Killer Instinct (1 Viewer)


Casual Client
Dec 15, 2009
Might be too early for this yet, but decided to make a thread for discussing the game as more characters and moves are being revealed to us.

From girls revealed so far there is at least Sadira and B. Orchid

Me thinks Orchid's new look is not bad, but I liked her older look in KI2 more. Wondering if she has that outfit as extra or dlc... mmm

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Potential Patron
Oct 18, 2013
One of Deviantart's premiere ryona artists has started a KI project funded by fan donations. Here's a teaser he dropped about a month ago.
Promo KIDMP.jpg


Ryonani Teamster
Mar 1, 2010
From what I've been reading the new Killer Instinct won't have No Mercy's (Fatalities) to please the FGC crowd. The devs claim they will add them if there's "enough fan support" though honestly it seems like they're just saying that to drum up more buyers. Until they actually confirm No Mercy's are included my interest in the game is nil.


Casual Client
Dec 15, 2009
Finally Orchid video:

Also personally I don't care too much if the game does not have fatalities, if it has otherwise nice ryona :)
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Ryonani Teamster
Mar 1, 2010
According to a recent interview the Devs have been a little more forthcoming about the possibility of No Mercies and stage fatalities being included in future updates.

Making The New Killer Instinct: Everything From Combo Breakers To Characters - Siliconera
Why were the No Mercy finishers removed and how can players do Ultra combos in the new Killer Instinct?
Don't despair too much over No Mercies and other elements though. One of the key ideas about the new KI is that it will evolve and expand over time. New features and content will be release regularly after the game launches and as long as players are engaged and supporting the game we'll continue to make content for it. No Mercies and stage finishers are definitely on our list of things we'd like to add.

My interest has been rekindled. I'm hoping they implement these features in the Second Season wave of characters.
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Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
That's some good news. Hopefully the finishers come out pretty cool.

I want to see how Orchid's voice actress does for the damage and KO sounds, though. The original KI Orchid VA did a great job with the blood curdling screams, lol. I guess we will see.


Casual Client
Dec 15, 2009
Apparently special edition of this game will include classic costumes, so hopefylly we'll be seeing Orchid in her sexy outfit :)

Here's still one more pic of the new look :P
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Ryonani Teamster
Feb 5, 2010
The fatalities were probably taken out because this game is borrowing heavy from Street Fighter where the original borrowed from MK. >.>


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 5, 2010
I'd say yes Frig if I know KI never interested me much(though MK was bad and this was a clone of MK that was better then MK) so other then Orchid I don't remember the characters(I knoe one was a bland werewolf and another a skeleton.)

I just find it amusing how obvious this is borrowing form SF4(even the gauges)


Nov 1, 2013
Personally I don't care what the game borrows from SF4, as long as it still plays like Killer Instinct and not Ultra S*** Fighter 4 I'm happy. Lets face it. SF has the largest community in fighting game history. Proof: EVO. The removal of No Mercies was a bad idea. I don't understand that. Killer Instinct's whole STYLE is no mercy. Come on... Those combos are infuriating to be hit by haha.

Also the character customization is supposed to be pretty good, so for ryona fans, you can expect to see that implemented in some videos as well as Orchids classic costume.


Potential Patron
Oct 30, 2012
Just found a nice clip of Thunder throwing Sadira and then stomping on her face while she's down, very nice. The clip is at 6:26 - 6:31
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Casual Client
Dec 15, 2009
Sooo.... is there still even one ryona video from this game? I mean it has been out already for a month, and still nothing...

Let's post more Orchid pics! Here is what her original outfit looks in new game:
classic_orchid_green_zpsbd7e72e8.png classic_orchid1_zpsb3fb7ee4.png classic_orchid_zps9e1949e7.png classic_orchid3_zps395533ea.png

And her new costume:
killerinstinct_993244b.jpg killerinstinct_993224b.jpg killerinstinct_993234b.jpg

I'll stop posting pics of her now, I promise :D
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Potential Patron
Oct 30, 2012
Yeah I'm surprised, but I guess there isn't anyone thats willing to shell out a couple hundred bucks to make ryona vids yet.


Potential Patron
Mar 20, 2012
Stolen from a youtube vid - the way Orchid lies when she's down is pretty hot.


The game also includes the classic 'shows character getting up after collapsing when the first lifebar runs out' feature, which I adore. Love seeing her jump back to her feet after looking seemingly unconscious, so TOUGH.


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 20, 2011
So I did buy a Xbox One on launch day, and of course, I bought the Ultra Edition of this. It's sorely lacking content, but it's a well-refined fighter. It's a worthy evolution to the combo-heavy formula of the originals.

I'm sure some of you remember (way back when I used to post here more often) that Orchid is one of my favorite ryona gals. I still prefer her in the original arcade title, but she is pretty hot here. Her lying on the ground pose is pretty hot, which is something her original wasn't, admittedly. It's tough to get stills of her poses because the pause screen applies a menu and a gray filter over everything that ruins it. I'm glad her classic costume is coming back, but it's not correct and looks totally out-of-place. Her boots need to be below her knees if they want to make it her KI1 look, because as it is now, it's a fusion of KI1 and 2, which I'm not terribly fond of.


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Yeaaaa, I was soooo sad that they didn't seem to have good ryona in this game. Too bad, 'cuz I really like the new designs in a lotta ways.
Mainly I'm sad 'cuz there's no dizzy animations. With the moaning n' stuff? That with Orchid in KI 1 was my first ryona experience.
And now it's gone with this new one. No Game Over pose, no dizzy, no 'finish her', nothin' like that.
Looks like a good fighter, tho! That is...technically more improtant. ;D

Buuuut yea.
Reminds me o Street Fighter x Tekken, same thing there. All the ladies had pretty much the same laid down poses, no stuns...blehhh.
Ah, well. Maybe next year we'll get some new fighters. At least Tekken 7 is comin'. Might not have lotta new anims but it'll be pretty in HD like this game is.

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