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- Apr 5, 2018
Thanks for your feedback :)First, Titty Doom. Not much to say here. Two new enemies. Their basic look is good but the animations are so stiff. And the bishops rectangular "forcefield" just doesn't look good. It would be better if it didn't have this sharp border or if it was a different shape, like round maybe. It could be some sort of holy aura, like the way that halos were drawn in medieval drawings.
Only the boss enemies are left now, right?
Since you have almost run out of enemies to create, could you make some more statues and other decorative elements next?
I agree, the forcefield is really crap. It is a cylinder in 3D, but the effect just does not work in camera. I fiddled a bit around with fading settings but it did not look good. But I need to communicate the size of the Arachnotron somehow. Probably gets another design pass.
With stiff you mean a specific animation? Like the Revenant melee attack? I could sneak in some in between frames, maybe.
About decorations, I'll have to see. Unsure if doing it gory style or sexy style. (Vanilla Impaled soldier, bodies hanging from the ceiling, etc.)
Yes, the different approach to fighting is intended, you are the alien that stalks the clueless victims and strikes when they are alone ;)Skörk has gotten more interesting. I like the new animations and the new gameplay (in theory). It plays totally differently now. The player needs to strategize more and isolate enemies to heal. The game has become harder overall, which is good. But it's too much in my opinion. Here are the problems:
The player needs to get into melee range to heal and to use his powerful claws. But all enemies are hitscanners and on top of that they seem to have quicker reaction times and they shoot faster. Even the Zako's armed with a pistol shoot quicker than Doom's Zombiemen. Not to mention the Zakos with rifles, which are plentiful. Shotgunners seem to have more health than the vanilla Doom ones. They can't be downed with a single shotgun blast even at close range, so they will usually get in a shot of their own before dying. It's very difficult to get close to enemies, without losing more health than you can heal from them. The only way to do it reliebly is by corner-camping or surprising them or downing them first. But downed enemies seem to heal you less. And to top it all off, you can't pick up any armour.
I'll look into the health of the enemies, could be that they slip over a solid shotgun blast on UV. The shotgun is modified too, more pellets and more circular pellet distribution. All basic enemies so far are 80-90 health. The aggression level is still Zombieman, except in melee range, then they go panic mode magdump. I had to replace many higher monsters with rifles because so far I don't have more monster replacements ^^.
Downed enemies should not have any impact on the healing amount.
Armor can still be picked up, but gives way less amount, so it may be that it is not picked up if you are already over the threshold.
Have to think about it with the hitscanners. Own maps would be very nice, but oh the time to do it...Doom 2 on UV is super challenging for me right from the start. It gets a bit easier once I have both weapons. I have only completed the first two levels so far. I think The Focus is gonna be a damned firing squad, not to mention The Crusher...
In my opinion, there shouldn't be any hitscanners in this mod. But if you want to have them, then at least reduce their reaction times by A LOT and perhaps their fire rate or accuracy too. Also, this might be the kind of mod, that really needs its own maps with lower enemy counts, shorter ranges and more cover.
Don't know if it is that bad. Dropping a weapon is a coinflip, you better use it quickly (to thin out crowds) and don't hoard it. Ammo that lies around is just food that gives you a bit of health.Another thing, that I am worried about are the weapons. I like the ammo limitation and I think it is balanced right, at least for the early Doom 2 levels. The player hast just enough fire power most of the time. But I'm also worried, that it might encourage constant backtracking to stock up on ammo. I haven't had to do this yet in my brief playtesting though.
You could call it a risk & reward feature :PAnd finally, it is still possible to infinitely suck enemies by repeatedly quitting and restarting during the first animation and thereby getting infinite armour. It is more difficult than before though, because the Zakos will shoot you in the face immediately, if you don't click them quickly enough.