
Master of this Domain
Nov 24, 2012
Black Widow will be fighting a bunch of other widows

3 main set pieces involving the widows

1) Widows attaching the house that Natasha and her sister are in: 0:24
2) Widows on on motorbikes during a chase: 0:30
3) Fight in an old office building: 1:14

a couple of other shots show scenes such as:

1) sniper widows, 0:03 0:17 0:59
2.) 2 widows shooting up at someone 1:00

If this movie ends with Black Widow convincing the rest of the Widows to join forces with her and fight the men, I'll be soooo annoyed!
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Master of this Domain
Nov 24, 2012
Yeh. i made it temporarily unavailable out of annoyance after less than 24 hours after i posted it on Twitter, JoanCujoh JoanCujoh reposted it here with no mention of the original source. "Thanks to Zakocollector on twitter for finding this clip...".
The same tweet also talked about my hatred of people who dont find their own material and just repost stuff (and claim credit)
Its something that has happend a lot over the years, it just bugs me.
Petty? Probably. Lol

Movie: Buddies in India (2017)
(The whole movie's available on youtube)

Anyway, I personally love the setup, with a whole bunch of female goons attacking and getting knocked around (especially liked the 4 girls getting knocked into the large water jugs, where you can still see them struggling to get out at the end of the fight).

However, I really wish they slowed down the camera work and editing so we can get a better view of the action.
Still, it's been a scene I've gone back to plenty of times over the year, and helped inspire some of my Honey Select artwork (have some scenes in my ongoing Squirelletes story that took inspiration from this clip)

Note to self....finish the damn squirellete storyline. lol

I have doezens on new zako clips that havent been shared here yet. Asia is a goldmine for modern movies/tv shows with zakos.
If you want a tip for finding new zako scenes, check out action comedies and kids action movies from china, Vietnam, Indonesia and Thailand. I've found a bunch of new zako stuff over the past year by just spending some time with google translate, keyword trial and error, and skimming through hundreds of random movies.
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Master of this Domain
May 26, 2015
from a Chinese comedy, I like the design of the zako, too bad they don't put more effort of doing a real action scene

Those girls look amazing. Each has different but sexy outfits! They remind me of the scantly clad amazons from that anime people posted from recently... some Isthar house girls or something, forgot the title.


Vivacious Visitor
Jan 16, 2020
in this moments that one of my contribuitions, a have more different videos and pics, but I don't know if they already posted this here



Casual Client
Aug 31, 2012
I'm betting you already know about these but i'll give it a shot:

Delilah and Julius animated series has a villainess with ninja henchwomen:

There might be more episodes that I missed.

Asian movie with some henchwomen outsmarted by some kids:

Some CG stuff form youtube:

Trailer for some low budget flick (I don't think they ever made the movie, unfortunately):
QUADRANT 42 - Movie Trailer -

What else... I remember the very last episode of the buzz lightyear cartoon had some cute valkyrie goons and the heroes mugged two of them for their outfits a.k.a. the old stormtrooper disguise routine. Other than that you pretty much beat the rest of us to the punch when it comes to zako scenes :frown:


Master of this Domain
Dec 9, 2015
Yeh. i made it temporarily unavailable out of annoyance after less than 24 hours after i posted it on Twitter, JoanCujoh JoanCujoh reposted it here with no mention of the original source. "Thanks to Zakocollector on twitter for finding this clip...".
The same tweet also talked about my hatred of people who dont find their own material and just repost stuff (and claim credit)
Its something that has happend a lot over the years, it just bugs me.
Petty? Probably. Lol

Movie: Buddies in India (2017)
(The whole movie's available on youtube)

Anyway, I personally love the setup, with a whole bunch of female goons attacking and getting knocked around (especially liked the 4 girls getting knocked into the large water jugs, where you can still see them struggling to get out at the end of the fight).

However, I really wish they slowed down the camera work and editing so we can get a better view of the action.
Still, it's been a scene I've gone back to plenty of times over the year, and helped inspire some of my Honey Select artwork (have some scenes in my ongoing Squirelletes story that took inspiration from this clip)

Note to self....finish the damn squirellete storyline. lol

I have doezens on new zako clips that havent been shared here yet. Asia is a goldmine for modern movies/tv shows with zakos.
If you want a tip for finding new zako scenes, check out action comedies and kids action movies from china, Vietnam, Indonesia and Thailand. I've found a bunch of new zako stuff over the past year by just spending some time with google translate, keyword trial and error, and skimming through hundreds of random movies.
Alright first of all...I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you on this chanel, you change name on every platform you are, and haven't see it post on your twitter.
Also, Not everyone follow you everywhere too, so I thinks it's normal to share stuff we found elsewhere , thats the point of this fandom, I do this all the time when I found something (so (don't tell me I don't "Contribute" on the forum"), I post here and on the comics/zako thread. If we keep stuff for us, this forums is just good to rp or just dying of it own selfishness

NB: And in my defense too, I have see it on your youtube channel first not twitter, because I just realize by connecting on Twitter that you have block me there...again sorry If I hurt you and hope you can forgive me for this
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Master of this Domain
Dec 9, 2015
I'm betting you already know about these but i'll give it a shot:

Delilah and Julius animated series has a villainess with ninja henchwomen:

There might be more episodes that I missed.

Asian movie with some henchwomen outsmarted by some kids:

Some CG stuff form youtube:

Trailer for some low budget flick (I don't think they ever made the movie, unfortunately):
QUADRANT 42 - Movie Trailer -

What else... I remember the very last episode of the buzz lightyear cartoon had some cute valkyrie goons and the heroes mugged two of them for their outfits a.k.a. the old stormtrooper disguise routine. Other than that you pretty much beat the rest of us to the punch when it comes to zako scenes :frown:

Also, I love Delilah and Julius episodes, the assassins are so sexy, gonna try to find a better upload of the second episodes

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