Can I ask for help with "customizationboneparamdesc.xml "... I don't quite understand what exactly is needed and how to install it correctly. pls help :>
Do a search on "gamecommondata", it should give you some more info.
There are 2 (old) posts that link which folder controls what character I think. I jogged some of them in the edited real_name.txt file I took from the resorepless ressources folder. Dosa is prsa, but I dont know its folder number, you'll have to do a search for it.
Ignore the beginning of the file, I was going to create a post after someone mentioned the need for a living thread listing the outfit names but gave up on the whole idea :p As an added bonus, you'll get some outfit file names in that file as well :)
When the game changes one of the character during update, like MouseA wrote, you will get "stuck on character selection" (you can do a search) and need to recreate a gamecommondata folder.
There are 2 ways to go about it. I used resorepless to create a new one (it deletes everything in the /.resorepless folder when you do that, so dont store any of your mods in there) then edit it again manually to my liking. Some users reported that this method did not work for them and they still crashed...
The other way is to use paz browser and grab the vanilla files from the game.
Well, there is a 3rd way as well: wait for someone to post an updated version (do a search for gamecommondata) :P then edit to your liking if their choices dont match your preferences.
Within the gamecommondata folder is a newcustomdata folder that also include some folder numbers. I think in my experimentations that I had to edit those files instead of the ones in gamecommondata for the character numbers that I needed (I ended up editing them in both I think since I didnt revert the old ones to their original numbers after finding out that they didnt change anything in game).
The editing is arduous because you have to change all the numbers on the corresponding lines for all characters, and they repeat a half dozen time within the same file. I've found that notepad + allows you to batch edit, using the "replace in all opened tab" button.
So, to edit them quicker, you'll want to open all the files you want to edit at once, then use the "replace function". To minimize errors, I include the beginning in my selection. Example:
<ParamDesc Index="130" Min="0.90 0.88 0.88" Max="1.10 1.10 1.10" Default="1.00 1.00 1.00" BoneName="Bip01 L Calf" PartName="base_basebody" Component="S" HeightAxis="X" WeightAxis01="Y" WeightAxis02="Z"/>
is one of the lines you want to edit to change the left calf (description included in the line). You will tell notepad+ to replace
"130" Min="0.90 0.88 0.88" Max="1.10 1.10 1.10" with "130" Min="0.60 0.60 0.60" Max="1.50 1.20 2.00" (use the min, max values you like).
When you chose the min/max values, it will determine how much the body part will grow for each tick on the slider. I remember one of SUZU's file (with larger numbers for thick bodies) was too extreme for me and it was harder to edit the shapes because it moved too quick for me (from 0 to 1000 in one slight mouse move).
I think there is a limit to the upper value though. Since I like my characters thinner, I usually only change the min values.
By including the index number, you minimize the risk of changing values at lines that dont need changing. You will notice that it performs several changes since that index number for L Calf will be repeated several times. Also, be mindful that not all characters have the same default values. You wont be able to do it just once and what you will copy (to change) will be different for some characters.
"Replace in all opened document" will get this process done a bit faster :) I started with the first file and closed/saved it when I was done, then moved to the next opened file to repeat the process until it tells me that there are no more matches to be found.
I only messed with the min/max values, so I dont know what the height/weightAxis do in-game. I guess you can experiment and if you crash on character selection, you'll know that you've done something bad :p
have fun in your modding adventures :)