What's your perfect zako scenario? (1 Viewer)


Potential Patron
Feb 24, 2016
1 - What's their attitude
The zako are willing to fight , ready for death. Train extremed to follow any order given by their master.

2 - What's their uniform?
Zako must be in strict uniform, posses color of the company or person they work for. Under no reason they have individual dress. Use masks similar to ninja or waraji soldier to remove her face. This make them one with the company as asset to them.

3 - What weapons do they use?
Armed with future gun of laser or plasma. must be as deadly to be useful.

4 - How skilled are they?
Skill in working in large group to sacrifice to make success of company. Training extensivly to become the zako for the company.

5 - Do they survive?
Yes and no, not spared or become prisoner.

6 - What's their age range?
18 and over. despiret woman maybe 30 or more to join company for money. very desperate 40 and more if fit enough haha.

7 - Do you care about their background?
The past is they left before they join the company. forget through training and brainwash.

8 - Describe your perfect zako scenario?
Zako to behave as video game enemy, no fear and self sacrifice. to use their body after dead for tactical like to lay on one other dead zako and more to make barrier for other zako to hide and shoot from. perfect scenario would have many zako vs many zako.

Now for the attacker:
1 - What's their attitude?

attacker superior in arms maybe body protection from laser or difficulty in killing. 10 zako to kill one attacker.

2 - What's their gender?
female no men

3 - What type of equipment do they use?
gun that shoot very fast

4 - What is their fighting style?
they have their own zako to sacrifice against other zako


Swell Supporter
Dec 3, 2012
This is an interesting thread which I haven't contributed to - so I'll bring it back to life for a bit by posting my own piece.

My ideal -

1. What's their attitude? Appearance.

As with Minion, no brainwashing, please - free will is important.

Misplaced self confidence. Basically cowardly. They are not particularly bright.
Ruthless, greedy, lazy. Crime is a short cut for them to the big money, and they're not fussy about how they get it. Some also get a thrill out of law breaking, some are bullies, some are cruel and sadistic (others just callous/indifferent to the suffering they cause). They aren't trustworthy/loyal to their criminal employer, they would readily sell out their own side for personal advantage.
They are Caucasian, physically tall, none are overweight (I don't care for hefty villainesses) - rather trashy looking, often wearing too much makeup. I only "like" Caucasian villainesses - I've no idea why that is....I'm white myself! Though attractive they look hard, their mean characters can be read on their faces. That being said they should look different to each other - I much prefer it when you can identify individuals, the zakos not resembling peas in a pod. That's one of the problems I have with manga.

Attitudes - heartless and totally unethical, assassin henchgirls are seen here jeering at their seemingly helpless and trapped prey in the 1967 comic strip "Jet Dream".

2. What's their uniform?

They don't have to have a uniform, though I prefer tight form fitting clothes, pants, not skirts. Preference for leather or PVC. Catsuits and spandex are good. Not keen on faces being covered or headgear in general as I like to see them properly. Being vain and not overly bright, they go for sexy over practical - eg they will wear heels so high they are not practical for combat situations. In my own stuff I deliberately contrived some situations where they'd be in bikinis (heh!)

The very evil, murderous Devil girls had great outfits in the 1940s comic, "Rulah".


The bad girls from 1964's comedy "Carry on Spying" had a very fetching sort of uniform.

Nothing to do with zako, but these gold pants dancers from the 1964 UK film "Pop gear" (aka "Go Go Mania") wear stuff I'd love to see on henchwomen. I wish girls were still this cute.

3. What weapons do they use?
Guns. They could not use a weapon which demands a high level of skill and training - not with any effectiveness anyway. As to guns, they know where the trigger is, but they aren't particularly capable in the use of these either.


RAVEN thug with gun and uniform - from MR X

4. How skilled are they?
Pretty useless. They rely on their firearms/numbers and their opponents lacking these advantages.
As they have "bad habits" like smoking, drinking too much at times, and in some cases recreational drug use..., and they are too idle to exercise, so they are nothing like as fit as the heroine(s).
They will at times inadvertently blast away their own side when they miss their intended target.


The bad girl deprived of her gun hasn't a hope. Rulah socks a vicious Devil girl in the 1940's comic.

5. Do they survive?

Sometimes. A mix is good. As I like both a body pile and an arrest scene.


RAVEN assassins beaten by 2 Dragon agents - ready for prison and the cemetery - done by MR X.

"Policewomen" from 1974 - one of the henchgirls defeated by the heroine is cuffed, arrested, and heading for jail.

Captured henchgirl fink...and fate! From the 1960s Batman newspaper comic strip.


One of the 3 bad girls in the pay of the villainess, who tried to help her murder heroine Jet Dream. In defeat, their hands tied, the henchwomen are taken by the counterspies to the plane, to be delivered into custody - this girl is facing a very long jail term. She's the one who jeered they has "got" Jet trapped, a cinch to be drilled by their bullets.
From the 1967 "Jet Dream" comic.

6. What's their age range?

Mid 20s to mid 30s. Not too young. They're not kids, but hardened criminal types.

7. Do you care about their background?

They have backgrounds as underworld floozies, gangster's girls, call girls etc. They should be ruthless criminals, totally without ethics, selfish and greedy. This makes it much better when they get defeated, either fatally or otherwise. For their comeuppance is not be regretted in any way, it's well deserved.


Gangster floozies from the Batman cartoon. The types who would make up my zako.


1.What's their attitude?

Brave and resourceful. Very contemptuous of the criminals. Not sadists, but that's not to say they can't get some thrills out of fighting and enjoy beating up on their evil opponents. Kill only when necessary.

2. What's their gender?


3. What type of equipment do they use?

Maybe nothing - just their own unarmed combat skills. There could be improvised/makeshift weapons or special ninja style weapons like sais, shurikens etc.


A Dragon agent ninja tooled up - by MR X.

4. What's their fighting style/skill level?

Very high skill level. Martial arts expertize. They have no superpowers, but their abilities in unarmed combat and in use of martial arts weaponry is rarely surpassed - and needs to be so, given the odds they're often up against. They are very courageous, quick witted and at the peak of physical fitness - in contrast to their opponents.

Martial Dragon agents, using unarmed combat skills and martial arts weaponry, turn the tables on a mob of armed RAVEN assassins.

The army of gun toting hooker assassins are no match for a skilled female opponents in Saints Row 3.

5. Do they survive?


6. What's their age range?

Early 20s to mid 30s. Having a very young heroine take down a lot of older women is quite appealing for me.

7. Do you care about their background?

They are generally of Asian descent and physically much smaller than their enemies. They should have a back story in law enforcement, stunt work, or are possibly vigilantes who have taken up crime fighting after having suffered in some manner at the hands of violent criminals...like Bruce Wayne!

8. Describe your perfect zako scenario.

I actually prefer it a little when the henchwomen are seen actively doing something villainous rather than just being "taken out" as guards. Thus they could be ambushing the heroine(s) who turn the tables on them. Or they could be staging a robbery. They might have a kidnap victim at their mercy when the heroine(s) busts in on them and ruins their scheme. This sort of thing identifies them as villains straight away, gives the chance for them to be portrayed acting and maybe speaking viciously/ruthlessly - establishing their very unpleasant personalities.
The henchwomen will be taken on by one or more heroines - whatever the case, the good side will be heavily outnumbered. Some of the henchwomen will be seen losing their guns - the moment the gun drops, or is sent flying from her hand, this sort are essentially helpless, and they know it - so the look on their face when it happens is nice to see.
The combat will be in good clear light, not the all too familiar semi darkness where its hard to make out the characters properly, or know what the heck is happening. With at least some of the henchwomen the heroine should really mete out some notable punishment, like a severe face pummeling, rather than just a quick knockdown/out . Humiliating them is nice, so the heroine grabs 2 of them and slams their heads together, does some literal ass kicking etc. She can use henchwomen as human shields who take the bullets instead of her, or one of them gets flung into a bunch other henchwomen, incapacitating them. Or, when being shot at, the heroine avoiding being drilled, instead boots her gun toting opponents over a high drop to their deaths.
I like Maltsan's scenarios/action on pixvic. I enjoy the many different ways he has the protagonist dispose of opponents. His work is VERY violent and bloody, with bad, gun wielding girls being sliced in half, decapitated, and otherwise cut to pieces and left in bloody heaps - usually all by a lone heroine. His cartoon violence is okay for me, but I don't care for the more realistic looking gore/torture. Killing isn't a requirement for me, but it's okay at times - at least if some survive you might get a fun arrest scene. I'm not particularly fond of the look of manga characters - they appear a bit too young, cute and "generic". I like the villainesses to look a bit older and meaner. I really don't like any overt sexual element, or sexual violence, in these things.
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Avid Affiliate
May 16, 2016
1 - What's their attitude?

Arrogant, overconfident types. Blessed with gorgeous Amazonian supermodel physiques that would make even Kate Upton steal a glance, they confidently believe their own combinations of beauty, physical builds, skills, and weapons will triumph over any enemy. Essentially, they view themselves as the 'elite' of all mercenary groups/zakos.

In a way, each one is an individual Lara Croft:


2 - What's their uniform?
Tank tops and shorts w/ variations mixed in (ex. wetsuits, kevlar vests, tight t-shirts, khakis, military styled officer uniforms).
They're very much a para-military/mercenary styled outfit.

Reference Images:


Sea Assault Teams:


3 - What weapons do they use?
Rifles, pistols, machineguns, submachine guns, knives, rocket launchers, knuckled gloves, naked fists.

4 - How skilled are they?
They all have basic weapons training, variable degrees of grappling and kickboxing experience, athletic builds, and depending on the individual, many have years of mission experience. Chances are, they can beat up your Zakos and deliver them to your house the next day.

Depending on mission type, they can dress themselves up to infiltrate fancy parties or go out into the field to hunt their targets. They will hunt, day or night, and pride themselves on working as either individuals, units, or platoons.

5 - Do they survive?
They always get knocked or choked out, usually ending up naked. Thus, they wake up humiliated and try to set out after the heroine who routinely beats them for sport.

6 - What's their age range?
19-45. The younger ones are newer recruits. 20s-30s are typically more experienced and make up the general base of the group. The ones in their 40s are usually officers or the execs/representatives whom one can speak to hire their services.

7 - Do you care about their background?
They're part of a para-military/mercenary group, typically hired by those who can afford their 'consistently high maintenance' rates. They also double as a modeling agency to hide their profits and activities. And it works. They can both fight and seduce their way towards power.

They're primarily based in the US and Europe, with some contractors/operatives from Latin America.

8 - Describe your perfect zako scenario?
The Mercs would be after ancient scrolls, relics, or treasures in an East Asian setting. Temple raiding, so to speak. They'll walk and flaunt their "perfect 10" bodies around villages or male villagers working the fields, just because.

Utilizing tactics, they sneak their way into the temple, ensuring no threats are nearby and acquire their mission objective. Sometimes, they may encounter a pesky do-gooder or temple guard(s) and take her down, tying her up humiliatingly (Zako on Zako action).

Of course, just when they escape, they are confronted by a sneaky heroine in the shadows, who proceeds to fight and beat every one of them. Guns, knives, fists. In the open or in the dark. One on one, two on one, five on one. It doesn't matter. The heroine is that skilled to handle any situation thrown at her.

The heroine is usually of East Asian heritage, a Chinese kung fu master dressed in a qipao or a kunoichi, armed with kunai and a ninjato sword. She is somewhat spunky and pokes fun at the Villainesses's get up (ex. groping them, accusing them of being unable to keep up due to hip or boob weight, making fun of their lack of armor).

Eventually, after the fighting, the villainesses find themselves stripped of their clothing and gear and tied up in humiliating positions.

Now for the attacker:
1 - What's their attitude?
In contrast to the Zako's Western comic/game influences, the heroine is heavily influenced by Japanese games/manga. Depending on where it's set, she is either Japanese or Chinese. She is also very 'kawaii' and spunky while also retaining a purity and innocence, as she has just turned 18 and is out in the world for the first time.

Her chest size is quite comparable to her opponent's, maybe a little smaller than the average Merc but much bouncier. In a way, the bouncy boobs is what makes her stand out (it's as if they have their own attitudes/personalities), something akin to Mai Shiranui, which also makes the Mercenary women a bit jealous when fighting (ex. they cannot hit her but her bouncy boobs hits one of them in the face or smashes into another one's boobs and flattens it). Very much so, she isn't exactly bound to the 'normal' realm of physics that the Western comic influenced villainesses are so used to. She's an anime character stuck in their world, if that makes sense.

2 - What's their gender?

3 - What type of equipment do they use?
Swords, knives, throwing objects, chi/ki, fists.

4 - What is their fighting style?
Martial arts.

More Image References:

1060754-wizard.jpg _devgear_colors_vic55b_by_vic55b-d6zkku4.jpg f2a216f7231d0cd7b460f712890654e5.jpg HeroComics2011_coverA.jpg 146358342374505b.jpg Karima-Adebibe-Lara-Croft-Human-Model-4.jpg SensualJaneMonarchDP3.jpg sophie-howard-killzone.jpg tanya_from_red_alert_3_by_johnbecaro-d78f1kn.jpg portada-ar.jpg Screen-Shot-2014-11-03-at-8.20.51-AM.jpg Phantom_Lady_by_captive2d.jpg

Heroine references:

900full-mai-shiranui.jpg manga Qipao 02.jpg gzurc0476.jpg

Black Delmo

Swell Supporter
Mar 28, 2016
1 - What's their attitude?
Mixed attitudes, they could be serious, cute, or playful (taunting the opponent and such)

2 - What's their uniform?
I really like the uniform from the Aika Anime, it's cute and pretty professional. Or maybe something more sexy when fighting or doing assassinations. Such as Taki's Outfit from Soul Calibur or some sexy lingeries. Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 Example 4

3 - What weapons do they use?
Mostly Martial Arts, I love the acrobatic and nimble females, some examples are: Leg Grapple , A Graceful Sequence of Attacks , Cartwheel/Reversal Kick Attack Example, Attack Example 2, Attack Example 3, Attack Example 4 Attack Example 5 with a Victory Pose
They are also proficient with daggers, throwing daggers, handguns, and sniper rifles.

4 - How skilled are they?
Mostly very skilled and is capable of dominating or being even with the opposition, among their groups are some that are inexperienced and still learning.

5 - Do they survive?
Yes, taken out non-lethally

6 - What's their age range?


7 - Do you care about their background?
Backgrounds for Zakos are great, their ethnicity is either Chinese or Japanese. They are lethal beauties during their work and normal everyday people after. They get their numbers from people that were born and raised to be one of them, people that want to be trained by this organization, or wants the great pay.

8 - Describe your perfect zako scenario?
A female attacker from a rival organization infiltrates their base at night time. She easily defeats the newbies and then is detected by an Elite Zako who's still in her sexy lingerie. They both engage in hand to hand and are evenly matched, during the fight the zako finds an opening and does the reversal kick followed by the mounting leg grapple. After defeating the infiltrator the Zako shows off her dexterity by doing a backwards cartwheel and then taunts the intruder.

Now for the attacker:
1 - What's their attitude?
Serious type, usually prefers non-lethal unless it's necessary to go lethal.

2 - What's their gender?

3 - What type of equipment do they use?
Mostly non lethal weapons (tranquilizers and tasers), also brings cameras and mini-USB for intel gathering or explosives for sabotage. Carries a dagger for close combat when needed.

4 - What is their fighting style?
Martial Arts like the Zakos, compared to them she prefers combining Martial Arts with her tranquilizer gun or dagger.

As for her outfit either one of these: 1
2 3

That guy in the back

1 - What's their attitude?
Mainly confident. And no brainwashing!

2 - What's their uniform?
Mainly depends on the scenario, but it has to be skimpy.

3 - What weapons do they use?
Depends on the scenario and setting.

4 - How skilled are they?
It tends to vary depending on the scenario.

5 - Do they survive?
Yes. Mainly because I don't like death.

6 - What's their age range?
18-30 that is all.

7 - Do you care about their background?
No, unless they are a target or something.

8 - Describe your perfect zako scenario?
The main character gets hired to to go to a place full of scantly clad zakos and has to finish their objective while beating the everloving shit out of every girl they see.

Now for the attacker:
1 - What's their attitude?
no-nonsense and to the point, but try their best not to kill. Mostly practical as a bunch of pissed off people would be actively searching for them if they find their comrades dead.

2 - What's their gender?
Mainly male.

3 - What type of equipment do they use?
Mainly non-lethal weaponry or their fisticuffs.

4 - What is their fighting style?
Mainly just regular old fighting with punches, kicks, grapples, and the occasional low blow.


Club Regular
Jun 24, 2016
Here are my original zako.

Jungle Gorillas, A half human, half demon.
19-22 years old,so skilled with a differen kinds of weapons.
Their master is the owner of the magic crystal, actually is an evil doctor.
They are a fighters, they obey their master.
They fight or die, so you can't deal with them.
Their number is more 1000 girl.
They don't show any mercy in fight, they don't need your mercy.

This is my drawing to know how they look like ^^



Swell Supporter
Dec 11, 2016
I have set of zako. They are called pigtailians.

1.) the girls additudes are loyal to their regime. They are either cloned to be obedient or recruited and treated well and are payed a high salary. Drugs are administered to these girls so they can kill and carryout brutal attacks with out feeling any moral dilemma. They are for the most part normal girls tho. The cooperation they work for is set on north American and then world domination through proxy wars and false flag attacks. (Think ATLAS from CoD: Advanced warfare)

2.) Their uniforms would be like a long sleeve leotard. That has been militarized with ballistic weaving and some shoulder pockets. And modesty padding in the crotch and beasts. So they will show no camel toe or nipples. Even tho alot of them take the padding out would rather and complain that I make the suit feel uncomfortable. They have long thigh high boots with built in kneepads. and a utility pack on their back and a belt. And a head set. the pigtailians are known for their uniform hairstyle. Which is low short pigtails.

3.) The pigtailians use a slew of modular assault rifles. But the preferred weapon of choice is the XM8 assault rifle. And the common sidearm for most pigtailians is a walther P99. They have no hand to hand weapons. And are expected to kill the enemy before thy can get that close.

4.) for most pigtailians training is an everyday thing staying fit and paying a visit to the firing range is part of their regiment. They are mildly skilled at fighting in modern conflicts, and are prone to using their overwhelming numbers along with battlefield tactics.

Recruited pigtailians are mainly used as senteries at most corporate HQs these girls are less skilled and act as more or less security guards. They are paid very well and work only six hour shifts. But they must comply with the standards and wear their hair in low short pigtails.

5.) For the most part the cloned pigtailians would fight to the death. And yes no mercy would be taken on these girls. As they have no body armor. They are easily killed. They usually die horrible deaths getting blown up shot with high caliber rounds. and torn apart by friendly fire. Cloned pigtailians feel pain just as much as their human counterparts. So they tend to scream and cry out in pain and beg for their lives if they are dying. This plays into their fighting as for most male combatants would hesitate to fire upon a young woman especially the pretty ones. And if they wound or kill these girls psychological damage may occur.

Senteries or hired pigtailians are kept from the battlefield. But they too suffer casualties as corporate espionage is on the rise. Mainly brutal knockouts, throwing knives silenced pistols are used on them. Although killing these girls are frowned upon.

6.) The cloned pigtailians are ready at young adulthood. And usually don't live past 23. Due to high casualties on the battlefield. (17-22) is the average age of a clone pigtailian.

Hired senteries are usually recruited from colleges and high schools. And somethimes the army. They have a standard enlistment practices. (18-26)

7.) Cloned pigtailians mostly have no backgrounds. But they do bond. And display human affection for one another. They call it sisterhood. some of these clones even share sexual relationships with humans. Mainly staff in the facilities. When not on the drugs these clones also show a sense of community with in their facility homes. They are not allowed to have any sort of intimate contact with regular people.

Most of the hired pigtailians are your run of the mil girls next door. Some in college and some taking this job to make ends meet. What is desired from these girls is to make the corporation look friendly. Most of these girls are recruited from upper class society or even middle class society. So alot of these girls have lives outside of their jobs.

8.) my desired scenario is a pigtailian occupation force. 50,000 pigtailians deployed with tanks and gunships. They are drrugged up to deal with the civilian population this ends in bloody massacres playing out in the community during undergoing occupation. most collage aged women would be executed or forced to serve as front line conscripts. While men would be restrained and "used" by the occupation force then killed or tagged for experimentaion.

The gunner girls along with US military forces would be tasked with talking back the occupied community. They are told to engage with extreme prejudice. they are sent in to attack. What follows is a gore pack battle. With the pigtailians not counting on an attack force that is not afraid to kill aggressively as gunner girls do.

The pigtailians are slaughtered down to nothing. With gunner girls mainly using explosive rounds. And an arsenal of deadly support tanks and aircraft. Pigtailian prisoners are given to who ever wants them or they are shot on the spot.

I would love to see the after math of one of these battles. So may girls in pigtails laying around mutilated or slowly dying. Ripped apart and disemboweled.

The attackers (gunner girls) and US Army

The gunner girls is a more or less mercenaries. But they have a creed to protect the innocent and allow diversity to flourish. However. They are far from being a force for good. As they have carried out several attacks to provoke instability in regions of the world.

1.) for now I'm going to focus on Jennifer Sweets. Founder of the gunner girls. Jennifer hates pigtailians with a passion. She thinks they are not truly living creatures. And they are a mockery to women everywhere. Jennifer is a violent killer. So she gets sexual stimulation off of killing these girls. The more ragged the corpes the better. she is the stoic type who remains professional throughout her missions.

Her favorite way of killing pigtailians is to sneak up on them. This allows Jenny to be as depraved as she wants to be to a pigtailian. She would usually try and gut them just to watch scream and kick in pain. Or she likes to snap necks. But her preferred method is disemboweling them.

2.) Jenny is female (duh) but for those who like it when guys do the !killing there is always US Army or Marines to help the gunner girls.

3.) Jenny handles gear similar to that of the pigtailians. As this is standard. Female combat gear in this world. She wears a reinforce ballistic leotard with built in turtle neck. And also she has a harness for serval items for tactical applications. And a belt with ammo pockets. Her boots are reinforced thigh high boots with kneepads. She keeps her hair high ponytail and she often sweeps her bangs. She also has a communication head set and some tactical glasses. Which highlights the battlefield. These glasses have an IFF reader in it as well (to prevent friendly fire.)

Jenny likes to arm herself to the teeth. She is skilled with several military style guns and explosives.

4.)Jenny's fighting style is mainly judo and kickboxing. But the if she is going to get the close she would resort to Apache knife style fighting or tomahawk style fighting. Other than that she keeps her distance with a nice assault rifle.


  • space_jenny_2054_by_fuuby-d91fdng.jpg
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Lilac Alley

Potential Patron
Dec 28, 2016
I do have specific tastes depending on if it’s a futuristic/modern world or a fantasy one.

1 - What's their attitude?
Modern/Future: Like many others, I’m into the overconfident bitch or deadly rose characters. Perhaps they taunt and flaunt until they’re beaten or they simply execute their jobs with grace. Either way, those are the hottest to me. They all know what they signed up for so they should understand the threats of the situation.
On the other hand, I’m actually really into the mind control that breaks when they’re beaten trope. Just imagining the way they almost innocently crumple to the ground, wondering how everything got to this… *clears throat* You know...
Fantasy: Morality doesn’t matter one bit to me when it comes to Zako. Ideally, they’re loyal to their cause whether they’re a stereotypical bandit or a lawful stupid paladin. A mixture of Zako who are passionate and willing to die for their cause and Zako who will easily sell out their allies for coin are what I want in a fantasy scenario.

2 - What's their uniform?
Modern/Future: Whatever is standard issue is what I’m up for. Whether it’s full combat armor (my personal choice) or something created with style over function in mind, I’d like to see the theme repeated among all the Zako. Uniforms are a definite yes in my book.
Fantasy: I really only like two things in a Fantasy Setting. Either the Diablo-esque leather rogue’s armor or the full Platemail. Overtly skimpy armor is a turn-off. When fighting Zako in this setting, the mobility and the beauty of the light rogue’s armor is stunning and leaves for quite the attractive body pile. When dealing with knights or fully armored girls, it’s like the anticipation of unwrapping a piece of candy. Digging into the inherent weaknesses of carrying forty pounds of armor on one’s shoulder, then reaping the reward underneath.

3 - What weapons do they use?
Modern/Future: For any self-respecting PMC, the load out I’m looking for is The IWI Tavor, FN P90 TR, and a Standard Issue Machete. For eager revolutionaries, gangs and mostly unorganized groups, anything goes I guess.
Fantasy: Daggers and Short Swords for the Rogues. Flails, Long Swords and Shields for the Armored.

4 - How skilled are they?
Modern/Fantasy: I feel like there is more margin for error and weakness in modern and futuristic Zako. Much of the time, they are simply picked off the street, conscripted or even clones that are just picked up and sold as private armies. There can be a lot more Naive, doltish and novice underlings, but as ranks go up I’d like to see a progression in skill.
Come to think of it, Clutzy and useless Zako can be fun and hot sometimes, but only when the scenario itself isn't too serious.
Fantasy: In a head-on battle, they need to be incredibly formidable. The threats of a fantasy world warrant that anyone hired for defense has to be hardened for it. This also makes it more of an incentive to seduce or assassinate enemies.

5 - Do they survive?
Modern/Future: This is really up to the situation and how the protagonist is feeling. Modern Medicine, Technology and Ideals make it just as hard to kill someone as it is easy for others. If the protagonist is feeling especially cruel, death won’t be the stop of their worries.
Fantasy: Death is mandatory here. Life or death situations inhibit every second of fantasy life and a survivor spared can lead to an encounter with even worse individuals.

6 - What's their age range?
Modern/Future: 18-25
Fantasy: 16-27

7 - Do you care about their background?
Of course they have a background! I adore it when Zako spout off little quips about what they like, their interests, their dreams and desires before they’re snuffed or knocked out. The only thing that I’m not into is if they have children. That crosses a personal line and is a major turn off.

8 - Describe your perfect zako scenario?
Modern/Future: A high octane firefight, running from corridor to corridor where novices and highly trained guards leave pretty corpses all the same. Storming a Barracks, compound or bunker are choice places for this kind of stuff. I can play around with stealth here too, but modern is usually where I enjoy leaving a body pile.
Fantasy: Silencing sentries assassin’s creed style within a large fortress or battlement, taking out heavily armored warriors one by one through clever strikes and brutal hits.

Now for the attacker:
1 - What's their attitude?
I play two kinds of Attackers
The first attacker is a person in the fight because they want to make the world a better place through the contracts or quests that she takes. She’ll be hesitant to kill the naive girls and will more likely than not leave them alone. She’s the kind of girl who leaves behind a trail of knocked out bodies in her wake.
The other is an absolute sadist who is in it for the ability to toy and kill with lesser foes. She leaves an absolute bloodbath in her wake and only leaves them alive if their life ends up being worse because of it.

2 - What's their gender?

More often than not, Female. Sometimes Futa.

3 - What type of equipment do they use?
Modern/Future: Small arms such as submachine guns or pistols.
Fantasy: Blunt weapons like flails, clubs or staves. Assassin's Creed Style hidden blades when possible.

4 - What is their fighting style?
Modern/Future: A Mixture of Gun-Kata and Improvised fighting.
Fantasy: Either Assassinate or bash.


Vivacious Visitor
Jan 29, 2016
1 - What's their attitude?
They're in it for the money, at least originally. Maybe they didn't realize what being a minion of a supervillian or a cultest entailed originally, but they've made it their lifestyle now.

2 - What's their uniform?

Skimpy, but in a self aware/rational way. Like mid-drift baring sweater wearing minions from a spy movie, or functional yet revealing outfits, or wearing bikinis/skirts to blend in.

3 - What weapons do they use?

Guns or non-lethal supression devices (tasers, batons, etc.)

4 - How skilled are they?

Ranging from young and unskilled newbies to competent but outclassed veterans

5 - Do they survive?

They survive

6 - What's their age range?

Preferably younger, 18-30

7 - Do you care about their background?

They would need to know that they are the "bad guys" (so not brainwashed) but just not care, or not care enough to leave their profession. Probably not too much contact with the outside world, or if so it'd be like visiting locations briefly, not like having relations with their local communities (unless they're like the local overlords or gang)

8 - Describe your perfect zako scenario?
Either: An agent of the force of justice infiltrates the supervillian's/cult's lair, stealthily suppressing and hiding the guards, bloodlessly achieving the objectives of mission, and playing frat-like pranks on the minions along the way (giving a guard a wedgie, stealing/switching underwear, etc)
A member of a criminal organization attacks a rival criminal organization. To prove the point of how easily they can be taken down (or for revenge or for fun) they leave all or most of their victims alive, but striped and/or tied up together into embarrassingly sexual poses. The protagonist finally faces an opponent that fights them to a stand-still, with both of them suffering light cuts and heavy clothing damage. They part ways in a cloud of hatred, respect, and sexual tension.

Now for the attacker:
1 - What's their attitude?

Depends on their gender. The male protagonist being mostly professional, but occasionally cheeky. The female protagonist would be more sadistic and more rape-y ( though not more bloodthirsty)

2 - What's their gender?

See above

3 - What type of equipment do they use?

Non-lethal weapons, particularly ones that wouldn't leave a mark in a fictional setting, like sleep grenades or electric weapons.

EDIT: Also, any aphrodisiac or other sexy or mind altering weapons (Such as the shrink ray from Mystery Men, the Psychosis Gun from Perfect dark, Or the Anal Probe from Destroy All Humans (preferably the not-necessarily lethal one from the first game))

4 - What is their fighting style?

Mostly stealth takedowns, but able struggle to hold their own in a stand-up fight against a handful of enemies.

5 - Anything else?

If the scenario was more "wacky", the zako themselves would either know of the protagonist and be overheard talking about them (like that they find the protagonist attractive, or how they'll punish the protagonist when they catch them) or will be turned on by the sexual nature of the attack.
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Club Regular
Aug 10, 2015
1 - What's their attitude?
They're in it for the money, at least originally. Maybe they didn't realize what being a minion of a supervillian or a cultest entailed originally, but they've made it their lifestyle now.

2 - What's their uniform?

Skimpy, but in a self aware/rational way. Like mid-drift baring sweater wearing minions from a spy movie, or functional yet revealing outfits, or wearing bikinis/skirts to blend in.

3 - What weapons do they use?

Guns or non-lethal supression devices (tasers, batons, etc.)

4 - How skilled are they?

Ranging from young and unskilled newbies to competent but outclassed veterans

5 - Do they survive?

They survive

6 - What's their age range?

Preferably younger, 18-30

7 - Do you care about their background?

They would need to know that they are the "bad guys" (so not brainwashed) but just not care, or not care enough to leave their profession. Probably not too much contact with the outside world, or if so it'd be like visiting locations briefly, not like having relations with their local communities (unless they're like the local overlords or gang)

8 - Describe your perfect zako scenario?
Either: An agent of the force of justice infiltrates the supervillian's/cult's lair, stealthily suppressing and hiding the guards, bloodlessly achieving the objectives of mission, and playing frat-like pranks on the minions along the way (giving a guard a wedgie, stealing/switching underwear, etc)
A member of a criminal organization attacks a rival criminal organization. To prove the point of how easily they can be taken down (or for revenge or for fun) they leave all or most of their victims alive, but striped and/or tied up together into embarrassingly sexual poses. The protagonist finally faces an opponent that fights them to a stand-still, with both of them suffering light cuts and heavy clothing damage. They part ways in a cloud of hatred, respect, and sexual tension.

Now for the attacker:
1 - What's their attitude?

Depends on their gender. The male protagonist being mostly professional, but occasionally cheeky. The female protagonist would be more sadistic and more rape-y ( though not more bloodthirsty)

2 - What's their gender?

See above

3 - What type of equipment do they use?

Non-lethal weapons, particularly ones that wouldn't leave a mark in a fictional setting, like sleep grenades or electric weapons.

4 - What is their fighting style?

Mostly stealth takedowns, but able struggle to hold their own in a stand-up fight against a handful of enemies.

5 - Anything else?

If the scenario was more "wacky", the zako themselves would either know of the protagonist and be overheard talking about them (like that they find the protagonist attractive, or how they'll punish the protagonist when they catch them) or will be turned on by the sexual nature of the attack.

Nice thanks for sharing, are basing your scenario(s) after James Bond style for your Male Agent or more of a Metal Gear type deal?
Also as you basing your Female Agents after sadistic lesbian rapists?


Vivacious Visitor
Jan 29, 2016
I was thinking more a Metal Gear Protagonist, since they seem like likely to try to be unseen, hide in vents, and place a higher value on enemy life. And yeah for the female agent, although it might not be so much a lesbian thing as a domination thing. In both cases though, the protagonist can justify their more rape-y actions (at least in-universe) as only doing it only to people who consciously chose to be the bad guys.


Club Regular
Aug 10, 2015
I was thinking more a Metal Gear Protagonist, since they seem like likely to try to be unseen, hide in vents, and place a higher value on enemy life. And yeah for the female agent, although it might not be so much a lesbian thing as a domination thing. In both cases though, the protagonist can justify their more rape-y actions (at least in-universe) as only doing it only to people who consciously chose to be the bad guys.

Fair enough, thanks for the info.


Casual Client
Sep 16, 2013
1 - What's their attitude?

I like the concept where the girls don't know they are employed by an evil person. I like the idea of innocent and clueless girls who took a job to make some money but not realizing what they are really involved in.

2 - What's their uniform?

I like anything from standard guard/military uniform to a cat suit. Nothing like a bikini uniform as it is a bit too non-real. However, from some skin showing I can go with shorts and maybe a midriff exposing halter top. I'm good with sexy but not too crazy that it would never be a uniform

3 - What weapons do they use?

Generally they are lightly armed and have maybe only a sidearm or small rifle.

4 - How skilled are they?

Not very. They can be easily dealt with.

5 - Do they survive?

Yes. I like the knockout scenario. Nothing too brutal and nothing that causes permanent injury.

6 - What's their age range?

18 to 25 or so.

7 - Do you care about their background?

Yes. I like the concept of getting a little detail about them. Hearing them talking about boyfriends, what they do for fun, etc. Nothing really detailed but just something to let you know what they are like.

8 - Describe your perfect zako scenario?

To me the perfect scenario is an infiltration scenario where the zako are standing guard/doing sentry duty. The intruder stalks them and one or maybe two at a time takes them out. I like the story to have multiple knockout methods used but I particularly like nerve pinches, tranq darts and knockout gas. The bodies should be hidden, maybe toyed with a bit and in some cases stripped for the uniform. Again, there should be no permanent harm inflicted and the worse the girl should get is to wake up with a bit of a headache or be a bit sore.

Now for the attacker:

1 - What's their attitude?

They do what the have to do. They don't feel particularly bad for their victims but also don't want to kill them

2 - What's their gender?

Generally female but male is alright too.

3 - What type of equipment do they use?

dart guns, needles with sleep drugs to keep the victim unconscious and maybe some materials to tie up the victims.

4 - What is their fighting style?

Training as using nerve pinches and skill with a tranq gun

If I'm missing a question you think would be fun let me


Swell Supporter
Nov 10, 2016
1 - What's their attitude?
Proud, sneering, taunting, domineering (throw in a few shy girls for the sake of pity and contrast) I like most of my zako to be really confident so that I can enjoy knocking them down a peg or two or three.

2 - What's their uniform?

I am a huge fan of midriff baring. Something sexy but not prostitute-y. If their outfit is hot and impractical it just goes to further demonstrate that these bitches are in way over their heads. Evil fantasy sorceresses are pretty cool. Can't go wrong with bikinis.

3 - What weapons do they use?

Magic, trickery, seduction, knives, guns, doesn't matter; what matters is that "Oh shit" moment when they are disarmed and helpless.

4 - How skilled are they?

All that matters is that they are less skilled than they think they are.

5 - Do they survive?

No, well, maybe a few. No one should die too quickly. A handful should be taken alive to be judged for their crimes. Some will be given prison time and set free, some will be sentenced to torture, the most hated ones will be tortured and executed.

6 - What's their age range?

18-30, though with predominantly immature attitudes.

7 - Do you care about their background?

The implication that they have backgrounds (Singers, pole-dancers, thieves, traitors, childhood friends and enemies) is important. It makes their rightful condemnation seem harsher.

8 - Describe your perfect zako scenario?
A revenge quest. These girl gang members are enemies of the peace and they have also personally caused harm to the hero. Even though he may pity them, it is his duty to hunt them down and cut them to pieces. He and his squad outmatch and outclass the cocky group of bitches and tears them apart, bringing some back to be fucked up by the populace they've caused harm to.

Now for the attacker:
1 - What's their attitude?
I like my heroes to be good guys (Albeit maybe a bit intense) Maybe have a few psychos or tricksters thrown into the squad as sort of "Bad Cop" types. The hero should be passionate, so that rage will sometimes overtake him and lead him to go too far (Beating a disarmed enemy to death etc)

2 - What's their gender?

Preferably male. It's my kink. I'm a male. Not too complicated.

3 - What type of equipment do they use?

Usually swords or knives, though bare fists are cool too. I like there to be cuts and bloodshed. Blades are also good for removing garments ;)

4 - What is their fighting style?

Take em head on. Outspeed and overpower. Use intimidation tactics.



Master of this Domain
Oct 1, 2017
Here's my zako scenario. Hope you like it!! Based of the Fighters Club post I made two months ago....

1 - What's their attitude?

Tomboyish, loyal and sometimes friendly and sociable to each other, however they're hot-blooded and shrewd as well

2 - What's their uniform?
The normal ones wear cargo pants with jumpsuit tied on it/denim shorts with suspenders, sports bra/tube tops, sneakers with white socks underneath, fingerless gloves and headscarves/goggles on their forehead, some of them wear small bandages on their noses. The elite ones wear cargo pants, midriff-baring tank tops/tube tops/bandages (midriff-baring or covering their nipples only), laced boots/sneakers and fingerless gloves. Mostly hatless, but some of them wear construction helmets

3 - What weapons do they use?
The normal ones uses monkey wrenches, spanners, screwdrivers, cardboard cutters, baton sticks, hammers, metal knives and electric drills. There's also some of the normal ones that uses some firearms as well as self-destructing drones. Meanwhile, the elite ones are mostly barehanded, but sometimes also carries huge drills, metal beams, huge hammers, chainsaws and giant spanners

4 - How skilled are they?
The normal ones are pretty easy to dispatch, while the elite ones are hard to deal with as they use heavy equipments, brute force as well as pretty hard to grip as their skin are sweaty/oily

5 - Do they survive?
Mostly knocked out, but some of them are killed in the process. Some of the knocked out ones are......taken hostage by the attacker and tortured for fun

6 - What's their age range?
17-19 for the normal ones and 18-25 for the elite ones. The younger ones mostly look thin and athletic with mid-sized or flat chests, like a typical tomboy girl while the elite ones are muscular, with toned navels, large breasts and wrestler-like body

7 - Do you care about their background?
They're mostly consists of corrupt mechanics and construction workers who turned into street thugs. They live the life of criminals, using their tools to mug and terrorize people for money

8 - Describe your perfect zako scenario?
Hmmmm... Apparently the attacker is an undercover agent working for the local police, and she is ordered to take out an all-girls gang called "Blood Gear", which consists of corrupt mechanics and construction workers that has been causing trouble in the city. The attackers discovers their headquarters in a derelict junkyard, and takes out two of the mechanic girls with chloroform. After a few of them taken out silently, two of the mechanic girls discovers some piled up limp bodies near a pile of scrap metal. The attacker tries to escape but she gets spotted, so she must deal with a bunch of them. She takes them out one by one with her kickass moves and piles them up. Before she confronts the leader, she fights against two elite mechanic girls. The two muscular girls are taken out by the attacker using a smoke grenade, which knocks them out. After that, the attacker arrests the gang leader, and brings home three of the unconscious mechanic girls home (one elite and two normals), only to be molested by the attacker and have their navels licked dry

Additional part: If there's a game/anime featuring them (in my imagination), I would love to see them voiced by seiyuus/voice actresses known to voice tomboys/muscular girls such as Ayane Sakura, Ryou Hirohashi, Yuuko Sanpei, Minami Tsuda, Tomo Muranaka, Risa Taneda, Manami Numakura, Akeno Watanabe, Yuu Kobayashi, Houko Kuwashima, Miyuki Sawashiro, Atsuko Tanaka, Yuka Iguchi, Eri Kitamura, Mariya Ise, Yumi Uchiyama, Sora Amamiya, Ami Koshimizu, Hiromi Hirata, Mitsuki Saiga, Yuuko Kaida, Ayumi Fujimura, Marina Inoue, Junko Minagawa, Hiromi Igarashi, Makoto Tsumura, Chiwa Saito, Ayahi Takagaki, Shizuka Ito, Mutsumi Tamura, Ryoko Shiraishi, Megumi Ogata, Minori Chihara, Rie Takahashi, Noriko Hidaka, Ryou Hirohashi, Satomi Hanamura, Aya Hisakawa, Romi Park, Kaori Mizuhashi, Sayaka Ohara, Haruka Tomatsu, Yui Ishikawa, Yuu Shimamura, Fumiko Orikasa, Hekiru Shiina, Natsumi Fujiwara and Mikako Komatsu

Now for the attacker:
1 - What's their attitude?
Thrill-seeking, and chaotic good. She works for the local police as an undercover agent

2 - What's their gender?
Female, a lesbian and mostly silent

3 - What type of equipment do they use?
Bare hands!! But also some tools as well like a bottle of chloroform and a smoke grenade that contains some sort of knockout gas

4 - What is their fighting style?
A combination of MMA and kickboxing, and a pinch of wrestling!! The attacker also enjoys groping their breasts/flat chests, licking their slightly toned navels and rubbing their soft and sweaty pussies after she knocked them out for her enjoyment

Additional part: I prefer the attacker to be silent, speaking through her thoughts as she's an undercover agent. Talk less and do more!!
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Swell Supporter
Nov 10, 2016
Here's my zako scenario. Hope you like it!! Based of the Fighters Club post I made two months ago....

1 - What's their attitude?

Tomboyish, loyal and sometimes friendly and sociable to each other, however they're hot-blooded and shrewd as well

2 - What's their uniform?
The normal ones wear cargo pants with jumpsuit tied on it/denim shorts with suspenders, sports bra/tube tops, sneakers with white socks underneath, fingerless gloves and headscarves/goggles on their forehead, some of them wear small bandages on their noses. The elite ones wear cargo pants, tube tops/bandages (midriff-baring or covering their nipples only), laced boots/sneakers and fingerless gloves. Mostly hatless, but some of them wear construction helmets

3 - What weapons do they use?
The normal ones uses monkey wrenches, spanners, screwdrivers, cardboard cutters, baton sticks, hammers, metal knives and electric drills. There's also some of the normal ones that uses some firearms as well as self-destructing drones. Meanwhile, the elite ones are mostly barehanded, but sometimes also carries huge drills, metal beams, huge hammers, chainsaws and giant spanners

4 - How skilled are they?
The normal ones are pretty easy to dispatch, while the elite ones are hard to deal with as they use heavy equipments, brute force as well as pretty hard to grip as their skin are sweaty/oily

5 - Do they survive?
Mostly knocked out, but some of them are killed in the process. Some of the knocked out ones are......taken hostage by the attacker and tortured for fun

6 - What's their age range?
17-19 for the normal ones and 18-25 for the elite ones. The younger ones mostly look thin and athletic with mid-sized or flat chests, like a typical tomboy girl while the elite ones are muscular, with toned navels, large breasts and wrestler-like body

7 - Do you care about their background?
They're mostly consists of corrupt mechanics and construction workers who turned into street thugs. They live the life of criminals, using their tools to mug and terrorize people for money

8 - Describe your perfect zako scenario?
Hmmmm... Apparently the attacker is an undercover agent working for the local police, and she is ordered to take out an all-girls gang called "Blood Gear", which consists of corrupt mechanics and construction workers that has been causing trouble in the city. The attackers discovers their headquarters in a derelict junkyard, and takes out two of the mechanic girls with chloroform. After a few of them taken out silently, two of the mechanic girls discovers two a few piled up limp bodies near a pile of scrap metal. The attacker tries to escape but she gets spotted, so she must deal with a bunch of them. She takes them out one by one with her kickass moves and piles them up. Before she confronts the leader, she fights against two elite mechanic girls. The two muscular girls are taken out by the attacker using a smoke grenade, which knocks them out. After that, the attacker arrests the gang leader, and brings home three of the unconscious mechanic girls home (one elite and two normals), only to be molested by the attacker and have their navels licked dry

Additional part: If there's a game/anime featuring them (in my imagination), I would love to see them voiced by seiyuus/voice actresses known to voice tomboys/muscular girls such as Ayane Sakura, Ryou Hirohashi, Yuuko Sanpei, Minami Tsuda, Tomo Muranaka, Risa Taneda, Manami Numakura, Akeno Watanabe, Miyuki Sawashiro, Atsuko Tanaka, Yuka Iguchi, Eri Kitamura, Mariya Ise, Yumi Uchiyama, Sora Amamiya, Ami Koshimizu, Hiromi Hirata, Mitsuki Saiga, Yuuko Kaida, Ayumi Fujimura, Marina Inoue, Junko Minagawa, Hiromi Igarashi, Makoto Tsumura, Chiwa Saito, Ayahi Takagaki, Shizuka Ito, Mutsumi Tamura, Ryoko Shiraishi, Megumi Ogata, Minori Chihara, Rie Takahashi, Noriko Hidaka, Ryou Hirohashi, Satomi Hanamura, Aya Hisakawa, Romi Park, Kaori Mizuhashi, Sayaka Ohara, Haruka Tomatsu, Yui Ishikawa, Yuu Shimamura, Fumiko Orikasa, Hekiru Shiina and Mikako Komatsu

Now for the attacker:
1 - What's their attitude?
Thrill-seeking, and chaotic good. She works for the local police as an undercover agent

2 - What's their gender?
Female, a lesbian and mostly silent

3 - What type of equipment do they use?
Bare hands!! But also some tools as well like a bottle of chloroform and a smoke grenade that contains some sort of knockout gas

4 - What is their fighting style?
A combination of MMA and kickboxing, and a pinch of wrestling!! The attacker also enjoys groping their breasts/flat chests, licking their slightly toned navels and rubbing their soft and sweaty pussies after she knocked them out for her enjoyment

Additional part: I prefer the attacker to be silent, speaking through her thoughts as she's an undercover agent. Talk less and do more!!

What does she do with the captives once she's done molesting them? :0


Master of this Domain
Oct 1, 2017
She simply throw them away somewhere, like garbage. And when they wake up, the have totally no memories of what happened after being knocked out, only to be discovered by the police and gets arrested

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