In the end, I figuered it out myself. You can even skip a few steps. D:
Good ,can you clarify the process for others like Chojol here,please?;)
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In the end, I figuered it out myself. You can even skip a few steps. D:
I'll do a quick overview of how I do it.
1. Play the game until you unlock the Adhesive Bra and the Lace Thong. (Using this underwear loads the entire model underneath and will not get you kicked after modding, ever)
2. Go to the social district, buy and equip said underwear.
3. Quit the game and go to (Your APB Directory)\APBGame\Content\Release\Packages\APB_CharacterTool\Female
4. Rename the following files:
(or move them completely out of any APB-related folder, which is what I did. Moving them into a subfolder doesnt work)
View attachment 3447
Your character will have no underwear on. Breasts and butt look great as it is, but the character will have no genitals. You can add those as a tattoo. If you want me to show how I did that part, ask.When you visit the Social District again to view your character, it will show that neither the Adhesive bra nor the Thong are equipped. If you equip different underwear at this point, you will not be able to re-equip the removed items. Put the original files back and repeat steps 1-4 in this case.
If you don't know how/where to unlock said underwear/how to use the social district, don't ask me but use the wiki: APB:Reloaded Wiki
Cant go nude anymore after 1.10. The thing is the GM made it sound like showing boobs is allowed LOL