Toaru Kagaku no Railgun (1 Viewer)


Vivacious Visitor
Feb 7, 2012
Toaru Kagaku no Railgun
A story in Academy City with Mikoto Misaka , Kuroko Shirai, Kazari Uiharu,Ruiko Saten and other people in Academy City.

Mikoto Misaka: (御坂美琴/CV Rina Satoh 佐藤利奈)
Herioin of this story. 14yo girl in Tokiwadai junior high school. Called "Railgune" , "Railgun in Tokiwadai" or "electro master".
Psychic ability level 5/Rail gun.​
Kuroko Shirai: (白井黒子/CV Staomi Arai 新井里美)
Sub heroine of this Story. 13yo girl in Tokiwadai junior high school and Judgment(a security organization in Academy City).
Psychic ability level 4/teleport.​
Kazari Uiharu: (初春飾利/CV Aki Toyosaki 豊崎愛生)
A friend of Kuroko and blong to Judgment. with headband of flowers.
Psychic ability level 1/Thermal hands.​
Ruiko Saten: (佐天涙子/CV Kanae Itoho 伊藤かな恵)
A friend of Kuroko and others. With some nice performance in seaching/cheking. loving Kazari's skirts up.
Psychic ability level 0/none(and it is some important merit in this story).​

Episodes and ryona:
01 "Electro Master"
"Erekutoromasutā" (電撃使い(エレクトロマスター))
Ryona: 08:40- Kuroki kicked by Mikoto
20:35- Ruiko hit by gang.​
02 "You Need to Stay Hydrated If You Work Under the Sun"
"Entenka no Sagyou ni wa Suibun Hokyyuu ga Hissu desu no yo"
04:30- Kuroko: shot by herself mind shot.
07:30- Kuroko: pinced up cheek by Mikoto(so many times in this ep).
11:35- Kuroko: broken neck by Domitory.
21:35- Kuroko: electric shok by Mikoto.​
03 "Tokiwadai Under Fire"
"Nerawareta Tokiwadai" (ねらわれた常磐台)
00:40- Mikoko Kongo(student of Tokiwadai): Attacked by stungun to stun.
09:30- Ruiko:Attacked by stungun to stun.
18:10- ??? : electric shoked by Mikoto.
04 "Urban Legends"
"Toshi Densetsu" (都市伝説)
19:30- Mikoto: nealy hit by Touma.
05 "A Certain Two Beginner's Training"
"Toaru Futari no Shinjin Kenshuu" (とある二人の新人研修)
04:15 Kuroko: hit by car door.
04:30 Kazari: hit by stungun.
13:00 many: fight with gangs.
06 "Everyone's concerned when it comes to these kind of things, you know"
"Kou Iu Koto ni wa Minna Sekkyokuteki Nan desu yo" (こういうことにはみんな積極的なんですよ)
no ryona:​
07 "Abilities and Strength"
"Nouryoku to Chikara" (能力とちから)
no ryona:​
08 "Level Upper"
"Reberu Appar" (幻想御手(レベルアッパー))
no ryona:
09 "Majority Report"
"Majoriti Riporto to" (マジョリティ・リポート)
00:20 Kuroko: Hit by Mikoto.
13:50 Kuroko: Hit and kicked by gang boy.
10 "Silent Majority"
"Sairento Majoriti" (サイレント・マジョリティ)
no ryona:
11 "Ms. Kiyama"
"Kiyama-Sensei" (木山せんせい)
10:00- Mikoto: Figth and strongly hit by Harumi Kiyama.
11:15- Harumi:Strong and direct electro shok by Mikoto.
12 "AIM Burst"
"AIM Basuto" (AIM バースト)
00:00- Mikoto: start of battle with AIM burst.
09:10- Anit Skill: defeated by AIM burst.
11:00- Kazari: Hit by AIM burst shot.
14:00- Mikoto: hold by AIM burst arms.
13 "I understand that bikinis make eyes wander, but one-pieces bring out curves so they match thin bodies better"
"Bikini wa Mesen ga Jyouge ni Wakaremasu kedo Wanpisu wa Karada no Rain ga Demasu kara Hosoi Kata Shika Niawanain desu yo"
no ryona but so many swim ware girls.
14 "Special Training Course"
"Tokubetsu Koushsuu" (特別講習)
12:45- Ruiko:exhaustion in running.
15 "Skill Out"
"Sukiru Auto" (スキルアウト)
00:00- Mituko Kongo: down by Capacity Down.
16 "Academy City"
"Gakuen Toshi" (学園都市)
no ryona:nice battle scene
17 "Spelling during Summer Vacation"
"Natsuyasumi no Tsuzuri" (夏休みのつづり)
no ryona:Ohmiya Jemy/1on1 fighting game secne.
18 "Asunaro Park"
"Asunaro en" (あすなろ園)
00:00- Kuroko: Neck broken by Domitory.
07:45- Kazari:hit by Kuroko.
23:15- Kuroko: Neck broken by Domitory.
19 "Midsummer Festival"
"Seikasai" (盛夏祭)
04:00- Kuroko: pinched up cheek by Mikoto.
20 "Poltergeist (Pandemonium Release)"
"Porutaa gaisuto" (乱雑開放(ポルターガイスト))
no ryona:​
21 "Voice"
"Koe" (声)
no ryona:
22 "Level 6 (The one who Arrives at the Meaning of God while in the Body of a Mortal)"
"Reberu Shikkusu (Kami Naranu Mi ni te Tenjyou no Ishi ni Tadoritsuku Mono)"
no ryona:
23 "Right now, what do you see?"
"Ima, Anata no Me ni wa Nani ga Mietemasu ka?"
12:10- Kazari: Flaped by Kuroko
14:30- Mikoto: down by Capacity Down
15:30- Mikoto: choked by Telstina.
24 "Dear my Friends"
12:30- Mikoto,Kuroko,Kazro;Down by Capacity Down.
12:40- Mikoto:Hit and down by Telstine.
OVA "Since Misaka-san is the Center of Attention Right Now..."
"Misaka-san wa Ima Chuumoku no Mato desukara"
no ryona:

DVD SP MMR 1 -Much More RailGun- 1(MMR -もっとまるっと超電磁砲 -1)
DVD SP MMR 2 -Much More RailGun- 2(MMR -もっとまるっと超電磁砲- 2)
DVD SP "Being a photo shoot model under the sun isn't easy, you know."
"Entenka no Satsuei Moderu mo Raku Ja Arimasen wa ne." (炎天下の撮影モデルも楽じゃありませんわね。)
No ryona / movies on Youtube

Video data files:
mediafire files

soliloquy of editor: Kuroko wa ore no yome.
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Vivacious Visitor
Feb 7, 2012

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