[Tool] Resorep - DirectX 11 texture replacer (23 Viewers)


Potential Patron
May 16, 2022
Hi trying to get mod skin to work for BatmanAK, everything is working fine with resoreb but when i use 64 -bit and put my mods in and try to launch the game im hit with fatal error and doesn't work but if i use 32 -bit the game launches fine but no mods in game ive tried turning all my graphics settings down and have all nvidia settings off thinking that was the issue and still nothing its driving me mad im also on windows 10 if anybody still uses this and has an idea plz let me know thanks.


Potential Patron
Jan 14, 2022
A tool to replace textures in DirectX 11 applications.
Aims to do the same thing as uMod tool did for DirectX 9.
Download link
Resorep | Undertow
Prepare the following files:
  1. Screenshot of Resorep window.
  2. ui.log, uisettings.ini, dllsettings.ini files in the "My Documents\Resorep" folder.
  3. Dll log file. Its path is specified in advanced settings dialog. To get a dll log - close a game, open Resorep, open advanced settings, enable mod creator mode, enable dll log, launch a game, see resorepDll.log file in the "My Documents\Resorep" folder.
  4. Screenshot of contents of a folder with game executable. Please enable table view - I need file sizes to be visible.
  5. If you are using Resorep with Black Desert and game is crashing or hanging, prepare a copy of "My Documents\Black Desert\Dump" folder.
Now copy all these files into some folder and create a ZIP archive of that folder. Upload this ZIP archive to some file hosting e.g. MediaFire Send me a private message with the following information:
  1. Link to ZIP archive
  2. Problem description.
  3. Your Windows version.
Remove all applications from hooked application list in Resorep UI if you can.
Perform a file search on a game folder. Find and delete all instances of the following files (only inside the game folder or any subfolders, not system-wide!):
After that you may try to use Resorep again carefully.
Limitations of current version
  1. No global hooking mechanism.
  2. Supports only one of many texture loading mechanism of DirectX 11.
  3. Supports only DirectX 11 applications.
  4. Has some unknown bugs.
List of supported games
  • Black Desert Online (64-bit DirectX 11 version)
  • Rise of the Tomb Raider (64-bit DirectX 11 version)
  • Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition (64-bit DirectX 11 version)
  • Assassin's Creed Rogue (64-bit DirectX 11 version)
  • Batman Arkham Knight (64-bit DirectX 11 version)
  • Just Cause 3 (64-bit DirectX 11 version)
For more complete list please see Resorep Compatibility List
Many thanks to Lazyeye007 for the list.
Usage instructions
For mod users
  1. Download and install Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable from Download Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 from Official Microsoft Download Center
  2. Download and install Windows x64 version of Java Runtime Environment from Java SE Runtime Environment 8 - Downloads
  3. Launch resorep.jar - double click it in Windows Explorer.
  4. Make sure that your Windows user has write rights for game folder!
  5. Click the "+" button in the "Applications to hook" section.
  6. Choose the game executable. Not the game launcher but game itself.
  7. [Optional] Change "Load modded textures from" path if you wish.
  8. You may close the resorep.jar application now.
  9. Find and download modded textures (for BDO see the "Where to find modded textures for BDO" section).
  10. Unpack and copy modded textures into folder specified by "Load modded textures from" path.
  11. Launch the game.
For modders
  1. Download and install Windows x64 version of Java Runtime Environment from Java SE Runtime Environment 8 - Downloads
  2. Launch resorep.jar - double click it in Windows Explorer.
  3. Make sure that your Windows user has write rights for game folder!
  4. Click the "+" button in the "Applications to hook" section.
  5. Choose the game executable. Not the game launcher but game itself.
  6. [Optional] Change "Save original textures to" path if you wish.
  7. Launch the game.
  8. To reduce amount of captured textures, wait for the moment when the texture you are going to mod is about to be displayed for the first time.
  9. Enable the "Save original textures" checkbox when the texture you are going to mod is about to be displayed for the first time.
  10. Disable the "Save original textures" checkbox when the texture you are going to mod was displayed in-game.
  11. Open folder specified in "Save original textures to".
  12. Find the texture you are going to mod in one of the subfolders. There are different subfolders for different texture compression algorithms.
  13. Mod the texture (use Intel(R) DDS Plugin for Photoshop - Intel® Texture Works Plugin for Photoshop* | Intel® Software ). You may change the texture resolution as you wish as long as you keep original aspect ratio.
  14. Save the texture to other folder using the same compression algorithm and with mipmaps setting set to "Generate mipmaps". You may add arbitrary text to file name by placing ~ after number in file name and placing text after ~. E.g. "123456789~Example text.dds"
  15. Do not delete the original unmodded dds! It may be required later to autoupdate your modded textures in case of Resorep hashing algorithm change.
  16. [Optional step] If you want to encrypt your textures - drop me a private message
  17. Now when you have the modded texture use steps from the "For mod users" section.
Manual installation method:
  • Copy C:\Windows\System32\d3d11.dll to same folder as game's .exe file.
  • Rename copied d3d11.dll to ori_d3d11.dll (in the game folder, not in the system folder!)
  • Copy dx11proxy64.dll to same folder as game's .exe file.
  • Rename copied dx11proxy64.dll in game folder to d3d11.dll
  • Create dllsettings.txt file in same folder as game's .exe file.
  • Open dllsettings.txt file with Notepad.
  • Put the following text inside dllsettings.txt file:

  • Download, extract and put modded textures into some folder.
  • Change modded_textures_folder path to folder with modded textures.
  • Change original_textures_folder to some empty existing folder.
  • Change application_to_hook to path to your game's .exe file (add |BIT64 or |BIT32 at the end depending on application bitness, use |BIT64 if you are not sure).
  • Change folder in dll_log_file path to some existing folder.
  • Save and close dllsettings.txt file.
  • Change the dllsettings.txt file extension to dllsettings.ini
  • Run the game.
How to contribute
If you have some C/C++/Java skills and willing to contribute - PM me to get access to source code repository (hopefully it will become open source later).
Hi I am trying to install mods for batman AK and when I go to hook it to resorep it keeps giving me the message nosuchfileexception:dx11proxy64.dll, so far I have tried re installing resoprep as well as extracting the dll files straight into the binaries themselves. I can't seem to find the problem and any help would be greatly appreciated


Potential Patron
Jul 16, 2022
I can't seem to download Resorep. On Chrome it keeps starting and stopping before ultimately failing after several tries. On Firefox it says the source file could not be read and to contact the administrator.


Forums Moderator
RM Moderator
Content Creator
Apr 16, 2012
I can't seem to download Resorep. On Chrome it keeps starting and stopping before ultimately failing after several tries. On Firefox it says the source file could not be read and to contact the administrator.
Undertow is having problems with downloads; the site owners are aware of the problem.


Potential Patron
Aug 10, 2022
I can download Resorep but it wont launch i have tried redownloading both the program and java and the Microsoft Visual but I cant get it to launch. Any help would be appreciated?


Potential Patron
Aug 13, 2022
I've spent the last 4 Hours!...... trying to get mods working for AC Odyssey on Steam. A good hour was spent trying to download Resorep because you don't get an email confirmation when you create an account. On top of that, I've gone through 3 different versions of Java I've had to create bat files and edit system variables and change file paths and move folders around, and watch the "fix your problem in 1 minute" videos on youtube. All with zero success. I've even tried cheat engine and forge. Four hours of screwing around just so I can see some mediocre boobies in a video game. At this stage, I'm going to delete everything and go take a walk outside.


Sep 14, 2022
Hi, first off a wonderful tool and worked like a charm with wwe 2k series till wwe 2k19 ( resorep version 1.17).
However I have tried it with WWE 2k20 and WWE 2k22 (1.17 and 2.0 alpha shared on this thread) None worked. Any plan of updating this awesome tool to capture DirectX 12 games ?


Potential Patron
Oct 22, 2022
Do I load the textures for each game to a separate folder? Is there a way to get each hooked app to draw from its own folder? Or do I just load everything for every game into the same folder and count on it sorting it out somehow?


Potential Patron
Oct 27, 2022
So I was getting a similar error when running it in CMD, and I saw the part about springframework and I was starting to think it could be something weird.

However I continued doing more research and found out that on the main page of Resorep download file there was a section to the right of the page with a button that said "Get Support". I clicked on it and on the tab "Usage instructions For mod users" I saw the following:
  1. Download and install Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable from Download Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 from Official Microsoft Download Center
  2. Download and install Windows x64 version of Java Runtime Environment from Java SE Runtime Environment 8 - Downloads
  3. Launch resorep.jar - double click it in Windows Explorer.
------------------------------------------------------- MY SOLUTION BELOW ->
NOTE that they clearly specify the 1. C++ 2015 version and 2. JAVA SE 8 versions. Most likely this app may not be able to run with other versions so you have to make the effort to install this versions. Here is where the problem is. If you are a developer yourself and or have installed Java to run apps or to code, then most likely you have come across setting environment variables in windows. Meaning you could have multiple java SE runtimes installed but this specific app may only work with one specific type, in my case it worked with

Java SE Development Kit 8u261 - jdk-8u261-windows-x64.exe.​

And I also had to make sure that the right environment variables were set in Windows. Here is where my other big issue came for me. I recently reinstalled windows in my PC and realized that you could have two types of Windows accounts in your PC, one is the Admin account and one is the regular user account. You can look more into this but basically is a way to minimize the risk of some apps running on their own when you don't want them to, by having to ask yourself for the admin account password. However if you are or decide to go in that route by having 2 accounts or more in your pc. Then you need to keep in mind the environment variables section as some variables are set at the "System level" meaning with your admin account. and other "User Variables" are set by the user which do not ask you for a password to set them. For me for some reason I had to set the path variable to include %JAVA_HOME%\bin in the "Environment Variables for your account" pop up for windows.

Normally if you go in the windows search bar and type "environ" without the quotes, you will get two things, notice they are different. The one at the top is "Edit the system environment variables" the second one is "Edit environment variables for your account". Again I get these 2 options since I have two accounts in my Windows PC, one is and Admin account with a strong password that will ask me for the password whenever I want to install something or put something in my C drive, the other account is my regular account that I will use to play games etc..., so when I try to install games from my non-admin account it always ask me for my admin password. and hence here I get two options. The first option will ask me for the password since the system environment variables are for all accounts, and the user environment variables will not ask me for a password as they are not for all accounts, jus the one I am currently in.
View attachment 127281

Once you open the first or second option and then enter the Environment Variables section, you can see which account you are editing variables for by looking at the top left corner of that window:
View attachment 127282 vs View attachment 127284
In the Admin one you can set the System Variable:
JAVA_HOME to where you installed the jdk version I mentioned above.
View attachment 127285
In your regular user account variables you can set the Path user variable to include %JAVA_HOME%\bin
View attachment 127286

After those are set, you should be able to go into CMD and type: Java -version
and should get the java version "1.8.0_261"
Then you can navigate to the folder where you have the resorep.jar file by typing: cd followed by the path where the jar file is in,
then you can type : dir to see that the jar file is listed there
then you can type: java -jar resorep.jar to run the app, and it should run, at least it did for me :).

View attachment 127287

One more thing, once you make sure you are running your jar with the right Java version, as shown with the cmd screenshot, you don't have to go through CMD all the time to run the app, you can easily create a .bat file that will do this step for you and you can just click on this new file. This guy explains it pretty well:

So I was getting a similar error when running it in CMD, and I saw the part about springframework and I was starting to think it could be something weird.

However I continued doing more research and found out that on the main page of Resorep download file there was a section to the right of the page with a button that said "Get Support". I clicked on it and on the tab "Usage instructions For mod users" I saw the following:
  1. Download and install Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable from Download Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 from Official Microsoft Download Center
  2. Download and install Windows x64 version of Java Runtime Environment from Java SE Runtime Environment 8 - Downloads
  3. Launch resorep.jar - double click it in Windows Explorer.
------------------------------------------------------- MY SOLUTION BELOW ->
NOTE that they clearly specify the 1. C++ 2015 version and 2. JAVA SE 8 versions. Most likely this app may not be able to run with other versions so you have to make the effort to install this versions. Here is where the problem is. If you are a developer yourself and or have installed Java to run apps or to code, then most likely you have come across setting environment variables in windows. Meaning you could have multiple java SE runtimes installed but this specific app may only work with one specific type, in my case it worked with

Java SE Development Kit 8u261 - jdk-8u261-windows-x64.exe.​

And I also had to make sure that the right environment variables were set in Windows. Here is where my other big issue came for me. I recently reinstalled windows in my PC and realized that you could have two types of Windows accounts in your PC, one is the Admin account and one is the regular user account. You can look more into this but basically is a way to minimize the risk of some apps running on their own when you don't want them to, by having to ask yourself for the admin account password. However if you are or decide to go in that route by having 2 accounts or more in your pc. Then you need to keep in mind the environment variables section as some variables are set at the "System level" meaning with your admin account. and other "User Variables" are set by the user which do not ask you for a password to set them. For me for some reason I had to set the path variable to include %JAVA_HOME%\bin in the "Environment Variables for your account" pop up for windows.

Normally if you go in the windows search bar and type "environ" without the quotes, you will get two things, notice they are different. The one at the top is "Edit the system environment variables" the second one is "Edit environment variables for your account". Again I get these 2 options since I have two accounts in my Windows PC, one is and Admin account with a strong password that will ask me for the password whenever I want to install something or put something in my C drive, the other account is my regular account that I will use to play games etc..., so when I try to install games from my non-admin account it always ask me for my admin password. and hence here I get two options. The first option will ask me for the password since the system environment variables are for all accounts, and the user environment variables will not ask me for a password as they are not for all accounts, jus the one I am currently in.
View attachment 127281

Once you open the first or second option and then enter the Environment Variables section, you can see which account you are editing variables for by looking at the top left corner of that window:
View attachment 127282 vs View attachment 127284
In the Admin one you can set the System Variable:
JAVA_HOME to where you installed the jdk version I mentioned above.
View attachment 127285
In your regular user account variables you can set the Path user variable to include %JAVA_HOME%\bin
View attachment 127286

After those are set, you should be able to go into CMD and type: Java -version
and should get the java version "1.8.0_261"
Then you can navigate to the folder where you have the resorep.jar file by typing: cd followed by the path where the jar file is in,
then you can type : dir to see that the jar file is listed there
then you can type: java -jar resorep.jar to run the app, and it should run, at least it did for me :).

View attachment 127287

One more thing, once you make sure you are running your jar with the right Java version, as shown with the cmd screenshot, you don't have to go through CMD all the time to run the app, you can easily create a .bat file that will do this step for you and you can just click on this new file. This guy explains it pretty well:

your solution solved my problem! version 1.8 works


Potential Patron
Oct 28, 2022
A tool to replace textures in DirectX 11 applications.
Aims to do the same thing as uMod tool did for DirectX 9.
Download link
Resorep | Undertow
Prepare the following files:
  1. Screenshot of Resorep window.
  2. ui.log, uisettings.ini, dllsettings.ini files in the "My Documents\Resorep" folder.
  3. Dll log file. Its path is specified in advanced settings dialog. To get a dll log - close a game, open Resorep, open advanced settings, enable mod creator mode, enable dll log, launch a game, see resorepDll.log file in the "My Documents\Resorep" folder.
  4. Screenshot of contents of a folder with game executable. Please enable table view - I need file sizes to be visible.
  5. If you are using Resorep with Black Desert and game is crashing or hanging, prepare a copy of "My Documents\Black Desert\Dump" folder.
Now copy all these files into some folder and create a ZIP archive of that folder. Upload this ZIP archive to some file hosting e.g. MediaFire Send me a private message with the following information:
  1. Link to ZIP archive
  2. Problem description.
  3. Your Windows version.
Remove all applications from hooked application list in Resorep UI if you can.
Perform a file search on a game folder. Find and delete all instances of the following files (only inside the game folder or any subfolders, not system-wide!):
After that you may try to use Resorep again carefully.
Limitations of current version
  1. No global hooking mechanism.
  2. Supports only one of many texture loading mechanism of DirectX 11.
  3. Supports only DirectX 11 applications.
  4. Has some unknown bugs.
List of supported games
  • Black Desert Online (64-bit DirectX 11 version)
  • Rise of the Tomb Raider (64-bit DirectX 11 version)
  • Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition (64-bit DirectX 11 version)
  • Assassin's Creed Rogue (64-bit DirectX 11 version)
  • Batman Arkham Knight (64-bit DirectX 11 version)
  • Just Cause 3 (64-bit DirectX 11 version)
For more complete list please see Resorep Compatibility List
Many thanks to Lazyeye007 for the list.
Usage instructions
For mod users
  1. Download and install Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable from Download Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 from Official Microsoft Download Center
  2. Download and install Windows x64 version of Java Runtime Environment from Java SE Runtime Environment 8 - Downloads
  3. Launch resorep.jar - double click it in Windows Explorer.
  4. Make sure that your Windows user has write rights for game folder!
  5. Click the "+" button in the "Applications to hook" section.
  6. Choose the game executable. Not the game launcher but game itself.
  7. [Optional] Change "Load modded textures from" path if you wish.
  8. You may close the resorep.jar application now.
  9. Find and download modded textures (for BDO see the "Where to find modded textures for BDO" section).
  10. Unpack and copy modded textures into folder specified by "Load modded textures from" path.
  11. Launch the game.
For modders
  1. Download and install Windows x64 version of Java Runtime Environment from Java SE Runtime Environment 8 - Downloads
  2. Launch resorep.jar - double click it in Windows Explorer.
  3. Make sure that your Windows user has write rights for game folder!
  4. Click the "+" button in the "Applications to hook" section.
  5. Choose the game executable. Not the game launcher but game itself.
  6. [Optional] Change "Save original textures to" path if you wish.
  7. Launch the game.
  8. To reduce amount of captured textures, wait for the moment when the texture you are going to mod is about to be displayed for the first time.
  9. Enable the "Save original textures" checkbox when the texture you are going to mod is about to be displayed for the first time.
  10. Disable the "Save original textures" checkbox when the texture you are going to mod was displayed in-game.
  11. Open folder specified in "Save original textures to".
  12. Find the texture you are going to mod in one of the subfolders. There are different subfolders for different texture compression algorithms.
  13. Mod the texture (use Intel(R) DDS Plugin for Photoshop - Intel® Texture Works Plugin for Photoshop* | Intel® Software ). You may change the texture resolution as you wish as long as you keep original aspect ratio.
  14. Save the texture to other folder using the same compression algorithm and with mipmaps setting set to "Generate mipmaps". You may add arbitrary text to file name by placing ~ after number in file name and placing text after ~. E.g. "123456789~Example text.dds"
  15. Do not delete the original unmodded dds! It may be required later to autoupdate your modded textures in case of Resorep hashing algorithm change.
  16. [Optional step] If you want to encrypt your textures - drop me a private message
  17. Now when you have the modded texture use steps from the "For mod users" section.
Manual installation method:
  • Copy C:\Windows\System32\d3d11.dll to same folder as game's .exe file.
  • Rename copied d3d11.dll to ori_d3d11.dll (in the game folder, not in the system folder!)
  • Copy dx11proxy64.dll to same folder as game's .exe file.
  • Rename copied dx11proxy64.dll in game folder to d3d11.dll
  • Create dllsettings.txt file in same folder as game's .exe file.
  • Open dllsettings.txt file with Notepad.
  • Put the following text inside dllsettings.txt file:

  • Download, extract and put modded textures into some folder.
  • Change modded_textures_folder path to folder with modded textures.
  • Change original_textures_folder to some empty existing folder.
  • Change application_to_hook to path to your game's .exe file (add |BIT64 or |BIT32 at the end depending on application bitness, use |BIT64 if you are not sure).
  • Change folder in dll_log_file path to some existing folder.
  • Save and close dllsettings.txt file.
  • Change the dllsettings.txt file extension to dllsettings.ini
  • Run the game.
How to contribute
If you have some C/C++/Java skills and willing to contribute - PM me to get access to source code repository (hopefully it will become open source later).


Vivacious Visitor
Apr 20, 2012
I can't open the resorep 1.7.0 ZH win10,is it because my systeam are win11 ? and it is not fit
more than likely. I too have win 11 and haven't had any issuse until it came to stuff like this. double clicking the exe just flashes the console real quick and then nothing.


Potential Patron
Jan 10, 2022
if i install 2 mods , how do i uninstall just 1 ? since all the file have to be inside the "modded" folder and the game doesn't read those file if there is a sub-folder . Asking for batman arkham knight


Nov 6, 2022
I hvae this problem with Arkham Knigt

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