Potential Patron
- Joined
- Sep 1, 2019
Unearth the Magic of Lirn in 'Magissy' - An Adult RPG Odyssey

Hello, esteemed denizens of Undertow!

Premium Adult Content: With the liberty not afforded to mainstream studios, we delve into intricate narratives intertwined with adult themes.
Shape the Lore: As a patron, your voice matters. Vote on game directions, suggest changes, and even determine character fates.
Accelerate Development: Your support doesn't just keep the lights on; it fuels faster, richer, and more enthralling updates.

- Open World Exploration: Traversing through diverse terrains, engaging with NPCs, fulfilling quests, battling monsters, and, of course, the titillating encounters.
- Ever-evolving Narratives: With each patch, anticipate fresh adventures, intensifying narratives, and newly added dynamics.
-Introduced a new character, Ricardo, enhancing the game's narrative depth.
-Integrated 3 new sex gameplay interactions for male protagonist & Ricardo.
-Integrated 3 new sex gameplay interactions for female protagonist & Ricardo.
-Added sounds to the scene between Ricardo and the protagonist
-Added some animations to the dialogues between Ricardo and the protagonist
-Fixed incorrect display of quest markers on the global map
- Added new gameplay feature: female main character's interaction with gloryhole
- Added double-click functionality for using items in the inventory
- Added a wider variety of items sold by Magnus
- Improved dialogues with necessary highlighting
- Fixed camera rotation issues in dialogues
- Fixed overlapping between gloryhole and menu interfaces
- Added 2 new sex animations
- Added a new glory hole system (currently in early development and male main character only)
- Resolved the bug that prevented the proper use of consumable items on the 1 and 2 keys
- Resolved the issue of getting stuck in the dialogue with Magnus
- Fixed a critical bug in the dialogue with Irimel that occurred after the cutscene
- Fixed the incorrect display of the crafting/shop window when selected in dialogue
- Fixed the incorrect idle animations for NPCs
- Stabilized FPS for smoother gameplay
- Made minor improvements to enhance overall gameplay experience
- The game now loads faster
- FPS has increased
- Memory usage has decreased
- Freezes are less common
- The overall gameplay experience has been enhanced
- Many bugs have been fixed
- Added Craft (Pre-Alpha)
- Added female voice for player character when interacting with the boss door
- Added hints in missing dialogs
- Changed the loot in the world a little bit
- Fixed sounds of cats (are quieter now)
- Added animations between Male MC and Female MC in Harem Mode
- Added lesbian animations in Harem Mode (except Zemma)
- Added blood on impact
- Added an option to disable active quest tracking
- Fixed a bug with issuing Vix and Zak quests in the Magnus dialogue
- A new active quest is now correctly placed after finishing currently active quest
- No longer displays an empty active quest container
- Fixed the FOV camera in the Harem Mode
- Villagers no longer stand still
- Save system has been reworked and improved
- Added new teleport point in cheat panel
- Added ability to control the slider to buy/sell items with arrows
- Added a picturenotification of unused perks points
- Reworked cameras movement in Viola's sex scenes
- Changed the list of goods at the merchant in the village
- Finally a bug with cameras during sex scenes is fixed
- Now during the sale items, merchants get gold correctly
- Vix now runs faster to the house after completing the quest with the amulet
- Vix is no longer stuck after the dialogue with the girl in the ruined settlement
- Fixed inputs after death
- Fixed rotation of the main character in sex scenes
- Fixed rotation of the protagonist during cutscenes
- And other minor fixes and improvements
- Fixed saves memory leak
- Added impact sounds for dummies
- Added sound effect for books of experience and books disappear after reading
- Added new idle poses for some female NPC's
- Added new dialogue NPC in fire mages camp
- Added quest state icons on NPC's
- Added Auto Save System - [Experimental]
- Added possibility to consume items from inventory ui
- Improved game package size
- Recoded Intro Movies, so it should'nt lag on startup
- Some performance improvements
- Fixed Dorian eyes visibility when he disappears
- Fixed Viola sex camera bug
- Fixed movement bug after dialogue with Vix and Iremel
- Fixed looting and fighting while dying
- Disabled VR Plugin
- Fixed Vix running into dialogue camera
- Fixed dialogue commands in harem mode
- Fixed female player model npc physics in harem mode
- and other important improvements
-Added new NPC Irimel
-Added new NPC to the camp of fire mages
-Added new location "Ruined settlement
-Added Cutscene system (still in early stages)
-Changed lighting in the world
-Enemy NPCs now react correctly to the character
-Fixed critical bug with getting stuck in dialogues
-Fixed bug with incorrect exit from the dialogue of the girl in the forest on the mercenaries' quest
-Fixed the wrong completing of the first mercenaries' task
-Fixed a lot of technical bugs
-Added Zoe sex cinematic (2 scenes)
-Added new NPC in Fire Mages' camp
-Added a new quest in Fire Mage's camp
-Improved quest tracking (now the tracker makes the path after holding down the "Q" key)
-Minor bug fixes
-Added button to open the quest log (button "J")
-Added button combination "Alt + B" for forced teleportation to spawn (temporary solution for getting stuck)
-Now you can make a quest active by double-clicking on it in the quest log
-Added pathfinding to quest checkpoints
-Added a new mercenary quest
-Cabbage now restores Hp
-Girl in the second quest with mercenaries is now correctly spawned
-Fixed an issue with the girl's dialogue from the second mercenary quest
Modified version changes:
-includes part of hotfix for save games memory leak from 0.2.8b
-includes recoded movies folder from 0.2.8b
- added a new character - Mera
- added new quest “The Mercenaries of Alba part 2”
- added new location “Mera’s camp”
- added music theme when entering in battle
- added a trading marker above of merchants
- fixed ragdoll for the female playable character
- fixed Selena's fireball hits on the female playable character
- Added new quest with Viola
- Added new NPC - Mercenary captain
- Improved mercenary camp
- Added 2 cinematics with Viola
- Added two events with Viola to the "collection"
- Minor bug fixes
- Added a new character Dorian (dialogue is temporarily voiced for now)
- Added camera rotation during cinematics
- Added Zemma in Harem Mode
- Added Female Protagonist in Harem Mod
- Added 3 new poses in Harem Mode between Male Protagonist and Zemma
- Added 2 new poses in Harem Mode between Female Protagonist and Viola
- Entering combat mode no longer takes you out of sprint mode
- Removed breast censor for Citizen patrons
- Added new voiceover for the Female Protagonist
- Added new voiceover for goblins
⁃ Added 2 sex cinematics for female protagonist & Viola
- Added hint for skipping phrases in dialogs
- Added button to the steam page inside of main menu and pause menu
⁃ Added merchant in the village
- Fixed wolfs rotation
- Fixed minor bugs in dialogues
- Stamina is now spent during a damage blocking stance
- Stamina is now spent 4 times more while running
- Enemies are rebalanced and more dangerous than before
- Added Female protagonist
- Added Female protagonist voice over
- Added Female protagonist cloth set
- Added character selector after pressing "New Game" button
- Added quest tracker
- Added boobs physics in sex events
- Added free camera rotation by pressing "Q" button
- Fixed incorrect rotation in "Harem Mode"
- Quest tracking now works correctly after pressing the "Continue" button
- Nomads no longer slip into their camp
- Vix is now correctly giving out gloves for the female protagonist
- Breast physics now works correctly (but not yet for everyone)
- Fixed Selena's and Vix's nipples
- Fixed Selena and Vix battle rotation
- Fixed navigation on bridge near Din's tent
- Fixed falling under the floor in the "Harem Mode"
-Added Lyrn map to the "Map" subsection of the inventory
-Added hint system in dialogs
-Added animated loading screen
-Added "Beginning of the journey" quest
-Added a gold notification at the beginning of the game
-Updated "Harem Mode" location
- Added location "Harem"
- Added "Collection" system
- Added notification about level advancement
- Added notification about girl's progress
- Added character biography to the collection
- Increased the distance of rendering characters
- Fixed the level display in the trade window.
- Fixed bug with camera after sex in collection
- After losing a fight with Selena, the character can again enter her domain
- Fixed rotation of the character when replaying cinematics
- Fixed a bug when first starting a scene with Vix after completing a quest "Looking for Vix’s amulet"
- Added Perks system
- Added level and experience system
- Added Books of experience
- Added more grass for the quest "Help Vixs with flowers gathering"
- Fixed black screen after dialogue with Magnus
- Magnus gives out Zaсk's quest correctly
- Increased the drawing range of the NPС
- Added a notification about a full inventory when trying to pick up a new item
- Added an experience progress bar
- Added new npc "kitten"
- Added new enemy npc "raptor"
- Added sfx for experience books
- Items in chests no longer disappear if the character's inventory is full.
- Fixed an issue with the jacket for the "Lost nomad" quest
- Fixed the camera fading bug in Selena's sex event
- Added option of spawning NPC in the cheat panel
- Added "Mercenary Camp" location
- Added "Village" location
- Added Trading system (available by Magnus after first 2 quests)
- Added Character Zoe (resident of the village)
- Added 3 cinematics for Zoe
- Added Voice Over for Zoe
- Added Quest "Toss a coin"
- Added hotkeys to collect loot from containers.
- updated Magnus's Forge
- updated Vix's Cinematics
- updated Vix`s house
- Added more trade phrases in Magnus dialogue
- Added "close" button in inventory & trade menu
- Improved optimization
- Fixed flickers in sex system
- Fixed bug with retaking Zemma's quest after finishing
- Fixed interacting with a shelf behind a closed door in Zoe's house
- Fixed quest start/finish notification
- Fixed mouse rotation in Selena's scene
- Fixed camera position in Viola's cinematic
- Added a new character Zemma
- Added new quest "Find a scepter for Zemma"
- Added new creature - Troll
- Added Troll's cave
- Added missing sword swing sounds to combos
- Added a new voice over for the character Zemma
- Added 3 new cinematic scenes for Zemma
- Added skipping dialog phrases by pressing the "space" button
- Added new sword
- Fixed missing compass after closing cheat panel
- Fixed hero's crouching in combat mode
- Fixed an issue with losing control of the character after pressing the "Continue" button
- Improved performance on new game start
- Female textures update
- Fixed critical bug with Viola
- Fixed "spinner" after death
- Minor improvements
- New NPC - Viola
- Voice over for character Viola
- 3 new cinematic scenes for Viola
- 8 New cinematic scenes for Vix
- Starter set for Paladin’s tier and above
- Cheat panel for the Lord's tier
- God Mode option for the Noble’s tier and above
- 1 health potion on new game start
- added golden coins depending on your Patreon tier
- Sex system improved to cinematics
- Textures in the groin area have been improved
- Redesigned the start location for better navigation
- Minor improvements to optimize gameplay
- Vix and Selena's nipples are no longer flat
- Footsteps have become quieter
- More markers on the compass in the “Help Vixs with flowers gathering” quest
- It is easier to get out from the end of the cave in the quest “Mining iron ore”
- There are more health potions in the loot
Release of The Magissy: Reloaded
- Combat system
- Enemies
- The Island Of Albae
- Dialogue system
- Quest system
- Sex system
- Lots of items
- Inventory system
- Many NPCs
- Quests
- Much more
-Introduced a new character, Ricardo, enhancing the game's narrative depth.
-Integrated 3 new sex gameplay interactions for male protagonist & Ricardo.
-Integrated 3 new sex gameplay interactions for female protagonist & Ricardo.
-Added sounds to the scene between Ricardo and the protagonist
-Added some animations to the dialogues between Ricardo and the protagonist
-Fixed incorrect display of quest markers on the global map
- Added new gameplay feature: female main character's interaction with gloryhole
- Added double-click functionality for using items in the inventory
- Added a wider variety of items sold by Magnus
- Improved dialogues with necessary highlighting
- Fixed camera rotation issues in dialogues
- Fixed overlapping between gloryhole and menu interfaces
- Added 2 new sex animations
- Added a new glory hole system (currently in early development and male main character only)
- Resolved the bug that prevented the proper use of consumable items on the 1 and 2 keys
- Resolved the issue of getting stuck in the dialogue with Magnus
- Fixed a critical bug in the dialogue with Irimel that occurred after the cutscene
- Fixed the incorrect display of the crafting/shop window when selected in dialogue
- Fixed the incorrect idle animations for NPCs
- Stabilized FPS for smoother gameplay
- Made minor improvements to enhance overall gameplay experience
- The game now loads faster
- FPS has increased
- Memory usage has decreased
- Freezes are less common
- The overall gameplay experience has been enhanced
- Many bugs have been fixed
- Added Craft (Pre-Alpha)
- Added female voice for player character when interacting with the boss door
- Added hints in missing dialogs
- Changed the loot in the world a little bit
- Fixed sounds of cats (are quieter now)
- Added animations between Male MC and Female MC in Harem Mode
- Added lesbian animations in Harem Mode (except Zemma)
- Added blood on impact
- Added an option to disable active quest tracking
- Fixed a bug with issuing Vix and Zak quests in the Magnus dialogue
- A new active quest is now correctly placed after finishing currently active quest
- No longer displays an empty active quest container
- Fixed the FOV camera in the Harem Mode
- Villagers no longer stand still
- Save system has been reworked and improved
- Added new teleport point in cheat panel
- Added ability to control the slider to buy/sell items with arrows
- Added a picturenotification of unused perks points
- Reworked cameras movement in Viola's sex scenes
- Changed the list of goods at the merchant in the village
- Finally a bug with cameras during sex scenes is fixed
- Now during the sale items, merchants get gold correctly
- Vix now runs faster to the house after completing the quest with the amulet
- Vix is no longer stuck after the dialogue with the girl in the ruined settlement
- Fixed inputs after death
- Fixed rotation of the main character in sex scenes
- Fixed rotation of the protagonist during cutscenes
- And other minor fixes and improvements
- Fixed saves memory leak
- Added impact sounds for dummies
- Added sound effect for books of experience and books disappear after reading
- Added new idle poses for some female NPC's
- Added new dialogue NPC in fire mages camp
- Added quest state icons on NPC's
- Added Auto Save System - [Experimental]
- Added possibility to consume items from inventory ui
- Improved game package size
- Recoded Intro Movies, so it should'nt lag on startup
- Some performance improvements
- Fixed Dorian eyes visibility when he disappears
- Fixed Viola sex camera bug
- Fixed movement bug after dialogue with Vix and Iremel
- Fixed looting and fighting while dying
- Disabled VR Plugin
- Fixed Vix running into dialogue camera
- Fixed dialogue commands in harem mode
- Fixed female player model npc physics in harem mode
- and other important improvements
-Added new NPC Irimel
-Added new NPC to the camp of fire mages
-Added new location "Ruined settlement
-Added Cutscene system (still in early stages)
-Changed lighting in the world
-Enemy NPCs now react correctly to the character
-Fixed critical bug with getting stuck in dialogues
-Fixed bug with incorrect exit from the dialogue of the girl in the forest on the mercenaries' quest
-Fixed the wrong completing of the first mercenaries' task
-Fixed a lot of technical bugs
-Added Zoe sex cinematic (2 scenes)
-Added new NPC in Fire Mages' camp
-Added a new quest in Fire Mage's camp
-Improved quest tracking (now the tracker makes the path after holding down the "Q" key)
-Minor bug fixes
-Added button to open the quest log (button "J")
-Added button combination "Alt + B" for forced teleportation to spawn (temporary solution for getting stuck)
-Now you can make a quest active by double-clicking on it in the quest log
-Added pathfinding to quest checkpoints
-Added a new mercenary quest
-Cabbage now restores Hp
-Girl in the second quest with mercenaries is now correctly spawned
-Fixed an issue with the girl's dialogue from the second mercenary quest
Modified version changes:
-includes part of hotfix for save games memory leak from 0.2.8b
-includes recoded movies folder from 0.2.8b
- added a new character - Mera
- added new quest “The Mercenaries of Alba part 2”
- added new location “Mera’s camp”
- added music theme when entering in battle
- added a trading marker above of merchants
- fixed ragdoll for the female playable character
- fixed Selena's fireball hits on the female playable character
- Added new quest with Viola
- Added new NPC - Mercenary captain
- Improved mercenary camp
- Added 2 cinematics with Viola
- Added two events with Viola to the "collection"
- Minor bug fixes
- Added a new character Dorian (dialogue is temporarily voiced for now)
- Added camera rotation during cinematics
- Added Zemma in Harem Mode
- Added Female Protagonist in Harem Mod
- Added 3 new poses in Harem Mode between Male Protagonist and Zemma
- Added 2 new poses in Harem Mode between Female Protagonist and Viola
- Entering combat mode no longer takes you out of sprint mode
- Removed breast censor for Citizen patrons
- Added new voiceover for the Female Protagonist
- Added new voiceover for goblins
⁃ Added 2 sex cinematics for female protagonist & Viola
- Added hint for skipping phrases in dialogs
- Added button to the steam page inside of main menu and pause menu
⁃ Added merchant in the village
- Fixed wolfs rotation
- Fixed minor bugs in dialogues
- Stamina is now spent during a damage blocking stance
- Stamina is now spent 4 times more while running
- Enemies are rebalanced and more dangerous than before
- Added Female protagonist
- Added Female protagonist voice over
- Added Female protagonist cloth set
- Added character selector after pressing "New Game" button
- Added quest tracker
- Added boobs physics in sex events
- Added free camera rotation by pressing "Q" button
- Fixed incorrect rotation in "Harem Mode"
- Quest tracking now works correctly after pressing the "Continue" button
- Nomads no longer slip into their camp
- Vix is now correctly giving out gloves for the female protagonist
- Breast physics now works correctly (but not yet for everyone)
- Fixed Selena's and Vix's nipples
- Fixed Selena and Vix battle rotation
- Fixed navigation on bridge near Din's tent
- Fixed falling under the floor in the "Harem Mode"
-Added Lyrn map to the "Map" subsection of the inventory
-Added hint system in dialogs
-Added animated loading screen
-Added "Beginning of the journey" quest
-Added a gold notification at the beginning of the game
-Updated "Harem Mode" location
- Added location "Harem"
- Added "Collection" system
- Added notification about level advancement
- Added notification about girl's progress
- Added character biography to the collection
- Increased the distance of rendering characters
- Fixed the level display in the trade window.
- Fixed bug with camera after sex in collection
- After losing a fight with Selena, the character can again enter her domain
- Fixed rotation of the character when replaying cinematics
- Fixed a bug when first starting a scene with Vix after completing a quest "Looking for Vix’s amulet"
- Added Perks system
- Added level and experience system
- Added Books of experience
- Added more grass for the quest "Help Vixs with flowers gathering"
- Fixed black screen after dialogue with Magnus
- Magnus gives out Zaсk's quest correctly
- Increased the drawing range of the NPС
- Added a notification about a full inventory when trying to pick up a new item
- Added an experience progress bar
- Added new npc "kitten"
- Added new enemy npc "raptor"
- Added sfx for experience books
- Items in chests no longer disappear if the character's inventory is full.
- Fixed an issue with the jacket for the "Lost nomad" quest
- Fixed the camera fading bug in Selena's sex event
- Added option of spawning NPC in the cheat panel
- Added "Mercenary Camp" location
- Added "Village" location
- Added Trading system (available by Magnus after first 2 quests)
- Added Character Zoe (resident of the village)
- Added 3 cinematics for Zoe
- Added Voice Over for Zoe
- Added Quest "Toss a coin"
- Added hotkeys to collect loot from containers.
- updated Magnus's Forge
- updated Vix's Cinematics
- updated Vix`s house
- Added more trade phrases in Magnus dialogue
- Added "close" button in inventory & trade menu
- Improved optimization
- Fixed flickers in sex system
- Fixed bug with retaking Zemma's quest after finishing
- Fixed interacting with a shelf behind a closed door in Zoe's house
- Fixed quest start/finish notification
- Fixed mouse rotation in Selena's scene
- Fixed camera position in Viola's cinematic
- Added a new character Zemma
- Added new quest "Find a scepter for Zemma"
- Added new creature - Troll
- Added Troll's cave
- Added missing sword swing sounds to combos
- Added a new voice over for the character Zemma
- Added 3 new cinematic scenes for Zemma
- Added skipping dialog phrases by pressing the "space" button
- Added new sword
- Fixed missing compass after closing cheat panel
- Fixed hero's crouching in combat mode
- Fixed an issue with losing control of the character after pressing the "Continue" button
- Improved performance on new game start
- Female textures update
- Fixed critical bug with Viola
- Fixed "spinner" after death
- Minor improvements
- New NPC - Viola
- Voice over for character Viola
- 3 new cinematic scenes for Viola
- 8 New cinematic scenes for Vix
- Starter set for Paladin’s tier and above
- Cheat panel for the Lord's tier
- God Mode option for the Noble’s tier and above
- 1 health potion on new game start
- added golden coins depending on your Patreon tier
- Sex system improved to cinematics
- Textures in the groin area have been improved
- Redesigned the start location for better navigation
- Minor improvements to optimize gameplay
- Vix and Selena's nipples are no longer flat
- Footsteps have become quieter
- More markers on the compass in the “Help Vixs with flowers gathering” quest
- It is easier to get out from the end of the cave in the quest “Mining iron ore”
- There are more health potions in the loot
Release of The Magissy: Reloaded
- Combat system
- Enemies
- The Island Of Albae
- Dialogue system
- Quest system
- Sex system
- Lots of items
- Inventory system
- Many NPCs
- Quests
- Much more
Some screenshots from our game:

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