Zako Majorettes (1 Viewer)


2D Artist
Aug 10, 2024
This is intended to branch off from the "Zakos in 18th century Army Outfits" thread. I thought there should be a place for zakos dressed in marching band uniforms, or as drum majorettes, or in similar fashion.

I've always liked this type of costume. It's pretty, but also slightly imposing due to its origins in military dress, thus falling into that sweet spot between "cute" and "badass," and making it a potentially great zako outfit.

We've already talked about General Jinjur's Army of Revolt from the Wonderful Land of Oz movie and Marvelous Land of Oz book. I also brought up Ozma's "white-hat zakos" from the book. Seems I misremembered: these troops are commanded by Glinda the Good Witch, not by Ozma. Now here's more of Glinda's all-girl army, from a Marvel comics adaptation (and also more of the General, because you can never have too much Jinjur). Sorry, no violence, but the girls and their uniforms are very well-drawn, IMO. Found here:

I recall a few other instances of "zako" majorettes, and will try to track them down. In the meantime, others are welcome to contribute!


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2D Artist
Aug 10, 2024
General Jinjur's army of revolt is a classic. It's a pity they don't get a lot of portrayals in media. The only instance where I saw any of them fighting was in this retro video-game style video: :smile:

Ha, thanks for sharing that! It's actually pretty cool and I'd never seen it before.

There's a bit of Jinjur fan art on DA but not much featuring her troops. Ditto for a lot of Oz media, though the wiki did lead me to some interesting things. I believe that Baum always intended these women for the stage, and apparently, they figured heavily in the 1905 Woggle-Bug musical, based on Land of Oz. I don't know if there are any extant photographs of the production showing what their uniforms looked like. They do appear on the sheet music, but I think it's just a copy of their illustration from the novel.


Supposedly, the Army of Revolt also featured in a 1910 silent film adaptation, which is unfortunately lost. However, the preceding Wonderful Wizard of Oz film (the oldest surviving Oz movie) does have some girl soldiers in tights commanded by the Wizard. They appear at 2:39 and again at 8:49 & 9:37. More pertinent to the topic of this thread, there are some ladies in epaulets who appear at 11:05 and end up unionizing, to the Wizard's annoyance. They can also be seen in the background bearing staffs during the final sequence when the Wizard takes off in his balloon.

Julee Cruise (?!), better known for singing the Blue Velvet and Twin Peaks theme songs, played Jinjur in a 1981 children's stage musical. Members of this forum may enjoy her initial exchange with Tip beginning at 25:21. Her officers come onstage at 26:30 and soon they're all singing a song together. One of these days I'm gonna smoke a j and watch this whole thing.

The time stamps are for the first versions that pop up when you search them on YouTube. I did not link to the videos because they feature child actors in the roles of Dorothy and Tip. Of course they aren't pornographic in any way, but this is an adult site. I assume it's okay to insert this Russian version from the late 90s, since it's animated. The Army of Revolt first appears at 1:05:37

I also found a couple of pictures made for a collectible Oz card game!
This one is by an artist named Kecky (Kecky User Profile | DeviantArt)

This next one is by Wintersoul (Userpage of Wintersoul -- Fur Affinity [dot] net)


2D Artist
Aug 10, 2024
Great finds! Love those color-coded uniforms 😍

It would be nice if we could get a new live-action film showcasing these armies. Just seeing them marching in formation would be cool. Serious violence wouldn't be appropriate for an Oz story, but there could definitely be a uniform-stealing scene, like in the 1939 movie when the heroes disguise themselves as troops of the Wicked Witch.

The outfits ought to be the old-timey kind with shako hats, epaulets, brass buttons, etc. Or maybe a different concept inspired by military dress circa 1900. Not many remember this, but U.S. soldiers in the 1880s-1890s wore Prussian-style uniforms, complete with spiked helmets. Something like that might look good on a more villainous army.

The troops should all be women, of course. I didn't see the Oz movie with James Franco, but by the looks of it, there are no female soldiers 😐

I found this student essay comparing the 2014 film to Baum's Land of Oz book: The Army of Glinda the Good 1904 vs. 2013

Glinda seems to have an army comprised entirely of male Munchkins, ironically making this movie more sexist than a novel written 110 years prior. Side note: I believe much of the Army of Revolt, including Jinjur herself, are Munchkins; but in the books, Munchkins are mostly normal-sized humans.

Maybe you've noticed that I'm a bit of an Oz-head. Totally down to talk Oz in General Discussion 🤣

Now, I have a bona fide zako marching band for you! This is from G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #5. The Joes are manning a new tank as part of a parade. Also taking part in the parade is a drum and bugle corps, including several scantily-clad majorettes, and Steeler does his patriotic duty by using the tank's gun sight to check out some majorette booty. Soon it becomes apparent that the drum and bugle corps are really Cobra troops in disguise, sent to capture the experimental tank. A chase ensues, ending when the Joes convince the goons to surrender through sheer bluffing. Found here: Captcha Check
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Swell Supporter
Jul 30, 2016
Are you aware of the dark oz books? I never read them and was wondering how the army of revolt played out in those. I am trying to find the name but its a really messed up version of OZ where the scarecrow operates on peoples brains trying to figure them out and creepy stuff like that. I know Jinjur is in the books, but do not know about how the revolt plays out.

Kristopher Prime

Club Regular
Dec 21, 2015
Are you aware of the dark oz books? I never read them and was wondering how the army of revolt played out in those. I am trying to find the name but its a really messed up version of OZ where the scarecrow operates on peoples brains trying to figure them out and creepy stuff like that. I know Jinjur is in the books, but do not know about how the revolt plays out.
here is the appearance of Jinjur's army. LOVELY fate in "The Straw King"!


2D Artist
Aug 10, 2024
I've never read the Dark Oz or Dorothy Must Die books. They sound intriguing, but I'm not sure how I feel about making Oz too dark. I definitely enjoy macabre stuff, but part of me says "no! don't rape my childhood memories!" 🤣 I do love that Return to Oz movie from the 80s even though it's on the darker side and Jinjur appears only briefly in the background. I'm aware of some other "dark and gritty" media, like the Oz Squad comics (which I have not read). These take place long after the revolt, when Jinjur is ambassador to the United States. If you ask me, she looks more like Sigourney Weaver in Working Girl than anyone else, but it seems there's a bit of that marching band/nutcracker look too:
WWJinjur.jpg 861295_original.jpg
Jinjur also shows up as an antagonist in Emerald City Confidential, a point-and-click adventure game similar to Monkey Island, but with a neo-noir vibe. Here she commands the Royal Guard instead of the Army of Revolt, and in keeping with the Raymond Chandler-esque setting, the uniforms are more mid-century than turn-of-the-century.

But back to majorettes! The great zako artist jackjump has a few majorettes in his gallery on DeviantArt:



2D Artist
Aug 7, 2024
Quite an interesting thread battlebabes battlebabes , thank you for starting it. I'll admit the marching band uniform isn't exactly my favorite zako outfit, but I do see its appeal of course. Something about these girls spending too much time getting ready for battle in these sharp, clean uniforms, only to get hopelessly destroyed later on, tickles my zako fancy.

It's not quite the same thing, but maybe you'd also be interested in the more modern military dress uniforms, like an outfit that could be used in parades or ceremonies?

Something like this video from lady2fight:




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Vivacious Visitor
May 18, 2012
Quite an interesting thread battlebabes battlebabes , thank you for starting it. I'll admit the marching band uniform isn't exactly my favorite zako outfit, but I do see its appeal of course. Something about these girls spending too much time getting ready for battle in these sharp, clean uniforms, only to get hopelessly destroyed later on, tickles my zako fancy.

It's not quite the same thing, but maybe you'd also be interested in the more modern military dress uniforms, like an outfit that could be used in parades or ceremonies?

Something like this video from lady2fight:

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nice pile of uniformed ladies


2D Artist
Aug 10, 2024
Quite an interesting thread battlebabes battlebabes , thank you for starting it. I'll admit the marching band uniform isn't exactly my favorite zako outfit, but I do see its appeal of course. Something about these girls spending too much time getting ready for battle in these sharp, clean uniforms, only to get hopelessly destroyed later on, tickles my zako fancy.

It's not quite the same thing, but maybe you'd also be interested in the more modern military dress uniforms, like an outfit that could be used in parades or ceremonies?

Something like this video from lady2fight:

View attachment 158539

View attachment 158540
I'm very interested in modern dress uniforms! I'm kind of into women in uniform period, even apart from anything zako-related, but there's definitely something about military dress in particular ... I think it's the cords 🥵

Some of the costumes on my own zakos are sort of based on uniforms like these. I turned them into leotards/bikinis, but honestly, the full, real uniforms are just as sexy.

I would welcome more like this, especially since I'm sure the old-timey majorette thing is a very niche interest.


3D Artist
Aug 20, 2024
Translation might be not perfect, I am not an English speaker. The concept of Zako is a fantasy I’ve had since childhood. The Zako idea manifests in several fantasies, but I want to focus here on the majorettes. When I first saw them in my youth, I immediately thought of female soldiers. Essentially, the soldiers are all the same. They are not individuals, which makes them interchangeable and, in effect, worthless. Nonetheless, I usually focused on one of them. I projected myself onto her, or might be engaged in my fantastic interactions with her. The analogy with line battles from old wars immediately came to mind. I also include the female musicians from the many drum bands of my youth.

In the early 1970s, majorettes and drum bands were very popular. Many girls were members. It wasn’t as sporty as it is today, and the members were generally older and, therefore, more attractive than they are now. I actually found it exciting that they were ordinary and sometimes slightly plump girls. Majorettes primarily marched and only did a few hops. During parades, they stood in strict formation, allowing you to stand very close without arousing suspicion. Their uniforms could be divided into two types, both of which I found very attractive. The first was a military style, reminiscent of uniforms from the Napoleonic era, often paired with a white pleated skirt. The second was the tailored suit look, with snug blazers and short skirts. Underneath, they always wore a white shirt with a tie. The very first fantasies I remember involved the collar of a white shirt. Majorettes or drum band girls wearing blazers with men’s shirts underneath drove me wild. The shiny pantyhose-clad legs and white lace-up boots they wore were, of course, also very arousing.

My fantasy included both male and female roles. I naturally fantasized about battles involving majorettes and drum bands, where fallen majorettes remained on the battlefield. I fantasized about captive majorettes with whom I entertain myself. Perhaps I’ll describe this later. Currently, I am working on a fantasy with majorettes that I am trying to make somewhat realistic and believable. Credibility is important to me, which is, of course, a challenge if you want to use majorettes as cannon fodder.

How can the described majorettes in their classic uniforms be credibly incorporated into a story? Let’s imagine that, in the early 1970s, Europe is still engulfed in war. There has never been a post-war Germany. The occupation has continued indefinitely, and after several decades, resistance against the Allied occupiers has flared up again. In Germany, there are almost no men left. All the men are working abroad. They were last home around 1950. All the children are around twenty or older. The Allies are dealing with a partisan war led by women. It’s a delicate situation…

Japan has also never been occupied by the Americans. The tradition of female resistance students has always persisted. The memory of the schoolgirls who fought the Americans with bamboo spears is still vivid. They strongly believe in the power of charm and are eager to contribute to the fight in Germany. The Emperor fully supports this, partly because the loss of many young unmarried women could quickly reduce overpopulation. The Japanese girls arrive in large numbers in Germany aboard Imperial Navy submarines. The German women are not welcoming of this help. The influx of women presents a major logistical problem. Furthermore, they are hardly effective in using their charms against the Americans, especially since they don’t speak a word of English and their culture is very different from American norms. It is decided to use the girls, conveniently called majorettes in Germany, primarily as scouts, hoping they will incur significant losses. The majorettes scout the American lines and report back to the older women who accompany them. The information is sometimes of some value to the Germans. Young American soldiers are authorized to shoot the Japanese majorettes, but they struggle to pull the trigger. There are frequent unwanted encounters between the timid Japanese majorettes and the lonely young soldiers. Sexual contact is strictly prohibited and severely punished.

Given that the situation is undesirable for both sides, a compromise is reached. Whenever the majorettes are in action, they are not harassed by the female partisans. Specially selected older soldiers eliminate any majorettes they encounter before they come into contact with the more sensitive young soldiers. Within this scenario, various storylines are possible from different perspectives.
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2D Artist
Aug 7, 2024
I'm very interested in modern dress uniforms! I'm kind of into women in uniform period, even apart from anything zako-related, but there's definitely something about military dress in particular ... I think it's the cords 🥵

Some of the costumes on my own zakos are sort of based on uniforms like these. I turned them into leotards/bikinis, but honestly, the full, real uniforms are just as sexy.

I would welcome more like this, especially since I'm sure the old-timey majorette thing is a very niche interest.

Oh I much agree, the cords definitely add something to the fancy and ceremonial nature of the sexy uniform. For me it's the professional neck tie, dress shirt, and uniform blazer combo that really does it.

You're in luck though, I've commissioned several customs like this one on lady2fight (see below). They might not be quite as zako-focused as many on this forum might hope, and they're more about the girls taking hits to the belly, if you're OK with that. There are a couple of scenes with the girls marching in place before getting attacked, if that suits your tastes.

It's really a mix of 2 fetishes (the uniforms and belly punching) - as you might imagine this is a niche that's a bit hard to satisfy lol.

Having said that, you ask at an opportune time as I've also recently commissioned a bigger, more zako-like battle scenario from them featuring many more girls. They actually just filmed it the other day and it's in editing stages, so it should drop any day now.


2D Artist
Aug 7, 2024
The second was the tailored suit look, with snug blazers and short skirts. Underneath, they always wore a white shirt with a tie. The very first fantasies I remember involved the collar of a white shirt. Majorettes or drum band girls wearing blazers with men’s shirts underneath drove me wild.
Oh man I totally get this. The business suit look, or variations of it, on a woman looks so good to me. Add in a neck tie and boom I'm done.


3D Artist
Aug 20, 2024

Scouts in Blue"​

The humid jungle hung like a thick curtain over the American outpost, where the air was heavy with tension. Corporal Davis, an older, battle-hardened soldier with weathered skin and a graying beard, scanned the tree line through his binoculars. Beside him, Private Murphy—a fresh-faced recruit with wide eyes and a nervous grip on his rifle—fidgeted anxiously.

"See anything?" Murphy asked, voice tight with anticipation.

"Not yet," Davis muttered, lowering the binoculars slightly. "But they're out there."

Murphy shifted. "I heard some guys talking... they said we're up against... majorettes or something? Scouts in uniforms, right? Sounds insane."

Davis sighed deeply, shaking his head. "Yeah, scouts. They dress them up like they're part of a school parade. Short blue blazers, ties, skirts that barely cover anything. Boots laced up to their knees." He turned to Murphy, his eyes hard. "They’re not armed, but don’t be fooled. They’re here to make you hesitate."

Murphy’s brow furrowed in disbelief. "That doesn’t make sense. Why would they send unarmed girls into a warzone? In uniforms like that?"

Davis kept his eyes on the tree line. "Because it works. Those uniforms—short skirts, ties, those shiny damn boots—they're meant to mess with your head. You see them, and you pause, thinking it’s some kind of joke. But that pause? That’s all they need to mark us out. Then the real soldiers, the ones with guns, light us up."

Murphy blinked, staring out into the thick jungle. "But... they're not even a real threat. How are we supposed to—?"

Davis cut him off, his tone colder. "You shoot them. In the stomach."

Murphy recoiled, eyes wide. "In the stomach? Why there?"

Davis glanced at him briefly before raising the binoculars again. "Because it's slow. Painful. The others see it, and maybe they think twice before charging. It's how you stop them from coming back."

Murphy's grip on his rifle tightened, his knuckles going white. "That's... that’s brutal. They're just girls. In skirts and ties. How can you justify that?"

Davis gave a low grunt. "Brutal is war, Murphy. They're not innocent. They're soldiers, even if they don’t have guns. Their job is to lead the enemy to us. Our job is to stop them."

Suddenly, Davis froze, his binoculars fixed on a break in the trees. "There," he said quietly.

Through the dense underbrush, figures began to emerge. Young women, barely older than Murphy, stepped forward in eerie silence. Their uniforms were crisp and striking: short blue blazers over white shirts with ties, pleated skirts swaying slightly with each step, and knee-high lace-up boots that glistened in the dim light. Their expressions were blank, almost serene, as they moved together in perfect unison.

"They're here," Davis muttered, lowering the binoculars. "Scouts."

Murphy’s mouth fell open. "Jesus… they look like they just walked out of a high school. What the hell are they doing here?"

The girls stood in formation, their presence surreal against the jungle backdrop. No weapons, no batons—just those sharp blue uniforms, as if they had stepped into the wrong reality. Their blazers hugged tightly to their bodies, and the skirts barely skimmed their thighs, making them look more like performers than soldiers. And yet, there was something unnerving about how calm they were, how out of place they seemed.

"They're just standing there," Murphy said, almost to himself. "What the hell are they waiting for?"

Davis’s jaw tightened. "They're daring us to shoot. They’re showing us they’re not afraid. But we’ve got to fire first. Don't wait."

Murphy shook his head. "But they’re just... how can you—"

A single shot rang out. Davis fired without hesitation. One of the girls, her blazer a vivid flash of blue in the trees, crumpled to the ground, clutching her stomach. The others didn’t move. They stood there, eyes still fixed forward, their faces unreadable.

Murphy’s stomach lurched. "Jesus... she's... they're not even running!"

"They won’t," Davis said, his voice steady, almost cold. "Not yet."

Murphy stared at the fallen girl, her body twisted on the ground, blood staining her white shirt and tie. She was still alive, writhing in pain, but none of her companions flinched. They remained motionless, watching their fallen comrade with cold detachment.

Murphy's voice wavered. "They're not even helping her… why are they just standing there?"

Davis’s grip on his rifle tightened. "They want to prove they’re not afraid. They want us to see it. Show their courage before they retreat. But they’ll break when the second one falls."

Another shot echoed through the air. Another girl went down, her blazer flaring out as she collapsed, this time with no sound. The others watched for only a moment before, as if on cue, they turned and melted back into the jungle, disappearing as quickly as they had appeared.

The silence that followed was suffocating. Murphy stood frozen, his eyes locked on the spot where the girls had fallen. The second girl lay still, but the first one was still gasping, her hands clutching her stomach. Her short blazer had ridden up, exposing more of her blood-soaked shirt.

Murphy felt bile rise in his throat. "They didn’t even… they just left her."

Davis exhaled sharply, lowering his rifle. "That’s the game, kid. They show they’re willing to die. Prove their loyalty, their courage. Then they leave the bodies for us to deal with. It’s all about making us think twice."

Murphy shook his head, his hands trembling. "But why the stomach? Why not just... finish it quick?"

Davis looked at him, his expression unreadable. "Because this isn’t just about killing. It’s about sending a message. To them. To us. You make them hurt, make it visible. It keeps the rest from coming back."

Murphy’s gaze lingered on the fallen scouts. The way their uniforms, so polished and perfect just moments ago, now lay in tatters on the ground, stained with blood, filled him with a deep, unsettling nausea.

"Those uniforms," he muttered. "It’s like they were trying to make us hesitate. Like they wanted us to see them like... like people, not soldiers."

Davis turned away, scanning the jungle again. "That’s exactly what they want. And that’s why they’re dangerous. They make you second-guess yourself. But in the end, they’re just another enemy trying to kill us. Don’t ever forget that."

Murphy stared at the trees where the remaining scouts had vanished. Their blue blazers and skirts were gone, swallowed by the jungle, but the image burned in his mind. The absurdity of it all—the uniforms, the silent defiance, the calculated cruelty of the shots—left him shaken.

"I’ll never forget," he whispered, more to himself than to Davis.


2D Artist
Aug 10, 2024
In the early 1970s, majorettes and drum bands were very popular. Many girls were members. It wasn’t as sporty as it is today, and the members were generally older and, therefore, more attractive than they are now. I actually found it exciting that they were ordinary and sometimes slightly plump girls. Majorettes primarily marched and only did a few hops. During parades, they stood in strict formation, allowing you to stand very close without arousing suspicion. Their uniforms could be divided into two types, both of which I found very attractive. The first was a military style, reminiscent of uniforms from the Napoleonic era, often paired with a white pleated skirt. The second was the tailored suit look, with snug blazers and short skirts. Underneath, they always wore a white shirt with a tie. The very first fantasies I remember involved the collar of a white shirt. Majorettes or drum band girls wearing blazers with men’s shirts underneath drove me wild. The shiny pantyhose-clad legs and white lace-up boots they wore were, of course, also very arousing.
I've been away several months but I wanted to thank you for sharing this reminiscence. I wish these types of uniforms were still popular. I would certainly watch more parades if that were the case! I also enjoyed your story, which brings majorettes to the battlefield in plausible fashion.

Oh man I totally get this. The business suit look, or variations of it, on a woman looks so good to me. Add in a neck tie and boom I'm done.
I feel this as well. Annie Lennox in a suit and tie is what gets me rewatching the music video for "Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)" 🥵

You're in luck though, I've commissioned several customs like this one on lady2fight (see below). They might not be quite as zako-focused as many on this forum might hope, and they're more about the girls taking hits to the belly, if you're OK with that. There are a couple of scenes with the girls marching in place before getting attacked, if that suits your tastes.

It's really a mix of 2 fetishes (the uniforms and belly punching) - as you might imagine this is a niche that's a bit hard to satisfy lol.

Having said that, you ask at an opportune time as I've also recently commissioned a bigger, more zako-like battle scenario from them featuring many more girls. They actually just filmed it the other day and it's in editing stages, so it should drop any day now.
Belly punching isn't my cup of tea (nor is men hitting women) but the ladies are very pretty in their uniforms, and I do love the marching!

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