Tricks and Tips: (1 Viewer)


Content Creator
Sep 18, 2011
Sorry, I didn't mean to come off as a grammar nazi. I was just pointing it out because I've seen the same/similar questions about errors popping up here and on Konashion's blog; and after some testing with some downloaded dialogues, this was the only cause for the problem that I could reproduce.

Heh, I wasn't aware of the misspelling in a previous release. That's a very likely cause for the confusion.

I think the reason for people not using all:"CLEAR" is because it makes it easier to modify if you want to mix in the original dialogue, as well as easier to delete sections of custom ones without having to fill it with anything. Or possibly people are just doing a copy & paste with what they know worked before.

As for grammar and spelling in the texts of the dialogues themselves, I don't mind taking a minute to open notepad and change anything that bothers me. I tend to do it right after the download. Many people here aren't native English users, and even the self conscious/apologetic ones tend to use English better than half the uni-lingual native English speaking people I know.

Some Dumb Guy

Well, as a proclaimed grammar-spetsnaz (Thanks, ZERO!) I have to agree. Proper syntaxis is key when it comes to scripting, as any programmer of some sorts knows. Anyone can make mistakes, but I sometimes cringe at the sight of some grammar errors being made. English isn't my native lingo either but IMO that's no excuse, what else are dictionaries for then?


Potential Patron
Sep 1, 2011
Hello again everyone, I have been out a couple of days, and didn't have any way to look this post.

Arty Morty said:
Hello there! I've tried out Morgodin's finishes and I'm happy to say that they are working fine!

However, some actions, such as wake and first_dt work 50% of the time at best...

And what is the function of those little squares (or rectangles, if you prefer) at the end of each line of the dialogue template? Would that be an indicator of how often that line should occur?

I'm happy that you made finishes work :D
In the other hand, the squares you are saying are a non reconocible ascii character. Happens a lot with japanese games if you don't use the AppLocale, for example. These squares... where did you see them? If it's in my attachment I really don't understand why, cause I'm from spain and we have only one not standard character. If you don't mind Arty, in which language do you have you OS? Maybe your problems with wake and first_dt work are related. In mi case, using the text1.txt and any other of my costum dialogues, they always appear.

About the vigourous, thanks for pointing out. Ironically in my costume dialogues I had it correct, but I was using the default I had saved around, and it had the word misspelled. So I misspelled it in the good way xD

And about the all:"CLEAR", I pointed this out only for the people to know, cause of course, maybe the motives for doing that way was, as you pointed Mak, for easy editing of some sections, but also didn't have seen it anywhere else except konashion tutorial, so I tought it could fit in this thread like a trick to learn for everyone.

Arty Morty

Potential Patron
Sep 8, 2011
Ok, here it goes...

I have no doubt that Kon would one day provide a much better if not an ideal solution for the dialogues. After all, that's the point of the game - make a custom character, in a custom setting, with a tailored dialogue and all sorts of adjustments, making galleries of those and sharing them in forums. But until he does that, and I hope it happens soon, I am very much interested in discovering the full potentials of the current dialogue.

My idea was essentially to cheat my way around imperfections I discovered, as I'm sure was the case with many other users. You have all been very helpful, one post at a time, and patient as well...and for that I am thankful.

There are many improvements that come to mind when we talk about dialogues, such as separate lines for him and her, different customizations, new or altered actions with triggers that always work ;) and so on. My idea is to keep the topic alive until Kon solves it in some future update.

Therefore, if anyone has new ides, please post them and let us try them out.


Potential Patron
Sep 1, 2011
I have come with something new, not a big thing, but someone may think it could be suggestive

Using the original idea of Illusion-XIII we could simulate noises or whatever we want of a public place. Getting a blowjob in a risky place, you know ;D

general:"Shhh! Someone is approaching. %0A%0A **FOOTSTEPS NOISE**"

That will show like:

Shhh! Someone is approaching.

The first spaces before the two parse lines ( %0A ) are for making that the girl phrase could be readen in less than 1 second XD
The spaces after the parse are for making the noises go to the center of the dialog box... not a elegant solution, but functional.

Also, we can make the situation still more complex like this:

Shhh! Someone is approaching.
Man behind the door: Hello? Anybody there?
Girl whispering to herself: Please, don't enter, don't enter, don't enter.

general:"Shhh! Someone is approaching. %0A%0A **KNOCK KNOCK**%0AMan behind the door: Hello? Anybody there? %0A*ME* whispering to herself: Please, don't enter, don't enter, don't enter."

Hope it helps

  • Also I suggest, from now on, that we upload the examples we make for being quickly tested and learnt for whoever needs them.


noise test.txt
400 bytes · Views: 199


Potential Patron
Aug 25, 2011
Good stuff, mate!
It's just this sort of creativity that takes this game to the next level. With this, the hair imports, and the backgrounds, the possibilities for personalization are endless.

Anyway, Morgodin, your post got me thinking and poking around to test some things, and I've come up with two possible contributions to add to your idea. Both, interestingly enough, involve the extra blank-space characters you used.

I'll start with the second rather than the first, because I believe it's really the most useful addition. You use spaces to center the "**KNOCK KNOCK**" string on the screen. That ends up being a lot of spaces. I did some experimenting with a tab character "%09". It takes about 12 of them to go all the way across the dialogue box. I could replace the spaces in your dialogue with 4 tab characters, and it got the "**KNOCK KNOCK**" right about to the center. One could easily use those to position text, heck even write a sort of "he said, she said" by putting short text into columns.

So that's one gadget to play with. The other would be for the spaces you put in before the line feeds, to create a pause in time. That was very clever. I was curious whether it was possible to insert a pause without creating blank space. Your way worked because it was followed immediately by a line feed, so the blank space is unseen, but I was curious if I could find a way to make the girl pause in her own line and then continue after a second. I found that using a chain of "%01" characters (actually any character from 01 to 07 works) could create a discernable pause, but it took a lot of them. In my test, I used 10 of them in a row, and the pause was about half a second. It seems that the non-displaying characters process faster than displaying characters, so I don't get as much pause as I would using spaces, but it does work, so if you want to make the girl pause in her speech, and then resume on the same line, you could thread about 20 of those babies together and get about a second of pause.

One other toy of limited usefulness: I found that if you insert a NULL character, "%00" into a thread, the dialogue stops there, and won't display anything following that character. If you happen to be the sort of OCD programmer (like myself) who feels a need to comment his logic, you could use this to put a non-displaying comment into a dialogue string. Like I said, only limited usefulness, but who knows.

Anyway, enjoy coming up with creative uses for these. I look forward to seeing what your minds come up with.


1.1 KB · Views: 200


Potential Patron
Sep 1, 2011
New toys! WEEEEE! XD

Ok, first, the tab solution, genial. It's works really fine Illusion-XIII

Second, %01 - %07 works fine. Tested and I see no diference in which number to use, in time or any other effect so I will stick with 1.

Third, I can't see any difference between using %0A or %0D in your file test. There is any? If so, could anyone explain it to me?

The thing is that I have made some discoveries with these tests. In fact, aside from time, there is a difference between using spaces and %01. The girl's mouth movement.

The first line (intro) is the original one, with spaces. And the second one (general) is using the time lapse code. You will see that whenever the girl finish her line in the first string he will still be talking, in the second one, once he ends "his" dialogue, she doesn't move the mouth until knock knock.

Ok, later on doing those test, I try out %00 and see that it stops the dialogue. By the way, you can put comments outside and the end of the " and at least for what I saw they don't have effect, so are useful for comments

Doing the %00 I saw that even there is no text once the dialogue arrives to the null, the girl still moves her lips "talking" the rest of the string. So yes, there is a use for the null, having her move his lips as you desire... saying this phrase in this type of forums is almost redudant but anyway XD.

So, we have spaces and redundant texts making she moves her lips. I come over with a question. What system used Konashion for making the girl talking natural? Testing it I saw that it has to be the interaction between vowels, consonants and spaces. So...
general:"1 lil girl wants his baby's bottle %00 babababababababababababababababababababababababa"
general:"2 lil girl wants his baby's bottle %00 ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba"
general:"3 lil girl wants his baby's bottle %00 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
general:"4 lil girl wants his baby's bottle %00 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb"
general:"5 lil girl wants his baby's bottle %00 aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa"
general:"6 lil girl wants his baby's bottle %00 bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb"
general:"7 lil girl wants his baby's bottle %00 aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa "
general:"8 lil girl wants his baby's bottle %00 bbbbb bbbbb bbbbb bbbbb bbbbb bbbbb bbbbb bbbbb"
general:"9 lil girl wants his baby's bottle %00 bababa bababa bababa bababa bababa bababa bababa bababa "
general:"10 lil girl wants his baby's bottle %00 "
general:"11 lil girl wants his baby's bottle %00 aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa "
general:"12 lil girl wants his baby's bottle %00 bbbbbb bbbbbb bbbbbb bbbbbb bbbbbb"
general:"13 lil girl wants his baby's bottle %00 bababa bababa bababa bababa bababa "

All this blah blah blah without sense have different moving in her lips as follows:
[list type=decimal]
[*]too fast
[*]no movement, the girls mouth stops in the last position and holds until the string ends
[*]Normal talking
[*]Normal talking
[*]paused movements
[*]paused movements
[*]too fast
[*]too fast
[*]normal-little pause-normal-little pause
[*]similar to 11

But all of them will show like this

lil girl wants his baby's bottle

The idea was getting the parody of movement that she could make for searching the baby's bottle with his mouth. Not a great succes XD

But, anyway, %00 has a use, the silenced mouth movement. All these strings could have the "lil girl wants his baby's bottle" erased and still make her move her lips with an empty dialogue box. So, if someone wants to make her moans of pleasure and finds the ways to make her lips movement give that sensation, please post it here ;D

Maybe in a future %00 could have more uses, overall if Konashion makes the dialogue accepts condicionals or any way except the actual, only triggers. That would be really awesome mixed with some random events, making the dialogues be really different each time. Anyway, i'm getting off of topic.

For whoever is reading this for learning here is a summary

  • %09 = Tab : 12 is a full line, so depending of the lenght of the line, you will need less than 12 always.
  • %0A = Enter : Aka new line
  • %01 = Elapse time : Repeating a LOT of these you can get pauses in the dialogue
  • %00 = Null : Makes the rest of the string be ignored, except for the girl, since she will still move her lips as if she was speaking the rest of the text


TEST time lapse effects.txt
504 bytes · Views: 176

TEST mouth movement.txt
1.8 KB · Views: 176


Potential Patron
Aug 25, 2011
Morgodin, you test like a true coder. Excellent experimentation.
And bloody brilliant, finding a use for the null code like that. I hadn't even considered that, but it does indeed open up some creative possibilities. Thanks a lot for the ideas!

You are correct that %0D (Carriage Return) and %0A (Line Feed) do the exact same thing. When I was testing, I was really hoping that the carriage return would send the cursor back to the beginning of the same line (in the old, original printing application of these special characters, that's what it did), allowing you to write-over text. That could have created some interesting possibilities (if you've ever played around with ASCII animation, you can see where my mind is going with that). I was also really hoping that the Backspace character, %08 would work, but I tested that and it had no effect. If I were to make any requests of Konashion in this regard, I'd ask him to make those two characters work in those ways. It'd open up some interesting possibilities for the creative-minded.

So anyway, I'll definitely be thinking of some lines in my current dialogue to make use of that silent mouth movement. Thanks for the brilliant application suggestions.


Potential Patron
Sep 1, 2011
Thanks for the compliments man. I know a bit of programming so the knowledge to testing each possibility is something I have done before. Not to mention that I made more test than I posted, but didn't see a real diference so didn't put in here.

An yes, the backspace could be really useful for example, for making a succesion of quick mourning, and gasp from the girl. And I suposse for the way Konashion did the dialogue lips movement, the chick would stop her lips, between backspaces, so the sensation would be fast and good enough. But, what I see that can have more future and overall, don't think that could be too hard to coding, would be putting actions that the girl do, forced by dialogue. Like swallowing, change her hands position from her legs to his legs and stuff like that.

Anyway, as soon as you have that dialogue done, tell me. I'm eager to see it.

Some Dumb Guy

Something tells me I've got some more work to do now... ;)

Great tips, thanx people!


Potential Patron
Sep 1, 2011
This time i'm not going technical. What is more, i'm not going with a own idea. Only a good idea of j4cks0n, but since he hasn't posted it here, I will statement the working idea that he had in this thread:

j4cks0n played with the reactions of the guy's face, smiling,etc. And since his face is not visible, you can tell whatever you want, that it works fine. And adds that extra flavor to the dialogue.


Potential Patron
Aug 25, 2011
I've got a little non-technical idea that I've started playing around with, but first, I want to second Morgodin's excellent suggestion of putting logic-triggers in the dialogue "variables" that can be used to set off actions in the girl. That would take the level of interactivity to a whole new level. Actually, Morgodin, I think you oughta put that into the blog comments after the next update. Kona oughta see that idea (and he doesn't hit this board that much, from what I've heard, though if he does, I hope he knows how much we appreciate all that he's created here).

Anyway, on with my own thoughts. This one's more of a creative tip, and I have seen bits and pieces of this done in other dialogues, but I thought it might be nice to encapsulate it specifically (so if you've already come up with this idea, please don't think I'm stealing it).

Basically, it's a way to make the dialogue a little bit more interactive. Most of the dialogue options focus on the girl being reactive, responding to what is done to her, but it might be fun to have it go the other way a bit by having the girl call some of the shots. There are two places in particular I'm going to focus on, though the idea certainly could be applied to others.

First, in the "general" dialogue options, there are a number of things she could "request", and if you put lines like this into the dialogue, it will be like she randomly asks you for the next activity to perform:

general:"Mmmm* YOU*, let me lick it next..."
general:"Rub it on my face*, YOU*.. I love how hot and firm it feels on my skin.."
general:"Can I rub my face on your cock*, YOU*? I love how warm and hard it feels on my skin.."
general:"Do you want to see how long I can hold my breath,* YOU*?"
general:"Nnnghh * YOU*, I'm ready for you to push it even deeper this time..."
general:"I trust you*, YOU*... you can hold me down this time..."

... and so on. Get the idea? Put a few variants of these into your general lines (more for the ones you'd like her to ask for most often) and then whenever you pause for a moment, she'll randomly let you know what she wants to do next. Obviously depending on the personality of the character, you might want to make her more assertive about it, or more passive and compliant. The world's your oyster.

The second great place to put lines like this would be the pre_cum section:

pre_cum:"I wanna feel *YOU* pulsing in my mouth."
pre_cum:"I wanna feel *YOUR* cum squirting down my throat."
pre_cum:"Mmm *YOU*, I wanna watch it squirt out this time.."
pre_cum:"I wanna feel *YOUR* hot cum on my skin..."
pre_cum:"Wanna watch your cum drip out of my mouth and onto my breasts*, YOU*?"
pre_cum:"Mmmm, you're about to cum... I love to feel it sliding down my back and on my ass..."

Etcetera, etcetera... Now when you see that white flash building up, and you can't decide which way you want to decorate/feed your lovely, you don't have to decide, just pull out and let her choose. Once again, you can tailor the "suggestions" to the personality you want the girl to have.

These are just ways you might want to add a little personality and "life" to the character as you build up her dialogue. I hope they inspire some of you and make this game even more enjoyable. Happy writing!


Potential Patron
Sep 1, 2011
I'm happy to announce that Modguy will use my idea and will be functional in the next version of his loader. He has already tested that can be done, and without much effort (in doing the implementation to his program).

So, your idea Illusion-XIII, is not only good, it's also a guideline for actions whenever the update goes out.


Potential Patron
Sep 12, 2011
I didn't post it here cause I didn't think it was really relevant to all the code talk :P I read this thread every time I check the site. Mostly trying to hammer understanding into my head with what Mod and Illusion are talking about so I can use it myself. Not to good so far, but glad you liked my word play :D


Content Creator
Feb 17, 2011
Morgodin said:
I'm happy to announce that Modguy will use my idea and will be functional in the next version of his loader. He has already tested that can be done, and without much effort (in doing the implementation to his program).

So, your idea Illusion-XIII, is not only good, it's also a guideline for actions whenever the update goes out.

Before you get too excited, realise that this implementation will require modders to be comfortable with coding in AS3.
If you don't use AS3 you'll still be able to do loads of things, but it will take effort either way.


Potential Patron
Jun 3, 2011
@ Morgodin and Illusion
It is nice to see that there are others out there with an appreciation of coding, probably the only thing that I'm somewhat decent at as well. Still working on a few dialogues/monologues right now while hoping that Konashion will actually add two text options to create an actual dialogue. (one for the guy; one for the girl)


Potential Patron
Mar 14, 2012
Noobish question, perhaps...

Is there any way to change dialogue depending on the girl's mood? And if so, can it be done through simple dialogue changes, or needing to mod it?
I hoped it would be kinda simple, like:

if [NORMAL_MODE] = "It's... so big...!"
if [HAPPY_MODE] = "Wow, it's huge!"
if [ANGRY_MODE] = "Hey, stop waving it at me!"
if [AHEGAO_MODE] = "..."

It's great we can change her features with different moods, even in the middle of our dialogue, but I'd also like it to be a part of what she's saying! ;) (And if it's been done already, I'm just sorry for not looking so hard I could find it, and that someone could point me to it... ;))

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