Ryonani Teamster
- Joined
- Jun 10, 2010
So I finally snapped and had my first wrestling OC commissioned (and her first peril, scroll to the bottom if you want to check that out), courtesy of the brilliant ColorVirus (highly recommended) and I LOVE HER!
Here's what she looks like, you can read more about this Canadian cutie's background on my DeviantArt posting:
And whatever happens, you definitely don’t want to find yourself trapped in one of these. Trust me. It is pure hell.
As much as Rina loved pretty much everything about wrestling training back then, she couldn’t hide the fact that she dreaded the days where they trained submissions. It wasn’t just her inability to execute the holds herself that shook Rina, it was how helpless she felt when she was trapped in them.
Rina would toss and turn at night, the thought of getting bent into a pretzel or having her spine rearranged causing her to lose sleep. She did well with chain wrestling, high flying, even the occasional power move, so why was she so afraid when it came to the submission game? It was embarrassing.
She would never forget the day their instructor introduced them to the camel clutch, an infamous hold that Rina had seen on television and – surprise – deeply feared. The instructor demonstrated it on his wife, another semi-retired wrestler, and even though it was applied safely and with a fraction of its potential power, the subsequent warning he gave his class chilled Rina to her core.
Afterwards, the trainees were asked if they would like to experience the hold firsthand and several of them stepped forward to take the challenge. Rina was not among them.
Somehow, she made it through wrestling school without ever having someone even come close to putting the camel clutch on her. But it was a hazard that she pictured frequently even years later.
Rina’s opponent Fredericka looked to have about 30-40 pounds on her. And yes, she had at least 10 more years of experience than Rina. And there was no question that she just looked like a nasty woman to deal with. But Rina had fought bigger and tougher girls than her before. She hadn’t beaten any of them, but damned if she hadn’t fought!
From the moment she learned who she’d be matched up with, Rina formulated a game plan. Fredericka would be expecting Rina to be cautious and evasive, so the scrappy Canadian would take the fight to her instead. Pull the proverbial jersey over her head, as it were.
When the bell rang, Rina did just that, rushing forward to meet a somewhat surprised Fredericka in the center of the ring and clamping on a textbook side headlock. The big blonde grunted in annoyance, unable to use her superior strength to shake Rina off despite having all of the leverage. Though much of the crowd was looking forward to seeing Rina lose, a vocal portion was impressed at how she initiated the action.
“Not what you expected, eh?” Rina said confidently. She ground Fredericka’s head and neck in the basic hold for a few more moments, then attempted to flip her opponent onto her back. Unfortunately, Fredericka was quick to plant her feet, so she wasn’t budging and in fact it was Rina who was soon sent running to the ropes as Fredericka gave her a firm shove in the back.
The next sequence went by in a flash as Rina rebounded and ducked a clothesline, then dodged another looping strike as she returned from the opposite ropes. With Fredericka’s head spinning, Rina caught her off-guard with a flying dropkick!
The sense of impact was deeply satisfying and Rina’s confidence grew even more. She bounced up off of the mat and connected with another high dropkick, sending Fredericka stumbling to the ropes. However, the veteran managed to stay on her feet and her expression communicated amusement more than frustration.
“Not sure what you’re smiling about, Fredericka,” Rina said. “Unless you enjoy getting kicked in the face? That’s kind of weird.”
Rina hoped her chatter would serve as another distraction because even though she was doing well, it wasn’t clear how much she’d actually hurt Fredericka so far, if at all. She took a deep breath and walked forward to meet Fredericka again, this time rifling a forearm into the larger woman’s chin. She did this twice more, each time generating a satisfying smack, but still, Fredericka stood tall.
Better do something big here, let her know I mean business.
Rina paused, inviting Fredericka to attack, then dodged a slow lunge, moving behind Fredericka as she did so. Her arms went around Fredericka’s waist and she grunted loudly, aiming to lift her or at least trip her down to the mat. No go. In fact, the move did more to strain Rina’s back muscles than inconvenience Fredericka in any way.
“Hmm,” Fredericka said, scratching her chin. “Yeah, I think I’m done playing around now.”
Out of nowhere, Fredericka grabbed Rina’s wrists to break her grip, then she thrust her butt back right into Rina’s belly. Completely caught off guard, Rina had the wind knocked out of her and she would have fallen to her knees had Fredericka not snatched a handful of her shiny brown hair.
“Oooof! What the… where did that come from?”
Fredericka sneered as she dipped down to slip an arm between Rina’s legs, grabbing a shoulder with her other arm, and then scooping Rina up into position for a body slam. Rina’s white and red boots kicked in the air uselessly as she was suspended in the air with the knowledge that she was powerless to stop what was coming.
Fredericka threw Rina back-first onto the mat, causing the whole ring to shake. Rina immediately arched upwards in pain, her crotch rising from the canvas as her lower body briefly balanced on the tips of her toes before she settled down.
H… h… holy crap, that… that hurt!
Maybe it was the angle at which she fell or maybe Fredericka was just that damn strong, but Rina had never felt a slam like that before. She would soon feel it again. Fredericka scraped her from the canvas and drilled Rina with another body slam, adding even more force.
This time Rina bounced off of the mat a couple of times and skidded to a corner of the ring before ending up in a heap. It was hard to breathe and the room was spinning. Her vision shook as Fredericka stomped over towards her.
The blurriness was replaced by a sea of dark spots as Fredericka grabbed a handful of leotard to pull Rina up and then clobber her with a headbutt. Rina fell back to the corner, which just made her a sitting duck for a barrage of punches and knees to the belly that further broke her down. The referee attempted to warn Fredericka that she had to let Rina off of the ropes, but the warnings were ignored.
Instead, Fredericka mockingly turned towards the referee to bark at him, all the while leaning back with all of her weight on Rina. The Canadian felt nauseous as Fredericka’s ass grinded against her abs and restricted her breathing. The sickening sensation increased tenfold when Fredericka turned her attention back to Rina. With their bodies still squeezed tightly together, Fredericka grabbed Rina by the back of her head and stuffed her face into her armpit, a gesture that had more to do with humiliation than winning the match.
She flipped Rina back to the middle of the ring with a snapmare, then clamped on a rear chinlock.
“You like this basic stuff, huh, you little basic bitch? Well I can do it too.”
The fat of her arm painfully pinched Rina’s cheeks while also threatening to block Rina’s breathing. If Rina had a game plan heading into this match, apparently Fredericka did too. Squash, squeeze, and smother. And it was working to perfection.
Rina stood only to be put on her ass again with an uppercut to her throat. It was a legal move… barely. Gagging, Rina writhed on the mat, desperate to roll to the ropes for a break, but she was denied. Fredericka picked Rina up and snatched her in her arms for a crushing bearhug, which drew a gasp from the crowd.
“NYYYAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!” Rina screamed for the first time in the match. It was too much. Her aching ribs, her sore spine, her lungs begging for oxygen… she screamed and then screamed again. When it became clear that Fredericka wasn’t releasing the hug anytime soon, Rina gritted her teeth and focused on riding the hold out, though she was in complete misery.
After another minute in the hug, Rina was simply tossed towards the side of the ring, the hard ropes biting into her skin through her spandex and sending her hurtling back to Fredericka. This time, there would be no dodging Fredericka’s clothesline. A meaty arm smashed into Rina, flattening her spread eagle on the mat.
Fredericka lay on top of Rina for a lazy cover, which Rina kicked out of at “2” even though her brain was telling her not to.
“Good. A fighter. Fighters are fun.”
Rina was again scooped up into Fredericka’s arms, though instead of being thrown forward, she found herself flying wildly through the air as Fredericka leaned back for a fallaway slam. Boots and gloves flailed in every direction as Rina clumsily slipped out under the bottom rope to the outside of the ring, just as Fredericka had wanted.
Fredericka followed her prey, roughly controlling Rina by her hair once she was back in arm’s reach. Taking hold of one of Rina’s arms, she viciously whipped Rina back-first into the steel barricade separating them from the fans.
“GAAAAAH!” Rina cried out once more.
Cruelly, Fredericka set Rina up for one more body slam, though instead of dropping her to the ground, she tossed her towards the ring apron so that Rina’s spine curled over its edge. It was a scary sight, one that disheartened Rina’s dwindling supporters and thrilled those who had anticipated this beatdown. The attack knocked Rina for a loop.
When she came to, she heard the referee shout “6!” and realized she was in danger of being counted out. She immediately tried to get up off the mat, but there was an agonizing twinge in her lower back and she collapsed.
The cold mats at ringside actually felt good to Rina at that moment. She wanted to lay there and rest. If she waited three more seconds, she’d be allowed to do that for as long as she needed.
If she went back into the ring, there was a monster waiting for her.
One more second and this will all be over. It felt like she was being zapped by half a dozen cattle prods when she tried to move. But she wasn’t going out like this. Her hand snatched the bottom rope and with a lunge that nearly left her blind with pain, Rina made it back into the ring to beat the count.
“Yeeaaaah! Go Rina! You can do this!” A fan shouted. Rina felt her energy rise ever so slightly with that support.
She pushed up onto her elbows. Then she got her knees under her, putting her on all fours with her adorable butt wagging behind her. There was a smattering of applause and Rina forced herself to rise… to fight!
To get squashed again.
Fredericka simply stepped over Rina’s weak body and did a short hop before bringing her heavy ass down across Rina’s back. The brutal attack drained whatever strength Rina had left, leaving her facedown on the canvas. Easy pickings. The state Rina was in, Fredericka probably could have pinned her for a 10-count.
But the position was too perfect and Fredericka instead squatted down to take a seat on Rina’s back. The jobber’s mind immediately began to race as one of her greatest fears was soon to be realized.
…you definitely don’t want to find yourself trapped in one of these…
…It is pure hell…
No, no, no, no… she’s going to do it to me… she’s going to…
Rina’s train of thought was cut off as Fredericka grabbed her chin with both hands and yanked, bending Rina’s neck and back in an awful way. She hadn’t even properly locked in the hold yet, she was just toying with Rina. When she finally locked Rina’s arms between her armpits and thighs and fully clamped in the chinlock, only then did the nightmare become reality.
“MMNNNNGGGGGGGGGH!!!!!” Rina’s muffled scream could be heard through Fredericka’s interlaced fingers, such was the extent of her suffering. It wasn’t as bad as her instructor had warned her all those years ago; no, it was so much worse.
Fredericka’s weight crushing her against the mat, the bully’s pelvis causing Rina’s spine to curve at a horrific angle. Her pretty neck dripping with sweat as it was savagely wrenched, her soft lips stinging from Fredericka’s grip. She didn’t even realize that her boots were drumming against the mat aimlessly until she had been in the hold for almost a minute.
As her mind briefly cleared, she could make out the referee asking her – no – prompting her to submit. It was obvious to everyone that Fredericka had Rina dead to rights. And it wasn’t as if she had never submitted before; in fact, she had developed a reputation for being pushed past her limit and inevitably giving in.
Maybe that’s why she fought so hard not to quit this time. Why she shook her head enough to show the ref she wanted to continue, even as she squeezed her eyes and a tear streamed down her cheek.
My back... she’s... she’s breaking me... can’t quit... but can’t take much more of this...
The way Fredericka had the hold applied, she could have sat on Rina’s back for an hour. She was hardly exerting any energy and if anything, she was getting more comfortable as Rina faded and her level of resistance dipped to zero. She licked her lips and cackled as she rocked back and forth a few times, relishing every moan she could draw from Rina’s lips.
“What's wrong, little girl? Are you crying? Cry for all your stupid fans, ha ha!”
On and on it went. One of Rina’s arms went limp, the other barely showing signs of life as it reached for the ropes that were a mile away. The bitter taste of Fredericka’s sweaty, stinking fingers filled her mouth. Her spine slowly crumbled. Her heart sank as the referee’s calls for her to quit were drowned out by the lusty crowd who were now firmly behind Fredericka.
It was the most painful scenario Rina had been put in since starting her wrestling career and if she wanted it to be over all she had to do was nod her submission. Tap out. Say, “I quit.”
Losing would be so much easier than this.
What do you think? Did Rina submit? Did the referee call for the bell to save her? Could Rina escape and mount a shocking comeback? Or at least make it to the time limit?
That's for you to decide.
Here's what she looks like, you can read more about this Canadian cutie's background on my DeviantArt posting:

Shocker, I'm planning to write and commission all kinds of painful and humiliating wrestling scenarios for her. Here's one based around my favourite move...
Rina Hartling in Jobber's First Camel Clutch
And whatever happens, you definitely don’t want to find yourself trapped in one of these. Trust me. It is pure hell.
As much as Rina loved pretty much everything about wrestling training back then, she couldn’t hide the fact that she dreaded the days where they trained submissions. It wasn’t just her inability to execute the holds herself that shook Rina, it was how helpless she felt when she was trapped in them.
Rina would toss and turn at night, the thought of getting bent into a pretzel or having her spine rearranged causing her to lose sleep. She did well with chain wrestling, high flying, even the occasional power move, so why was she so afraid when it came to the submission game? It was embarrassing.
She would never forget the day their instructor introduced them to the camel clutch, an infamous hold that Rina had seen on television and – surprise – deeply feared. The instructor demonstrated it on his wife, another semi-retired wrestler, and even though it was applied safely and with a fraction of its potential power, the subsequent warning he gave his class chilled Rina to her core.
Afterwards, the trainees were asked if they would like to experience the hold firsthand and several of them stepped forward to take the challenge. Rina was not among them.
Somehow, she made it through wrestling school without ever having someone even come close to putting the camel clutch on her. But it was a hazard that she pictured frequently even years later.
Rina’s opponent Fredericka looked to have about 30-40 pounds on her. And yes, she had at least 10 more years of experience than Rina. And there was no question that she just looked like a nasty woman to deal with. But Rina had fought bigger and tougher girls than her before. She hadn’t beaten any of them, but damned if she hadn’t fought!
From the moment she learned who she’d be matched up with, Rina formulated a game plan. Fredericka would be expecting Rina to be cautious and evasive, so the scrappy Canadian would take the fight to her instead. Pull the proverbial jersey over her head, as it were.
When the bell rang, Rina did just that, rushing forward to meet a somewhat surprised Fredericka in the center of the ring and clamping on a textbook side headlock. The big blonde grunted in annoyance, unable to use her superior strength to shake Rina off despite having all of the leverage. Though much of the crowd was looking forward to seeing Rina lose, a vocal portion was impressed at how she initiated the action.
“Not what you expected, eh?” Rina said confidently. She ground Fredericka’s head and neck in the basic hold for a few more moments, then attempted to flip her opponent onto her back. Unfortunately, Fredericka was quick to plant her feet, so she wasn’t budging and in fact it was Rina who was soon sent running to the ropes as Fredericka gave her a firm shove in the back.
The next sequence went by in a flash as Rina rebounded and ducked a clothesline, then dodged another looping strike as she returned from the opposite ropes. With Fredericka’s head spinning, Rina caught her off-guard with a flying dropkick!
The sense of impact was deeply satisfying and Rina’s confidence grew even more. She bounced up off of the mat and connected with another high dropkick, sending Fredericka stumbling to the ropes. However, the veteran managed to stay on her feet and her expression communicated amusement more than frustration.
“Not sure what you’re smiling about, Fredericka,” Rina said. “Unless you enjoy getting kicked in the face? That’s kind of weird.”
Rina hoped her chatter would serve as another distraction because even though she was doing well, it wasn’t clear how much she’d actually hurt Fredericka so far, if at all. She took a deep breath and walked forward to meet Fredericka again, this time rifling a forearm into the larger woman’s chin. She did this twice more, each time generating a satisfying smack, but still, Fredericka stood tall.
Better do something big here, let her know I mean business.
Rina paused, inviting Fredericka to attack, then dodged a slow lunge, moving behind Fredericka as she did so. Her arms went around Fredericka’s waist and she grunted loudly, aiming to lift her or at least trip her down to the mat. No go. In fact, the move did more to strain Rina’s back muscles than inconvenience Fredericka in any way.
“Hmm,” Fredericka said, scratching her chin. “Yeah, I think I’m done playing around now.”
Out of nowhere, Fredericka grabbed Rina’s wrists to break her grip, then she thrust her butt back right into Rina’s belly. Completely caught off guard, Rina had the wind knocked out of her and she would have fallen to her knees had Fredericka not snatched a handful of her shiny brown hair.
“Oooof! What the… where did that come from?”
Fredericka sneered as she dipped down to slip an arm between Rina’s legs, grabbing a shoulder with her other arm, and then scooping Rina up into position for a body slam. Rina’s white and red boots kicked in the air uselessly as she was suspended in the air with the knowledge that she was powerless to stop what was coming.
Fredericka threw Rina back-first onto the mat, causing the whole ring to shake. Rina immediately arched upwards in pain, her crotch rising from the canvas as her lower body briefly balanced on the tips of her toes before she settled down.
H… h… holy crap, that… that hurt!
Maybe it was the angle at which she fell or maybe Fredericka was just that damn strong, but Rina had never felt a slam like that before. She would soon feel it again. Fredericka scraped her from the canvas and drilled Rina with another body slam, adding even more force.
This time Rina bounced off of the mat a couple of times and skidded to a corner of the ring before ending up in a heap. It was hard to breathe and the room was spinning. Her vision shook as Fredericka stomped over towards her.
The blurriness was replaced by a sea of dark spots as Fredericka grabbed a handful of leotard to pull Rina up and then clobber her with a headbutt. Rina fell back to the corner, which just made her a sitting duck for a barrage of punches and knees to the belly that further broke her down. The referee attempted to warn Fredericka that she had to let Rina off of the ropes, but the warnings were ignored.
Instead, Fredericka mockingly turned towards the referee to bark at him, all the while leaning back with all of her weight on Rina. The Canadian felt nauseous as Fredericka’s ass grinded against her abs and restricted her breathing. The sickening sensation increased tenfold when Fredericka turned her attention back to Rina. With their bodies still squeezed tightly together, Fredericka grabbed Rina by the back of her head and stuffed her face into her armpit, a gesture that had more to do with humiliation than winning the match.
She flipped Rina back to the middle of the ring with a snapmare, then clamped on a rear chinlock.
“You like this basic stuff, huh, you little basic bitch? Well I can do it too.”
The fat of her arm painfully pinched Rina’s cheeks while also threatening to block Rina’s breathing. If Rina had a game plan heading into this match, apparently Fredericka did too. Squash, squeeze, and smother. And it was working to perfection.
Rina stood only to be put on her ass again with an uppercut to her throat. It was a legal move… barely. Gagging, Rina writhed on the mat, desperate to roll to the ropes for a break, but she was denied. Fredericka picked Rina up and snatched her in her arms for a crushing bearhug, which drew a gasp from the crowd.
“NYYYAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!” Rina screamed for the first time in the match. It was too much. Her aching ribs, her sore spine, her lungs begging for oxygen… she screamed and then screamed again. When it became clear that Fredericka wasn’t releasing the hug anytime soon, Rina gritted her teeth and focused on riding the hold out, though she was in complete misery.
After another minute in the hug, Rina was simply tossed towards the side of the ring, the hard ropes biting into her skin through her spandex and sending her hurtling back to Fredericka. This time, there would be no dodging Fredericka’s clothesline. A meaty arm smashed into Rina, flattening her spread eagle on the mat.
Fredericka lay on top of Rina for a lazy cover, which Rina kicked out of at “2” even though her brain was telling her not to.
“Good. A fighter. Fighters are fun.”
Rina was again scooped up into Fredericka’s arms, though instead of being thrown forward, she found herself flying wildly through the air as Fredericka leaned back for a fallaway slam. Boots and gloves flailed in every direction as Rina clumsily slipped out under the bottom rope to the outside of the ring, just as Fredericka had wanted.
Fredericka followed her prey, roughly controlling Rina by her hair once she was back in arm’s reach. Taking hold of one of Rina’s arms, she viciously whipped Rina back-first into the steel barricade separating them from the fans.
“GAAAAAH!” Rina cried out once more.
Cruelly, Fredericka set Rina up for one more body slam, though instead of dropping her to the ground, she tossed her towards the ring apron so that Rina’s spine curled over its edge. It was a scary sight, one that disheartened Rina’s dwindling supporters and thrilled those who had anticipated this beatdown. The attack knocked Rina for a loop.
When she came to, she heard the referee shout “6!” and realized she was in danger of being counted out. She immediately tried to get up off the mat, but there was an agonizing twinge in her lower back and she collapsed.
The cold mats at ringside actually felt good to Rina at that moment. She wanted to lay there and rest. If she waited three more seconds, she’d be allowed to do that for as long as she needed.
If she went back into the ring, there was a monster waiting for her.
One more second and this will all be over. It felt like she was being zapped by half a dozen cattle prods when she tried to move. But she wasn’t going out like this. Her hand snatched the bottom rope and with a lunge that nearly left her blind with pain, Rina made it back into the ring to beat the count.
“Yeeaaaah! Go Rina! You can do this!” A fan shouted. Rina felt her energy rise ever so slightly with that support.
She pushed up onto her elbows. Then she got her knees under her, putting her on all fours with her adorable butt wagging behind her. There was a smattering of applause and Rina forced herself to rise… to fight!
To get squashed again.
Fredericka simply stepped over Rina’s weak body and did a short hop before bringing her heavy ass down across Rina’s back. The brutal attack drained whatever strength Rina had left, leaving her facedown on the canvas. Easy pickings. The state Rina was in, Fredericka probably could have pinned her for a 10-count.
But the position was too perfect and Fredericka instead squatted down to take a seat on Rina’s back. The jobber’s mind immediately began to race as one of her greatest fears was soon to be realized.
…you definitely don’t want to find yourself trapped in one of these…
…It is pure hell…
No, no, no, no… she’s going to do it to me… she’s going to…
Rina’s train of thought was cut off as Fredericka grabbed her chin with both hands and yanked, bending Rina’s neck and back in an awful way. She hadn’t even properly locked in the hold yet, she was just toying with Rina. When she finally locked Rina’s arms between her armpits and thighs and fully clamped in the chinlock, only then did the nightmare become reality.
“MMNNNNGGGGGGGGGH!!!!!” Rina’s muffled scream could be heard through Fredericka’s interlaced fingers, such was the extent of her suffering. It wasn’t as bad as her instructor had warned her all those years ago; no, it was so much worse.
Fredericka’s weight crushing her against the mat, the bully’s pelvis causing Rina’s spine to curve at a horrific angle. Her pretty neck dripping with sweat as it was savagely wrenched, her soft lips stinging from Fredericka’s grip. She didn’t even realize that her boots were drumming against the mat aimlessly until she had been in the hold for almost a minute.
As her mind briefly cleared, she could make out the referee asking her – no – prompting her to submit. It was obvious to everyone that Fredericka had Rina dead to rights. And it wasn’t as if she had never submitted before; in fact, she had developed a reputation for being pushed past her limit and inevitably giving in.
Maybe that’s why she fought so hard not to quit this time. Why she shook her head enough to show the ref she wanted to continue, even as she squeezed her eyes and a tear streamed down her cheek.
My back... she’s... she’s breaking me... can’t quit... but can’t take much more of this...
The way Fredericka had the hold applied, she could have sat on Rina’s back for an hour. She was hardly exerting any energy and if anything, she was getting more comfortable as Rina faded and her level of resistance dipped to zero. She licked her lips and cackled as she rocked back and forth a few times, relishing every moan she could draw from Rina’s lips.
“What's wrong, little girl? Are you crying? Cry for all your stupid fans, ha ha!”
On and on it went. One of Rina’s arms went limp, the other barely showing signs of life as it reached for the ropes that were a mile away. The bitter taste of Fredericka’s sweaty, stinking fingers filled her mouth. Her spine slowly crumbled. Her heart sank as the referee’s calls for her to quit were drowned out by the lusty crowd who were now firmly behind Fredericka.
It was the most painful scenario Rina had been put in since starting her wrestling career and if she wanted it to be over all she had to do was nod her submission. Tap out. Say, “I quit.”
Losing would be so much easier than this.

What do you think? Did Rina submit? Did the referee call for the bell to save her? Could Rina escape and mount a shocking comeback? Or at least make it to the time limit?
That's for you to decide.