Black Desert Online- Armor/Outfits File Names. Please don't ask about armor swapping in this thread. (3 Viewers)


Content Creator
May 11, 2012
Just FYI, I just found out that they have added a lot of new lines to the original multiplemodeldesc.xml, partcombinationdesc.xml and partcutdesc.xml files.
View attachment 54649

So I had to release a new update, with those new original files:

Critical update:
All the versions before that were missing some key lines in the original parts of the .xml files.

If you have your own customized xml file, use the xml files provided in this version, and do your changes all over again, because the part that contains the original xml file has changed drastically and can make a lot of armors and weapons don't show up properly if you don't have those lines.

Download here

For those of you using my NickyWorldBDO pack (v8 or v9) I don't recommend you update the three XML files listed here to these ones.
So far as I've seen, there are no issues with the heavily modded XML files included in my mods pack, probably since they didn't originate in the EU/NA version of the game and chances are they had a lot of updated code already in them.
Obviously if anyone finds problems in my mods pack let me know and if I need to update any XML files I'll try to do it without altering the mods.
If you simply use the files posted here most of the mods in my pack will stop working.
However, if you don't have a working modding method at the moment, you still need the main download from here to get my mods pack doing what it should.


Content Creator
Sep 2, 2013
Nicky, I would recommend you to update your mods and do the same thing I did, adding the original updated xml files that you can find bellow the comments:
<!--##################################### ORIGINAL MULTIPLEMODELDESC.XML
<!-- ################################################################# ORIGINAL PARKCOMBINATIONDESC.XML

There are a lot of new armors that will simply not show right if you don't have the lines telling the game how to handle those files, and some of them are only present in the original lines.

I just realized I made a mistake when packing the v1.8c, I accidentally packed the mod with the original partcombinationdesc.xml instead of the moddified one.

Those who downloaded the v1.8c please download the new v1.8d on the first page


Vivacious Visitor
Apr 12, 2016
sso how does one go about discovering the pac # of the newer costumes? i'd lke to try them out with the xml file but dont know the pac #


Potential Patron
May 26, 2016
I just tested here and
<Conditional Code="IU">
    <Model Index="--">1_PC/8_PWW/ARMOR/38_UNDERWEAR/PWW_00_UW_0001.PAC</Model>
    <Model Index="I-">1_PC/1_PHM/Nude/PHM_ALPHA.PAC</Model>
    <Model Index="-U">1_PC/1_PHM/Nude/PHM_ALPHA.PAC</Model>
    <Model Index="IU">1_PC/1_PHM/Nude/PHM_ALPHA.PAC</Model>
works just fine in the NA version.

Make sure you place this right at the beginning of your multiplemodeldesc.xml file though, above everything.
The mods working for upperbody but not the shoes.. how to deal with this bro?


New patch works, but I'm crashing constantly now. Does anyone else have this issue or just my end? Had to uninstall the mod to stop the crashes.


Potential Patron
Mar 11, 2016
I just tested here and
<Conditional Code="IU">
    <Model Index="--">1_PC/8_PWW/ARMOR/38_UNDERWEAR/PWW_00_UW_0001.PAC</Model>
    <Model Index="I-">1_PC/1_PHM/Nude/PHM_ALPHA.PAC</Model>
    <Model Index="-U">1_PC/1_PHM/Nude/PHM_ALPHA.PAC</Model>
    <Model Index="IU">1_PC/1_PHM/Nude/PHM_ALPHA.PAC</Model>
works just fine in the NA version.

Make sure you place this right at the beginning of your multiplemodeldesc.xml file though, above everything.

EDIT: It works now. I replaced the whole file with a new one.
Last edited:


Potential Patron
Apr 22, 2016
Here you go, just extract in your PAZ folder and run just like the Armor Swapping Essentials:
Thank you so much!

On the topic of the dyes, someone asked me how this dye stuff worked over PM, so I figured I might as well explain it here. Seems no one had bothered messing with this xml for some reason.

Basically, edit partdyeslotdesc.xml in the same way you edit the other XML files. You can search for your armor piece by name there and you'll see each has a number of slots related to the amount of dye slots that specific piece has for dying. The only way to know which slot is which is guesswork or having the piece in game and checking the dye screen.

Each slot can be set to a default color and other color tweaks can be applied. Roughly, as a guide:
- Color scale: color multiplier
- Default color: the actual color you'll want to use, it's HEX format in ARGB ordering, so each pair of two hexadecimal values represents a a color channel. There's plenty of web tools to help you with this if you need.
- Default env: environmental reflection factor. Makes shit shiny and reflective (sometimes, anyway)
- Default Specular: Makes surfaces reflect light in concentrated spots relative to the camera. Like metal shiny spots.

Example optional params that can be added to any slot:
  ColorScale = "0.5" 
  ForceColorScaleAll = "true"
<Dye Filename="1_PC/2_PHW/Armor/10_Lowerbody/PHW_EW_LB_0009.pac" NumColor="3">
  <Slot DefaultColor="0x00FFFFFF" DefaultEnv="0.90" DefaultSpec="0.7">3</Slot>
  <Slot DefaultColor="0x00000000">5</Slot>


Content Creator
Sep 2, 2013
Please anyone can help me for swap? I wanna swap the Plum Taritas Armor for Kibelius Armor. :X
<Conditional Code="U">
    <Model Index="-">1_PC/22_PKWW/ARMOR/9_UPPERBODY/PKWW_02_UB_0004.PAC</Model>
    <Model Index="U">1_PC/22_PKWW/ARMOR/9_UPPERBODY/PKWW_00_UB_0034.PAC</Model>
i wnat to know the Ranger's grunill code
how could i define it
<Conditional Code="U">
    <Model Index="-">1_PC/3_PEW/ARMOR/9_UPPERBODY/PEW_02_UB_0005.PAC</Model>

It's all on the first page guys, inside the spoilers :wink:


Potential Patron
May 21, 2016
<Conditional Code="U">
    <Model Index="-">1_PC/22_PKWW/ARMOR/9_UPPERBODY/PKWW_02_UB_0004.PAC</Model>
    <Model Index="U">1_PC/22_PKWW/ARMOR/9_UPPERBODY/PKWW_00_UB_0034.PAC</Model>

<Conditional Code="U">
    <Model Index="-">1_PC/3_PEW/ARMOR/9_UPPERBODY/PEW_02_UB_0005.PAC</Model>

It's all on the first page guys, inside the spoilers :wink:

ty always


Vivacious Visitor
Apr 1, 2016
Thank you so much!

On the topic of the dyes, someone asked me how this dye stuff worked over PM, so I figured I might as well explain it here. Seems no one had bothered messing with this xml for some reason.

Basically, edit partdyeslotdesc.xml in the same way you edit the other XML files. You can search for your armor piece by name there and you'll see each has a number of slots related to the amount of dye slots that specific piece has for dying. The only way to know which slot is which is guesswork or having the piece in game and checking the dye screen.

Each slot can be set to a default color and other color tweaks can be applied. Roughly, as a guide:
- Color scale: color multiplier
- Default color: the actual color you'll want to use, it's HEX format in ARGB ordering, so each pair of two hexadecimal values represents a a color channel. There's plenty of web tools to help you with this if you need.
- Default env: environmental reflection factor. Makes shit shiny and reflective (sometimes, anyway)
- Default Specular: Makes surfaces reflect light in concentrated spots relative to the camera. Like metal shiny spots.

Example optional params that can be added to any slot:
  ColorScale = "0.5"
  ForceColorScaleAll = "true"
<Dye Filename="1_PC/2_PHW/Armor/10_Lowerbody/PHW_EW_LB_0009.pac" NumColor="3">
  <Slot DefaultColor="0x00FFFFFF" DefaultEnv="0.90" DefaultSpec="0.7">3</Slot>
  <Slot DefaultColor="0x00000000">5</Slot>
Definitely need to try that one. Thanks!


Potential Patron
May 26, 2016
<Conditional Code="U">
    <Model Index="-">1_PC/3_PEW/ARMOR/12_FOOT/PEW_02_FOOT_0003.PAC</Model>
    <Model Index="U">1_PC/3_PEW/ARMOR/12_FOOT/PEW_00_FOOT_0034.PAC</Model>
Yeh i figured it out by adding these lines thank's! the only problem i have now is with helmet swap.. it doesnt seem to work

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