Did you download partcutdesc.xml from the top post here?I've already downloaded a [Shai_armor, Fix Lolicon, Shai starter underwear] from your post and tried.
And I downloaded the texture.
But it failed. T.T
https://www.undertow.club/attachments/partcutdesc-2019-7-1-zip.93249/ 이거 다운 받아서Maybe half succeeded!
What's the other half of the matter?
View attachment 95129
Should I try again from the beginning?
Thank you! Suzu ^^*The partcutdesc.xml uploaded to the top post has been synchronized to the latest
CongratsI love you, Suzu! And the other friends!
I succeeded.
The problem was the old version of 'partcutdesc.xml.'
Thank you, everyone!
View attachment 95181
Please refer to the post on page 125.can someone help me with this? i'm installing everything in its place... yet it seems like i'm missing things. (I'm NOT using resorepless.)
デフォの0113全ファイルです。paz browserで展開できなくなりました
It means you're either EU, RU, SEA or somethingDear Suzu, plese help!
When I patching my files, the console says that the following files have failed to patch:
When I starting my game, It shows same result as inWarknighterin case.
How can I fix that? Thank you!
Dear Suzu, plese help!
When I patching my files, the console says that the following files have failed to patch:
When I starting my game, It shows same result as inWarknighterin case.
How can I fix that? Thank you!
I am now
I'm busy making uniforms for elementary and junior high school students for Shai ...
You we're people Getting Help and can not solve on their own
For a thing to solve if we look one by one the post.....
The answer is simple.
Those files are not currently used.
So it will not be patched
In particular
There is no # na # pac file and texture.
The white underwear is controlled by # en # plw_00_uw_0000.pac and # en # plw_00_uw_0001.pac.
By the way,
From this Wednesday
# en # plw_00_uw_0006.pac and # en # plw_00_uw_0006_01.pac have been added.
If you want to turn off your pajamas
Apply the underwear file uploaded here to Shai