Original A hard lesson for Paisley (1 Viewer)


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Apr 29, 2011
"Heard you were talking shit behind my back!" screamed Walter Echo.

Paisley Weaves was resting in the sauna, when the uncultured brute had come barging in to the league steam room.


"Who the fuck gave you permission to waltz in here?" She got up, letting her disdain be known.

"I go where I want to bitch!" Echo snarled in response. "And you and me? We gonna have a nice little talk right now"

"About what?" said Paisley unimpressed.

"About the shit you be sayin' behind my back! That's what!"

Echo walked right up to her face but Paisley did not back down. They stood chest to chest, and bodies pressed against each other. Echo had always thought Paisley was one of the sexiest women in the intergender fight league, and up close she looked even hotter. Her soaked body glistened under the lights.

Paisley looked down and scoffed, unimpressed with the tent he had pitched in his pants.

"Is that seriously all you have?," She said with a sultry smile, pointing one finger at his groin.

"Looks like the rumors were true after all!"

Echo gulped and pulled back, furious at the insult.

"That's it bitch! You and me...in the ring...no rules!" He screamed at her face.

"Bring it on limp dick, let's see what you got!"

They pressed against each other again, and Paisley's snarky grin came back. She playfully rubbed her crotch against his groin, and leant in close to whisper into his ear.

"Coz if that's all ya got, It ain't gonna be enough!"

Echo was now furious.

"That's it!" He grumbled. "Imma destroy you in the ring, and then imma destroy you in bed."

"Yeah? Tell ya what! You beat me and I'll be your slave for a week. How bout that?" said a cocky Paisley.

"Oh yeah, now we talkin'," Echo rubbed his hands together.

"But If I win," She said taking a step closer, and running a finger down his large, ebony chest. "You have to walk around the League, and tell everyone you're my bitch! Deal!?" She extended a hand.

"Ohhh, you gonna regret this!" Echo took her hand, and they shook on it.

The two did not waste time getting into the ring. The empty arena was silent and dark, except for the one spotlight that bathed the ring. Paisley stood in her corner, looking the big man up and down. She had to admit he was handsome, with a bright, youthful face that seemed ten years too young for his developed, mature body.

He puffed his large chest, smacking the turnbuckles with his head. All he had on were his purple briefs.

"You goin' down bitch!" Echo snarled. His eyes red with fury.

Paisley had not bothered putting any clothes on, she could see the effect her body had on the big man and decided to use his lust to her advantage. Paisley was the rising star of the league, battering her male opponents and leaving them broken in the ring. But she wasn't really enjoying the competition on offer in her weight class, so she decided to sniff out an opponent from the heavyweights.

Walter Echo was the perfect prey, dumb, ill-tempered and horny. Just like all the other men she had wrestled. If it all went according to plan, his strength wouldn't even factor in to their fight and Paisley had no reason to doubt it wouldn't. She deliberately took her time to slump out of the corner, pushing herself towards the center of the ring using the ropes. Paisley made sure she got nice and close during their stare down, rubbing her body against his.

She saw his lust filled gaze and smiled. She would have him eating out of her hands in no time, and a victory against a heavyweight would give her some clout in the league. It was all going according to plan.

They locked up, fingers entwined and chests pressed, straining against each other's strength. Paisley smiled and made her move, deliberately rubbing her body against his and pressing her chest in. She had seen this all to many times before, any minute now, Echo's lust would take over, giving her the opening she needed for a sneak attack.

Then something strange happened, Echo's strength didn't wane, it increased. She grunted against the pressure but he pushed her down to one knee, then the other. Why wasn't it working? She looked at the tent in his pants. It seemed to get harder than before, almost straining against the fabric of his briefs.

Suddenly, Echo let go and backed off, leaving Paisley on her knees and taking a few steps back to allow her to stand. She got up cautiously, eyeing his every move, looking for any sign that he might be preparing an attack but none came. Paisley got up to her feet, and wiggled her arms and legs around rotating her joints, and cracking her neck for a quick warmup.

Echo smiled as he watched the cocky demeanor disappear from her eyes. She looked nervous, her breath was sharper and Paisley could feel her heart pounding. It had been a while since she had felt this sensation, there were butterflies in the pit of her stomach. When she was new, she had to take her fair share of beatings but of late, that had no longer been the case.

She had worked hard on her body, maintaining and improving it to a peak condition. She had never lost a test of strength to a man, even during fights that ended with her defeat but Echo's strength did not wane, and his mind did not wander. She could see the bulge in his briefs getting harder.

They locked up again, in a collar and elbow this time. Paisley strained against his strength but it was no use. With a laugh Echo pushed her away with sickening force.


Paisley's back thudded into the mat, her body bouncing from the impact before settling back down. She quickly covered up, expecting him to mount but Echo stood his ground.

"You young bitches are all alike," He growled. "You think you all that but you nothin' but a little pussy beggin to be used!"

"Oh Yeah!?" Paisley shot back, jumping to her feet. "Whatchya gonna do if you do get it?, pat it with your limp dick?"

Echo took three huge steps forward, his boots thudding into the ring till his body smacked into Paisley's. They stood chest-to-chest, but this time it was Echo pressing his chest into hers. He rubbed his groin on her crotch, and Paisley could feel his rock hard member. It seemed larger than before. She traced its outline with her eyes, and let out an inaudible gasp when it looked like his appendage would spill out of his pants.

He pressed it in deep into her crotch, and she couldn't help but let out a small moan, immediately catching herself and backing away. Echo laughed and made a cutting motion with a thumb placed on his throat. Paisley gasped, she found herself getting more nervous. The heavyweight seemed nothing like the men in the lightweight division, she had underestimated how many of her tricks he could negate with his experience, and now her tricks were being used against her.

Flustered, Paisley tried a sneaky shoulder tackle. Echo smiled and let her wrap her hands around his waist, and laughed as she tried to push him off his feet.

"Crap!" mumbled Paisley when she felt the air move over her back.

Echo landed a sadistic elbow to the center of her spine, causing Paisley to let out a scream of agony and collapse on the mat. She cradled and covered up anticipating Echo to strike, but he was more than content to step away and take the sight of her suffering in. He watched as she slowly got to her feet, her muscles straining.

With a smile, Echo took one step forward and kicked her hard in the gut.

"OUAGHHHH!" She screamed and bent over. Echo wrapped an arm around her head and gave her a stunner.

"OOOOFFF!" She cried. Her head snapped up from the impact and she languished on her knees, googly eyed and drooling. Eventually she tipped over and fell face first on to the mat, completely out cold.

Echo licked his lips as he ran his fingers over Paisley's muscular body, feeling up all he could and giving her some good spanks while he was at it. Echo's hard spanking eventually woke Paisley from her slumber.

"Ungh...ahhh!" She grunted and shook her head, wondering where the slapping sound was coming from. Soon, she went teary eyed as a wave of searing hot pain shot through her butt, and she finally screamed as another fierce hand rippled her skin. She looked behind to see her posterior now red, Echo had been enjoying himself while she was out.

"N-N-NOOOO!" pleaded Paisley but Echo grabbed her legs and folded them till her heels rubbed against her glutes. He sat on her ankles crushing them, and pushing her heels deeper into her butt. She cried in agony, it felt like her ankles were being crushed in a compactor. It was about to get worse.

Echo grabbed her wrists and pulled her torso up, forcing her body to bend in the shape of a reverse horseshoe.

"AHHHHH...FUCKKKKK!" She screamed being pulled till he rested her arms on his knees.

He placed his hands below her chin and pulled further, bending her body in a modified camel clutch that he liked to call Vile Torment.


Tears ran down Paisley's eyes as Echo bent her back and crushed her ankles under his weight. Echo pulled on her chin till her head nearly touched his large chest, and whispered.

"You know what you have to do, just say the words and I can make this all go away!"

A cold chill ran over Paisley. Submitting would mean more than just losing the fight, she could feel his now generous member rubbing against her body and knew defeat would mean domination in bed. Stuck on a thin red line of fear and indecision, Paisley couldn't make up her mind on what was worse and suffered more punishment at her captor's hands.

"Please..." She grunted, as her strength started to fade. "Stop"

Her body began to twitch, her limbs flopping wildly. Echo smiled and repositioned his hands on her breasts.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" Paisley threw her head up, her short hair throwing off sweat as she screamed in agony.

Echo's fingers twisted and pulled her nipples, making her body sing a concerto of pain. Still stuck in the hold, her spine was now nearly upright, while her ankles lay buried beneath Echo's massive body weight. The pain was getting too much, and she slowly began to fade. One violent twist of her nipple later, she passed out again.

Echo got up to survey his destruction. Paisley's body still twitched on the mat, involuntarily humping the canvas. Her tongue twisted out of her mouth, and drool hung off the side of her lips. Echo stood in his corner, waiting for his prey to wake.

It had only been a few minutes, but it seemed like days had passed to Paisley. She whimpered and slumbered out of her restless sleep, her eyes slowly adjusting to her surroundings. She crawled slowly to the ropes, pushing herself on elbows to reach the bottom one. Little by little, she grunted and pulled herself up till she rested against the ropes.

She looked around to see her tormentor no longer in the ring. Her head jolted side to side, her eyes scanning her periphery for a gaze of the destroyer. He wasn't there. Paisley began to giggle, then slowly burst out into laugher, but her emotions took another turn and she started to cry. She found it strange he would leave her alone, but wasn't one to question his motives. She turned towards the ropes and looked to get out.

Paisley froze all of a sudden, her face went deathly cold. Her eyes were wide, and her lips trembled as if to scream but nothing came out. She slowly tilted her head down and saw a large hand clasping her pussy from behind.

"AHHHHHHH!" She screamed as Echo squeezed with a handful of her minge.

"AHHH FUCK! NO! IT HURTS! IT HURTTTSSSS!" She screamed as Echo squeezed some more.

With a violent jolt, Paisley felt herself pulled back from the ropes and then felt a cruel forearm strike connect with her spine. She collapsed, her cheek thudding into the mat with great force. Echo walked around his prey, rubbing his erect member and taking the sight of Paisley in.

She lay chest first on the mat, her body wet and gleaming with sweat. A few strands of her hair stuck to her wet skin, and soft breaths from her lips blew on them, making them flutter. The muscles on her back expanded and contracted, heaving in motion with the symphony of her breath. Her eyes struggled to stay open.

"OH SHIT! NO, PLEASE NO!" She screamed as Echo pulled on her hair, dragging Paisley to her feet and scooping her up in his arms. He slammed her back into the mat hard with a powerful bodyslam.

"ARGGGGH!" grunted Paisley with clenched teeth, as she rolled around clutching her back. Echo picked her up and gave her another one.

This time the impact was even more violent forcing Paisley's back to arch to distribute the pain. She cried in agony and rolled around on her elbows, then gasped as Echo tugged on her hair again. The third bodyslam was even more brutal reducing Paisley to tears, and sending pain rippling though her back.

As she saw him approach again, she tried to crawl away. Echo grabbed her leg and pulled her back in.

The fourth bodyslam took the wind out of Paisley's sails and she lay on the mat coughing and cradled, her body wracked with pain. The fifth bodyslam nearly rendered her limp, and the sixth one finished that job. She was barely conscious when he pulled her up again. The seventh bodyslam reduced her to a twitching mess on the mat, her limbs flailing as her nerves sent shocks through her body. The eighth bodyslam finally knocked her out.

Echo gazed at his victim out cold on the canvas. She lay spread eagle, head cocked to one side and completely limp on the mat. He licked his lips, and ran his hands over her body, cupping a feel of her breasts. He carefully scooped her up in his arms and took Paisley to the corner.

He took his time to make sure everything was right, hanging her up upside down in the corner with her head dangling at the bottom turnbuckle. Echo rubbed his groin at the sight of her sweat drenched body, thinking of his next move. He smiled as he made up his mind and rolled out of the ring. Echo disappeared below the ring, and then reappeared a few moments later with a smile on his face and an air horn can in his hand. Echo positioned himself in the opposite corner and broke into a sprint.

About halfway through the sprint, he blew the air horn shocking poor Paisley out of her slumber. Her eyes went wide when the shrill noise of the horn invaded her ears. She saw an upside down vision of Echo floating through the air, with his feet outstretched. Her mouth hung open.


Paisley couldn't even scream, she barely had time to react. Instead, the air whooshing out of her lungs did the job for her. The dropkick connected Echo's feet deep into Paisley's stomach and her body bent in half around his legs. The impact broke her legs free, and she slumped, landing at an awkward angle on her neck. Her legs rebound off the rope, and her body rolled up into a ball, with her ass pointing to the air and her feet hanging by the sides of her face.


Violent fits of cough and spit consumed Paisley, she looked down to see two heel shaped bruises on her poor six-pack and let out a yell of pain. She stared at the ceiling, that looked hazy filtered through her wet eyes. She had never taken a beating like this before.

Now filled with dread, Paisley ignored her pain and quickly rolled out of the corner, trying to make a break for it to the ropes. She managed one step before a clothesline knocked the sprit out of her.

Paisley lay spread eagle on the mat, barely moving. Soft grunts escaped her lips as she moaned in pain. Her breasts heaving for breath, and her body wet from exertion. She slowly turned her head to see Echo approaching again and shivered in fear.

"No..N-ooooo, wait, w-we can work something out c-can't we?" She pleaded. Echo just walked toward her with a smile.

She protested as he jumped on top of her, her limbs flailing and useless against the might of her tormentor. Soon he had her locked in a grapevine with her legs spread wide, pouring more pressure on the slit between her legs.

"Ahhhh...Urgh...Argh!" Soft yelps of pain escaped her lips as her legs spread.

Echo decided he no longer needed his briefs to hold his lust back. Paisley moaned as his stiff cock rubbed against her vulva, eliciting soft moans in response and breathless heaves of her chest. Her nipples, now fully pert and erect rubbed playfully against her attackers large chest.

A confused moan escaped her lips as she felt the pain coming back. Echo spread her legs even further, till they were straight at her sides. Echo began to nibble on her neck, slowly making his way down to her nipples.

"AAOOOF?" A confused scream left Paisley's lips, her body in reverberation by pleasure and pain. Echo licked her nipples clean, playfully biting them in between for a shrill moan from Paisley's mouth. Her body sputtered and began twitching, confused between the pain and pleasure, overloading her nerves.

She threw her head back and moaned, her eyes flickering and rolling back into the back of her head. She orgasmed hard, gushing out a fountain as Echo smiled and increased the pressure. With a final spurt, Paisley passed out, her face stuck half way between a stone and a smile. Her tongue twisted at the end of her lips.

Echo rammed one finger and grabbed a reminder, licking it clean and now nibbling away at her body. He planted soft kisses on her neck, then made his way down to her breasts. A spirited suck of her nipple bought Paisley back to life, as a wave of pleasure overpowered her body. Then she felt his lips go lower, down to her hard stomach.

She twisted and turned on the mat, as he explored each crevice in her six pack, then made his way down further between her legs. Paisley sat up for a moment at the sudden rush of pleasure assaulting her nerves. She fell to the mat again and writhed in torment, as another lick tamed her kitten and one more bought her close to an excruciating orgasm.

Then she felt the air move around her and opened her eyes. Echo lifted her up off the mat, positing Paisley on his shoulder. He continued his merciless assault with his tongue but dread mixed with pleasure now engulfed Paisley.

"Ahhh..pleassse...ahhh...no..." She pleaded between moans but Paisley knew there was no use. Echo power bombed her hard into the mat. Paisley writhed in pain while screaming in pleasure as she gushed another orgasm all over the mat. Sweet pain shot through her nerves, making her neck stiff and the nerves on her forehead bulge. Her eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when she passed out, squirting one last time.

Echo stroked his aching erection, wondering what he could do to prolong it. He rolled out of the ring and below again, to remerge with a rope and a pair of boxing gloves.

"Wha-who-where?" Paisley mumbled out when Echo lifted her head up by grabbing her hair.

It felt excruciating to stand, and even more painful as Echo was unceasing in his demand she stand up. She whimpered and grunted all the way to her feet, feeling her hair being pulled nearly out of her scalp. Echo threaded her torso between the ropes and locked her arms on the top rope. He gave her a hard forearm to the back, earning her compliance with a loud scream.

Suddenly, Paisley's arms pried at her throat, her mouth wide and her tongue out. Her face turned red as the blood rushed to her head, Echo was choking her from behind using the rope. He forcefully entered her ass, smiling at the gasp that escaped her lips. He began slowly thrusting in and out, long and deep while he choked her.

Paisley's eyes teared up but her lips cracked an erotic smile, her muscles protested the lack of oxygen but her hips gyrated to another tune. Her body was stuck in two states at once, each as agonizing as the other and each fighting for control. She began drooling as Echo kept his slow, slow thrusts up, painfully teasing her to an orgasm.

Her head began to slump, her eyes half-closed and fluttering before they shut. Her tongue rolled out of her mouth, and her pussy gushed out another orgasm before she passed out. Echo left her there for a moment to the sight in. There she was hung up on the ropes, her pussy still wet and body limp and folded over the ropes. Now covered in sweat, she glittered as soft beads that caught the light at the right angle looked like sparkling diamonds. Echo rubbed his hands together and untangled her from the ropes.

Paisley woke up to find herself tied up in the corner. She panicked as she saw Echo stand in front of her with boxing gloves on. She gulped as he knocked his gloves together with wide grin.


All Paisley could do was scream, she screamed while Echo pounded her belly with unyielding and savage punches. Soon he began to mix some punches to her breasts.

"Please...ungh...stop...please!" Paisley didn't even have the energy to scream anymore but Echo still ravaged her body. Large bruises now tattooed her breasts and stomach.

Suddenly the punishment stopped and Paisley slumped over, her body violently held by the ropes. She ached to get on her knees but the ropes wouldn't let her, she couldn't fall and she couldn't go back, stuck painfully in between. Paisley drooled on the canvas, as she looked down on it, reflecting on the choices she had made in the last few days.

She slowly lifted her head up with tired grunts to see Echo roll out of the ring. She saw him disappear below, wondering what foul devastation he had in mind, she was terrified to see her answer. Paisley knew its shape intimately, long and round, battery powered and guaranteed to last 12 hours. It was her vibrator.

How the fuck did Echo get a hold of her vibrator? It didn't matter, she was mortified at what he planned to do with it. Her breath's grew sharper and shallower the more her brain put the pieces together. She was trembling by the time Echo reached her.

He turned on the machine and taped it to her pussy, putting it on full blast before resuming his savagery on her body. Fists flew, her breasts swayed and hips danced, all in perfect sync along with the sharp yell of pain.


Her voice turned hoarse, then shrill, crying in pain one moment while agonizing over ecstasy with the other. She began to tremble, her body gyrating in spurts the closer she came to an orgasm. When the adrenaline kicked in, the only thing her body could do was to mix pleasure and pain into a concoction that drove her wild.

She drew short, sharp breaths, quickening and quickening till they reached fever pitch. She felt a shockwave ripple across her skin as a punch landed deep in her belly, then felt a tinge of pleasure shoot through soon after. Echo squished her breasts with his gloves as another wave of unintelligible emotion washed over. Paisley came hard. So hard, it ripped the tape of the vibrator and flung it to the ground. Her body convulsed in maddening ecstasy, the whites of her eyes now visible as she slowly passed out. Echo undid the ropes and she slumped to the mat, awkward and limp.

Paisley woke up to the sound of a table being set-up. It hurt to open her eyes, she too tired to keep them open but she had to know what she would have to suffer through next. Her heart dropped down her throat as she saw Echo set-up a table outside the ring, near the apron. She wanted to run away, go anywhere but her body did not respond. It lay limp and breathing heavily on the mat.

She slowly resigned herself to her fate when Echo rolled and dragged her to her feet by the hair. Soon she was upside down in his arms, balanced precariously on the apron, her head pointing to the table. Echo's erect phallus soon came into view and she moaned as his tongue relished in another taste of her juices. His hard cock now resting on her face, Paisley found herself beyond aroused at her total physical and sexual domination.

Echo had left her quivering mess and something told her, she was going through the table when she was about to have another orgasm.

"Called it," She thought to herself and moaned. His tongue fluttered her close to another release and Echo jumped off the apron. The top of her head went through table breaking it in half before her skull bounced off the hard padded floor and her body flipped in the air. She landed on her ass, sitting and staring somewhere in the distance with drool running down the side of her lips, her arms limp by her side.

Miraculously, she stood up and began to walk, taking slow lumbering steps towards the exit. She made it close to the steel steps before she fell to her knees, she crawled to the steps and then her head shot upright. Her body convulsed and sprayed out another orgasm, twitching as her cheek hit the floor and Paisley passed out. Unable to control his lust any longer, Echo decided to end this contest and licked his lips at the thought of his prize. Then he smiled, there was still one more thing he wanted to do.

He grabbed a steel chair and set it up halfway between Paisley and himself, taking a mocking snapshot of her with his fingers. He tested the chair by getting up on it and practicing throwing himself, when Paisley stirred out of her slumber. Echo smiled and ran towards the other side, excited and anxious at one final move.

Paisley got up through sheer will, her body no longer co-operating and demanding she give in. She wasn't there anymore, her mind was blank and her eyes cold and staring in the distance. Her body trembled wracked with pleasure and pain, and she was completely aroused at her domination. She had learned a hard lesson, one that she was sure Echo would remind her off everyday for the next week she spent as his slave. There was one final chapter that had yet to be closed, and Echo ran towards the chair launching off it into the air with his leg outstretched and his heel pointed at her face.

By the time she turned around, it was already too late. Echo's heel squished her face, flinging her back into the steel steps, knocking the top half off. Paisley lay spread eagle on the surface of the bottom step, her body twitching with one final orgasm before she passed out.

Echo smiled and rolled under the ring, emerging one last time with a collar, a leash and a marker. He collared up Paisley and attached the leash to her neck. Then he began writing on her bruised torso.

"Property of Walter Echo" It read when he was finished. Echo stood over her broken body and jerked himself off to an intense orgasm, unloading on her bruised chest and stomach. With his domination now complete, there were other needs that now needed to satiated.

He grabbed her hair and dragged Paisley's unconscious body behind him, slowly making his way up the ramp.

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