Zako story "At The Speed Of A Feather" (2 Viewers)


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Jun 22, 2021
Hello! First time I've posted a zako story, this was a commission I did for JoanCujoh, who most of you I'm sure you know him or heard of his stuff. But yeah this was something I did for him and I hope you all enjoy it!

At The Speed Of A Feather​

It was late in the afternoon, and Feather man was patrolling the area for any Zako crooks who needed to have their asses kicked, as he was patrolling he saw a group of Zako's Robbing the local bank. he then found a rooftop to use so he could scout the Zako's and to inspect their weapons, Numbers and well...Outfits.

"Hmmm looks to be around maybe 10 of these whore's, they got a lot of firepower though I might have to take out a few before I run in there with Punches, They got some nice tits and ass though. Still, their criminals and I will deliver Justice!." after he gather intel on them from the roof he then moved forward and Prepared to take them all out. As he does this he encounters his first two Zakos. One was a busty, Beautiful black girl her age looked to be around 33 with red hair the other was a blonde with green eyes and her age suggested maybe 31. As he was getting ready to take them out they started to talk so he decided to Overhear the conversation in case of anything Important.

"so What do you think of Feather man?" the blonde zako asks her companion "Feather man? Well, He's Pretty hot. I mean his beautiful hair and his Amazing chest, and that bulge he has, That will make any girl Want a piece, What about you?" "Jesus girl I know you like him but that's too much, I don't really care for him all I want is the damn money." after the conversation he blushed a little but he didn't really care for these henchgirls so the feeling wasn't really mutual.

he decided to attack and choose to target the blonde first "Ok Bitches! Feather man is here surrender or else!" "Oh shit It's him, Well what are you standing there for? Kill the cocksucker!" as she charges him he throws one of his Lethal feathers at her. The feather Mortally wounding her as it Pierces her Abdomen, She falls down her tits jiggling as she screams at him "Ahhhhh! Oh god I-I-I'm dying, Help me!" the young black zako looks at the hero in shock as she panics "P-P-Please don't kill me!" she tells him as she starts to beg for her life "Ill do anything you want hell Ill let you use my body!" he replies to her "Well I know you have one hell of a lust for me but I don't really have any feelings for you since your a criminal and the same for the blond bitch since she tried to kill me" she looks at him in confusion "Well what are you going to do to me then?" he doesn't say anything and he kicks her in the chest. Her boobs jiggling as she hits a lamp post however she is still awake. he then rushed in and punched her in the stomach, She then crumbles to the ground mumbling a little "Dumb criminal" As he walks past the blonde, still alive she tries to pull a pistol on him yelling "Die you Son of a bitch!" he dodges the Bullet and throws one of his lethal feathers, the feather hits her in the head and she dies Instantly "Stupid Cunt pulling a gun on me".

after the encounter, he had with those 2 he searched their bodies for anything that could help him. He first searches the blonde and finds nothing except some cash which he leaves on her and some lipstick. He then goes over to the Nice-looking black girl and finds some blueprints of where the zakos are supposed to be in position. "Hah! good now I have something that will speed this up" he picks up the girl and carries her on his shoulder, giving her ass a quick smack "Thank you, Ma'am, for your assistance Hope you have fun behind bars and Maybe Ill see you again."

he then ties her up and during this, he grabs the dead blonde and puts them both in 2 piles. One for the dead girls and the other for those who are alive. He leaves the two henchgirls and proceeds to find anymore. As he does this he spots 3 more henchgirls, they had red and black masks on their face however you could still tell what they looked like, long red arm stockings with bracelets on each arm, and they had a very skimpy leopard prink top which ran from the top part of the neck to just under their tits however you could still see their entire chest under the print was a bit of red and black lace which really did nothing to hide their tits. and their pants were long, red silk trousers also with a leopard print on one side reaching the other as well on the waist some gold best, they were armed with SMGs and Micro uzis.

as Feather man inspected them he could see what they looked like. The first guard who was also black and was sitting on a box had Brown flowing hair reaching under her head She had large breasts like the others her age and looked to be 29. The 2nd guard who was Asian had a white-colored pixie cut age most likely 39, standing next to the first guard. And the last guard was a Beautiful Blue haired Hispanic girl who was counting the stolen money, she looked to be about 34. He moves closer and hears them talk.

"Man this is so easy! why didn't we think of this weeks ago?" said the 1st guard "Yeah I know I mean if these fucking idiots are just gonna let the bank be this vulnerable then maybe everything else in this town is gonna be easy pickings!" Replied the 2nd guard. The Hispanic guard looked at them playing with the cash and acting like kids "Could you cunts not play with the loot and help me be on the lookout for feather man? he could be here!" she said in a worried tone "I don't wanna be caught unprepared in case he comes and kills us." "oh please he ain't gonna come here, he's too busy with other henchgirls in other places" replied the 1st guard trying to calm her comrade down

"Heh seems like it's time for me to introduce myself, but first let's humiliate them first."

he gets out 3 feathers and throws them. As they are flying each one hits its target not killing them but instead cutting the back of the strap for their bras completely exposing their huge tits. "AGGGGGHHHH! WHAT THE FUCK!?" yelled the first guard "SEE I TOLD YOU ITS FEATHER MAN, WERE FUCKED!" yelled the Hispanic guard as she tries to hide, her SMG in her hands. the 2nd guard yells to her friends "Quit your bitching and kill this asshole!" satisfied of what he did he charges forward mocking the henchgirls. "hey girls, Nice tits you got there!" he said to them "Die you fucking Pervert!" yelled the first guard as she charges with a knife. As a response He throws a lethal feather at her, the feather hitting her right between her tits. She falls down, her eyes gazing up at the sky not moving. The other 2 stare at her dead body, they then recover and attack him.

"This is for my friend cocksucker!" yells the 2nd guard "Sorry about your buddy but she looked like a whore and so do the rest of you with those outfits," he said before throwing a feather at her this time it hits her right boob nipple. She drops her weapon, falls to her knees, and utters "g-g-go to hell...." before her lifeless corpse falls down on top of a box. "two down one more to go!" he yells before turning to the last one. He walks towards the topless, Hispanic girl "p-p-please! don't kill me!" she says as she is crawling to a box lifting her palms. He walks towards her, picks up her top, grabs her neck, and tells her "Look here since you didn't resist I'm not gonna kill you but that doesn't mean I won't arrest your ass!" "if your not gonna kill me what are you gonna do?" he then jumps behind her and slowly chokes her with her own bra cover "easy miss ill knock you out with your own bra!"

this goes on for a few seconds until she stops moving. He lets her go and she falls down on the hard floor after she is knocked out he ties her up with the bra strap. He also grabs her two dead comrades and piles them on top of the other dead girl. "there we go 3 dead criminals and another 2 alive for jail. Now let's find the rest" as he says this out of nowhere another henchgirl attacks him. She is able to cut his arm "HAH! I got you now you fucking scumbag!" she yelled after her ambush worked "OW you fucking bitch!" he looks at her to inspect his new foe. She was a white girl with Black hair and huge breasts her eyes were red and she looked to be 41. "I got you now feather man you piece of shit!" "You killed my pals and your gonna pay for it!" she exclaimed "Well then bitch come and get me" as he yelled this he allowed himself open for an attack.

she lunges at him with a baseball bat but he was able to catch the bat with his right hand. "What the fuck!? how were you able to catch it that fast!" she yelled in anger "easy bitch, cause I'm faster than your whore ass" he says this and pulls the bat from her. He then punches her in the face causing her to smash into a trash can, her face bloody. He then attacks her with the baseball bat hitting her stomach, "ACK! YOU MONSTER!" she said in a scared tone "Please that's enough!" he looks at her and says "no, goodbye bitch." he then kicks her back and throws a feather at her clit. She screams in pain and he simply walks past her but she grabs his coat "I'll fucking kill you for this you monster!" "you won't get the chance cunt" he then slits her throat with his feathers leaving her lifeless corpse on the ground.

"Ok try not to kill anymore right now I need to take some alive besides 2 girls," he says to himself quietly as he walks inside the bank. He hears 2 voices inside the vault so he inspects the noise and finds 2 Zakos. The first one was a black girl who was a Red afro And looked to be around 28 while her companion was a white orange-haired chick with freckles. "So What do you think we're gonna do with all this cash?" said the black zako "Well we're gonna use it for ourselves of course!" said her friend. The black zako looked at the other one and told her "you know....Since we're all alone we could have some fun. Just the two of us" she said with a devious smile. "W-W-W-Wait! were not allowed to have that kind of relationship on the job and you know that!" "Who cares the others are outside, come on just a quick one." as she said this she got closer and pinned her comrade on the wall and the two started to make out. "Well, I can wait for a minute and watch before I beat them up a little." He said watching the show.

"ok fine, Let's do it!" said the orange-haired girl, and the two kissed for a little then took each other's bras off and started to grope each other. "welp that was fun but I got somewhere to be so time to put an end to this" he then steps out of cover but the two girls don't notice him "you serious? they are still doing it? well time to use this!" he then pulls out a rag with Chloroform and proceeds to walk behind the white zako.

As he moves towards them the black zako sees him and tries to tell her lover "Behind you, it's feather man!" "what are you talking about? he ain't here, now kis-" before she could finish her sentence he places the rag on her mouth which after a bit of resistance she succumbs and is out cold. "Where did you come from!?" she said in a panicked state "Well you see I watched you two confess and watched you two do it for a bit. Oh and also all of your friends outside are either dead or tied up sooo." "You'll never kill me you son of a bitch!" she yelled as she pulled a pistol. Before she could even fire it he appears behind her and picks her up "PUT ME DOWN NOW!" "how about no" he says to her before throwing her into a nearby table knocking her out entirely.

"two more down and now on to the last 2!" as he walks downstairs he hears a voice behind him "STOP RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE FEATHER MAN!" he turns around and sees the last 2 zako's. He inspects the two girls who are scared and shaking, the first one is Hispanic and had a slick-backed hairstyle colored Purple and she looked to be 44. Her companion had a mohawk that was colored white and she looked to be 37.

"Ladies, ladies we can do this the easy way or the hard way!" he says "you can go to hell! we know what you did to everyone else, and we're leaving with the cash so fuck you!" yelled the mohawk girl. ""Yeah we're gonna get out of here and be rich whether you like it or not!" said the 2nd zako. "Fine then girls you choose the painful way!" he said before throwing a smoke bomb and hiding behind a desk.

"Where did he go!" "I don't know find him!" the two girls search and try to find him but he finds them first. First is the mohawk girl, she gets close to him and he strikes at her first by trying to take her gun but accidentally grabs her left breast. "YOU GODDAMN SACK OF SHI-" she tries to finish but he neck chops her causing her to fall on the desk. "fuck! hey where are you!" said the white-haired zako "you're the last one bitch and Cause I can ill kill you." he then runs behind her deciding to taunt her by smacking her ass "GAHHH! YOU LITTLE GREMLIN, ILL GUT YOU FOR TOUCHING MY ASS!" "Are those really the best last words you could think of?" "What do you mean?" she said in a confused voice. Before anything else, he threw a feather at her which hit her in the chest not killing her instantly. He then came up to her, grabbed her throat, and in an instant without her being able to speak killed her by snapping her weak neck like a twig. After he dealt with all the zako's he grabbed all their bras and tied them up together in a body pile one for the dead and the other for those alive to face justice for their crimes.

before he left he told the remaining zakos "Good luck in court ladies, and if I see you again doing this I won't be so merciful." He then left to go kick some more zako ass that day.

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