Ryonani Teamster
- Joined
- Jun 10, 2010

Oh no, what has Rina Hartling got herself into now? Who knew the consequences of losing a wrestling match could be so humiliating?
This encounter with the mighty Brynhild Ederne certainly isn't Rina's first rodeo, but after this embarrassment, it could just be her last...
Credit goes to ColorVirus for the amazing commission
Brynhild belongs to Ninetales45
Rina Hartling in Her Last Rodeo
Stoking the fires of the U.S.A. vs. Canada rivalry was always an easy sell and today was no different.
One of the most highly anticipated matches at the Galveston County Rodeo was a women’s bout featuring the towering Brynhild Ederne and a Canadian cutie named Rina Hartling. Rina was the visitor and she received a smattering of boos at first when she was announced, but the Texas crowd quickly took a liking to the “away team” once they got a good look at her.
Wanting to make a big splash during her trip to the states, Rina switched up her gear slightly, going with an inverted colour scheme and substituting pink for red. The look was softer, which would not only play well with the pageant fanatics but also maybe make her opponent underestimate her. She knew she needed any advantage she could muster against Brynhild, who was cartoonishly gigantic compared to Rina.
As Rina jogged to the ring, she went out of her way slap hands with fans on both sides of the aisle. Her bright smile and warm presence melted the hearts of the rowdy Texans, while her tight outfit and cleavage drew some excited – if crude – comments from the older men in the audience.
“It’s a pleasure to meet y’all,” Rina said enthusiastically, herself a farm girl from the far north.
Rina bounced into the ring and gave her leotard a few sheepish tugs, not wanting to show off too much of her lovely body. She certainly wasn’t modest, but she wanted to be recognized for her wrestling ability and not just her appearance. The leering catcalls from a few gentlemen in the front row reminded her that she had a lot of work to do on that front.
*Alright Rina, just remember: The bigger they are, the harder they fall.*
A gut-busting rock song blasted from the speakers, signaling Brynhild’s arrival. Everyone’s attention was immediately locked on to the stunning blonde who looked like a goddess standing on the stage and she only grew bigger in Rina’s eyes with every step she took. Brynhild’s long black boots thumped loudly on the ground, a grim omen for what was about to befall the Canadian.
It wasn’t enough for Brynhild to just beat Rina. She wanted to humiliate her and she could tell that the fans wanted it too.
Rina fought well, no one could argue that, but her never-say-die attitude only made the lusty crowd that much more eager to see what Brynhild had in store for her now that the match was all but finished. Try as Rina might, she wasn’t climbing this mountain.
Over and over again, Brynhild found new and creative ways to lift Rina into the air and send her crashing back down to the mat. First it was a couple of body slams that knocked the wind out of the diminutive jobber, then a military press that had Rina feeling like she was about to fall from a 20-story building. She may as well have the way her bones rattled when she plummeted to the mat.
Outside of the ring, life was even more miserable for Rina. A big boot from Brynhild sent Rina tumbling over the top rope and she was in a complete daze when Brynhild peeled her off of the ground. Scooping Rina up in her arms, she smashed Rina’s back against the steel barricade and then did the same against the rock-hard ring post. Laughter could be heard as Rina used another military press to toss Rina back over the ropes into the ring.
*She’s… too big… too strong… oh man… I’m in trouble!*
There was no one to tag out to, no manager to assist Rina. She was all on her own. Brynhild’s shadow eclipsed her and soon Rina was bent over and put into position for a powerbomb.
Brynhild wrecked Rina with the classic finisher, pink-and-white-clad limbs flying every which way as Rina momentarily went numb. The three-count would be elementary… if Brynhild didn’t decide to repeat the move.
Brynhild took her time, really letting the crowd enjoy the moment, not to mention stare at Rina’s ass as she was bent over with her head stuck between Brynhild’s legs. But it was the vicious powerbombs that provided the biggest thrill, each one turning Rina’s body into jelly and her insides into dust.
“Nuuuhmmmrrrr… pllllsss…” Rina muttered, almost drooling as she tried to communicate that she’d had enough. However, pride wouldn’t allow her to utter a clear submission even if every other part of her had given in.
“No more?” Brynhild said mockingly. “One more.”
Brynhild reached down and clamped on to Rina’s pretty neck with one hand. She flexed as she straightened up, lifting Rina with one arm, the only response a pathetic gurgling. Standing on her tip-toes, Rina shook her head weakly and looked up at Brynhild for a sign of mercy. Brynhild just smirked and used her other hand to snag the back of Rina’s leotard, yanking upwards to give her a wedgie.
Pulling up with both grips now, Brynhild had Rina suspended in the air for a few seconds before demolishing her with a chokeslam! The sound and impact were like all three powerbombs combined. Rina was obliterated by the full force of Brynhild’s power move.
The finisher turned Rina’s lights out, giving Brynhild all the time in the world to march around the ring, showing off her incredible physique and beauty and generally making it look like Rina didn’t belong in the same ring with her. She brought Rina back to consciousness by grinding the heel of her boot against the Canadian’s soft cheek, then pressing down on it forcefully to prompt the referee’s count.
“1… 2… 3!”
Rina was in so much pain that even when it dawned upon her that she’d lost the match, it only added insult to injury. She wouldn’t say it out loud, but she was just glad it was over. The referee bent down to check on her and Rina offered a slight nod to show that she was, at the very least, still breathing.
“What are we gonna do with you, ya sad little jobber? Might have to call for a giant spatula to get you outta this ring… then again, I got another idea.”
Brynhild motioned to a ringside assistant who seemed to know what the victorious wrestler was thinking and soon a pre-prepared lasso was in the blonde’s hand.
“Oh yeah, I got something in mind for you, alright. I got something that’s going to make all these horny toads watching you shake that little ass of yours all match reeeeeal happy.”
Rina was drifting in and out of consciousness, so she only vaguely registered that Brynhild had forced her to sit up and then tightened the lasso loop around her to trap her arms at her sides. She groaned and wiggled lamely, which further entranced her admirers. Soon, Brynhild would take a few steps around the ring, dragging Rina along with her.
“I caught me a live one here!” Brynhild shouted, drawing chuckles from the crowd. To play up the act, Brynhild tugged on the lasso, making the line taut and forcing Rina to stand. She had at least a foot of height on Rina so when she tugged again, it actually took Rina off of her feet and nearly caused her to face plant. Instead, Brynhild kept her balanced just so, pulling Rina forward so that she went face-first into Brynhild’s ass!
The chuckles became uproarious laughter now, the crowd unable to contain itself as Rina’s face was first forced to kiss Brynhild’s behind and then buried in the amazon’s cheeks.
“You got a cute butt, Rina. Hope you like mine!”
Rina’s adorable pink outfit stretched and strained as her whole body tensed up. Her fingers curled up in her skintight gloves. The spandex covering her rear was barely staying in place and her toes danced as she struggled to maintain her balance (not to mention her dignity). She groaned as Brynhild’s ass was rubbed all over her face.
*Ugghhh… gross…*
Brynhild marched around the ring some more, never letting Rina stray too far before yanking on the lasso to bring her ass and Rina’s face back together. Eventually, it became difficult for Rina to breathe and she grew lightheaded. Brynhild drew her in for one long smother, then released the rope to allow Rina to collapse.
When Brynhild left the ring, she invited fans to step onto the apron and take pictures and video of the fallen Rina, who lay in a heap on the mat, her eyelids flickering as she quietly moaned. It was obvious that she needed help to untie herself, but unsurprisingly, nobody was in a much of a hurry to rush to her rescue.
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