant that her short skirt rode up her hips. She did so to flaunt her sexuality.

One woman lowered her gun, but stood with legs very wide apart. It was a casual and arrogant pose, and her short skirt was hiked up as a result.

Two women turned and leaned casually against each other, lifting one leg each to flaunt their thighs as they waved their guns.

The entire scene conveyed pride and superiority, as though they owned the world. They didn’t need to stand still; they didn’t need to stand at attention. On this continent they were masters, bwanas, baas, bosses.

“Very good.”

A slim young woman walked past the six Blue Zinas. She had long, straight blonde hair. Her face was quite sweet and tween-y looking. She was wearing a thin white blouse with long, rolled up sleeves that was practically translucent in the sun. She had long white stockings and schoolgirl-like shoes on. Thanks to the wind blowing through this desert, her short blue skirt danced around her hips and revealed her panties with every step.

The young woman looked like a cute schoolgirl or cheerleader at first glance.

If you looked more closely, you might see intelligence in these gray-green eyes. And if you spent a few more seconds observing her, you might decide that there was an unknown, undefined hardness to these features that belied their cute and pretty exterior. Something brutal and animalistic.

The young woman had reached the end of this short lineup. She turned on the spot, her skirt flying up to waist level for a moment. With a sweet smile, she asked the six Blue Zinas:

“Blue Zinas, are you ready to defend our facility?”

“Yes, Ms Yojo!”

“Are you ready to shoot anyone who challenges us?”

“Yes, Ms Yojo!”

Yojo put her hands on her hips and posed by her six Blue Zinas. There was no one else to look at them or take a photograph, but she did it anyway. The entire culture of the Zinas demanded it. Sexy moves, sexy poses, pride, expression of an attitude of self-assured entitlement. They were superior. They were above the law. They were more deserving than others. And they flaunted their bodies, because they were proud that these bodies would be used to produce a new population to replace the inferior stock on this continent.

Right now the Binhagens had no right to mine uranium in this region, but the Chadian government lacked a sufficiently strong military to stop them. So they were going to do whatever they wanted. If any mercenaries or private security contractors showed up to challenge, the Blue Zinas would take them out.

Akia’s Dream​

Travelling at about 50kph, it would be four hours before the SPOEX got near enough to Mao to place an order. Fortunately for Akia, the Benefactors had provided additional flowerpower outfits. She did not need to retrieve her original clothes from the inside of the vacuum cleaner, which would have been really nasty.

Having nothing else to do, Akia went to bed.


Queen Akia was having a dream. A hentai one, no less. Somehow her body must have known. If she lost many levels of her former skills and powers because she was in cryo, there must have been a timer somewhere. The Great Timer in the Sky, some kind of clock sitting on the Great Stool of Power or something.

Maybe the Gods, the Abosoms or someone like them, were keeping track.

So someone knew that she hadn’t had sex in more than 30 years.

And somehow, she wanted it. She craved the feeling of someone else. Man or woman, she wanted that intimacy.

Ahhh... ahh.... Akia moaned. Those hands moving all over her body...

[Description censored]

Suddenly she woke up.

Akia looked around her. The room was dark and there was no one else but her. The moon shone in from the outside and bathed her dark skin with its cold light, further emphasizing her loneliness. She would have to rebuild her life in this era.


Akia had initially feared that after her long cryosleep followed by that dream, she would be tormented with insomnia and spend the entire time thinking about the world she had lost. But hopefully that silly and embarassing dream was just an outlier. She slept well after that, as though her subconscious had finally purged its needs. The airship, and her bed, were both really comfortable.

As the SPOEX neared the city of Mao in Chad, Sugto set up a video call with the Bringto outlet. Maya and Sugto placed their orders immediately; they seemed to be very clear on what they wanted, and they ordered enough for several meals. Akia needed more time to get used to things.


“Shit-o? What shit are you talking about?” The man asked. “I’ll have you know we’re highly rated. Our food is not like shit...”

“It’s a hot sauce,” Akia returned calmly. “You don’t carry this?”

“No shit. O.”

“The Chinese takeaways I knew in Ghana always had it.”

“We’re in the middle of a desert.”

“So what do you have to offer that is hot and spicy?”

“Kambuzi sauce,” the man replied. “Max request is 2 packets per dish ordered.”

“Not eating that,” Maya said immediately. “Akia, you can have mine.”

Akia felt it was a little strange. “Isn’t Kambuzi from Southern Africa?” She asked the man. “That’s seven thousand kilometers from here. And here you say it’s a desert and can’t get shito...”

“Yeah, but our company is based in South Africa.”

Akia thought the man was full of crap, but she didn’t want to say anything else in case he got angry and decided to put something unpleasant in her food. So she kept quiet.

While waiting for the food to be prepared, Akia went through the messages. Then she sat back and put both hands on her armrests in a regal manner.

“We have a new mission, should we choose to accept it,” Akia announced to her teammates.

“Why is there a new mission?” Maya didn’t sound too enthusiastic. Probably being beaten up was not too pleasant for her.

“It happened after I submitted my report,” Akia said evenly. “And besides, the missions that the computer proposes, are not mandatory. We’re not going to get penalized for not carrying out missions.”

Just that you want to do them, Maya thought to herself. But she didn’t argue with her boss. She understood that she had been rescued, given a new life on board an airship that offered a life substantially more luxurious than her previous one. The amount and variety of ice cream in the freezers on board was astonishing. There were opportunities for adventure and doing good things. It seemed worth trying out for now.

Sugto was reading the messages.

“So they want us to check this out. Looks like Aouzou Strip territory. Possible illegal uranium mining?”

“Just possibly. Satellite photos don’t tell the whole story. And a couple of drones sent to check out the area seem to have, well, failed.”

“Okay, so nobody is that sure.”

“But there’s some kind of activity going on. So we have to check that out. An airstrip doesn’t just appear in the middle of some wasteland.”

“It could be perfectly legal.”

“Not by Chadian standards. Apparently their government computers don’t indicate any mining permits were given out for that specific block.” Akia had been surprised that Chad did have computerized and online government administration, but thirty years is a long time when it comes to technological change.

Sugto was doubtful. “But what are we supposed to do? Who’s paying us? Not N’Djamena?”

“Doesn’t matter, Sugto,” Akia said. “I don’t like the idea of dubious parties secretly mining something as dangerous as uranium. Won’t hurt to pop over.”

“Would hurt if they decided to pop us over with firearms.”

Dingdong! Dingdong!

The sound of a doorbell was heard throughout the airship, interrupting what might have developed into an argument.

“That’s our cue,” Sugto said. “A drone is at our, well, front door. The main platform door.”

High Frutose Corn Syrup​

The ZZO members were having their meal.

“Oh my goodness!” Akia slapped a hand to her mouth.

“Now you see why I refuse to eat their kambuzi?” Maya was working at a tub of peanut ice cream. She had come across the peanut ice cream while looking through the freezer, and simply decided to eat the ice cream first and leave her bringto orders for later.

“Is it that hot?” Sugto stirred.

“No it isn’t,” Akia replied. “But this isn’t kambuzi, or any form of chili pepper known to people. This is high frutose corn syrup!”

“Everything that comes from a packet and is given out by a chain outlet, IS high frutose corn syrup!” Sugto laughed.

“The Africa I grew up in...” Akia stopped.

“Is now like everywhere else,” Maya smirked as she finally defeated a particularly hard part of her ice cream. “We’re civilized!” Maya lifted the spoon to her mouth triumphantly.

“And civilized people eat high frutose corn syrup!” Sugto concluded with a shrug of his shoulders. “Kinshasa now has one of the world’s highest number of fast food outlets per capita.”

Maya took a mouthful of ice cream. “See, by avoiding these packet sauces, I save on calories and can eat more ice cream.”

Little Yellow Dress​

Maya was dressing.

She took out a yellow outfit. The skirt was short, and the top revealed a lot of cleavage, and it came with a nice belt.

After hitting the floor yesterday in that dusty factory floor, her previous outfit had to be put into the wash.

The Benefactors had actually had four different outfits placed for Maya, and multiple copies of each outfit. But Maya was a woman. No way Maya could be seen wearing exactly the same things twice in a row.

Madiba... no, it couldn’t have been him. He was long gone. But if it really was Madiba, or anything like him, that would explain why Maya was issued multiples of the same outfit. It must have been a habit formed from years of imprisonment...

Yesterday had been bad, bad! Her leader shouldn’t have made the decision to fight, Maya told herself, ignoring the fact that Maya’s own choice of words had helped escalate the situation.

Then again, the fight also led to an interesting discovery. Apparently this leader had skills and powers that normal people didn’t, or so it seemed. Sugto told Maya that despite Maya’s defeat, Akia had won a battle against these ten women all by herself, and the combined ten could only score one hit on Akia.

Maya remembered her Benefactors had told her:

Your leader is not from this time, but do not hold that against her. She is ready for any time. She may have some difficulties in her initial battles, because she has lost many of her powers due to the passage of time. But follow her, do not give up. She will regain her powers and lead you well.

Maybe this was true.


Maya looked in the mirror and fluffed out her curly hair. Being from modest circumstances, she wasn’t extremely concerned about her appearance. She hardly wore any makeup on a daily basis. Apart from the cost of cosmetics, it might have gotten her attacked back in her hometown. But she was still going to look good if she could.

Looking down, Maya patted down her dress.

Ready to negotiate, Maya thought to herself. At least, please let this be just a negotiation. Or conversation. No fights, please. There had been enough violence where she grew up.

The Aouzou Strip​

Akia and Sugto stood at the windows, looking down at this land.

The Aouzou Strip was a strip of land disputed between Libya and Chad, and considered to be rich in uranium deposits. Because of this, it led to a series of wars between Chad and Libya in the 1970s and 1980s. Chad won the war, and after that also won the postwar settlement when the International Court of Justice overwhelmingly awarded the Aouzou strip to Chad.

Blaming the French for helping Chad during this war, Libya is thought to be responsible for the bombing of UTA Flight 772 in neighboring Niger in 1989.

Chad won the war for land, but it didn’t really win the peace. Since the Aouzou strip was not seriously explored and mined. Instead subsequent Chadian governments ignored the sparsely populated area. And now it seemed that somebody had come to help themselves to the resources...

Akia was on the lookout for signs of vehicular activity in this region. She wondered what a modern Toyota technical would look like...

The Toyota War​

Libya started the war with a far superior military. Yet Chad finally won this war against Libya with an overwhelming victory. Leading to interesting consequences for decades afterwards.


It was this war that saw the widespread and highly effective use of the technical. The Chadian military was less well equipped, less well trained, and deployed improvised vehicles against Libya’s specialized modern fighting vehicles. Libya had air superiority. Yet the Chadians won. Chad deployed ordinary Toyota Land Cruisers and pickups against Libya. These were easy to purchase and maintain, hence highly practical vehicles for undertrained soldiers. Toyota pickups were basically unarmored, but due to their weight they didn’t trigger landmines, they could move quickly, and they had less refuelling problems across the vast desert between Libya and Chad.

Chad fought and won this war as a legitimate state against a formal military invasion from another state. But due to the incredible effectiveness of the Toyotas against a superior conventional opponent, they became the favored vehicles of jihadis worldwide for the next few decades.

To give an example: a Toyota Landcruiser has a mileage of 9-11 kilometers per liter. On a full tank of 93 liters, they can travel nearly 1000km. Enough fuel for a few jihadis to drive in from a hideout in Anbar province, shoot up a bunch of Iraqi cities along the Euphrates, and drive back.

Another foreign power tried deploying the mighty M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank against the jihadis in technicals. The M1 Abrams could not even drive half as fast as the technicals. Yet to even start up the tank would consume 38 liters of fuel. The mileage was 0.25km per liter, and it consumed 0.7 liters per minute even when idle. By the time the M1 Abrams got to the jihadis’ hideout deep in Anbar province, it would have to be refuelled for a fight. Which means every battle tank had to be followed by an oil truck.

And it was always this oil truck that insurgents in Iraq or Afghanistan targeted. Since they were fast enough to make a circle around the M1 Abrams and go for the supply columns behind. The insurgents only needed to use commonly available bullets to take out the oil trucks. After which the tanks had no fuel to continue fighting.

The jihadis could resupply cheap, fast and easily. Their enemies had long, unwieldly, vulnerable supply lines. So the jihadis could always stay in the field. And who had to pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan in the end?

The ZIL Organization

Club Regular
Jul 25, 2017
v1 Mission2 Chapter2​

The SPOEX approached the designated site for their mission. It was in Northern Chad, a region known as the Aouzou strip where uranium could be found.

“All right, there’s definitely activity going on,” Akia said as she examined the information on the screens. “Apart from that airstrip, there is a helicopter, some buildings, and some mining equipment.”

Maya was wary. “I don’t know... what if these are militants...”

Sugto smoothly cut in. “That is most unlikely. No militant activity in these parts. Only mining in the region. And it’s thinly populated. Hardly anybody has been spotted moving about.”

Maya still looked uncertain, so Sugto zoomed in onto more satellite photos. While there was no way to be absolutely certain, it seemed that only mining related automated equipment had been seen. No military vehicles were ever spotted. It did not appear to be the precusor to a coup.

Akia sounded cheerful for Maya’s sake. “We’ll just do what we did yesterday, and ask them politely what they are doing.”

“If they refuse to answer?”
“I won’t take no for an answer,” Akia replied coolly. “They have no business being there, so it’s a fair presumption that they are either stealing Chad’s resources, or doing something more underhanded or illicit.”

“You want to beat them up?” Sugto asked. “Do you think we might be taking on more than we can handle?”

“We’ll have to play this by ear,” Akia conceded. “But think about it like this. Satellite photos have not shown any large number of workers or people present. Nor have they shown any military or quasi military presence. I figure that odds are that this is just illicit mining. Probably a few private security contractors at best.”

Akia had no intention of picking a fight she couldn’t win. If the people at the airstrip were found to be well armed or numerous, the ZZO would make an immediate getaway. Being on an airship, and having plenty of anti-air and anti-drone weaponry, meant that they were reasonably safe from civilian-grade drone attacks. Taser gel was extremely problemmatic for drones, but would hardly affect an airship.

A Blue Zina Greeting​

As the airship descended, Akia watched the screens carefully. She had opted for an open, above-the-board, undisguised and direct approach. This seemed to be the best way of communicating with the miners. In her expected scenario, the miners would know that their game was up, and feel obligated to apply for proper mining permits.

Of course, they could figure that the lives of three ZZO members were not worth the profits from mining. That’s why it was important to come armed and ready for a fight.

But no one showed up as the airship was descending.

“Shall we just stop here?” Sugto asked at one hundred meters. “We can take the platform the rest of the way down.”

Akia considered the surroundings. “There’s a small helicopter here. No other vehicles except for mining ones. Let’s opt for the intimidation approach. Our airship is big, and they don’t know how many are on board.”

Pointing at the windows, Akia told Sugto. “turn off the polarizers and make our windows completely dark.”

“Got it,” Sugto carried out her instruction.

“Descend to twenty meters before we deploy the platform. That’s too high for any mining equipment to reach, but we still cast a huge shadow.”

Then turning to Maya, Akia issued her instructions. Maya reluctantly agreed. Sugto was much more amenable, as he was tasked with staying on board and manning all weapons and surveillance systems.


The approach of the SPOEX had not gone unnoticed, but the Blue Zinas did not take any action at first. They remained in the small control room by the side of the airstrip. There was no point trying to shoot down an airship using taser weapons designed to take down drones.

Then they saw the platform detaching itself from the ship with a woman in a bright yellow dress on board.

When Maya had landed and stepped onto the airstrip, three Blue Zinas emerged. They pointed their taser rifles straight at Maya.

“What is your business here?” The Blue Zinas demanded.

“Actually, I am here to ask you the same thing,” Maya said. “As a favor for N’Djamena.”

“We have nothing to say!” The Blue Zinas replied curtly. “Hands up, and come with us!”

“Uh...” Maya let herself look scared and frozen into place. She did not move.


“Give me a second!” Maya said in a pleading manner. “I need permission...” And she gestured above.

At this moment, a young blonde woman wearing a white blouse and a schoolgirl-like skirt emerged from the building.

“Shoot her,” the young woman said without hesitation.

The three Blue Zinas fired. Maya was taken entirely by surprise, and immediately hit in two places by the taser gel.


Maya collapsed. She fell to her knees, then pitched forward to land face down on the tarmac with her skirt hiked up.

It had been over astonishingly quickly. Even if taser gel was not lethal weaponry, it was frightful that this young woman should so casually and quickly order someone to be shot. It showed that she didn’t care.

Now the young woman marched forward towards the platform. She stopped just next to the platform and Maya’s body. She seemed about to use her foot to flip Maya over when Akia emerged from a recess behind the platform and socked her.

“Aah!” Now it was the young woman’s turn to be knocked down.

“Miss Yojo!” The Blue Zinas cried out.

Akia prepared to take cover and engage in a shootout with the Blue Zinas, but she was too slow. Everything was wrong. She had made a poor judgment call to let a very visible Maya start by talking, and now she wasn’t prepared for a shootout. The Blue Zinas had also been moving while this Yojo was walking towards Maya, and there were three of them, so they were able to cover the platform from three directions. In contrast, Akia had been too focused on taking down Yojo, and she thought she had time to take cover and shoot back, which she didn’t.

Now Akia was facing three Blue Zinas with guns pointed at her at a fairly close range from different angles. If she did anything, she would be shot.

Akia regretted her choices. Yesterday’s fight had been too easy; she had gotten overconfident.

“Put down your gun,” a Blue Zina ordered. “And pick up that Yellow Dress bitch.”

Akia seethed at her teammate being called a Yellow Dress bitch, but she did as ordered. She put Maya on her back, with Maya’s arms draped over Akia’s shoulders, Maya’s face against the back of Akia’s neck and Akia’s hands supporting Maya’s thighs. This move was intended to ensure that Akia had a shield on her back, in case she wanted to resist along the way. She could even throw herself backwards, and use her weight and Maya’s to pin one Blue Zina while kicking another Blue Zina down. Now Akia only needed a narrow corridor or lift to execute her plan...

As Akia was marched towards the building carrying Maya and flanked by two gun-wielding Blue Zinas, the third Blue Zina stayed behind.

“Are you all right, Ms Yojo?” The Blue Zina stooped down and took Yojo’s hand.

“No big deal, just taken by surprise,” Yojo replied as she got up and brushed dust off her clothes.

“Take these two down and interrogate them,” Yojo ordered the two Blue Zinas guarding Akia.

“And you, come with me. Let’s check out the surroundings.” Yojo addressed the Blue Zina near her. Yojo wanted to make sure that there were no other people watching this area, since the airship’s arrival was quite unexpected and there could be other people around.

With that, Yojo and the Blue Zina climbed aboard the small helicopter and took off. Because they were relaxed and did not feel threatened, both women sat casually with parted thighs.

Blue Zina Search​

“Stand still!”

One Blue Zina pointed her gun at Akia. The other was searching Akia. She ran her hands over Akia’s breasts, groped her rear, raised Akia’s skirt and probed her inner thighs for weapons.

Akia had her eyes rolled up. This wasn’t a real search. The women just wanted to feel her over, possibly for fun, and possibly because they wanted to convey the message that they were in charge.

But right now there was nothing that Akia could do. She had really messed up. These two women had worn similar armbands as the Black Zinas from yesterday, and they were indeed part of the same organization. The minute Akia and Maya entered the building, two Black Zinas had emerged and they had taken Maya away in a motorized trolley. Akia wouldn’t have a chance to knock the two Blue Zinas down in some crowded corridor or lift.

And then they handcuffed Akia’s hands behind her back.

Akia had never been shot with taser gel before, and didn’t want to get shot, so she submitted. Sugto was still on board the SPOEX, and she was certain he had seen everything taking place on the airstrip earlier.


Maya was on the floor of another room, still unconscious and face down. Being shot twice with tasers was no joke. The two Black Zinas now squatted down and started searching Maya. They pawed over her body and checked every crevice, because nowadays tech gadgets could be very small. Then they decided that this wasn’t enough, so they removed Maya’s clothes also.

Sugto to the rescue​

As per Akia’s instructions, Sugto had been monitoring everything from the SPOEX. He saw his two teammates taken away.

Sugto sighed. He had already been well instructed by his Benefactors to give Akia his full support. Akia was accustomed to being far more powerful, so some of her habits were ill-suited to her current capabilities, and also did not take other people into consideration. Now she would have to be rescued.

Fortunately the people here seemed to be very arrogant. Either that, or they simply didn’t take the airship seriously. Maybe Maya’s dress and the talk that Akia had set Maya up for, gave these people the wrong impression. They may have thought that this was just a luxury pleasure craft for some privileged Nigerian heiress who could be taken for ransom. In any case, no one tried to approach the SPOEX. Even that helicopter had immediately taken off for some unknown destination.

Sugto had not seen the Black Zinas yet, since they had never emerged from that building. But he was already certain that the Blue Zinas of today were related to the Black Zinas from yesterday. The armbands with the initial B proclaimed about just as much.

Sugto ordered the main platform to ascend, then came down on the main platform. No one stopped him or showed themselves.

Good, Sugto thought as he tightened his grip on his white walking stick. It wasn’t a blind man’s cane. It was both his fashion accessory, and a gadget with certain uses. Now he was coming in for a fight.


It turned out that the facilities were bigger than expected. From the air, you could only see an airstrip and some small buildings. But these small buildings hid elevators that took you underground, into facilities excavated by automated machinery.

And now Sugto was walking along a corridor, quietly marveling at the construction. There was some serious mining activity taking place here.

Just as Sugto was wondering whether he would see the Black Zinas again, three Black Zinas emerged from a side passage. The three women had casual expressions. One was stretching, so her breasts pushed against the thin fabric of her uniform. Another two were laughing.

Then the Black Zinas saw Sugto. Their facial expressions changed into hostility and disgust, as though Sugto was a cockroach in a suit. Without a word, the three women rushed Sugto.

Sugto plastered a broad smile on his face as he hooked his cane onto his belt. Or what seemed to be his belt. “Hey ladies...” he said in a honeyed voice, as though he was a harmless pimp from that pleasure craft above.

The two women in front continued rushing Sugto. They planned to punch Sugto at the same time so he could not evade both fists.

In a softer voice, Sugto said ‘length sixty’. What this meant was not immediately obvious to anyone; and Sugto’s voice was not loud enough to be heard by the Zinas. But as the two fists approached Sugto’s face, he started falling backwards as though he had already been struck.

Sugto was a big man, and his arms were a lot longer than these women. And despite the fashionable, easygoing appearance, Sugto was no lazy layabout son of some wealthy African boss. He had a reaction speed far greater than what the women were expecting. In a swift move, Sugto’s arms whipped up and he slammed the two Black Zina’s heads together. Even as Sugto leaned backwards to evade their fists.

And Sugto’s cane was not useless either. Hooking the cane on his belt made it seem as though Sugto was not going to fight with that cane. But when Sugto leaned back, the cane naturally hung vertically down. It turned into a stand, practically a third leg that helped Sugto to balance.

Viewed from the angle of the Black Zinas, Sugto had turned into a Michael Jackson, seemingly able to defy gravity. Most people would have assumed that somehow Sugto’s shoes had nailed themselves to the ground.

The two Black Zinas had been knocked unconscious, but they were still carried forward by their momentum pass Sugto’s feet. Adding to that momentum, Sugto gave them a bit of push, and the two Zinas were thrown onto the ground. They hit the ground face first in a couple of blunt thumps, and their skirts flew up with the rush of air. Their pretty panties were exposed for all to see.

Now it was time for Sugto to retaliate.

“Length, full.”

Sugto pushed hard against his cane. The cane also followed his verbal orders to extend itself. And so Sugto bounced back up as though he was Michael Jackson. Sugto was pushed up and forward, and using the momentum, he charged at the third Black Zina who was completely unprepared and in shock.


Sugto slammed his fist into the Zina’s solar plexis. With a a muffled cry, the Zina collapsed onto his arms, unconscious.

And now it was time to make himself scarce. But first...

There was some equipment on the side, which created a shadow against the tunnel wall where there was a bit of space.

Taking the Zina in his arms, Sugto carried her to the shadowed space between the tunnel wall and the equipment. Sugto was strong enough to carry the woman in one arm, practically like a baby with her crotch pressing against his side and his hand under her bottom. He placed the Zina gently in the space. This was done less of out consideration for the Zina, than out of consideration that if he dumped her harshly, it would make noise.

Now Sugto went back for a second Zina, one of the two unconscious women lying face down on the ground. Placing his hands under her breasts, he picked up the Zina and carried her over to the shadowed location. It felt very pleasant carrying her.

Now that there was a Zina already lying on the ground to act as a cushion, Sugto was less gentle. He let go of this second Zina at the level he was carrying her. The hapless woman fell right over on her comrade and they wound up face to face. With the force of her falling weight, the air was knocked out of both Zinas, further stunning them and preventing any further resistance.

Sugto now picked up the third Zina. He chose to pick her up at her waist, so the Zina folded over as he picked her up from the ground. Her skirt fell over. Sugto walked over to the shadowed space and dumped the Zina without further ado on her two comrades. There was a thump, and further slight groans from all three Zinas. They were now incapacitated and probably would not be able to fight for a while.


In a separate room, Maya was recovering from her earlier tasering. Apart from being a bit sore and disoriented, Maya felt pretty ok. She silently sat up and took stock of her body. No serious damage. This was how taser gel worked.

In front of Maya, the two earlier Back Zinas were stretching complacently and yawning, seemingly without care. They were overconfident. Every stretch caused their breasts to be thrust forward and their nipples to show up under the thin fabric of their uniforms.

Maya gritted her teeth and set her jaw. Ready... set...


Maya slammed both Zinas’ heads together. They were knocked unconscious instantly.

All right. Time to restrain...

Maya looked from side to side. She wasn’t familiar with this room of course, but there didn’t seem to be anything that could serve as a rope.

These Zinas weren’t going to remain unconscious forever. But ah, ok, got it. That would do fine.

Maya reached down and grabbed one Black Zina by her boots. She dragged the Zina to a nearby cupboard.


A limp body wasn’t light. It wasn’t a big cupboard, but she could manage to tuck the Black Zina inside on her back. The cupboard was just big enough to accommodate the Zina lying down, with her legs straight up so the woman formed an L shape.

Now for the second Zina! Maya repeated her actions, but the second woman now needed to be lifted and stacked on the first. It was, oof, hardeeeeer.


Maya put her hands on her knees, panting. This was not that easy to do.

But ah, all right. Now the two Zinas were on top of one another. It would be difficult to get out of the cupboard from this angle. Maya shut the cupboard and locked it. Instinctively, she took the key and put it in her pocket.

On second thoughts...

Maya put the key back in the lock.

The ZIL Organization

Club Regular
Jul 25, 2017
The Zanzibar Organization v1 Mission2 Chapter3

Sugto watched the whole scene on his control tablet before he took action.

It was really easy. Drone technology had been minaturized long ago. Now you could get half a dozen bugs – they called them bugs - from Alibaba. Standard packaging always came with three flying wifi extenders, to help you get the signal past corners and floors. These could be set to fly all over the place and relay their information back to you while you sat safely and comfortably in some location.

The only problem is a human one. Humans had to quickly process that information and act on it. The drones ran out of battery in less than half an hour. When something is the size of a ladybug and has to hover while relaying 4K resolution images in real time via wifi, you can’t expect it to hold a charge for a long time.

But now Sugto had a good view of everything.

Admittedly, this was a man’s idea of what a good view meant. Women would beg to differ. If Maya was looking over his shoulder, Sugto could have been socked or kicked in the shins. But hey, as a famous Black boxer Muhammad Ali once said: different strokes for different folks!

And so Sugto surveilled the situation.

Akia was handcuffed to a chair inside a room with an open door. Akia was facing the door. She was in a short red miniskirt, so Sugto had a view straight up...

And there was a White Zina standing just outside the room. Like all the Zinas Sugto had seen so far, this woman wore a smug, overbearing look on her face. She held a handgun up by her head, and stood with parted thighs in an arrogant stance.

Sugto looked straight up the Zina’s skirt before deciding what to do. He recalled the drones safely, losing none.

Then he showed up in a pink blur.

The White Zina looked shocked for a moment. She was not expecting a huge man in a pink suit to come running out of the darkness of the mining tunnels.

Even before the Zina could react, Sugto brought his cane up between the Zina’s legs.


That must have been very painful!

The Zina’s face changed from that of a casual arrogance, to absolute pain and shock. Then the pain overwhelmed her, she blacked out and started to fall.

To his credit, Sugto’s movements were also astonishingly quick. In a second he had secured his cane behind him, then his hands were once again in front of him. He couldn’t just let the White Zina collapse on the ground as there would be a loud sound, so he grabbed her to stop her falling. But Sugto wasn’t that gentlemanly – or maybe he didn’t have enough time. He grabbed the Zina by her skirt hems.

So as the White Zina collapsed in front of Sugto, she fell down. Sugto continued holding onto her skirt, so it was totally pulled up to her armpits along with her blouse. The Zina wound up kneeling in front of Sugto, unconscious, with her bra and panties exposed and her skirt and blouse bunched up just under her armpits.

After spending a few seconds looking, Sugto left the unconscious White Zina kneeling against the wall in her exposed state. He entered the room to rescue Akia.

Mining Machine Mashup​

Mining was mostly automated in the present time. But all that automation still required a number of human operators. And that was apparently what was going on, when Sugto came to the underground control room where six White Zinas were sitting.

Akia had suffered minimal injury, but Sugto had her find Maya and secure the way out instead. Sugto was much better with modern technology. If one wanted to sabotage the mining efforts via computer, Sugto was the better choice.

But would these women allow Sugto to do his stuff?

Sugto looked in. On the right were White Zina 01, sitting with legs apart in front of a screen, and White Zina 02 who had her legs crossed in front of another screen. On the left was White Zina 03, standing casually in front of a third screen. In the middle left was White Zina 04, sitting on a table with legs apart and looking very comfortable. She was looking up at what seemed to be some overhead screens, and quite possibly her work involved voice control. In the middle of the room White Zina 05 was standing with one leg stepping on a box as she issued voice orders to a screen. Somewhat behind White Zina 05 in the middle of the room, White Zina 06 was just bent over, picking something up. Her skirt rode up her body.

“Hello, ladies!” Sugto’s voice was like a bell as he strode in confidently.

Everyone turned to the sound of Sugto’s voice and froze. Six women stared at Sugto. He closed the six meter gap into the center of the room in the meantime, putting him right in the middle of the group.

White Zina 05 was first to be downed. She came at Sugto from the front, pulling out a taser pistol from her belt as she did so. But she was much, much too slow. Already Sugto was only two paces from her. If the White Zina was more experienced, she should know to retreat and take cover behind which she could shoot Sugto. But she instinctively moved forward to confront Sugto, which was foolish given her ranged weapon, the fact that Sugto was already too close, and that she had nothing to gain by rushing Sugto.

Like her other Zina comrades, this White Zina was simply too confident.

Sugto grabbed the White Zina’s pistol wielding arm even as he moved to avoid being in the line of fire. He twisted his body around as he did so.


Using his hip and momentum effectively, Sugto performed a hip throw on the White Zina. But Sugto also used his shoulder to bump the Zina as she was flying in the air, so instead of being thrown forward, she was thrown to the side against White Zinas 01 and 02 who had only just swivelled their chairs and were slow to get out.

Aaah! All three Zinas slammed against each other and against their screens.

White Zina 04 pulled out her taser baton and prepared to take on Sugto. But Sugto was already in front of her even before she slid off her table to fight. He grabbed the Zina by her face with one large hand and shoved her down backwards onto her table.

Thud! White Zina 04’s head hit the table. Her body curled up with pain and she kicked her long legs in the air causing her skirt to ride up her hips. Then unconsciousness took over, her legs and hips slammed back down onto the table, and she lay still with parted thighs.

White Zina 06 had been sorting things out in a box facing away from the door and Sugto. She had only gotten to a standing position without fully turning around, when Sugto popped up right in front of her. The poor woman never had a chance. Sugto’s skills and timing were perfect. He grabbed White Zina 06 as she was turning around, and using her momentum, shoved her hard to the left against White Zina 03 who was coming at Sugto with a taser baton gripped a bit above her waist.

White Zina 06 slammed backwards against White Zina 03 as White Zina 03 instinctively turned on her taser baton. Furthermore White Zina 06 had been coming with some momentum when White Zina 03’s taser baton hit her back. There was a cry of pain as White Zina 06 arched her back and reacted to both the tasering and the impact by thrusting her body forward – back towards Sugto.

White Zina 06 stumbled forward towards Sugto, who did not hesitate to punch her completely undefended midriff. The pain from front and back was too much for the Zina, who lost consciousness immediately. White Zina 06 fell to her knees, and would have fallen to the floor if not for the desk behind her preventing her from falling backwards. So now she was supported in a semi-kneeling position by the desk, her head lolling to one side.

Well trained and practiced in kungfu, Sugto did not hesitate after punching White Zina 06. He didn’t stop to see her collapse. He immediately went for White Zina 03, who was staring at her taser baton in dismay not expecting to have used it against her colleague. Sugto slammed his shoulder into White Zina 03’s chest, causing the Zina to be thrown backwards.

As White Zina 03 stumbled and fell between two chairs, Sugto used his cane to help himself reverse course, by pushing off against the floor again. He could see White Zinas 01 and 02 bracing themselves to fight him, while White Zina 05 was sitting on the floor, disoriented.

With a cry, White Zina 01 launched herself as Sugto and tried to punch him. The much faster and skilled Sugto easily evaded her fist while grabbing her arm. Sugto threw White Zina 01 over his shoulder and onto the ground.


That must have hurt a lot! White Zina 01’s face contorted in pain, then she blacked out and lay still with arms and legs wide apart on the floor.

White Zina 02 had been half a second behind her colleague White Zina 01, and she was close enough to Sugto to throw a punch directed at his face. Sugto just had enough time to evade the blow, and he followed up by grabbing White Zina 02 by her shoulders and flinging her forward along with her momentum.

White Zina 03 was just getting up. She had fallen on her butt and it was sore, but she was not hurt otherwise. But now White Zina 02 was being thrown forward by Sugto. White Zina 02 slammed hard into White Zina 03 and their heads knocked together, knocking both out. White Zina 02 wound up on top of White Zina 03 on the ground on the left side of the room. Since one Zina was facing up and the other facing down, they were practically kissing. There was some sexy twitching of bodies as these two Zinas reacted to their bodies hitting each other. Then they stopped moving.

Now it was Sugto versus White Zina 05. White Zina 05 was standing with legs apart and tensely bent at the knees. She had drawn her taser baton and was gearing up for a fight.

Sugto grinned. “Your friends are down. If you surrender...”

White Zina 05 ignored Sugto and charged at him with hostility in her eyes, preparing to strike him with her taser baton.

Once again, it was an example of someone without much experience in fighting skilled opponents. White Zina 05 simply had not learnt her lesson. She would have fared much better had she picked up her dropped handgun, taken cover and shot Sugto from a position of safety. Sugto leaned hard to his left, grabbing a desk for support, even as he put his weight behind his right leg in a powerful sweeping motion and aimed for White Zina 05’s knees.


Sugto tripped White Zina 05. No, not just tripped, he knocked White Zina 05’s feet from under her so hard that White Zina 05 was flipped and thrown upside down onto an office chair. But she didn’t have time to do anything else; her head hit the seat and she lost consciousness, draped in an uncomfortable and unnatural position upside down an office chair. White Zina 05’s skirt fell down, so her panties were exposed.

Finally Sugto was done demolishing these women. He had only used a fraction of his full strength to avoid inflicting serious injury. Nonetheless every White Zina was now incapacitated.

With no further resistance, Sugto was ready to sit down at the computers and commence his sabotage.

Oh, but first, to clear the middle of the floor. White Zina 01 was sprawled out in the middle of the floor, unconscious. She was taking up space. Sugto picked White Zina 01 up and placed her face down on her colleague White Zina 04 who was lying on her back, unconscious on the desk. White Zina 01’s lower half naturally hung down past the desk, between White Zina 04’s parted thighs. White Zina 01’s skirt was too short to cover her panties when she was bent over like this.

Now there was enough space for Sugto to sit on one chair and scoot all over the control room, handling all the different machines at the same time. This was necessary because he needed all the machines to move at the same time.

It took Sugto only ten minutes to arrange for all the machinery to crash into each other, forming a column of twisted metal deep underground. It would be very difficult to disentangle them and they were blocking the mine shafts, thus creating a severe setback to this illicit mining of uranium.

Maya's Match​

Maya had been sneaking around, trying to find her way out of this facility.

Unlike Sugto, Maya did not have the benefit of drones, so she could not look ahead. She turned a corner and found herself face to face with a White Zina.

The two women stared and tensed up. The White Zina pulled a taser baton from her belt and prepared to attack Maya.

But Maya had not grown up in a tough neighborhood for nothing. She moved more quickly.

Pow, Maya hit the White Zina under her left breast.

Pow, Maya hit the White Zina in her right ribs.

Pow, Maya threw herself forward and did a header against the Zina’s solar plexis.

The two women were carried backwards by the force of Maya’s ramming. The White Zina’s head slammed against the corridor wall. She dropped her taser baton and collapsed on her bottom, legs parted.

Maya drew back and prepared to continue the fight, but she saw that the White Zina had lost consciousness.

Maya had finally rescued her dignity by winning a one on one fight with an armed opponent! She felt really good about it.

But hang on. Maya didn’t know how quickly the Zina might recover consciousness. She had to secure her enemy to keep her from coming back to fight.

The taser baton had rolled between the Zina’s legs, but Maya didn’t want to use it. Bashing an unconscious opponent didn’t feel right. But there was no rope to restrain...

Ah... Maya saw something.

There was a standard sized rolling bin nearby. In suburban homes, this would be a bin for a trash compactor to pick up. In a mining location like this, it was probably for taking ore out. So an unconscious woman would not be at any risk of being put into a trash compactor.

And the bin was the right size for what Maya wanted to do.

She picked up the White Zina.


The woman was slim, but Maya was not unusually strong. So it was tough to drag her even a short distance to the bin. Maya ended up half-pulling off the White Zina’s top and exposing her bra.

Then Maya spent at least ten seconds breathing heavily before she was ready for more. She placed the woman standing next to the bin and pushed her in, head first. The White Zina’s skirt fell to her waist as she fell into the bin. Now Maya tucked the Zina’s long legs into the rolling bin, so that the woman was upside down with legs folded down. Finally Maya covered the bin.

Standing next to the bin, Maya stretched out and made some gestures of total satisfaction.

Yay, YAY, YAYYYY! Maya celebrated inwardly. She didn’t dare shout this out loud, and anyway she was short of breath from this exertion.

Then to her surprise, Akia came by, walking as though she owned the place. Akia indicated that Sugto and Akia had defeated the rest of the Zinas in this facility.

“All right, time to make ourselves scarce!”

With a broad grin on her face, Maya departed with Akia.

What kind of Name is Yojo?​

“What kind of Name is Yojo?” Akia asked rhetorically as the SPOEX started to ascend.

Sugto was looking at the screens and his smartwatch. He wasn’t listening to Akia.

“One hour ten minutes from start to end...” Sugto said half to himself. The entire mission had not taken all that long. But seventy minutes was a long time if they were considering that helicopter that took off. After all, they didn’t know what that helicopter was going to do. If it was going to summon reinforcements, 70 minutes was quite long. The SPOEX could find itself facing...

“Eurocopter... Eurocopter X4LR...” Sugto muttered to himself as the SPOEX’s computer matched pictures taken of Yojo’s helicopter, with other pictures found online.

“OK, so that’s what it is. Extremely suited for travel within Africa, since it has a very long range and can cruise at Mach 0.5.”

“Is it a threat to us?” Akia was concerned that Yojo might return.

“It looked like a civilian helicopter. No external weaponry. They probably did carry some anti-air drones, but nothing that can threaten an airship,” Sugto replied. “I’m more concerned about the reinforcements they can summon.”
Maya was looking at the information.

“Say, we seem to be ascending really high. If this goes on, it’ll be pretty cold.”

“That was intended,” Sugto said. “The X4’s service ceiling is 3800 meters. Ours is higher. They won’t be able to do anything to us if we’re at 4000m.”

“Shouldn’t you go even higher, just in case they’re carrying rockets or anything?”

“Nah, they can’t just fire upwards,” Sugto replied. “And I have to consider what the altitude will do to us. At 4000m, it’s 26C lower than at ground level. Odds of us suffering altitude sickness are 50%.”

Sugto swivelled his chair and gestured at another screen. “It was about 28C at ground level just now. 4Km would be just above 0C. Frost will already gather on some parts of the external frame. If the temperature went any lower, I would have to divert electrical power to keep us from freezing.”

Akia tilted her head. “Come to think of it, do we carry oxygen bottles – just in case?”

“We do. Plenty of oxygen.”

“So we could handle the altitude... maybe even cross the Himalayas if necessary?” Akia was looking forward and planning around future missions in Asia.

“I won’t just fly us over the Himalayas from India to China,” Sugto said thoughtfully. “Unless we’re fully fueled. Cross currents would be rough, and a lot of energy would have to be diverted to keeping us from freezing. It would be easier to skirt the Tibetan plateau entirely.”

Akia nodded. So far they had not made any money. Jet fuel cost a lot. They had to move economically.

Maya had been left out of this conversation, so she decided to steer it a little.

“Speaking of which... so what kind of name is Yojo?” Maya echoed Akia’s earlier words.

“Exactly. I’ve been wondering,” Akia said. “It sounded like a Yoruba name.”

“Her face was anything but Nigerian.” Maya grinned. “Unless this is a well planned scam...”

“Akia must be thinking of a Yoruba name like Ojo or Joda,” Sugto interjected smoothly. “But Yojo actually sounds Japanese to me.”

“Well, she was most certainly not Japanese,” Maya said. “None of the Zinas look anything but North European.”

“I don’t know what they’re up to, but so far we haven’t seen anything good of them,” Akia clenched a fist.

“Europeans involved in mining activities in Africa, what’s new?” Maya raised her hands rhetorically. “Do you think these Zinas are the first to try and grab African stuff without paying for it?”

“I’ll file my report as usual,” Akia said. “And we’ll see what happens next. In the meantime, Sugto please keep us on course, out of the Aouzou and into Darfur. We are expected to rescue our fourth teammate within a few days.”

Akia and the Microwave​

“Akia, this is a very powerful oven,” Sugto said. He looked at her warningly, since he was the one who had to remove the flowerpower outfit that the vacuum cleaner sucked in.

“Uh-uh, I know,” Akia said tersely. It had been humiliating to have to wrap a towel around herself and ask Sugto for help on how to turn off the vacuum cleaner, since she had entirely forgotten. But this was kind of obvious. It was a multipurpose oven hardly any different from the ovens in her day. It could bake and it could steam and it could broil and it could microwave. Apart from being big enough to cook a huge turkey or even sliced-up suckling pig, there was nothing that scary about this oven. It had a turntable strong enough to rotate ten kilos of meat nonstop for a couple of hours.

“You know how to use it?”

“Have ovens changed that much?” Akia was fiddling with the digital touchscreen.

“You don’t seem familiar.”

“This is new to me. Ovens in my day had individual buttons. If you wanted to bake something for an hour, you pressed 1:00 or 60 for minutes. But this is a touchscreen.”

“Touchscreens work no different from personal consoles, or the handphones in your day. Scroll through menus by swiping left, right, up or down.” Sugto smiled and showed Akia the right menu to use.

“All right, not that different from traditional ovens after all,” Akia noted.

“I’m a bit worried about the stuff you want to drink,” Sugto said. “That CC-mix.”

“It was supplied in the pantry along with the ship. Ghanaian product; I must try it.”

“Uh, Ghanaian coffee isn’t exactly the best. And instant coffee-cocoa mix? Not my cup of, ahem, coffee.” Sugto didn’t say that he thought some Ghanaian entrepreneur probably cooked up the CC-mix from unsold inventory during a bumper harvest.

“Hey, we have to support African countries moving up the value chain! It’s good for prosperity!”

“The name... Kokoo Kofi instant coffee-cocoa mix...” Sugto imagined some fat, bespectacled West African businessman cheerfully talking up his company in a mix of Nigerian and Ghanaian Pidgin English, and nobody had the heart to tell that guy that the name was cuckoo.

“Friday Cocoa. Just wordplay.”

“All right,” Sugto excused himself and went off. He figured that Akia was probably just trying to get her caffeine fix, and couldn’t care less whether it was good coffee or good cocoa or good anything at all.

“Boil. One Cup,” Akia tapped on the digital buttons. “There, done!” It wasn’t that hard to set this oven to make one cup of boiling water.

The microwave started up and the turntable turned slowly. Akia did not notice that her sleeve had gotten caught in the turntable when she closed the door.

Wait, why is my sleeve getting tight aaa eeee rrrrr

The turntable continued turning as Akia’s flowerpower outfit got tighter and tighter. Akia frantically tapped on the touchscreen, but there was no obvious red OFF button to be found.


The outfit was ripped into half. One half went into the oven, pulled by the turntable. The other half, no longer supported by anything, just fell off and floated onto the floor.

Maya entered the kitchen. She was returning her current tub of peanut ice cream to the freezer.

“Akia! Why are you in your bra?”

The ZIL Organization

Club Regular
Jul 25, 2017
Dear Readers,

From now on I will be posting each new mission on a new thread. I will post every week, so you can always find the latest in the forums.

Each mission has different themes and locales and tags so it would fit a new thread. Also I'm finding that it's getting too long otherwise. Have to scroll so much to get to the latest chapter.

If you have any feedback please don't hesitate to let me know!

The new mission is at

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